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This paper demonstrates the application of the local geographically weighted regression (GWR) method to mortgage studies, using the Philadelphia metropolitan statistical area (MSA) as a case study. Previous related studies widely employed the global, ordinary least square (OLS) method to examine the spatial distribution of subprime/higher priced mortgages. The OLS method, however, masks the spatial variations in mortgage distributions. The innovative GWR method not only provides a significant improvement in model fitness but also reveals that the statistical relationships between neighborhood characteristics and the prevalence of higher priced mortgage shares are spatially varied. In addition, the GWR method can bring forward potential implications for place‐based policy making. Improving upon previous methodologies in mortgage studies, this paper shows that the GWR method can advance our understanding of how neighborhood environments are associated with mortgage lending patterns.  相似文献   

In the period of the city space expanding with the high speed, the theories system used to explain the city space is not perfect in our country. It is lack to expand this mechanism, among them research ecosystem' s main factors to particularly should be enhanced, especially the ecological factor. With rational analysis, the paper puts forward the viewpoint that the urban space is in ecological changing period, and considers that the power affecting the urban space expand involves motivity and resistance. Building the corresponding ecological model helps to cognize the city development roundly with ecological model constructed. A few possible ways is put forward which can be used in planning innovation, and have vivid leading function to the frondose city planning method.  相似文献   

Agglomeration Effects and its evolution lead to the formation and further evolution to multi centers of a city's original center.During the further evolution to multi centers, there exists a rule which is proved to be true by the example of the formation and evolution of The dynamic adjustment of functions between business and trade within centersdrive the formation of a modern city's central business district(CBD).This rule discloses the following facts in planning and policy making of CBD:we must obey the natural rules of city centers' evolution,including the rules of Agglomeration Effects;we must lead CBD to mainly agglomerate business,not agglomerate everything;we can choose the original city center or other place out of the original city center as a CBD's location.  相似文献   

In the context of greater economic integration with global markets and structural economic reforms, this paper analyses regional and sectoral employment growth dynamics in Mexican states between 2004 and 2014. The methodology is based on spatial shift‐share analysis that explicitly considers interregional interactions in employment while assessing potential spillover effects arising from spatial interactions among states and industrial sectors. The results suggest a competitive effect from some industries—such as those related to science and specialized suppliers, intensive scale industries and dominated providers—which led to the formation of industrial corridors of neighboring states that connect the central region with the northeast region of the country. It was also found that proximity to states such as Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Puebla has positively influenced neighboring states in terms of employment growth rates. The results also support the argument of some sort of de‐concentration of economic activity in the capital, Mexico City, toward neighboring states.  相似文献   

陈朝琼 《中国农学通报》2012,28(21):283-287
为了了解成都市高校周边市场即食食品的微生物污染状况,研究食品种类、季节、包装、来源对食品微生物污染的影响。在不同季节随机采集奶制品、肉制品、糕点、凉拌菜等10类即食食品共703份,按GB/T4789和国家卫生标准进行检验和评价,对不同种类、季节、包装、来源的食品样品检测结果进行比较分析。结果表明:食品总的合格率为86.06%,奶制品、酱腌菜、果蔬饮料的合格率较高,在90%以上;豆制品、饮用水、肉制品的合格率比较低,在80%以下。不合格的食品绝大部分出现在夏秋季节。菌落总数和大肠菌群的合格率较低,沙门菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的检出率高。不同来源食品合格率之间有显著差异,其合格率表现为大型超市>小型超市>餐饮店>农贸市场>移动摊点。有包装的食品的合格率高于无包装食品的合格率。由此可见,高校周边市场即食食品微生物污染严重,致病菌的检出率高,应该加强对学生的食品安全教育和周边市场的卫生监督。  相似文献   

内生菌与药用植物的关系及对次生代谢产物的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
内生菌与其宿主药用植物在长期协同进化过程中形成了互惠共生关系。在介绍内生菌与药用植物有效成分积累的关系及内生菌对药用植物次生代谢产物影响机制的基础上,探讨了内生菌对药用植物生长、抗逆性、道地性的影响,提出了当前药用植物内生菌研究中存在的问题与对策。  相似文献   

The Spanish bank sector has restructured extensively since the crisis erupted in 2008 in an attempt to correct the imbalances accumulated during the preceding boom years. Thanks to this restructuring effort, Spain's branch network has been pared back by 32 percent, prompting questions about potential ramifications for the population's access to financial services. Against this backdrop, this paper quantifies, at the municipal level, the segment of the population without access to a bank branch in their home town between 2008 and 2015, paving the way for analysis of the impact of the restructuring effort. It also analyses the role played by the three kinds of deposit institutions in Spain in providing access to financial services via their branch networks. The results show that although the percentage of the Spanish population without access to a branch in their home town has risen, the increase has been small, albeit marked by significant differences from one province to the next. The savings banks (including the former cajas that have converted to banks) are still the most important financial institutions in terms of facilitating branch access to financial services.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The geography of financial exclusion has mainly focused on exclusion from retail banking. Alternatively, and following the work of David Harvey, this paper presents a geography of access to and exclusion from home mortgage finance. The case of Milan shows that capital switching to the built environment is partly a sign of economic crisis and partly a sign of the intrinsic opportunities that the built environment provides. A major factor in both is the deregulation of the mortgage market that has enabled the loosening of historically stringent lending criteria, leading to a tremendous growth of the mortgage market, while leaving the co‐evolution of family and home ownership intact. In addition, capital switches within sectors of the economy and between places. In Milan, once “unattractive” but currently gentrified nineteenth‐century districts underwent cycles of devalorisation and revalorisation. Even though access to mortgages has increased throughout Milan, geographical disparities in mortgage lending persist: at present, yellowlining (differential access, based on less favourable terms) is common in parts of the Milanese periphery. The creation of boundaries makes the realisation of class‐monopoly rent possible; while the subsequent redrawing of these boundaries creates new submarkets in which surplus value can be extracted. Based on the Milan case, one cannot explain the timing and geography of formation and reformation of submarkets in other cities, but it helps us to see how Harvey's abstract ideas of class‐monopoly rent, submarket creation, and capital switching take place in the real world.  相似文献   

芜湖市部分市售蔬菜重金属含量及其健康风险研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选取芜湖市大型超市及批发市场中有代表性的3大类49个蔬菜样本为监测对象,分析食用部分重金属含量,参照国家食品卫生标准和蔬菜质量分级标准评价重金属污染状况,通过暴露风险分析评价食用市售蔬菜引起的人体健康风险。结果表明,3种蔬菜食用部位的重金属含量由高到低表现为叶菜类>果菜类>根茎类;鸡毛菜、菠菜、生菜的锌含量分别为20.31、30.83和23.40 mg/kg,超出了食品中锌含量的限量值,鸡毛菜铅含量为0.342 mg/kg,超出了铅含量的限量值,菠菜和生菜镉含量分别为0.219 mg/kg和0.203 mg/kg,超出了镉含量的限量值;鸡毛菜、菠菜、生菜与黄瓜已受到重金属轻度污染,茄子和辣椒重金属污染已在警戒线上,胡萝卜、白萝卜与马铃薯属于安全等级。市售蔬菜的重金属暴露风险指数(HQ蔬菜)小于1,食用市售蔬菜不会引起居民的健康风险。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of international development targets agreed to by members of the United Nations in 2000. The goals aim to improve many of the dimensions of extreme poverty and are to be achieved by 2015. This paper provides an overview of the issues relevant to the achievement of the MDGs in the Asia‐Pacific region. The paper begins by discussing the critiques of the MDGs before assessing whether countries in the region are on track to achieve them. Issues relating to data availability and accuracy are discussed and the need to tailor the MDG targets to the special circumstances of some Asia‐Pacific countries is examined. The paper proceeds by discussing the role of international assistance via international foreign development aid and non‐governmental organisations in the achievement of the MDGs. The paper concludes with some policy implications for the international donor community.  相似文献   

食品营养学课程思政将打破思政课程孤军作战的态势,充分利用课程本身思政元素丰富的优势,弥补思政课程理论性较强、吸引力不足的缺陷,增强课堂亲和力和感染力。食品营养学所蕴含的丰富思政元素为课程思政提供了良好的可行性,食品营养学课程思政势在必行。课程思政元素在融合过程中应尊重课程本身的属性和规律,讲究融合的技巧和策略,从而达到较好的思政效果。  相似文献   

Transport hub is the foundation of the national central cities development. And it is also a gathering radiation platform which can optimize the allocation of national resources and lead the regional economic and social development. This paper through researching on the scope of Chongqing foreign traffic radiation, judged that Chongqing as a comprehensive transportation hub in inland is establishment. In order to further strengthen national center city hub function, expand the global contact and service scope, strengthen the higher international status, this paper give further practice development suggestions which are planning the hub airport and air - iron-port transport system.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, a large number of studies have focused on whether population or employment is critical to the source of metropolitan growth. However, only few attempts have so far been made to additionally consider the suburbanization stage and pattern of commuting, which may both enable us to explore this “chicken–egg” issue a little further. The purpose of this paper is to compare dwelling‐based (housing) with job‐based (job) employment to evaluate the net commuting. The Taipei metropolitan area, for example, now lies at the initial suburbanization stage with only population decentralization and massive in‐commuting to the central city. The estimation results based on a co‐integration system reveal that the central‐city employment can be regarded as an engine of this metropolitan economy. Besides, we also find that dwelling‐based employment distorts the causality between population and employment, especially from the variance‐decomposition accounts. Therefore, the importance of commuting to investigating the evolution of metropolitan economy should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT State lotteries are the fiscal gimmick for the 1980s, receiving widespread popular and legislative approval. Unfortunately, the impact of structural and external influences on lottery sales is not well understood. This analysis sheds light on these influences, demonstrating that state economic activity, age of the game, interstate lottery competition, and game portfolios significantly affect sale and, consequently, benefit to the state.  相似文献   

采用挤压膨化技术对黑豆进行膨化,以黑豆馒头品质为测定指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验确定最佳工艺参数为挤压温度150℃,物料水分20%,螺杆转速170 r/min,喂料速度15 Hz.结果显示,在上述条件下经膨化处理的黑豆可溶性膳食纤维含量为12.67%;对黑豆面团的流变特性和黑豆馒头品质进行测定,确定黑豆粉的最适添加量为20%.  相似文献   

The Effects of the Environment Stress on the Plant Secondary Metabolites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant secondary metabolism results from the interaction between plant and environment (life and nonlife) during a long period of evolution of plant. Secondary metabolites are very important for plant to adapt to its surrounding and to improve its abilities of protecting itself and struggling for existence. The secondary metabolites are more relative and more homologous than the first ones. The variety of environment stress tremendously affects the forming of plant secondary metabolites.The progress of study about how the environment stress affects plant secondary metabolites forming is introduced.  相似文献   

耕地保护事关国家粮食安全,随着中原地区新型城镇化建设步伐进一步加快,各项建设发展对耕地的占用将持续一段时间且短期内难以减缓,人地矛盾将进一步突出,耕地保护压力将进一步加大,加强耕地数量质量变化的监测研究对提高区域耕地管护水平具有重要意义。以济源市为例,通过2009年和2012年2期TM影像与耕地分布图叠加,基于植被指数(NDVI)提取与对比分析,得到研究区耕地多年粮食平均产量、耕地质量空间分布及其时空变化。研究表明,济源市耕地质量总体上较好,全市高产田主要分布在东部城区周边,低产田主要分布在中西部丘陵山区,质量好耕地占53.56%,质量差耕地占13.61%;2009—2012年全市耕地时空变化呈现出分布在空间上西移、局部区域耕地质量出现下降、东部部分优质耕地被占用、新补充耕地以中西部为主且质量相对较低等特征。今后耕地保护工作应统筹考虑新型城镇化和耕地保护的关系,由数量平衡与管理向数量-质量-生态综合平衡与管控转变,以实现区域耕地总量的动态平衡。  相似文献   

关于运用市场机制发展生态生产的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家对退耕还林(草)补贴届满的临近,退耕还林(草)的后续政策成为理论界和农民关注的焦点。在简要分析了目前有关“退耕还林”后续政策理论以及实践中存在的问题的基础上,提出了通过新的制度安排,促使生态市场的形成,用市场机制引导农户发展生态生产的设想。  相似文献   

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