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In an experiment with wethers the effect of the feeding with pelleted feed rations and the partial replacement of coarse fodder by non-treated beech sawdust on the motorial activity of the rumen was observed. The rumen motility was measured through a rumen fistula by means of the balloon method with the help of a capacitator primary unit, an electric manometer and a recording instrument. Over a period of 24 weeks the animals consumed 1.3 kg dry matter per day. It consisted of 41.8% meadow hay, 25.3% barley, 15.4% sawdust, 15.0% molasses, 1.3% urea, 0.76% mixed minerals and 0.48% hexametaphosphate in the form of pellets (test group) or the traditional classical form (control group). The feeding of pellets diminished the frequency (P less than 0.001) and the intensity of rumen contractions before and 1, 3 and 5 hours after feeding. Maximal frequency values were registered one hour after the food intake. During this time the number of secondary contractions of the rumen increased; differences of the frequency were, however, not registered, which means that the different physical form of the diet had no influence on the motorial activity of the rumen and that the food intake as such is the decisive factor. The diminished rumen motility in further hours after feeding was effected by treating the feed (grinding and pelleting).  相似文献   

Cows possessing a large ruminal fistula were fed straw meal and pelleted wheat straw to investigate its effect on ruminal fermentation (concentration of NH3 and volatile fatty acids (FFS), pH, molar proportions of FFS, rates of FFS production) and on the protozoa population. The straw-concentrate mixture used in the present trial contained 40% of straw. The feeding of pelleted straw produced a significant rise in FFS concentrations (from 8.8. to 12.3 mMole/100 ml) and a corresponding decline of pH (from 6.7 to 6.1). With high molar proportions of acetate (72 mole%) the influence of the straw diet on molar FFS proportions was low. The NH3 peak observed 1 hr after feeding was higher with the pelleted straw than with the straw meal. The feeding of finely gound straw produced a higher level of FFS production (by 10%) than that of straw pellets. (3.88 and 4.29 mMole per gm DM). The number of protozoa (per ml of ruminal fluid) was 335,000 (straw meal) and 121,833 (pellets). The number of large infusorial cells (Isotricha, Diplodinium, Ophryoscolex) decreased correspondingly from 70,000 (straw meal) to 18,870 per ml (pellets). These results suggest that the feeding of pelleted straw-concentrate mixtures to cows as sole feed will not bring about optimum conditions for ruminal fermentation (FFS formation, protein synthesis) and for the layering of ruminal contents.  相似文献   

Background: The rumen wall plays a major role in efficient transfer of digested nutrients in the rumen to peripheral tissues through the portal venous system. Some of these substrates are metabolised in the epithelium during this process. To identify the specific proteins involved in these processes, we used proteomic technologies. Protein extracts were prepared from ventral rumen tissue of six sheep fed a fibrous diet at 1.5× maintenance energy requirements.Using a newly developed method, we were able to enzymatically isolate the epithelial cells from underlying tissue layers, thus allowing cytosol and membrane fractions to be independently analysed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC MS/MS).Results: Using our procedure we identified 570 epithelial proteins in the Ovis aries sequence database. Subcellular locations were largely cytosolic(n = 221) and extracellular(n = 85). However, a quarter of the proteins identified were assigned to the plasma membrane or organelle membranes, some of which transport nutrients and metabolites. Of these 91 were transmembrane proteins(TMHMM), 27 had an N-terminal signal peptide(signalP) and TMHMM motif,13 had a glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) anchor and signalP sequence, 67 had beta(β) strands or 17 β strands and a transit peptide sequence, indicating the identified proteins were integral or peripheral membrane proteins. Subunits of the 5 protein complexes involved in mitochondrial cellular energy production were well represented. Structural proteins(15%), proteins involved in the metabolism of lipids and proteins(26%) and those with steroid or cytokine action were a feature of the proteome.Conclusion: Our research has developed a procedure to isolate rumen epithelium proteins from the underlying tissue layers so that they may be profiled using proteomic technologies. The approach improves the number of proteins that can be profiled that are specific to the epithelium of the rumen wall. It provides new insights into the proteins of structural and nutritional importance in the rumen epithelium, that carry out nutrient transport and metabolism, cell growth and signalling.  相似文献   

Wethers were studied for the effect of the complete pelleted feed ration on the intake of water and concentration of pH and ammonia in the rumen. The animals consumed daily 1300 g of dry matter of the diet containing 41.81% of meadow hay, 25.8% of barley, 15.37% of sawdust, 14.98% of molasses, 1.32% of urea and 1.24% of vitamin mineral supplement. This feed was given to them for six months. The pelleted diet increased the intake of water (the dry matter consumption remaining the same in the control and experimental group), reduced pH concentration (6.0--6.2) and slightly increased the level of ammonia in the first hour after feeding; this was probably due to a rapid release of nitrogen compounds from the feed and to intensive rumen fermentation.  相似文献   

本试验探索了油菜秆颗粒料对湖羊生产性能、瘤胃发酵参数及血液生化指标的影响。试验选取30只6月龄体重为(32.33±1.65) kg的健康公湖羊,按体重配对设计分为2组,对照组和试验组分别饲喂花生藤颗粒饲料和油菜秆颗粒饲料,试验期52 d。测定了日增重、饲料转化效率、瘤胃发酵参数、饲料表观消化率及血液生化指标。结果显示,与对照组相比,试验组湖羊的干物质采食量(1.37 kg对1.47 kg)显著低于对照组(P<0.05),日增重基本一致(147 g对143 g);试验组瘤胃液中总VFA(102.27 mmol/L对90.44 mmol/L)(P<0.05)、丙酸(17.08 mmol/L对13.79 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、丁酸(11.97 mmol/L对10.31 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、氨态氮浓度(15.90 mg/dL对11.33 mg/dL)(P<0.01)的含量显著升高,乙丙比(P<0.01)(3.96对4.33)显著降低;中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率有升高的趋势(54.75%对51.50%)(P=0.09);血液中葡萄糖浓度显著升高(3.77 mmol/L对2.97 mmol/L)(P<0.05),尿素氮浓度(11.01 mmol/L对12.80 mmol/L)(P<0.01)、游离脂肪酸(133.07 umol/L对144.50 umol/L)(P<0.05)、谷丙转氨酶(14.85 U/L对19.23 U/L)(P<0.05)和高密度脂蛋白(0.92 mmol/L对1.05 mmol/L)(P<0.05)浓度显著降低;每kg增重饲料成本试验组比对照组降低了5.87元。结果表明,以油菜秆为主的颗粒料饲喂生长湖羊,对其健康无不良影响,可降低饲料成本,增加养殖效益,是丰富南方地区湖羊粗饲料来源、减少区域油菜秆污染的可行途径。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of different levels of corn supplementation as energy source into palm kernel cake–urea-treated rice straw basal diet on urinary excretion of purine derivatives, nitrogen utilization, rumen fermentation, and rumen microorganism populations. Twenty-seven Dorper lambs were randomly assigned to three treatment groups and kept in individual pens for a 120-day period. The animals were subjected to the dietary treatments as follows: T1: 75.3% PKC?+?0% corn, T2: 70.3% PKC?+?5% corn, and T3: 65.3% PKC?+?10% corn. Hypoxanthine and uric acid excretion level were recorded similarly in lambs supplemented with corn. The microbial N yield and butyrate level was higher in corn-supplemented group, but fecal N excretion, T3 has the lowest level than other groups. Lambs fed T3 had a greater rumen protozoa population while the number of R. flavefaciens was recorded highest in T2. No significant differences were observed for total bacteria, F. succinogenes, R. albus, and methanogen population among all treatment. Based on these results, T3 could be fed to lambs without deleterious effect on the VFA and N balance.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from ruminants enhance global warming and lead to a loss of feed energy. The emissions are low when fed brassica crops, but the factors contributing to low emissions are unknown. A meta-analysis was conducted with individual animal data collected from seven experiments. In these experiments, methane emissions were measured using respiration chambers. Animal characteristics, feed chemical composition and rumen fermentation parameters were included for the analysis using multiple regression models. Feed intake level, animal live weight and age were animal factors that were weakly and negatively related to methane yield (g/dry matter intake). The duration in which sheep were fed brassica crops was a significant contributor in the model, suggesting that the effect on emissions diminishes with time. Among a range of feed chemical composition characters, acid detergent fibre and hot-water-soluble carbohydrate contributed significantly to the model, suggesting that both structural and soluble carbohydrates affect methane formation in the rumen. There was no significant correlation between the concentration of sulphate in brassicas and emissions, but nitrate was moderately and negatively correlated with methane yield (r = −.53). Short-chain fatty acid profiles in the rumen of animals fed brassicas were different from those fed pasture, but these parameters only moderately correlated to methane emissions (r = .42). Feeding forage rape resulted in low rumen pH. The pH before morning feeding was strongly correlated to methane yield (r = .90). Rumen pH, together with microbial communities mediated by pH, might lead to low emissions. Bacteria known to produce hydrogen were relatively less abundant in the rumen contents of brassica-fed animals than pasture-fed animals. In conclusion, animal and feed factors, rumen fermentation and microbial communities all affect methane emissions to some extent. The interactions of these factors with each other thus contribute to methane emissions from brassica-fed sheep.  相似文献   

Effect of pectinase on rumen fermentation in sheep and lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In trial with adult wethers and weaned lambs the effect of enzymatic preparation Pektofoetidin G3x (mostly pectinase and cellulase) on rumen fermentation was studied. After 4 weeks of Pektofoetidin G3x application (0.54 g per day and animal) to adult wethers no statistically significant differences in total volatile fatty acids (VFA), acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, ammonia in the rumen contents and urea in blood were determined between control and enzyme treated group. In comparison of fermentation parameters in wethers (mean of 1-3 hours after feeding) and lambs (2-3 hours after feeding) the significant differences in mol % of acetic acid (63.3 in control, 54.6 in experimental group, P less than 0.01), propionic acid (24.6, vs. 31.3, P less than 0.001), acetate: proprionate ratio (2.54, vs. 1.77, P less than 0.01) and in energy efficiency of VFA production (76.0%, vs. 79.1%, P less than 0.001) were determined. These differences between wethers and lambs suggest more intensive fermentation in lambs than in adult sheep. On the basis of these results it is possible to suggest, that in adult animals the efficiency of application of enzymatic preparations is low. In utilization of enzymatic preparations more important role, probably, is that of ruminal ecosystem itself, that, if once fully developed, is perfectly resistant to biotechnological interferences.  相似文献   

We constructed a modified perfusion apparatus and elaborated a method of extracorporal perfusion of the rumen of sheep. As perfusates we used the bovine plasma diluted in a ratio of 1:1 of an isotonic sodium chloride (NaCl) solution and the whole autologous blood. Transaminases GOT and GPT, ammonia and pH were determined in the perfusate. The different perfusions were evaluated according to previously determined perfusion conditions and criteria. A subject for discussion is the question of suitability of the parameters under examination for judging the state of the perfused organ. The described method is suitable for the study of metabolical processes in the rumen wal.  相似文献   

In order to confirm earlier fragmentary results, the effect of defaunation and refaunation of the rumen on the fermentation pattern and flow of N-components in the proximal duodenum of two sheep was investigated. Defaunation had no effect on acetic acid as a proportion of the total volatile fatty acids in the rumen, while the proportions of propionic acid increased with a concomitant decrease in butyrate. Refaunation resulted in lower acetic acid and higher butyric acid proportions. The concentration of ammonia N in the rumen was clearly decreased after defaunation, already indicating an effect of the elimination of protozoa on nitrogen metabolism in the rumen. Defaunation also increased significantly the flow of total N, non ammonia N and individual and total amino acids in the proximal duodenum. Defaunation resulted in higher bacterial growth efficiency, significantly in one sheep, but the decrease after refaunation was statistically significant for both sheep. Determination of rumen digestibility of organic matter and acid detergent fibre (ADF) revealed lower values in the absence of the protozoa, while total digestibility was only influenced to a much lower extent. This indicated a shift of digestion from rumen to the lower digestive tract. Finally, earlier work is discussed in the light of the present findings.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted with wethers to study the effect of the administration of a synthetic diet (composition: 30.125% starch, 30.125% sucrose, 25% cellulose, 5.25% urea, 8.125% mineral supplement, 1.25% maize oil and 0.125% cholinechloride) upon rumen fermentation. The adaptation to the synthetic diet lasted three months, the proportion of the synthetic diet increasing every week (by 10%) to the detriment of a traditional diet (composition: 0.5 kg meadow hay, 0.3 kg barley, 0.2 kg wheat bran, salt and straw ad libitum). In the 10th week the animals consumed 0.5 kg granular synthetic diet, 0.2 kg cellulose flakes and 0.01 kg polystyrene. After three weeks of the administration of the fully synthetic diet, the rumen fluid was sampled after morning feeding in intervals of 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 hours. In the dynamics of fermentation, statistically significant differences were found only in isobutyric and isovaleric acid between the 0th and 1st and between the 5th and 7th hours (P less than 0.05--P less than 0.001). The data for all the time intervals were recalculated to average values. These were as follows: total volatile fatty acids 63.03 mmol/l, acetic acid 51.00 mol%, propionic acid 26.75 mol%, butyric acid 19.43 mol%, isobutyric acid 0.91 mol%, isovaleric 1.27 mol%, valeric acid 0.62 mol%, energy efficiency of VFA production 78.23%. The obtained data are confronted with literary data on synthetic diets which contained urea and various energy sources.  相似文献   

为研究饲养水平对阿勒泰羊胃肠道发育、瘤胃发酵参数、消化酶活性及瘤胃微生物区系的影响,选取月龄相近(3~3.5月龄)、体重均一(19.16±0.54)kg、臀型一致、健康状况良好的阿勒泰母羔羊30只,随机分为3组,每组10只,自由采食60 d后,参照NRC(2007)饲养标准中维持能量(Em)需要,3个组分别按1.5Em...  相似文献   

为了解不同乳酸杆菌的刺激对绵羊瘤胃上皮细胞中绵羊β-防御素-1(sheep beta-defensin-1,SBD-1)的可能调节作用,本研究选用了2株具有益生作用的乳酸杆菌,即干酪乳杆菌Zhang(L.casei Zhang)和植物乳杆菌P-8(L.plantarum P-8),首先,运用实时荧光定量PCR技术(RT-q PCR)检测与乳酸杆菌共培养后的绵羊瘤胃上皮细胞中SBD-1mRNA的相对表达量;其次,探讨了2株乳酸杆菌诱导SBD-1 mRNA表达的差异性,选取优势菌株;最后,运用RTq PCR技术和酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)的方法,检测优势菌株活菌、灭活菌及其培养上清液对SBD-1基因及蛋白水平表达的影响。结果表明:2株乳酸杆菌均能促进SBD-1 mRNA的相对表达量,乳酸杆菌的浓度为107CFU/m L、刺激细胞8 h时能极显著促进SBD-1 mRNA的相对表达量(P0.01),而L.plantarum P-8强于L.casei Zhang;进一步的研究表明L.plantarum P-8的灭活菌亦可显著诱导SBD-1的基因及蛋白表达(P0.05),但弱于活菌。本研究结果表明L.plantarum P-8和L.casei Zhang均可诱导绵羊瘤胃上皮细胞内SBD-1的差异性表达。  相似文献   

为了研究日粮精粗比对湖羊瘤胃发酵和菌群结构的影响,试验选择40只体重相近、体况良好且健康的湖羊羔羊,随机分为4组,每组10只(公母各半),各试验组羊分别饲喂精粗比70:30(A)、60:40(B)、50:50(C)和40:60(D)的全混合日粮,试验期为70 d。结果表明:1)试验B组的氨态氮、丙酸、丁酸和戊酸含量均显著高于试验D组(P<0.05)。2)4组共产生875个OTU,其中共有OTU为725个,占总OTU数量的82.86%,试验A和D组分别含特有OTU为6和1个。试验A组的细菌门数量和香浓指数显著高于试验C和D组(P<0.05),而辛普森指数则显著低于试验B和C组(P<0.05)。试验C组细菌多样性与试验A和B组差异显著(P<0.05)。3)在门水平上,试验A组的放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和螺旋菌门(Spirochaetae)相对丰度显著高于试验C和D组(P<0.05)。在属水平上,试验A组毛螺菌科_ND3007(Lachnospiraceae_ND3007)、密螺旋体属_2(Treponema_2)、魏斯氏菌属(Weissella)、厌氧支原体属(Anaeroplasma)、短杆菌属(Brevibacterium)、假丁酸弧菌属(Pseudobutyrivibrio)、未培养瘤胃杆菌属(Uncultured_rumen_ bacterium)和罗斯氏菌属(Roseburia)的相对丰度显著高于试验D组(P<0.05),而毛螺菌科_XPB1014(Lachnospiraceae_XPB1014)和未培养拟杆菌目_BS11(Uncultured _Bacteroidales_BS11)的相对丰度则分别显著低于试验C和D组(P<0.05)。综上所述,高精粗比日粮能够提高湖羊瘤胃细菌丰富度和多样性,促进瘤胃的发酵。  相似文献   

为探讨热应激条件下补硒对放牧绵羊瘤胃发酵以及瘤胃微生物区系的影响,试验选择体重相近、健康的7~8月龄杜寒杂交羊10只,采用单因素完全随机试验设计,随机分成2组,每组5只.对照组不添加硒,试验组硒添加水平为0.2 mg/d(硒源为酵母硒).在夏季温度最高的初伏到中伏期间,以自然放牧方式饲养20 d后,颈静脉采集血液测定血...  相似文献   

观察添加刺五加提取物对绵羊瘤胃发酵及养分利用的影响,以揭示其对瘤胃发酵影响的机理。选择6只健康的小尾寒羊,随机分为2组,采用交叉试验设计,分别添加0、50mg/kg刺五加水提取物。不同时间点采集试验羊的瘤胃液,测定pH值、氨态氮(NH,-N)浓度、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)浓度;收集试验动物粪便,测定日粮中各营养物质的表观消化率。试验结果表明:刺五加的添加可以降低绵羊瘤胃NH,-N浓度,使瘤胃液pH值变化趋势减缓;明显提高日粮酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的表观消化率(P〈0.05),显著提高瘤胃液乙酸和总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)浓度(P〈0.05)。该试验为刺五加添加剂在反刍动物中的应用奠定基础,同时对中草药添加剂日粮在反刍动物中的使用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

将5只2.5岁龄装置了永久性瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠瘘管的新疆美利奴羯羊,采用5×5拉丁方设计,分别按0、2、4、6或8 g/d.kg体重添喂纯玉米淀粉,以研究添喂淀粉对饲喂玉米秸秆绵羊瘤胃消化代谢的影响。结果表明,给饲喂玉米秸秆为主的绵羊添喂淀粉,可使瘤胃液氨态氮浓度降低、挥发性脂肪酸浓度升高。玉米秸秆型日粮中含有适量的淀粉(8.5%~16.9%)可提高纤维素、半纤维素的消化率,增加到达小肠的瘤胃微生物蛋白量。但如果淀粉含量过高,则造成纤维素、半纤维素的消化率降低,到达小肠的瘤胃微生物蛋白、饲料蛋白质和总粗蛋白质量减少。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the thiamine concentration and the fermentation patterns [pH, concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA)] in the free liquid (FRL) and particle-associated liquid (PARL) of the rumen in dairy cows fed with graded concentrate levels in the diet. Four ruminally cannulated Holstein cows in mid lactation were fed [semi-ad libitum, 18 kg dry matter (DM)/day] diets consisting of hay (H) and slowly degradable concentrate (C), offered in five different H:C ratios (% DM basis) in the following sequence: period 1, 30:70; period 2, 40:60; period 3, 50:50; period 4, 60:40 and period 5, 75:25. A negative quadratic relationship was observed between thiamine concentration in FRL and intake of dietary thiamine (R(2) = 0.36), of concentrate (R(2) = 0.38) and of digestible non-fibre carbohydrates (R(2) = 0.37). The thiamine concentration in PARL was higher (p < or = 0.05) compared to FRL. The ruminal thiamine concentration correlated negatively to pH and positively to concentrations of SCFA and propionate in the rumen. R(2) of these relationships varied markedly (0.002 and 0.77), depending on time after feeding and fluid digesta compartment. The higher R(2) were observed at 8 and 11 h after the morning feeding for FRL (R(2) 0.46-0.71) and PARL (R(2) 0.41-0.77), respectively.  相似文献   

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