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东黄海大黄鱼洄游路线的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
徐兆礼  陈佳杰 《水产学报》2011,35(3):429-437
依据我国10多个主要渔业公司1971-1982年共12年的大黄鱼捕捞统计资料,从产量分布、鱼群移动等方面,研究了东黄海大黄鱼的洄游路线。结果显示,东黄海大黄鱼只有一个种群,两处越冬场。其中,外海越冬场主要位于30°00′N~32°00′N,124°00′E~126°00′E水域,近海越冬场位于浙江中南部和福建北部禁渔线外侧。每年3-4月,外海越冬场鱼群向西进入舟山渔场和长江口渔场;5月,这部分鱼群部分向西北进入吕泗渔场沿海产卵,另一部分向西进入舟山群岛沿海的岱衢洋、大衢洋、黄泽洋和大目洋等水域产卵;到了6月,在长江口和吕泗渔场近海形成索饵群体;6-8月,索饵群体北上黄海南部近海索饵;9月,索饵群体前锋到达34°00′N禁渔线外侧;10月以后,随着冷空气南下,索饵场的大黄鱼向南做越冬洄游,并且在10月回到长江口。从这里,一部分群体游向外海越冬场,一部分群体继续南下回到东海中南部近海的越冬场。浙江中南部和福建北部禁渔线外侧近海越冬的大黄鱼群体,在春季产卵洄游中,部分北上在舟山渔场与外海来的鱼群汇合,进一步游向吕泗渔场和舟山群岛沿海产卵,部分就近游向沿岸的猫头洋、洞头洋、乐清湾、官井洋和东引岛等水域产卵,产卵后的群体在产卵场附近索饵,冬季回到就近的越冬场。  相似文献   

东、黄海星康吉鳗生长、死亡和单位补充量渔获量   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
依据2011年、2016年和2017年在东、黄海进行的底拖网调查数据,研究了星康吉鳗的生长参数、死亡系数和单位补充量渔获量(YPR)。星康吉鳗的体长体质量关系和生长方程的拟合结果表明,其条件因子a估计值为4.5×10–4,其异速生长系数b的估计值为3.3。其渐近体长L∞的估计均值为102 cm,生长速率K的均值为0.21/年,理论上体长为零时的年龄t0估计均值为–0.19。通过Pauly经验公式求得星康吉鳗的自然死亡系数(M)为0.33。体长转换的渔获曲线求得总死亡系数为3.36,进而求得现阶段的捕捞死亡系数(F)为3.03,开发率高达90%。此外求得现阶段星康吉鳗的开捕体长为30 cm,对应的开捕年龄为1.47龄,远小于其体质量生长的拐点年龄(3.70龄)和临界年龄(3.39龄)。本研究根据单位补充量渔获量模型,估计其在不同自然死亡系数和开捕体长的情况下随捕捞死亡系数的变化曲线,并估算其生物学参考点。随F增加,YPR先增加到最大值,再逐渐减小。现阶段星康吉鳗的YPR为27.14,而当M为0.33时Fmax估计值为0.38,YPRmax为52.89,即将F降低为1/8,可获得将近2倍的YPR;对应的F0.1为0.255,比Fmax降低了三分之一,YPR0.1(50.38)只比最大值降低了不足5%。M越大,求得的生物学参考点越大,可获得的YPR越小;当开捕体长增加时,F和YPR都会有不同程度的增加。因此,现阶段中国东黄海星康吉鳗的开发率过高,开捕体长过小,处于过度捕捞的状态。为了维持星康吉鳗种群的生态健康、实现该渔业的可持续发展,建议大幅削减其捕捞强度,降低捕捞死亡系数,同时增加开捕体长。  相似文献   

Largemouth perch (Percichthys colhuapiensis) represents one of the most economically important fish species in the Argentine Patagonia. However, little research has been done on the age and growth and population dynamics of this fish, though both studies are essential to properly deal with fisheries forecasts and management. As a contribution to elaborating management programmes for P. colhuapiensis, we evaluated the age and growth of this species in the Negro river via scale and whole otolith reading methods. The sample consisted of 579 specimens ranging in total length (TL) from 90 to 475 mm, captured seasonally from December 1994 to December 1995. The formation of scale annuli (end of winter) and the hyaline zone on otoliths (winter) of adult fish coincided with the beginning of the spawning season (end of winter-beginning of spring). The maximum estimated age was 11 years, which indicates that this is a relatively long-lived species. Otoliths were useful for ageing specimens 1–5 years-old, but above this age whole otoliths yielded lower age estimates than scales. Isometric growth of weight with length was found for total population, juveniles, and separate sexes (p > 0.25 in all cases). No significant differences between the length–weight relationships of sexes were observed (p > 0.10). Length at first maturity was significantly higher for males (TL50 = 271 mm TL; r = 0.88) than for females (TL50 = 243 mm TL; r = 0.96) (p < 0.01). Largemouth perch exhibited a consistent pattern of increase in length with age, with a period of fast growth during the first 5 years, and a slow-growing phase during the rest of his life. The growth parameters based on scale data were L∞: 462.1 mm, k = 0.23 and t0 = −0.94 for total population, L∞: 402.3 mm, k = 0.33 and t0 = −0.67 for males, and L∞: 548.4 mm, k = 0.15 and t0 = −1.59 for females, whereas those based on otolith reading were L∞: 537.4 mm, k = 0.17 and t0 = −1.0 for total population, L∞: 497.6 mm, k = 0.21 and t0 = −0.79 for males, and L∞: 582.0 mm, k = 0.14 and t0 = −1.53 for females. Scales are concluded to be the best structure to age P. colhuapiensis because they rendered L∞ values closer to the maximum TL observed, high precision, easiness of collection, low processing time, and the possibility of performing non-destructive monitoring studies.  相似文献   

渔业数据有限性是小型渔业资源评估所面临的常见问题。电子体长频率分析(electroniclengthfrequency analysis,ELEFAN)常用于年龄数据难以获取或缺失的渔业,但该方法的可靠性尚待检验。本研究根据2013―2018年春、秋季共11个航次的海州湾底拖网调查数据,分别使用传统的ELEFAN与结合Bootstrap的ELEFAN方法,比较了2013―2015年与2016―2018年两个时间段内海州湾方氏云鳚(Pholis fangi)群体von-Bertalanffy生长方程中参数之间的变化。结果显示,在海州湾海域,方氏云鳚的生长参数具有显著变化, 2013―2018年,群体的极限体长变小,生长速率加快,说明海州湾方氏云鳚群体近年来呈现小型化的趋势。相比传统的ELEFAN方法,结合Bootstrap的ELEFAN方法能够给出较为稳健的参数估计,受采样随机性的影响较小,可以较好地应用于数据缺乏的小型渔业中。本研究加深了对方氏云鳚种群动态的认识,并推动了基于体长频率的生长参数估算方法在数据有限资源评估中的应用。  相似文献   

The early life history of the black anglerfish, Lophius budegassa was investigated by otolith (lapilli) increment analysis. Samples of demersal juvenile L. budegassa ranging from 54 to 196 mm total length were collected during bottom trawl surveys in the central Adriatic Sea. By counting increments presumed to be deposited daily in the lapillar otoliths, 88 specimens of L. budegassa were successfully aged. Age estimates of juveniles ranged between 79 and 204 days, indicating that probably the pelagic phase of this species is relatively short and settlement occurs at less than 3 months of life. The analysis of check marks in the core area of lapilli enabled us to determine the period of endogenous feeding, which would last between 15 and 24 days after hatching. Back-calculated hatching dates and, consequently, the spawning season of L. budegassa in the Adriatic Sea was spread over a long period, lasting at least from February to June. The length at age relationship gave an estimate of mean growth rate of approximately 0.8–1.02 mm/day, indicating a faster growth rate of 0+ juveniles L. budegassa than previously thought. The implications of these findings on age estimates discrepancies between previous ageing studies on L. budegassa carried out using different calcified structure (sagittae or illicia) are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the age and growth of the lizardfish Saurida elongata using ground thin sections of otoliths (sagittae) from specimens collected in the Tsushima/Korea Strait between May 1999 and June 2001. A total of 695 individuals with fork lengths (FL) ranging from 189 to 478 mm were examined. The frequency of translucent zone occurrence at the outer margin of the otoliths indicated that translucent zones formed once a year between November and February. Most of the males examined were estimated to be 2–7 years old and the females, 3–9 years old. The maximum estimated age of a male specimen was 10 years and that of a female, 11 years. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth curves were FL t  = 451{1 − exp[−0.172(t + 2.50)]} and FL t  = 515{1 − exp[−0.151(t + 2.47)]} for males and females, respectively. At all ages, the FL at a specific age for females was greater than that for males, suggesting that females of this species grow faster than males.  相似文献   

应用激光剥蚀(LA)-ICPMS技术对采集于黄海南部吕泗产卵场的产卵期蓝点马鲛耳石横截面从核心到边缘进行了分析,并结合耳石微结构分析比较各测定元素与钙的比值在不同生活史阶段的变化。结果显示,测定的Li、Na、Mg、Fe、Co、Sr和Ba含量在耳石上均呈非均匀分布,但Ba:Ca比值从核心到边缘波动较大(2.13~5.05 μmol/mol),总体为核心(0~40 μm)部分高,核心向外(40~320 μm)部分快速下降,其余部分(320~1 440 μm)低。Ba:Ca比值在不同生活史阶段间表现出了显著性差异,孵化阶段明显高于越冬和产卵阶段。相较其他元素,Ba元素更适合作为标志性元素重建蓝点马鲛生境履历。根据Ba:Ca比值重建了黄海南部蓝点马鲛的生境履历,结果发现它们在胚胎发育和孵化阶段生活在高Ba浓度生境,早期发育阶段游离近岸高Ba浓度生境,随后的生长发育阶段则会长期处于Ba浓度稍低的生境进行越冬和产卵洄游。  相似文献   

黎婷婷  周敏华  王超  方舟 《水产学报》2023,47(8):089306-089306
为了探究个体发育和食性对金乌贼角质颚形态的影响。实验采用几何形态测量学地标点法对2018年11月—2019年3月在黄海南部采集的金乌贼角质颚进行形态分析,共对138对金乌贼的上、下颚分别定义了27个地标点进行分析。结果显示,①不同发育阶段的金乌贼上、下颚的大小、形态及异速生长模式均存在显著差异,并且不同性别的上颚形态存在显著差异。②未成熟期的金乌贼角质颚的喙部较弯曲和尖锐,亚成熟期的角质颚头盖和翼部变宽,喙部也较尖锐,而成熟期的角质颚喙部短钝,侧壁较尖长,下颚翼部宽大。研究表明,不同发育阶段角质颚的发育机制可能是为更好地适应摄食对象变更,满足摄食需求做出的响应。这些与个体生长发育和摄食习性相关的表型可塑性反映了金乌贼角质颚的生长规律和金乌贼对食物资源的适应性利用。本研究通过分析金乌贼角质颚形态的生长变化,完善了金乌贼的基础生物学信息,为金乌贼资源的合理利用提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

为全面了解气候变化下黄海中南部近海海域斑鰶的产卵场适宜性变动规律,为黄海中南部产卵场的保护提供科学依据,实验根据2014—2018年5—7月黄海中南部产卵场调查数据,并结合FVCOM (Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model)模型提取的表层水温、表层盐度、水深、离岸距离、海表流速以及NOAA数据中心的叶绿素a浓度等6种环境因子,基于随机森林(Random Forest,RF)模型构建黄海中南部斑鰶产卵场适宜性的分布模型,根据未来气候变化的情景,预测该鱼种产卵场在未来的潜在分布。结果显示,不同月份中影响斑鰶鱼卵分布的主要环境因素不同,主要因子在5—7月分别为水深、叶绿素a和表层水温,其偏差贡献率分别为24.49%、28.08%、26.26%。研究表明,在未来气候变化的情景下,斑鰶的适宜产卵场将向北迁移。此外,黄海中南部北部沿岸海域及南部远岸深水区的栖息地适宜性明显增加。因此,未来在产卵场保护以及资源开发利用等方面,应当充分考虑这一变动趋势。  相似文献   

Age determination of wild captured Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, was conducted using sagittal otoliths of 806 specimens (47–260 cm in fork length) caught in the waters off Japan and Taiwan. Otoliths were transversely sectioned and the opaque and translucent zones were analyzed. Opaque zones mainly appeared on the otolith edge from April to July, indicating that the opaque zone is formed annually. The opaque zones formed during later life (age 10+) were more distinct than the earlier zones. The estimated ages of specimens ranged from 1 to 26 years. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated to be 249.6 cm, 0.173, and −0.254 years for L, k, and t0, respectively. Growth of younger fish was rapid up to 5 years old attaining about 150 cm, and then growth rate decreased. After that, fish attained about 200 cm at 9 years old and about 225 cm (90% of L) at 13 years old (50% of maximum age). This paper updates the biological information on length at age with a large size range to support stock assessment model analyses for this commercially valuable species.  相似文献   

Stock size, distribution, size and age composition, and growth of Japanese scallops,Mizuhopecten yessoensis, were studied at eight sites in Possjet Bay, Sea of Japan, Russia. At seven sites, most of the scallops were cultured animals (seeded as one-year-olds in 1986–1989). At the eighth site, only native (i.e. naturally settled) scallops were present. Cultured scallops had an irregular strip-like distribution at all locations. Maximum growth of scallops occurred in the northwestern part of Reid Pallada Bight. Only at Temp Bight did both native and the majority of cultured scallops attain the harvest size of 100 mm shell height at age 3 years. At all other sites in Possjet Bay, cultured scallops reached harvest size at an age of 4 years.  相似文献   

使用地统计二阶广义线性混合模型(geostatistical delta-GLMM)分析了2001—2011和2015—2017年黄、渤海小黄鱼越冬群体在黄海中部、南部的空间分布,并用geostatistical delta-GLMM、基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的扫海面积法分别估计了小黄鱼资源量指数,对geostatistical delta-GLMM相较基于普通克里格插值法和基于站位调查设计的性能进行了比较研究。结果显示,在2001和2002年,黄海越冬场主要存在北部(36°00′~37°37.5′N,123°15′~124°15′E)、中部(33°75′~36°00′N,123°15′~124°75′E)和东南部(32°00′~33°75′N,124°00′~125°15′E)3个生物量高密度区,其中中部区密度最高。从2003年开始,小黄鱼的生物量密度开始下降,北部和东南部高密度区下降程度高于中部高密度区;至2016—2017年高密度区变得不明显。冬季小黄鱼总资源量指数与小黄鱼的年产量、渔船功率变化趋势相反,呈下降趋势,且大部分年份站位数在37站以上,站位范围覆盖了本实验区域,可排除采样站位因素,这说明小黄鱼资源仍面临过度捕捞,种群处于衰退状态。研究表明,地统计二阶广义线性混合模型估计的2001—2017年冬季黄海中部、南部小黄鱼的总资源量指数相对扫海面积法和普通克里格法的估计值精确度更高。  相似文献   

Several methods were used in an attempt to develop an age and growth model for the Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril). Band counts from vertebral sections, which were fit to the traditional von Bertalanffy growth equation, the Gompertz growth equation, and the two-parameter von Bertalanffy growth equation, did not produce realistic parameter estimates. Additionally, a length-based Bayesian model was applied to fishery-independent length–frequency data, and a full Bayesian model was fitted to length-at-age data to estimate parameters for von Bertalanffy growth equation. Both the length-based and full Bayesian models failed to converge; the length–frequency data showed high bimodality unrelated to season, year, or other factors, and band counts were not predictable by length. Vertebral band counts were not valid for ageing Atlantic angel sharks, and length-based methods, which require normally distributed length–frequencies, were not appropriate for this data set. This study represents the first attempt at modeling age and growth for this species and provides research guidelines for future research initiatives.  相似文献   

2014年7月至2015年5月采集南海北部陆架海域的多齿蛇鲻(Sauridatumbil)和花斑蛇鲻(Sauridaundosquamis)样本,测量其叉长、体重、性腺成熟度,并读取其耳石和日龄数据,对这2个种的生物学特征进行比较,发现多齿蛇鲻和花斑蛇鲻叉长、体重雌雄间差异显著(P0.05)。多齿蛇鲻雌性与雄性样本,叉长范围分别为109~310 mm、117~283 mm,体重范围分别为13~358 g、20~297 g,日龄范围分别为76~558 d、73~526 d, von Bertalanffy生长方程的相关参数分别为:L_(∞♀)=278 mm, L_(∞♂)=276 mm; K_♀=1.30, K_♂=1.30; t_(0♀)=-0.07 a, t_(0♂)=-0.08 a。雌性性腺成熟度Ⅲ期样本从350~400 d日龄组开始出现,雌性与雄性样本孵化高峰期在3月、7月、9—10月。花斑蛇鲻雌性与雄性样本,叉长范围分别为105~269 mm、95~264 mm,体重范围分别为11~220 g、8~228 g,日龄范围分别为79~486 d、84~488 d, von Bertalanffy生长方程的相关参数分别为:L_(∞♀)=269 mm, L_(∞♂)=265 mm, K_♀=1.29, K_♂=1.29, t_(0♀)=-0.06 a, t_(0♂)=-0.06 a,雌性性腺成熟度Ⅲ期样本从200~250 d日龄组开始出现,雌性与雄性样本孵化高峰期在6—11月。与历史资料进行对比,发现南海海域多齿蛇鲻与花斑蛇鲻出现个体大小逐渐减小、性成熟提前等适应性特征。结论认为,为了南海多齿蛇鲻与花斑蛇鲻渔业资源的可持续发展,需要降低南海近海的捕捞压力以促进南海渔业资源的发展。  相似文献   

2010年5月至2011年4月, 对北部湾口海域作业的灯光围网和拖网渔船渔获物中的眼镜鱼进行逐月(除6、7月)采样, 通过生物学测定(1 025尾)及292枚(雌性: 148枚, 雄性: 144枚)脊椎骨的年龄鉴定, 对眼镜鱼年龄和生长进行研究。结果表明, 眼镜鱼脊椎骨上的年轮由宽窄相间的明带和暗带组成, 边缘增长率 (marginal growth increment, MGI)计算结果显示年轮形成时间主要在8—10月, 同期性腺成熟指数 (gonadosomatic index, GSI)也最高, 表明年轮形成时间与繁殖期时间同步, 即1年1个年轮。北部湾口眼镜鱼GSI高峰期(8—10月)与中上层水温高峰趋势相符, 表明眼镜鱼的产卵高峰期与中上层水温关系密切。北部湾口灯光围网和拖网渔获物中眼镜鱼的年龄组成为雌性0+~5+龄6个年龄组、雄性0+~4+龄5个年龄组。雌雄个体间生长差异不显著, 叉长与体质量的关系为W=6.00×10?5L2.8415(n=1025, r2=0.94, P>0.05), 年龄生长方程为Lt=334.85[1?e?0.17(t+0.92)]。北部湾口眼镜鱼在3+龄之前生长迅速, 之后生长逐渐减缓。  相似文献   

王新良  赵宪勇  左涛  李显森 《水产学报》2016,40(7):1080-1088
太平洋磷虾是黄海生态系统中浮游动物的关键种。为准确评估太平洋磷虾的资源密度,基于2010年1月黄海渔业资源调查过程中采集的声学和生物学数据,利用SDWBA目标强度理论模型,研究了太平洋磷虾38和120 k Hz目标的回声散射特性,并根据2个频率平均体积散射强度的差值(简称频差技术),开展了太平洋磷虾回波映像识别及资源密度评估研究。结果显示,太平洋磷虾的目标强度与其倾角和体长密切相关;120k Hz的目标强度明显高于38 k Hz,且两个频率的有效平均目标强度之差随着磷虾体长的增加而减小。数据处理结果显示,两个频率回声数据的平均体积散射强度(MVBS)呈线性关系,120 k Hz的MVBS比38 k Hz高约14.1 d B,与理论仿真结果一致;回声散射层内太平洋磷虾的资源密度为1.8~2531.8尾/m3,均值为255.1尾/m3。本研究对利用渔业声学技术开展浮游动物资源评估具有借鉴意义,未来还需要进一步对太平洋磷虾目标强度模型参数及目标识别方法进行完善,以提高其资源密度声学评估的准确度。  相似文献   

The main biological characteristics for black scabbardfish in the Canary Islands waters were established, focusing on its reproductive behaviour and strategy and its growth pattern. The sex proportion differs significantly from the 1:1 ratio, being clearly unbalanced towards the females. The sex ratio according to depth clearly shows the presence of male and female individuals in all the studied layers, thus sex segregation does not happen according to depth. The Canaries can be considered to be a reproduction site for A. carbo, since samples showing all stages of maturity have been observed. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) showed that the mean values were higher in the third and fourth quarters of the year. The index values clearly allow the differentiation of the individuals in resting or in spent (II and V) stages from individuals in ripe or in ripe and running stages, indicating that index levels higher than 2 are typical of maturation followed by spawning process. Up to twelve marks, assumed to be annuli, were visible in the sampled otoliths. Three to five years old were the dominant age classes and only 7.7% of fish were 7 years old or older. Age estimates ranged between 2 and 8 years for males and between 2 and 12 years for females. Estimated growth parameters were: L = 1477 ± 18.73 mm; k = 0.200 ± 0.016 year−1; and t0 = −4.58 ± 0.413 year. Biological aspects of the black scabbardfish suggest that this species has a generalist life-history strategy.  相似文献   

黄海中南部细纹狮子鱼的摄食习性及其变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张波  金显仕  戴芳群 《水产学报》2011,35(8):1199-1207
利用2006年1月—2009年7月在黄海中南部进行的7个月的底拖网调查,采集了体长在18~525 mm范围的细纹狮子鱼样品3 005尾。通过胃含物分析、聚类分析以及营养级计算等方法,研究了细纹狮子鱼的摄食习性,周年变化和体长变化。结果表明,除3月份外,细纹狮子鱼是各月份黄海生态系统食物网的重要种类;目前脊腹褐虾仍是细纹狮子鱼的优势饵料生物,而方氏云鳚替代鳀成为其优势饵料生物。细纹狮子鱼的摄食习性和摄食强度都有显著的周年变化和体长变化,体长是导致细纹狮子鱼摄食习性周年变化的主要因素。随着体长增加,细纹狮子鱼发生了3次显著的食性转换,体长在50 mm从底栖动物食性转换为广食性;大于100 mm转换为底层虾食性;大于350 mm转换为虾/鱼食性。不同体长的细纹狮子鱼归属不同的营养功能群,因此,细纹狮子鱼在不同月份的黄海生态系统中处于不同的营养地位。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken with a view to compare the precision and reliability of the age readings obtained from different bony structures of some important freshwater teleosts viz., Labeo rohita (Hamilton), Catla catla (Hamilton) and Channa marulius (Hamilton). Standard procedures were followed to prepare and study the age structures. In L. rohita and C. marulius percent agreement between reader's age estimates was highest for scales, i.e. 96.3% and 90.5%, respectively and in C. catla percent agreement was highest (93.3%) for opercular bone. When scale ages were compared with other alternative structures viz., otoliths, opercular bone, vertebral centra and dorsal fin rays, percent agreement was found highest between scale and opercular bone age estimates (77.8%) in L. rohita and between scale and otoliths (94.8%) in C. marulius. In case of C. catla highest percent agreement was found between opercular bone and scale age estimates. In L. rohita each of the ageing structure showed significant (P < 0.05) underestimation of age in comparison to scales. In C. catla mean age estimates from opercular bone were comparable (P > 0.05) to the values obtained from all other structures except dorsal fin rays. In C. marulius mean age estimates from scales were comparable (P > 0.05) to those from all other structures except from dorsal fin rays. Results indicated scales to be the most suitable structure for ageing L. rohita and C. marulius and opercular bone for C. catla. However, in C. catla also scales may be used as a non-destructive method of age estimation with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the population ecology parameters and biomass of golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea from 1991 to 2005. For most years during this 14-year period, we estimated the age structure of the catch, length–weight relationship, von Bertalanffy growth parameters, condition factor, natural and fishing mortality and biomass. Growth parameters were estimated as L = 62.7 cm, K = 0.15 year−1, t0 = −0.23 year−1. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality was estimated as 0.350 year−1 and the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality varied during the 14-year period between 0.111 to 0.539 year−1. Biomass estimates of golden grey mullet, from the biomass-based cohort analysis were increased from 13,527 mt in 1991–1992 to 23,992 mt in 2002–2003. In 2004–2005, it was estimated to be 23,658 mt. We concluded that at the present time, the stock of golden grey mullet is not being over-fished.  相似文献   

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