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L. SMEETS 《EPPO Bulletin》1997,27(1):85-88
The main principles concerning the authorization of plant protection products containing microorganisms in the European Union are explained: a positive list of microorganisms to be adopted by the Commission, authorization of individual plant protection products by the Member States according to common criteria and data requirements, obligation of mutual recognition of authorizations granted by other Member States subject to comparable conditions. Further detailed provisions are under preparation for the common criteria and data requirements as well as for the rationalization of the procedures for plant protection products containing genetically modified microorganisms.  相似文献   

欧盟有机农业植物保护的理念和技术措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘波  冒乃和  陆萍 《植物保护》2004,30(1):73-75
欧洲有机法案是欧盟有机农业和有机食品的法律规范。有机农业病虫害防治理念在技术上的体现、植物 保护措施纳入到可回溯追踪管理体系,保证了有机食品的高质量和高安全性,同时也保护了动植物和环境,保证 了农业生态的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Following the obligatory implementation of integrated pest management in the European Union (EU), the plant protection means suitable for application in organic agriculture attracted the attention of quite a wide group of potential users. In spite of the common rules of organic production, as well as the uniform principles of placing plant protection products on the market, the availability of products that can be legally used in organic crop protection differs significantly among the Member States. There is a uniform list of 10 basic substances that can be used in the protection of organic crops throughout the entire EU. Twelve Member States have official registers of plant protection products for use in organic agriculture, and the total number of qualified products per country varies from 11 in Lithuania to 576 in Italy. Some products that improve plant vigour or resistance and may be of use in protection of organic crops are placed on the market as biostimulants. They fall under the law that governs fertilisers and the systems of their registration vary widely among the Member States. In addition, there exist a number of products that have been legally introduced onto the markets of some Member States without registration as a consequence of a loophole in the law. The use of unregistered products in organic agriculture raises some doubts, but currently it seems that there is no legal basis on which to explicitly prohibit the practice. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

德国植物保护方面重要的法律法规   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波  冒乃和  C.Sengonca 《江西植保》2003,26(3):131-135
植物是地球表面绿色覆盖的基本单位,植物需要保护,植物保护法律法规为植物保护提供了保证。本文简要又全面地介绍了现行适用的德国植物保护法以及和植物保护有关的法律法规,以期在我国的相关法律法规的建设中起到参考作用。  相似文献   

H. Tischner 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(1):103-104
The warning service for plant protection in Bayern (Germany) obtains its information mainly from its own observations. The appearance of pests (including diseases and weeds) is investigated in cultivated areas and field trials. Weather data complementary to the pest enquiries can be made available from a measuring network of 116 field weather stations and is used to estimate the development of pests in relation to weather requirements. For several fungi and animal pests, computer‐based decision support systems (DSSs) and forecasting models are being used. The results are processed and passed on to farmers via circulars, branch reviews, public notices, telephonic announcement services, telefax services and the Internet.  相似文献   

P. Müller 《EPPO Bulletin》2008,38(2):195-197
Since 2004 discussions on the need for greater international co‐operation and coordination between diagnostic laboratories have taken place at several meetings of the EU Heads of National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) and of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). Technical discussions on criteria for, and tasks and responsibilities of, National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) took place in a Commission Expert Working Group in September 2007. The meeting was attended by representatives from 13 Member States. The experts discussed the issues broadly and very actively and it was possible to elaborate an agreed Guidance Paper containing the main elements for the establishment of NRLs, including a priority list of individual pests for which such laboratories are needed. At their meeting in December 2007, the EU Heads of the NPPOs supported the establishment of NRLs as far as possible and where necessary. It was agreed that the Guidance Paper is a suitable common basis for the establishment of NRLs in the Member States and that it should be reviewed on the basis of the experience gained at national level.  相似文献   

The publication of lists of quarantine organisms by EPPO in 1975 and of the EC Council Directive on Plant Health in 1977 were major milestones in the establishment of plant health requirements in Europe. The substantial risks to European forest trees from alien pests were recognized and most European countries now prohibit the importation of trees of important forest genera into Europe from other continents. There is a need to establish and up-date lists of potentially dangerous forest pests in order that appropriate preventive measures can be introduced. However it is important to recognize that lists of potentially dangerous organisms can never be complete. In effect this is recognized by the provisions of the EC Directive but not so far in the EPPO Lists of Organisms and related Specific Quarantine Requirements. Examples of host-oriented plant health requirements, such as those associated with coniferous wood, will be discussed.  相似文献   

Data collected at weather stations are usually used to represent the environmental conditions over the surrounding area (often in the order of 10s or 100s of km2), in spite of differences in elevation, terrain, and other major geophysical factors. We report a method of extending the useful domain of weather data by incorporation of digital terrain data into a model that distributes recorded data over the area surrounding a recording location. Temperature was estimated for each 0.1 km2 witnin a 320 km2 study area comprising Vestfold county in southern Norway. Estimates were based on correlation analysis and models resulting from comparisons of temperature data from 16 farm locations and temperature recorded at three automatic weather stations, elevation, slope, aspect, proximity to the ocean, and proximity to automatic weather stations. Analysis revealed that local weather could be estimated with greater accuracy than by simply using the values recorded at the automatic stations. Calculation and presentation of the model output can be accomplished with a geographic information system (GIS).  相似文献   

I. M. SMITH 《EPPO Bulletin》1997,27(4):443-447
The EPPO programme on‘good plant protection practice’(GPP) is presented and its purpose explained. An EPPO standard on GPP in stonefruits is in preparation, and the elements which will appear in this for almond provide a brief review of the main pests of almond in Mediterranean countries, their importance, and how they can best be controlled and managed.  相似文献   

V. LOF 《EPPO Bulletin》1998,28(4):447-450
EPPO has identified the need for an appropriate assessment and management of plant protection products and is developing standards in areas such as efficacy evaluation and good plant protection practice. The EPPO programme on good plant protection practice (GPP) is presented and its purpose is explained. The EPPO standard on GPP for potato forms part of this programme. First published in 1994, it was designed for ware potatoes, i.e. potatoes grown for consumption or processing.  相似文献   

J. HRBEK 《EPPO Bulletin》1991,21(3):371-374
Agriculture in the Czech Republic and its supporting services have been influenced during the last four decades by: (1) heavy pollution of the environment; (2) structural changes in the agricultural sector, i.e. collectivization in the fifties and privatization in the nineties; (3) global climate changes. Further destruction of the environment must be avoided, and methods of integrated plant protection, including biological methods, must be used whenever possible.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of agricultural aviation in the years 1950 to 1990 and the possibilities for using aeroplanes and helicopters in different branches of the national economy. The advantages and limitations of the use of this technique and the possibilities for applying agricultural aeroplanes and helicopters in Europe and other continents are discussed. The establishment of a World Aviation Help Service (WAHS) under UN auspices is suggested in conclusion.  相似文献   

A. J. WRIGHT 《EPPO Bulletin》1998,28(4):513-518
Since the outbreaks of potato brown rot (caused by Ralstonia solanacearum) in EU Member States in the mid 1990s, EU measures against this pest have been strengthened. Factors in the spread of R. solanacearum are reviewed: planting material, Solanaceous weeds, water, soil, waste, machinery and equipment. The Control Directive of 1998 aims to prevent spread and ensure eradication. It provides for the establishment of a demarcated zone whenever the pest is found, for measures to prevent spread from this zone and for measures to eliminate the pest within the zone.  相似文献   

A quantitative pathway model, QPAFood, has been designed to support risk assessment for plant pest entry into European Union (EU) territory on a range of edible plant commodities via trade flows. The model calculates the distribution of an imported infested/infected commodity along a pathway into and within the EU from source countries, based on Eurostat data and other data/information. The model determines the implications of global trade pathways for the potential arrival of the infested commodity in the EU28 Member States. Within each Member State, the calculation proceeds by distributing the commodity according to uses, notably retail or processing, to the vulnerable area of commercial host crops determined in each NUTS2 region and then quantifies the consequent potential for pest–host contact which could lead to pest transfer. Annual and monthly estimates of contact risk are tabulated and visualized for Member States and NUTS2 regions. The model was developed originally for the European Food Safety Authority using four case studies of specific pest–commodity combinations. These pests had relatively limited host ranges and the model has now been extended in the context of the EC FP7 DROPSA project for the multiple commodity pathways associated with the highly polyphagous fruit pest Drosophila suzukii.  相似文献   

PPP is a data program that facilitates the recording and handling of plant samples sent to a diagnostic laboratory. The program can be used to retrieve help information from earlier advisory work to produce written replies to the sender. The letters are written both to files and to printers. The program may be used as a single user program or as a network program applying an internal communication program. A decision support system designed to help in advisory work may be used together with the PPP or as a stand-alone module (CaSK Aid).  相似文献   

Biological control methods introduced and developed for Belarussian glasshouse crops are described. The agents used against arthropod pests include the natural enemies Phytoseiulus persimilis, Encarsia formosa and Amblyseius spp., the fungi Verticillium lecanii, Beauveria bassiana and Aschersonio, and the preparation Bitoxibacillin (based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis). Against fungal pathogens, Trichodermin (based on Trichuderma Iignorum) and peat oxyhumates are used.  相似文献   

N. S. MURALI 《EPPO Bulletin》1990,20(2):359-365
At the Danish Research Centre for Plant Protection, under the Information System Program, a Pest and Disease Monitoring System (PDM) and a Plant Protection Information System (PPIS) are being developed and maintained with the objectives of recording the pest and disease status of the country and integrating information pertaining to optimal plant protection measures, pests and diseases, spraying techniques, pesticides and beneficial organisms. PDM was initiated in 1983 and covers five pests and 11 diseases in seven groups of crops. Monitoring is done regularly by voluntary participants during the growing season and the system includes individual farm recommendations. In 1989 there were 692 participants in the programme. PPIS was initiated in 1987 and will be tested in 1990. The system integrates optimal plant protection strategies for individual farms with all relevant information on plant protection.  相似文献   

在全国农业技术推广服务中心和河北省农业厅的指导下,我们从 1998年开始在隆尧县创办县级植保协会试点,并在部分市、县进行示范推广.在总结市、县级植保协会经验的基础上, 2004年 7月在全国率先成立了省级植保技术推广协会.目的是适应新形势、新阶段的需要,促进植保技术推广,推进植保事业的发展.  相似文献   

E. BODE 《EPPO Bulletin》1997,27(1):113-118
In Germany, as in other countries around the world, plant protection products need to be authorized before being placed on the market. This is true not only for chemicals but also for biological products, which, in Germany, cover microorganisms (including fungi) and viruses. Therefore, an importer or manufacturer of a plant protection product must apply for authorization and submit detailed data and information to prove conformity with the authorization requirements. Beside other important subjects, it must be clearly demonstrated that a plant protection product fulfils the demands of its user as far as its intended fields of use are concerned, and that there are no adverse effects on human and animal (livestock) health, on groundwater or on other aspects of the environment. Although there is an agreement between responsible applicants, authorization holders and competent authorities that such facts should be known, it must be admitted that there are problems with details. Nevertheless, instead of being resistant to official demands for efficacy and safety of biological plant protection products, it would be better to accept them as a guide for the development of good products for the market and as a means of preventing others from being distributed, which could spoil the reputation of biological control.  相似文献   

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