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森林健康是森林经营的一种新理念,也是新时期森林经营的方向和目标。提出了森林健康的概念、内涵和森林健康经营的实质,分析了国内外森林健康经营的实践,探讨了森林健康经营的途径与方法。  相似文献   

森林采伐限额是采伐消耗森林、林木蓄积的最大限量。实行森林采伐限额管理是《森林法》确定的一项重要法律制度,是控制森林资源过量消耗的核心措施和加强森林可持续经营的关键手段。本文阐述了森林采伐限额的概念,分析了当前采伐制度存在的一些问题,提出了改进措施及具体做法,以寻求最佳的森林采伐管理制度,保护好国家珍贵而有限的森林资源,达到科学经营的目的。  相似文献   

新西兰森林采伐管理制度与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林采伐管理是森林资源管理的核心内容之一。在计划经济条件下制定的中国森林采伐管理制度对于森林资源保护起到了重要作用。但是, 随着市场经济不断完善、集体林权制度改革不断深入, 这种管理制度已经不适应现代林业发展的需要, 亟待完善。分析了新西兰在森林采伐方面实施的分类采伐管理、森林可持续经营计划、森林可持续经营许可证、年度采伐计划等管理措施, 期望能为完善中国森林采伐管理制度提供参考模式和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响及其在中国的实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
开展森林认证是促进我国森林管理与国际接轨并实现森林可持续经营的有效途径。文中概述了森林认证的发展概况以及森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响,并以我国吉林省经过认证的森林经营企业为例,通过对森林认证前后的对比,以及与未经过认证的国有林业局对比,分析森林认证对经济、社会和环境等方面的具体影响。结果表明,森林认证的开展在经济上可行,使社会受益,对环境友好,能够促进森林可持续经营。文中还对我国开展森林认证工作提出了具体措施建议。  相似文献   

Forest management strategies, reflecting the cognition and the demands of the human population on forests, have significant effects on the forest structures and functions. Nowadays, numerous forest management strategies have been introduced and implemented worldwide for a long time. However, our knowledge about the impacts of alternative management strategies on forest multipurpose management practices is still insufficient. Therefore, the overall goal of this study quantitatively assessed the impacts of four alternative forest management strategies on forest timber and carbon values in a large forest area in northeast China, as an example. Four alternative forest management strategies: no intervention management (NIM), classical timber management (CTM), multi-purpose management (MPM), and spatial-constraints management (SCM), in conjunction with different management objectives and regulations, were quantitative assessed using optimization methods. The results of numerical analysis showed that implementing eco-friendly forest management strategies such as imposed in MPM and SCM strategies may be economic inefficiencies, mainly due to significant decreases of the joint benefits from forest timber and carbon values (approximately $18.75 and $22.36 million per year) have been observed under the current carbon trading market of China (namely $20 per ton of carbon) when the ecological- and spatial-oriented constraints were further integrated into the typical CTM strategy. However, both MPM and SCM strategies were quite meaningful for the restoration of forest resources in northeast China, in which an additional of 13.6 and 16.2 thousand tons of carbon were sequestrated during the 50 years simulated horizon. Therefore, forest decision makers should evaluate the potential effects carefully prior to altering their forest management strategy in practices.  相似文献   

依据广西壮族自治区博白林场2013年森林资源规划设计调查结果,分析了该林场森林资源现状、特点及存在的问题,并提出了实行分类经营、改善林分结构、致力科技创新、加强森林资源保护和利用纳入FSC森林认证体系优势开拓市场等森林资源可持续发展的策略.  相似文献   

本文从生产实际出发,对天保工程给森工企业带来的影响进行了细致的剖析,并提出了相应的对策,即实施天保工程应紧紧抓住森林分类经营、森工企业主营转向、职工转岗分流、强化资源和林地的监管、建立必要的政策保障体系等5个环节。  相似文献   

Forest management practices affect carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions and must be considered in carbon accounting models. Forest management practices in Australia have varied over time, depending on forest type, regional influences, available markets and site quality. Remote sensing can identify some management actions, such as time of establishment and harvest (clear-cut and heavy thinning) but is less able to detect site preparation methods and continuing management such as fertilisation, pruning and weed control. Greenhouse gas emissions management requires a capacity to predict the effects of differing management practices on quantities of emissions and removals.  相似文献   

根据临武县东山国有林场开展森林经营的需要,依据国家林业相关政策、森林经营方案编制技术规程,结合现有的森林资源现状及发展方向,分析了临武县东山国有林场森林经营环境,提出了林场森林经营方针、原则与经营目标,设计了林场森林发展阶段的主要经营措施,规划了林场森林多资源利用方案,以供在经理期内规划参考落实。  相似文献   

广东省森林资源现状及经营对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强森林经营管理是提高森林质量的主要措施和有效手段.文章在掌握森林资源现状的基础上,对广东省森林经营现状做了详细调查,全面了解全省森林经营的主要内容,总结当前森林经营技术模式,并对森林经营现状中存在的问题、基本思路及对策进行探讨.  相似文献   

地理信息系统在林业中的应用、问题及前景(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
森林经营决策必须建立在现在和未来森林资源的时空分布信息基础上 ,而跟踪和获得森林资源信息的变化极具挑战性 ,因为森林资源是一个处于持续不断变化的动态生态系统 ,它的不定性和复杂性决定了森林经营需要更有用的和更及时的信息 ,因此时空信息是进行有效森林决策的基石 .现有的传统技术已满足不了大规模的森林规划和经营的需求 .地理信息系统是基于计算机基础之上的分析工具 ,能为森林经理提供复杂的空间信息 ,并建立定量模型 .本文综述了地理信息系统在森林经营方面的应用 ;指出了地理信息系统在林业中的效益、问题和局限 ;分析了地理信息系统在同其它空间技术如遥感、全球定位系统、人工智能建模、决策支持系统等方面的最新进展与发展方向  相似文献   

Forest management has been criticised in the last 20 years for its negative impact on the native species, structures and functions of the forest. Of many possible alternatives proposed to minimize these effects, the functional zoning (or TRIAD) approach is gaining popularity in North America. The goal of this approach is to minimize the negative environmental impacts of forestry while maintain timber supply by dividing the forest into three broad land-use zones: (1) conservation, (2) ecosystem management, and (3) wood production. In this study, we used a spatially explicit landscape model to simulate the effects of fire and six different forest management scenarios on a boreal mixedwood forest management unit in central Quebec. The management scenarios examined included the current practices scenario, a scenario proposed by the provincial government, and four TRIAD scenarios varying in the amount of forest allocated to each of the three zones. For each scenario, we examined the harvest volume, percentage old-growth forest or old forest managed to favour old-growth attributes, and effective mesh size of forest patches by 20-year age classes. With more area set aside for conservation and high-retention partial cut harvesting techniques designed to maintain the attributes of old-growth stands, all TRIAD scenarios resulted in higher percentages of stands with old-growth attributes than the current practices scenario and the government proposed scenario, and two of the four TRIAD scenarios also resulted in higher harvest volume over the long term. All forest management scenarios resulted in significantly lower effective mesh size than the fire-only scenario, but this difference was not as pronounced for the four TRIAD scenarios as for the current practice and government proposed scenarios. We conclude that the TRIAD approach has the potential to minimize some of the negative impacts of forestry on the landscape, while maintaining timber supply over the long term.  相似文献   

在分析勐腊县森林资源现状和特点的基础上 ,针对森林管护中存在的主要问题 ,提出了勐腊县“天保”工程区森林管护意见。论述了管护的组织形式、管护办法、管护制度 ,提出了建议和对策。同时特别强调了社区共管与发展社区经济对天然林保护工作的重要性。提出发展社区经济 ,搞好社区管理可从根本上杜绝森林资源的人为破坏 ,确保“天保”工程顺利完成。  相似文献   

Issue network analysis techniques were applied to the issue of sustainable forestry in the United States to identify potential public and private outcomes for the issue. A quantitative approach based on work by Laumann and Knoke [The Organizational State (1987)] was utilized in conjunction with the Delphi method. Results suggest that the parity in the distribution of influence among network sectors means that moving the issue of sustainable forestry onto the formal policy agenda will require more consensus on problems and solutions than exists at the present time. Accordingly, broad policy actions resulting from the expansion of the issue of sustainable forestry are unlikely in the short-term. However, experts on the Delphi panel anticipate that changes will occur in response to sustainability issues. At the federal and state level, this is likely to result in changes to public forest management and to the objectives assigned to the USDA Forest Service and to the state forestry agencies. States are projected to draft new and to change old private forest practices regulations as a result of sustainable forestry concerns. In the private sector, the trend of applying criteria and indicator-based sustainable forestry management standards and certification programs will continue. Non-industrial private forest owners are projected to make the fewest direct accommodations. Finally, where directly comparable, the Delphi study's results were not significantly different from the quantitative approach, suggesting that Delphi has promise for network research applications.  相似文献   

构建我国森林保险制度得到了理论界和管理层的高度重视, 森林保险工作的开展也得到了有力的政策保障。文中首先从理论层面探析了森林保险与森林经营在对象、目标和涉及相关方等方面的一致性, 以及两者在目的、时效、意义、属性和作用机理等方面的差异性; 其次, 基于森林经营实践和森林保险工作现状, 讨论了现行制度适用性窄和运行成本高等问题, 并从制度设计和运行环境2方面分析了问题产生的原因; 最后提出优化森林保险制度运行机制, 推动小规模林农开展联合经营, 以及发展中介服务组织等对策建议。  相似文献   

Since early 1990 ties, Swedish forest land is increasingly becoming certified. Today all major forest owners have joined the Swedish FSC-standard (Forest Stewardship Council), while small-scale forest owners preferably are joining the PEFC scheme (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). With the overall aim of gaining a better insight into which small-scale forest owners that have decided to take up on forest certification, and how their forest management practices have been affected by this choice, two set of data has been analyzed; one consisting Data Base of Forest Owner Analysis (DBFOA) data relating to approximately 14,000 properties whereof 1955 were found to be certified, and the other one including data from a follow up questionnaire sent out only to owners with certified forest properties. Results show that certified and non-certified forest properties are managed differently and in particular that harvesting on certified properties has increased. Differences in management seem to be connected principally to the fact that forest owners from generally more active sub-groups embrace forest certification requirements. Moreover, our results shows that economic motives for joining a certification scheme are just as prevalent as environmental motives and a majority of forest owners regard certification as something that favors profitability rather than consider it to restrict economic yield.  相似文献   

In contrast to quantitative surveys up to date, this study employs in-depth interviews and qualitative analyses aiming to provide detailed contextualized portrayals of private forest owners (PFOs) in Lithuania, where forest ownership underwent crucial changes in the last two decades. We scrutinized narrations of 18 owners, focusing on the background and goals of forest possession, actually applied management practices and informants' future plans. Content analysis of the narrations revealed three classes of goals: ideational rationale, i.e. immaterial justification for owning and managing forest, financial goals referring to monetary benefits from selling forest products and own material use for household needs. Reported practices differ widely among PFOs, ranging from largely absent management to intensive silvicultural regimes. Syntheses of each informant's goals and practices enabled discerning four types of PFOs. Forest Businessmen typically own largest estates (>100 ha) and regard forest as an investment to get long-term financial benefits; they resort to forest management for timber and often intend to enlarge their possessions. Household Foresters primarily use timber for own needs, regularly applying selective tree cutting; such forestry results in frequent but small-scale management interventions. Passive Forest Lovers aspire for recreational or environmental values, being largely uninterested in timber harvesting. Ad Hoc Owners usually are small scale, have vague goals and rarely engage in forest management. The study concludes with discussing policy implications of the identified diversity of PFOs.  相似文献   

The cultural universe is sometimes confusing,surprising and murky, so many cultural maps get drawn,discussed and envisioned. A study was undertaken around Mabira Forest Reserve in central Uganda to identify the trees and shrubs culturally managed on-farm, assess the cultural practices of forest and tree system management and determine the relationship between farmer gender and forest and tree system management. We engaged 203 farmers in focus group discussions and semi-structuredinterviews to collect data. Qualitative data were jointly evaluated with farmers; quantitative data were analyzed in SPSS 20.0. The results showed a high likelihood for involvement of local people in tree or forest management for economic gain, as timber and fast-growing species were highly ranked. Food and medicinal species were also regarded as important, suggesting high prospects of integrating them into the local farming system or protecting them in the forest. Numerous cultural practices(including rituals, trenching, bark slashing, ring barking, spot weeding and use of organic manure and pesticides) of forest and tree system management were acknowledged. However, their knowledge was mixed and unclear about distinct cultural and supportive arrangements for natural forest and tree restoration. While gender was not a significant cultural attribute for knowledge of the forest and allied tree system management, age substantially affected farmer propensity for various timber products. Also farmer's family size influenced the collection of tree wildings and fodder. We encourage considering gender disparities and livelihood needs including income, during selection of cultural practices for forest and tree restoration.  相似文献   

普洱市林权抵押贷款主要做法及成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从明晰产权,夯实基础,建立机构,试点探索,总结经验,稳步推进,加强管理,完善制度,发挥作用等方面阐述普洱市林权抵押贷款主要做法,分析了普洱市林权抵押贷款取得的成效和存在的问题,提出加大配套改革和扶持力度,完善林权抵押贷款管理办法,改进金融服务,加快培育和引进森林资源资产评估机构,加快林权社会化服务平台建设,完善林木采伐管理体制等推进林权抵押贷款工作的建议.  相似文献   

The Tanzanian Community-Based Forest Management policy is based on the assumption that formalized forest tenure by village communities results in increased incentives for sustainable forest management. We compared the policy expectations to village forest management practices in northeastern Tanzania. Findings suggest that the practices follow policy in terms of increased security of rights, but exclusionary management of village forests precludes livelihood benefits while costs are unevenly distributed. Management appears effective at the village scale, but concerted efforts are likely to be needed to increase its long-term and landscape-level sustainability, and to create more significant incentives for the communities involved.  相似文献   

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