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Sulphur emissions from Russian Kola Peninsula smelters are known to cause surface water acidification in the border areas between Norway and Russia. The sulphur deposition is also high in the eastern part of Finnish Lapland. In 1990, a monitoring programme was started to survey the effects of acid deposition on sensitive fish populations in north-eastern Finnish Lapland. Altogether 103 sites in three areas were electrofished and autumn water samples were taken. Besides the brown trout (Salmo trutta), special attention was paid to the occurrence of minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) since it is a common species in small waters and is highly sensitive to acidification. During the first three years of monitoring no signs of acidification were recorded. The alkalinity values of brooks generally exceeded 0.1 mmol/1. Brown trout, minnow and burbot (Lota lota) were caught frequently in the study sites. Later the study was focused on the uninhabited Vätsäri area which is receiving the highest sulphur deposition in Finnish Lapland. The alkalinity values of the sampled brooks were in most cases below 0.05 mmol/1, indicating a decreased buffer capacity. However, the electrofishing of the brooks showed no acid-induced damage. The lowest alkalinity values were detected from a group of small upland ponds. In four such ponds the alkalinity was zero or negative. No minnows were caught from these four ponds apart from one, where the minnows were exceptionally large. The results show that the waters near the eastern border of northern Finnish Lapland are threatened by acidification. No damage to fish populations subject to fishing was observed. The absence of minnows in some small waters is possibly the first sign of acid-induced fish population damage.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Long-Range Transported Air Pollutants started in 1980. The biological part of this programme includes besides invertebrate studies in streams, (i) fish community status in lakes by means of interviews, test-fishing in lakes by using standard gill-net series, recruitment studies of brown trout in inland streams, and juvenile stock assess and monitoring of fish kills in salmon rivers. Damaged fish stocks are recognized within a land area of 51,500 km2 in southern Norway and 30 km2 in northern Norway. At least 6,000 lake-dwelling fish stocks have either been lost or are at various stages of reduction. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is the most widespread and abundant species of fish in Norwegian watersheds, and is also most severe affected by acidification. More recently, there are some indications of an increase in the abundance of brown trout in some areas. However, analysis of age structure in lakes, and fry densities in streams in such areas revealed large annual variations in recruitment rate, which indicates unstable water chemical conditions. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is virtually extinct in 25 rivers in southernmost, southwestern and western Norway.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of extirpated populations creates a unique context that can exacerbate the effects of interactions among species. Thus, reintroduced populations may be particularly vulnerable to predators and competitors, including native species with which they historically coexisted. In this study, we evaluated the effect of native fishes on survival of reintroduced Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Connecticut River basin, where the native salmon population is extinct. Juvenile salmon are stocked annually in many Connecticut River tributaries. We sampled salmon reintroduction sites across tributaries with different fish communities to determine whether native fish reduce the success of salmon reintroductions (N = 19 site-years). Increased density of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a native generalist predator, was associated with reduced recruitment of reintroduced salmon. Salmon first-summer survival declined with increased sculpin density across sites, and low first-summer survival led to reduced densities of overyearling salmon the subsequent year. Hierarchical partitioning analysis showed that the negative relationship between sculpin and salmon was independent of potentially confounding variation in other fish community or habitat characteristics. Negative effects of native, historically-sympatric species, particularly generalist predators, can impede restoration of extirpated populations.  相似文献   

Watt  W. D.  Scott  C. D.  Zamora  P. J.  White  W. J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,118(3-4):203-229
The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) resource of eastern Canada is impacted by acid rain in the Southern Upland (Atlantic Coast) area of Nova Scotia. Salmon runs in this area have become extinct in 14 rivers, are severely impacted in 20 rivers, and lightly impacted in 15 rivers. Water chemistry and fish communities in nine Southern Upland salmon rivers were studied from 1982 to 1996 as part of the effort to monitor the effects of the emission controlprograms in Canada and the United States. There hasbeen no statistically significant change in total ioncontent of Southern Upland river water, but there wasa significant decline in sulfate levels that was balanced by an increase in organic anions, and declines in calcium and magnesium that were balanced by increases in sodium and potassium. A geochemical scenario is proposed to account for these chemical changes. River water pH levels showed no overall linear trend, but at borderline toxicity sites the year-to-year variations in pH were correlated withchanges in juvenile salmon population densities. Tenfish species were collected, but none showed anysignificant overall time trend in population density.Fish species diversity was positively correlated with pH.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of acidification on female sexual behavior in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and compared the results with those in hime (land-locked sockeye) salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000). The results were similar to those of sockeye salmon. Spawning brown trout were extremely sensitive to the acidity of ambient water, and nest-digging behavior was severely inhibited (p<0.05) by very slight acidification (pH below 6.4). However, there were some differences between the two species. Female trout and salmon showed almost no digging below pH 5.0 and 6.0 (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000), respectively. When the ambient water was returned to nearly neutral (pH6.6) conditions, digging in hime salmon reappeared in 4 of the 6 fish tested (Kitamura and Ikuta, 2000), whereas digging in brown trout reappeared in all 6 fish tested. The above-mentioned differences in behavioral response between the two species appear to reflect the species difference in terms of vulnerability to acidification (Ikuta et al., 1992). Avoidance of slightly acidic water in selection of spawning site or cessation of spawning behavior in weakly acidic environments may be the most potent cause of the reduction of salmonid populations in the early stages of acidification.  相似文献   

This paper deals with benthic invertebrate population responses to acidification and liming in the lower part of River Vikedal. In 1979 the river showed signs of increasing acidification. Highly sensitive invertebrates like the mayfly Baetis rhodani were present in the river in low abundance, but disappeared in the subsequent years. In order to re-establish a non-toxic water quality for fish, liming of the spring snowmelt to a minimum of pH 5.7 was started in 1987. During the later years liming has been successively increased. The invertebrate fauna showed a slow, but positive, response during the first years after liming, especially during autumn. B. rhodani recolonized the river in low density, but the spring cohort was still weak. Since 1994 the lime dosage was increased to secure a minimum pH of 6.3 during spring snowmelt. This has resulted in an overall increased biodiversity in the limed section of the river. Several acid-sensitive species, like both cohorts of B. rhodani and freshwater snails have colonized this part of the river. Simultaneously biodiversity in the unlimed reference sites has slightly improved during the last years. This is correlated with decreased sulphur deposition and improved surface water chemical conditions.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after liming of acidified barren salmon rivers could benefit by choosing acid tolerant strains. Testing different life history stages from fry to smolts of five salmon strains with different acidification history demonstrated strain-specific variation in tolerance to acid aluminum-rich waters for stages from fry to parr. Contrary to expectation, salmon from non-acidified rivers were more tolerant. Differences in sensitivity were found between life history stages. Within a specific life history stage, size-dependent sensitivity was found; small fish being more sensitive to pH while large fish were more sensitive to aluminum. Presmolts showed the same relative tolerance between strains as younger stages. These differences disappeared, however, when the smolt reached full smoltification, probably due to supersensitivity at this stage. Poor water quality during the last period of smoltification and outmigration can thus mask the genetic potential for tolerance to acidic rivers.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was formerly abundant in northeast coastal rivers in the United States from the Canadian border to the Connecticut River, and possibly as far south as the Delaware River. It was eliminated from most of its former range by a combination of overfishing, construction of dams impassable to migrating fish, and municipal and industrial pollution. Reproducing populations are now limited to a few rivers in Maine, but attempts are under way to reintroduce the species to some rivers where populations formerly existed. Most of the native Atlantic salmon rivers are low in acid neutralizing capacity and receive acidic precipitation. The third order streams are not now acidic; however, in some first and second order streams in Maine, pH episodically declines to 4.7 and Al increases to 350 μg g?1. These conditions could be toxic to sensitive early life history stages of Atlantic salmon. Comparison of chemical conditions in two Maine rivers in 1980–1982 with those in 1969–1970 indicated that the streams have not become more acidic during this interval. Data on the sport catch of Atlantic salmon indicated that populations have generally remained stable or recently increased in the Maine rivers having naturally reproducing populations. The recent increase probably resulted from introductions of hatchery smolts to supplement natural reproduction, and the occurrence of strong year classes in 1978 and 1980. The population in one stream has declined significantly in recent years, but the cause of the decline is probably not related to acidic precipitation. Atlantic salmon resources in the U.S. have apparently not been adversely affected by atmospheric deposition at the present time.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships of biotic and abiotic factors to recruitment patterns of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in 10 Swedish streams. We found that the maximum proportion of gravid mussels did not differ between streams with and without recent recruitment. Moreover, the mean glochidial load on trout (Salmo trutta), which was positively related to adult mussel density, did not differ significantly between these stream types. Thus, the larval stages of the freshwater pearl mussel were not related to recruitment failure. Instead, recruitment is probably hindered at the next stage in the life history of the mussels, the benthic stage, and may be related to sedimentation as turbidity was four times greater in streams lacking recent recruitment than in streams with recent recruitment. Furthermore, we found that juvenile mussel density was positively related to the number of glochidial infections per stream area in streams with ongoing recruitment, indicating that successful recruitment in these streams may depend on both mussel and trout density. Future research should thus examine biotic interactions between mussels and trout as well as the effects of sedimentation on benthic-living mussels.  相似文献   

Growing urbanization adjacent to aquatic systems may alter water, sediment and benthic community interactions. The ecological effects of urbanization on regional, local and site-specific spatial variations of benthic macrofauna and of sediment and water properties were investigated in relatively pristine rivers and in urban rivers of southern Brazil. The benthic communities were found to be different in urbanized and protected areas. Their predominant responses to environmental conditions were characterized as either a: (i) sensitive species assemblage, formed by polychaetes Nephtys fluviatilis and Heteromastus similis and the crustacean Kalliapseudes schubarti; or a (ii) tolerant species assemblage, formed by the polychaete Laeonereis acuta and by an unidentified oligochaeta Tubificidae. The relationships between fauna and environment differed between protected and urban rivers. In protected areas the fauna distribution was directly related to grain sorting and phaeophytin a in sediments; and to chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and phosphorus in water. In urban sites the strongest determinants of fauna distribution were the presence of lead, copper, dissolved phosphorus, chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a in sediments, and suspended particulate matter, dissolved phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicate in water. The comparison of animal-sediment-water interaction in natural and urban areas can be useful in planning environmental impact mitigation strategies for conservation even in rivers and estuaries with non-point sources of pollution.  相似文献   

Fish communities in four lakes sampled over several years were compared against a reference data set of forty-nine lakes in south-central Ontario. Two of the temporal-comparison lakes (Crosson and Grindstone) exhibit significant changes in their fish communities relative to the reference set. This was due to the extirpation of various fish species (white sucker Catostomus commersoni, lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, and blacknose shiner Notropis heterolepis) during the intervening years. A control lake in the temporal comparison (Poorhouse) showed little change in species composition over time and no loss of species. The fourth temporal lake, Plastic Lake, also showed little change likely as a consequence of the previously documented extinctions in this lake. White suckers within Crosson Lake have demonstrated intermittent recruitment and a 89% reduction in population abundance due to acid-induced reproductive constraints in their spawning stream. Similar conditions contributed to the loss of sucker populations and additional species in Grindstone and Plastic Lakes also. Various species in many of the lakes represent metapopulations. Given the barriers imposed by outflow drainage conditions, these accelerated rates of local extinctions have not been balanced by colonizations from other lakes within the watershed. As a consequence the underlying fish communities have been changed and will remain so without active rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Surveys of fish populations were conducted on 74 lakes of the Outaouais hydrographic region during the summers of 1985 and 1986 to assess the potential impact of acidity on ichtyologic fauna. Results show that species diversity declined with the increasing acidity. The color of water does not seem to mitigate the adverse effects of acidity. On the contrary, the number of species decreased similarly in both brown lakess (>30 Hazen) and clear lakes (≤30 Hazen) with the increase of acidity. The species tolerance threshold levels to acidity show that 72% of fish species are no longer captured when pH reaches 5.0, compared to 32% at pH ≤5.5. The pH range 5.0 to 5.5 can possibly be regarded as the break point for the occurrence of most fish species in this area. Analysis of the size frequency distributions show that recruitment failures have occurred in acidic waters for walleye and lake trout. We have estimated that anthropogenic acidification is responsible for the loss of more than 10000 fish populations in the Outaouais area.  相似文献   

This study presents data concerning long-term trends after neutralization of four acidified lakes in two regions on the Swedish west coast. Neutralization was achieved by a di-Ca-silicate with 52% CaO and about 11.5% MgO. Between 61 and 74% of the spread lime product dissolved during a 5 to 7 yr period. The liming increased pH, from a range of 4.5 to 5.2 to near neutral and restored alkalinity in the range of 0.2 to 0.3 meq l?1 and the Ca-content became 3 to 4 times higher than before liming. In two lakes transparency decreased significantly presumably due to changed phytoplankton composition. These changes successively declined due to dilution and continuous acid loading. The changes in water chemistry and development of stocked brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations initiated biotic changes. Phyto- and zooplankton communities reacted both instantly and later with successions in species composition. Changes of benthic macroinvertebrate species occured over several years, but some pelagic species, e.g. corixids were rapidly reduced due to predation of fish. Observed changes were predominantly due to expanding populations of species present at very low abundances even during acid state of the lakes. Some organisms found during preacid state of the lakes did not establish new populations and this process may need a prolonged time with favorable conditions. Reacidification towards the end of the study period significantly stressed the brown trout population and also favored expansion of the filamentous algaMougeotia sp. andSphagnum sp. that almost vanished during the first year after liming. Decreasing concentration of total P was not influenced by neutralization and may be mostly dependent on negative changes in the soils surrounding the lakes. If generally valid, this process may be an important factor for the oligotrophication of lakes in areas where acid deposition is high.  相似文献   

A standard method for the detection and isolation of microplastics is required to adequately investigate plastic ingestion by juvenile fish. Dissections of juvenile fish guts require precise handling, which can affect the processing time if sample numbers are high. To investigate the efficacy of nitric acid (HNO3) in aiding the isolation of microplastics using whole fish, we digested juvenile glassfish, Ambassis dussumieri (Cuvier, 1828), at room temperature and at 80 °C. For a complete digestion, overnight incubation in 10 mL of 55% analytical-reagent (AR) HNO3 was sufficient for a whole fish of 1 g at room temperature. When coupled with elevated temperature, the digestion time is shortened to a few minutes and larger fish of 3 g can be digested in 30 min. Four of the five types of plastic survived the process, with nylon being the exception. This is a shortfall to the method; however, until a better method replaces it, we still value the use of HNO3 for its simple, inexpensive, swift and complete digestions of whole fish. Four fish species from two feeding guilds were digested using this method to validate its use. The number of plastic particles ingested did not differ between benthic and pelagic species and microplastic fibres comprised the majority of the plastic types found.  相似文献   

In this paper we document the effects of acidification on fish populations in lakes in Sør-Varanger near the Russian border in northern Norway. We used questionnaires in order to assess the current status and distribution of different fish species, and conducted test-fishing to determine relative abundance (CPUE-T) and age structure. Acidification of surface waters in this area is due to emissions of SO2 from smelters on the Kola Peninsula in Russia (Nikel and Zapoljarnij) between 10 and 30 km from the Norwegian border. Sulphur deposition in Sør-Varanger ranges from 0.6 to 2.0 g S m-2 yr-1, which is similar to levels in the most acidified areas in southern Norway. However, a dominant fraction of the acidic deposition reaches the ground in particulate form during summer and autumn. Coastal areas in Sør-Varanger receive small amounts of precipitation; the annual mean is 580 mm. We obtained fish status from 401 lakes, about 40% of all lakes larger than 3 ha, which were inhabited by 236 and 293 populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta), respectively. The extent of fish damage was small as only three populations of Arctic charr were lost, while three populations of Arctic charr and eight populations of brown trout were at various stages of reduction. Damaged and lost fish populations were identified in smaller lakes at relatively high elevations (172–349 m) in six areas in the Jarfjord Mountains, covering a land area of 30.0 km2. Most of the damage probably occurred during the 1970s and 1980s. In lakes that supported or had supported Arctic charr and brown trout, we found a significant relationship between CPUE-T, and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and pH, and also between alkalinity and the concentration of inorganic Al for brown trout. In both species, the catch of fish in age groups 1+ and 2+ (CPUE-R) increased significantly with CPUE-T. Affected populations typically exhibited irregular age composition, and age-classes were missing, indicating that reductions in fish populations were due to recruitment failure. The limited fish damage is related to relatively good catchment resistance to acidic inputs, small amounts of wet deposition as well as precipitation. These conditions result in low accumulation of acidic compounds, producing less acidic run-off waters and few episodes of unfavourable water quality.  相似文献   

The effects of lime treatment on crayfish (Astacus astacus and Pacifastacus leniusculus) populations in 17 lakes and fish populations in 47 lakes and 7 rivers within the trial period 1976–82 have been evaluated. An increase in the catch of crayfish per unit effort was observed in 7 lakes, although significantly in one lake only. The varying results in the other lakes indicate that factors other than pH may be of greater importance for the development of crayfish populations after liming. Recruitment of fish improved in waters where liming resulted in pH >5.5. In lakes with pH <5.5 before and pH >5.5 after treatment, there was a significant increase in the number of fish caught, from 12 to 34 per unit effort. Due to improved recruitment the individual average weight was smaller and hence the catch in weight per unit effort was about the same as before liming. After lime treatment in streams which resulted in a stable pH of >5.5, the abundance of juvenile salmonids increased to numbers found in non-acidified streams. In other streams acid spates reduced the positive influence of liming on the abundance of juvenile salmonids.  相似文献   

Shenandoah National Park (SNP) receives more acid deposition than any other national park in the United States of America. As part of an effort to assess the impact of acidification upon fish in the park, in situ sub-lethal stress bioassays (measured by monitoring hematocrit) were conducted with acid sensitive blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus. Study streams experienced moderate acidification events that resulted in reduced pH (the largest reductionbeing 6.18 to 5.37) and increased total monomeric aluminum (TMA) concentration (the largest being 15 to 39 μg L-1). Although some of these acidification events were within the pH and TMA range expected to result in blacknose dace stress, none was detected by monitoring hematocrit. In an acid-sensitive stream, mean baseflow (pre-event) hematocrit ± SD, was 33.5±4.5%, and hematocrit during the largest event was 31.5±4.9%, A moderate acidification event also occurred in a less acid sensitive stream; pH dropped from 7.18 to 6.38 but TMA remained below 10 μg L-1. Mean hematocrit during baseflowin this stream was 32.3±2.8%, and hematocrit during event flow was 34.1±5.0%. At the time of this bioassay, acidificationevents that would result in acute toxicity for most species of fish did not occur, however the conditions documented in this investigation do not represent the most acute acidification events that have been observed in SNP. It should be noted that a chronic sub-lethal stress, measured by condition indices, has been observed among blacknose dace in SNP streams.  相似文献   

The presence of introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) on the distribution of native crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons), native galaxiid fishes (Galaxias spp.) and invertebrate fauna was investigated in 18 West Coast New Zealand streams (8 with trout and 10 without trout) differing in chemical characteristics. Gut contents of trout, crayfish and eels were also examined to evaluate whether competition or predation could be linked to the patterns found. Abundances of crayfish and galaxiids were significantly lower in streams with trout, but in streams without trout, substrate size was one of the most important factors determining crayfish abundance. In contrast to crayfish, other macroinvertebrates were more abundant in trout streams than streams without trout and significantly more taxa were found in streams with trout. Macroinvertebrate abundance was related to environmental factors, such as pH, substrate, depth and total nitrogen. Gut content analysis showed an overlap in diet (mostly invertebrates) between trout and eels. Crayfish, however, had a more omnivorous diet where detritus was the most frequently occurring food material. Differences in chemical characteristics marked the streams with and without trout. Thus, trout were not present in streams with pH < 6.0. Crayfish and galaxiids were present in streams with pH ranging from 4.1 to 7.9, and those with pH < 6.0 may function as trout-free refuges where larger populations of these species may persist. However, other macroinvertebrate taxa may be more negatively affected by acidification than by trout. By protecting naturally acidic, brown water streams, New Zealand crayfish and galaxiid fish populations can be conserved within geographic areas where trout are present.  相似文献   

We explored the use of beaver (Castor canadensis) as a surrogate species for amphibian conservation on small (1st-4th-order) streams in the Boreal Foothills of west-central Alberta. Anuran call surveys indicated that beaver create breeding habitat for the boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), wood frog (Rana sylvatica) and western toad (Bufo boreas). No calling males of any species were recorded on unobstructed streams. Wood frog, the most abundant species, exhibited high rates of juvenile recruitment on beaver ponds. Pitfall traps captured more wood frogs on beaver ponds versus unobstructed streams, and most individuals (84%) were young-of-year. Abundance of young-of-year was strongly correlated with percent landscape occupied by beaver ponds indicating that anurans captured along streams originated in beaver ponds. Based on a novel combination of a digital elevation model and aerial photographs examined with GIS, statistical models showed that the probability of beaver pond occurrence on streams was positively associated with stream order and dependent on the interacting effects of distance to nearest forestry cutblock and availability of beaver foods (Populus spp.). We propose that the distribution and abundance of beaver ponds could be determined over large areas quickly and inexpensively by remote sensing and used to identify and monitor amphibian habitat, and possibly, populations. This work establishes the pre-eminence of beaver-created wetlands as amphibian habitat in the Boreal Foothills and that the incorporation of dam-building patterns into forest management strategies could aid amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

Given the extent of biological invasions in industrialized countries, our understanding of the determinants of overall patterns of biological invasions could gain most from consideration of why exotic species are absent from some areas, rather than from distribution patterns of exotic species. Fish communities were sampled at 381 sites representing 221 rivers in the Adour-Garonne stream system (116 000 km2, SW France). Very few rivers were not colonized by exotic fish species, however, on a local basis, only 33% of the sampling sites hosted exotics. Using General Linear Modelling, we found that patterns of exotic fish (occurrence, number of species, proportion within assemblage) responded to both land-use and physical variables, whereas patterns of native fish only responded to the local meso-scale characteristics of each stream reach from headwaters to mouth. All fish communities were susceptible to invasion regardless of native species richness, and higher native species richness did not decrease the opportunity for establishment by exotic species. The likelihood that exotic fish are absent primarily increased with elevation and with lower human influence upon the land cover, while human-impacted landscapes (agricultural and urban areas) were more likely to host exotic fish and higher numbers of exotic species. In light of urban and agricultural development, our ability to detect responses of exotic species to landscape alterations using a combination of simple physical and land cover variables exemplifies a cost-effective technique for assessing areas at greater invasion risk in large stream systems.  相似文献   

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