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深入研究了银杏的栽培历史和模式,将栽培模式分为观赏性栽培和产业性栽培。产业性栽培包括庭院四旁和道路栽培、复合型农林栽培、果用密植栽培、叶用丰产栽培、材用丰产栽培以及果材兼用型栽培。  相似文献   

竹荪有极高的营养价值与药用价值,为名贵食用菌,我国人工栽培竹荪始于20世纪70年代,现在人工栽培竹荪的人数不断增多,栽培模式也在不断增加。总结探讨了当前主要的栽培模式:包括有林下栽培、大田栽培、室内栽培、压块栽培、袋式栽培和与粮菜套作等,以为相关从业人员提供参考。  相似文献   

试验采用蓝莓无土化栽培与陆生栽培生长比较,研究蓝莓无土化栽培生长状态。研究表明,采用基质固定,断根处理,保证水体循环,调整栽培水的pH值,可以保证蓝莓与陆生栽培生长状态一致,蓝莓无土化栽培是适合蓝莓生产的栽培形式。  相似文献   

大球盖菇生料栽培模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对大球盖菇生料栽培进行层架式栽培、畦式栽培、地坑式栽培 3种栽培模式对比试验。结果表明 ,地坑式栽培明显优于层架式栽培和畦式栽培 ,地坑式栽培的生物学效率达 5 8 4 %、出菇产量 14 6kg/m2 、净收入 2 2 8元/m2 、投入产出比 1∶4 4 ,其生物学效率分别比层架式栽培和畦式栽培高出 12 2 %和 2 6 1% ,净收入分别比层架式栽培和畦式栽培提高了 33 3%和 12 3 5 %  相似文献   

为比较出辽西地区大枣适合的栽培措施,设置了未灌溉栽培、灌溉栽培、遮阴栽培、雾化栽培4个处理,分析了各处理下枣树的净光合效率及裂果率。结果表明:灌溉栽培、遮阴栽培2个处理对提高大枣净光合速率效果比较明显,有助于枣树积累更多的光合产物;雾化栽培处理可以明显降低大枣的裂果率,对提高品质有一定的效果。  相似文献   

山西是红枣主产地之一,随着设施栽培技术的不断发展,枣树设施栽培面积也逐渐增加。笔者介绍了山西运城、太谷、吕梁、大同枣树设施栽培区域的栽培模式和特点,分析了塑料大棚栽培、防雨棚栽培、日光温室栽培3种枣树设施栽培类型及管理方法。提出了山西枣树设施栽培存在品种单一、未建立标准化生产、相关研究较为滞后等问题,并针对问题提出了枣树设施栽培的发展建议。  相似文献   

我国林下食用菌栽培管理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了我国林下食用菌栽培管理技术研究现状,归纳了目前林下栽培食用菌种类、栽培基质、栽培林地、栽培模式、温湿度调控和病虫害防治等方面的管理技术,以期为林下食用菌栽培提供理论参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

赤峰南部浅山区经济林复合栽培模式经济效益初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以赤峰南部浅山区经济林复合栽培模式经济效益为研究对象,分别论述了经济林复合栽培的原则与特征、模式与效益等.通过对林—农栽培模式、林—花栽培模式、林—禽栽培模式、林—药栽培模式、林—菌栽培模式的对比分析,得到如下结论:在未郁闭的经济林行间,建议优先发展林—花栽培模式;在基本郁闭的经济林行间,建议优先发展林—禽模式.  相似文献   

以泥炭、蛭石、珍珠岩、有机肥和黄土为原料,按照不同比例复配成3种栽培基质进行三叶青栽培试验,研究不同配比的栽培基质对三叶青生长的影响。结果表明:基质C培育的三叶青在株高、根茎粗以及壮苗指数上均显著优于其他配比的栽培基质,栽培效果显著提高,推荐作为三叶青栽培的专用型栽培基质。  相似文献   

园林苗木容器栽培是一种十分有效的栽培方式,必将成为苗木栽培的主要方式.本文从园林苗木容器栽培的城市环境功能方面阐述了容器栽培相比于露地栽培的独到优势,以期进一步推动我国园林苗木容器栽培产业的发展.  相似文献   

报道了桉树上的1种重要刺吸性害虫——桉树芽木虱Blastopsylla barbara Li。该虫在广西南宁全年有2个危害高峰期,分别为3月上旬至5月下旬和9月上旬至11月下旬。在5月室外平均气温26.42℃条件下,全世代发育需15~18 d。卵期6~7 d,1龄若虫期1~2 d,2龄若虫期3~4d,3龄若虫期约1 d,4龄若虫期1~2 d,5龄若虫期2~3 d,成虫产卵前期6~8 d。不同药剂防治试验表明,50%烯啶虫胺20 000倍液喷雾,24 h后防治效果达90%以上,70%吡虫啉25 000倍液或5.4%阿维菌素5 000倍液喷雾,72 h后防治效果达70%以上。  相似文献   

退耕地是具有一定高度和坡度的特殊土地体系,受地形因素和自然规律的综合作用,孕育了经营模式上的多样性和复杂性。在分析四川水土流失现状和退耕还林工程总体布局的基础上,设计退耕还林经营模式,从宏观上提出特殊区域地方特色的退耕还林模式,以指导退耕还林工程。  相似文献   

In the água de Gato Watershed on the island of Santiago (Cape Verde Islands), 51 farmers were surveyed for their willingness to plant trees on their farms for various purposes. Farmer and farm demographic data were also collected to determine those characteristics associated with willingness to plant. Ninety-two percent of the farmers surveyed expressed a willingness to incorporate more trees into their farming practices, and the remainder indicated they were unsure. Linear discriminant analysis was used to relate the demographic variables to willingness groups to plant trees for fruit, fuelwood and shade. Discriminating variables were found to include farmer age, gender, marital status, family size, and farm area (owned, rented or farmed in partnership). Interactions were also observed between the various use categories. For example, farmers who were willing to plant trees for fuel were also more willing to plant trees for shade, and farmers who were willing to plant trees for fruit were unwilling to plant trees for shade. Discriminant analysis models were developed that accounted for correct classifications ranging from 63% to 88%, and averaging 75%.  相似文献   

针对国有林场现状以及森林资源监管需求,构建了国有林场森林防火和资源监管“空天地人”四位一体监测系统体系框架,提出了“空天地人”四位一体监测平台建设架构及建设内容。旨在通过构建立体化资源监管体系,弥补传统监管方式的不足,提高国有林场信息化现代化水平,为增强国有林场森林生态功能,推动国有林场森林资源总量持续增加提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

开花苦竹的复壮技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文是大面积开花苦竹Pleioblastus spp.复壮技术试验的总结。经过1984—1988年5年的试验,取得了明显的效果,试验结果表明:1.削草松土加施尿素是苦竹复壮最有效措施,试验第五年(即1988年)的新竹,木苦竹(PL.amarus(Keng)Keng t.)每亩立竹量达3196株,平均地径2.09厘米,平均高度445.8厘米,蓄积达2237.2公斤,与封山育竹12年的竹林比较,立竹量增长4.74倍,蓄积量增长7.48倍;同期,青苦竹(PL.amarus var PendulifoliusS.Y.Chen)立竹量每亩比封山12年的竹林增长2.462倍,蓄积量增长2.13倍。2.削山松土是苦竹提前复壮的基本措施。采取这一方法,5年就可使竹林恢复正常生长,其88年木苦竹每亩立竹量达到1908株,平均地径1.77厘米,平均高度395.7厘米,蓄积达954公斤,比封山12年的竹林每亩立竹量增长2.831倍,蓄积量增长4.04倍;同期,青苦竹立竹量比封山12年的竹林每亩增长1.657倍,蓄积量增长1.289倍,复壮时间可比封山提前5—6年。  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to standardize the methods used to assess the growth of multipurpose trees. Most of the standard methods so far described have been developed specifically for use in multilocational trial networks. This paper was prepared for the F/FRED/ICRAF Workshop on MPTS Assessment Methods, held in Thailand in May 1991 to develop internationally-recognised standards for assessment methodology. It critically reviews the methods prescribed by different networks for height and diameter measurement, and for biomass estimation, giving researchers a range of methodological options to consider and re-emphasizing the need, all too often neglected, to define assessment methods clearly and unambiguously.  相似文献   


Forest sustainability has emerged as a crucial component of all current issues related to forest management. The seven Montreal Process Criteria are well accepted as categories of processes for evaluating forest management with respect to sustainability, and data collected by the Forest and Inventory Analysis (FIA) program of the United States Forest Service are well suited for such evaluations. The FIA program focuses on the collection, analysis, and distribution of data for a core set of variables obtained using a plot configuration, a sampling design, and measurement protocols that all feature national consistency. Plot, subplot, and tree-level observations include traditional mensurational measurements such as forest area, tree species, diameter, and survival and a suite of non-tree measurements related to the health of the forest. FIA data are recognized for their completeness, geographic coverage, and accessibility to users via a user-friendly interface to a national database. Three examples for three different regions of the United States illustrate the relevance and utility of FIA data for environmental and ecological assessments in the context of the Montreal Process. Several conclusions may be drawn from the examples: (1) for the Southern region, the forest land base is stable, and growing stock volume is increasing; (2) for the Mid-Atlantic region, contributions to carbon accumulation are slightly greater than for storage, and storage increases from north to south; and (3) for the Central Hardwoods region, tree species richness increases from north to south and from west to east and is stable or slightly increasing.  相似文献   

风蚀坑活化形成的流动沙地直接危害草场,使土地逐渐丧失生产力。结合风蚀坑内风速变化特征,采取风蚀坑及边坡、风蚀坑积沙区沙障固沙技术,恢复风蚀坑植被。结果表明:风蚀坑及边坡设置黄柳沙障3 a,植被覆盖率达到27.0%,植物种为7种;PE纱网沙障植被覆盖率为31.0%,植物种为11种;PLA沙障植被覆盖率达到15.6%,植物种为4种;黄柳+PE复合沙障植被覆盖率达到75.3%,植物种为6种,而对照植被覆盖率为1.6%,植物种2种。在风蚀坑积沙区,设置沙障3 a后,PE纱网沙障植物种达到10种,黄柳+PE沙障为8种,PLA沙障为4种,黄柳沙障6种,而对照为1种;植被覆盖率分别达到50.3%、50.7%、22.7%、40.0%,而对照为4.0%。采取网格或带状PE沙障,带状黄柳+带状PE沙障对风蚀坑植被恢复具有良好效果。  相似文献   

中国造纸产业原料基础薄弱因而高度依赖纸浆进口, 降低进口风险、实现进口的多元化是保障产业稳定发展的重要议题。文中借鉴能源供给安全指数建立了纸浆进口风险指数和结构优化模型, 用以评价中国纸浆进口风险状况以促进进口更加多元化。对进口风险评价结果表明, 木浆的进口风险整体变化平稳、波动幅度较小, 废纸的进口风险呈下降趋势。对纸浆进口结构优化分析结果说明, 通过调整进口各国纸浆的数量可以有效降低进口风险。造纸产业应分散进口来源、降低进口集中度、减少从高风险国家的进口量以降低木浆和废纸的进口风险, 实现纸浆的稳定供给。  相似文献   

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