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Abstract. A two year field study was conducted to evaluate the effects of straw management and tillage on the soil profile (1.5m) water storage, nature of the moisture profile, infiltration and sorptivity as influenced by rainfall, evaporativity (E0) and soil texture. The straw mulch treatment stored more moisture under low E0 rainy conditions in three coarse to medium textured soils. Straw incorporation treatment was better under low E0 rain free conditions, as well as under high E0 rainy conditions in the two coarser textured soils. In the coarsest textured soil, tillage and straw mulching were not effective in maintaining greater soil water storage under high E0 because of the very open nature of the soil. The soil moisture profiles showed a sharper increase in water content below the tilled layer in the tillage and straw- incorporation treatments than the untreated and straw mulch treatments. Tillage and straw incorporation treatments increased the sorptivity of the soil compared with untreated and straw mulch treatments respectively. The results of this study suggest that when selecting a suitable soil water conservation practice to increase water storage in the soil profile, information on soil texture and weather (rain and evaporativity) must be considered.  相似文献   

Abstract. A number of mathematical models to predict soil water evaporation are available in the literature which generally require complex input data. In the present study, a simple parametric model has been developed by coupling existing and newly developed equations to assess soil water evaporation and drainage under field conditions in relation to potential evaporation rate, soil texture, time and depth of tillage and crop residue management. The model has moderate input data requirements and predicts well the effects of tillage and crop residue management practices on soil water loss (evaporation+drainage) with multi-drying and -wetting cycles prevailing under natural conditions. The root mean squares of deviations between observed and predicted cumulative water loss at different periods of study were 0.82, 2.04, 2.31 and 1.74  cm for untreated, residue-mulch, tillage and residue-incorporated treatments, respectively. Simulation analysis on cumulative evaporation and evaporation rate has shown that the evaporation reduction with different combinations of tillage and crop residue followed the order of residue-undercut>residue-mulch>residue-incorporated>tillage. Thus, the magnitude of beneficial effects of crop residues and tillage on soil water evaporation reduction are associated with amount of residues, mode of residue management (mulched or incorporated in the soil) and time and depth of tillage.  相似文献   

夏玉米棵间土面蒸发与蒸发蒸腾比例研究   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
利用连续4年的大型称重式蒸渗仪和小型棵间蒸发器的测定资料,研究了不同灌溉定额条件下夏玉米生长期间的逐日蒸发蒸腾和棵间蒸发过程。结果表明,夏玉米总的蒸发蒸腾量在年际间变化较大,其中叶面蒸腾总量变化较大,在158.44~233.99 mm;棵间蒸发总量变化较小,在171.43~181.52 mm,棵间蒸发量占蒸发蒸腾量的比例(E/ET)在43.57%~52.52%之间。降水和灌溉以及气象因素对夏玉米生育期棵间蒸发的影响较小,而对叶面蒸腾的影响较大。得出充分灌溉和非充分灌溉条件下,棵间蒸发占蒸发蒸腾的比例与叶面积指数的相关系数分别达到0.85和0.77以上。  相似文献   

Forty-eight soil profiles were sampled from different ecological and pedogeochemical areas of China and their available selenium (Av-Se) contents were determined. Results showed that the content of Av-Se in the profiles of soils in China ranged within 2.49~18.10 μg kg-1, with a mean value of 10.01 μg kg-1, and was in the sequence of Ferralisols > Luvisols > Isohumisols > Aridisols. The correlation analysis between Av-Se and the soil physical-chemical properties revealed that the correlations between Av-Se and O.M., CEC, Fe2O3, Al2O3, ignition loss, Co and Zn were positive at a highly significant level, but those between Av-Se and pH, base saturation, CaO, Ba and Sr were all negative at a highly significant level. The reason of some diseases related to the Se deficiency might be the leaching loss of selenium in some soils.  相似文献   

玉米/大豆不同间作模式下土面蒸发规律试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
为了准确估算间作农田土壤水分动态变化过程,制定合理的灌溉制度,该文采用微型蒸渗仪测定了玉米/大豆不同间作模式下不同位置处的土面蒸发量,分析了相对土面蒸发强度与表层土壤含水率的关系以及相对土面蒸发强度与叶面积指数的关系.结果表明:玉米/大豆间作模式下,不同位置处的土面蒸发量存在差异,2:3间作的累积蒸发量大于1:3间作;相对土面蒸发强度与表层土壤含水率呈指数递增关系,与叶面积指数呈指数递减关系.  相似文献   

盐碱土裸土蒸发Ritchie模型修正及验证   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郑鑫  李波  衣淑娟 《农业工程学报》2016,32(23):131-136
为研究大庆盐碱土区域裸土场地的蒸发规律,并探究Ritchie模型在大庆盐碱土区域的适用性,该文采用微型蒸渗仪对大庆高新区玉米种植场地裸土的蒸发情况进行试验研究,建立相对湿度、降雨量与裸土蒸发量的关系。利用实测值对不同月份Ritchie模型参数进行反算,验证计算所得参数的正确性。结果表明,修正后Ritchie模型计算的蒸发量均方根误差由修正前的3.04 mm/d减少到1.44 mm/d,表明修正模型能够有效地提高盐碱土区域蒸发量计算精度。研究可为黑龙江盐碱土棵间蒸发估算提供参考。  相似文献   

掺砂对土壤水分入渗和蒸发影响的室内试验   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
通过掺砂调控农田土壤水分入渗和蒸发,对新疆干旱绿洲农田抑盐、保水及合理的掺砂制度制定具有重要意义。该研究以不同的掺砂率为影响因子进行土柱模拟试验,设置了4个掺砂率水平,分别是0(对照)、25%、50%、75%。结果表明:不同掺砂率条件下湿润锋和累积入渗量与入渗历时有显著地乘幂关系,影响顺序为75%>50%>25%>0,且在掺砂率≥25%影响幅度较大;不同掺砂处理对土壤水分蒸发过程同样也有显著地影响,随着掺砂率的增加,土壤蒸发显著减弱,随着掺砂率的增加,抑制土壤蒸发越强,且在掺砂率≥75%时有较大幅度影响。土壤在连续20 d蒸发过程中,各个处理的土壤累积蒸发量随时间的关系和Rose经验公式拟合度高; 不同掺砂处理能显著提高土壤掺砂层以下的土壤含水率,随着掺砂率的增加而增加,其中掺砂75%时最高。  相似文献   

不同质地裸土潜水蒸发估算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为定量分析裸土区潜水蒸发与水面蒸发的关系,该文通过自制试验装置,对粗砂、细砂、壤土和砂土4种质地土壤开展了二者之间相关关系的试验研究。结果表明:相同条件下,不同土壤质地的潜水蒸发与水面蒸发量不相等,二者之间存在一个折算系数,除粗砂外,细砂、壤土和砂土的折算系数均大于1,二者表现出较强的线性相关性,基于该相关性,建立了数学关系表达式。与实测数据的对比分析表明,若用水面蒸发强度代替潜水蒸发,相对误差达-17.79%,这将不可避免地影响到潜水蒸发计算结果的精度;而通过二者相关关系建立的折算系数法,可将相对误差减小至-1.94%,有效提高了潜水蒸发计算结果的可靠度。  相似文献   

高地下水位条件下盐渍土区潜水蒸发特性及计算方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了了解盐渍土区潜水蒸发特性,通过室内模拟实验,研究了不同大气蒸发能力条件下,盐渍土中盐分对潜水蒸发强度以及模型中参数的影响。结果表明:由于土表盐壳形成后对水分蒸发的抑制,不同大气蒸发能力条件下地下水埋深为50 cm时,随蒸发历时的延长,潜水蒸发由稳定变为非稳定状态。雷志栋公式在计算盐渍土的潜水稳定蒸发强度时的误差明显小于阿维里扬诺夫公式,但其参数η并非为常数,且参数β和潜水极限蒸发强度均明显减小。最后,建立了非稳定潜水蒸发强度的计算模型。该研究将为重新认识盐渍土区土壤的蒸发特性以及对其进行进一步深入研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   

淮北平原有无作物生长条件下潜水蒸发规律试验   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为进一步探索淮北平原不同土壤有无植被生长条件下潜水蒸发与地下水位的变化规律,该文依据五道沟实验站地中蒸渗仪60个原状测筒观测资料,从零埋深、埋深增加和临界埋深3个方面,比较了不同土壤有无植被潜水蒸发的差异,分析了潜水蒸发与气象要素的相关关系。通过逐日和逐旬参数拟合,得到砂礓黑土和黄潮土6个潜水蒸发最优公式及相关参数,建议使用彭曼公式计算的蒸发能力代替实测水面蒸发以提高拟和效果;沿着裸土潜水蒸发加作物多耗水量计算作物潜水蒸发的思路,推荐采用作物各生育期和埋深的多耗水量统计方法计算有作物潜水蒸发量,该方法较简便且适用性强,精度较高。  相似文献   

A long-term experiment was conducted with the objective of selecting the appropriate land management treatments and to identify the key indicators of soil quality for dryland semi-arid tropical Alfisols. The experiment was conducted using a strip split–split plot design on an Alfisol (Typic Haplustalf) in southern India under sorghum (Sorghum vulgare (L))-castor (Ricinus communis (L)) bean rotation. The strip constituted two tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT); main plots were three residues treatments: sorghum stover (SS), gliricidia loppings (GL), ‘no’ residue (NR) and sub plots were four nitrogen levels: 0 (N0), 30 (N30), 60 (N60), and 90 kg ha−1 (N90). Soil samples were collected after the sixth and seventh year of experimentation and were analyzed for physical, chemical and biological parameters. Sustainable yield index (SYI) based on long-term yield data and soil quality index (SQI) using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear scoring functions were calculated. Application of gliricidia loppings proved superior to sorghum stover and no residue treatments in maintaining higher SQI values. Further, increasing N levels also helped in maintaining higher SQI. Among the 24 treatments, the SQI ranged from 0.90 to 1.27. The highest SQI was obtained in CTGLN90 (1.27) followed by CTGLN60 (1.19) and MTSSN90 (1.18), while the lowest was under MTNRN30 (0.90) followed by MTNRN0 (0.94), indicating relatively less aggradative effects. The application of 90 kg N ha−1 under minimum tillage even without applying any residue (MTNRN90) proved quite effective in maintaining soil quality index as high as 1.10. The key indicators, which contributed considerably towards SQI, were available N, K, S, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and hydraulic conductivity (HC). On average, the order of relative contribution of these indicators towards SQI was: available N (32%), MBC (31%), available K (17%), HC (16%), and S (4%). Among the various treatments, CTGLN90 not only had the highest SQI, but also the most promising from the viewpoint of sustainability, maintaining higher average yield levels under sorghum–castor rotation. From the view point of SYI, CT approach remained superior to MT. To maintain the yield as well as soil quality in Alfisols, primary tillage along with organic residue and nitrogen application are needed.  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原雨养区谷子棵间蒸发与田间蒸散规律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了提高黄土高原雨养区谷子的降水利用效率,该文利用中型称重式蒸渗仪和微型蒸渗仪并结合谷子整个生育期内生物指标的动态变化过程,对神木六道沟流域谷子棵间蒸发与田间蒸散规律进行了研究。结果表明,Logistic模型可以很好地模拟谷子株高和盖度的变化,模型计算值与实测值的相关系数均达到0.99。神木六道沟流域的降水总量和谷子的耗水量基本持平,在谷子抽穗期到灌浆期出现了阶段性的缺水。在谷子整个生育期内谷子棵间蒸发占总耗水量的44%。叶面积指数、0~10 cm土层土壤含水率与棵间蒸发与田间蒸散比值间均呈指数函数关系,其决定系数均在0.8以上,且呈现出极显著的相关性。研究为当地合理利用有限水资源和提高水分利用效率提供理论支持。  相似文献   

红壤坡地不同土地利用方式土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾规律研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为明确红壤坡地土壤水分耗散特征,通过田间定位观测,分析了农作区、茶园和桠柑园土壤水分蒸发和蒸腾过程。结果表明:蒸发、蒸腾与土壤表层含水率和植被叶面积指数关系密切,不同利用方式日蒸发量大小顺序为遮荫茶园〈对照茶园〈桠柑园〈农作区。茶树和桠柑蒸腾速率日变化曲线均呈现单峰型,桠柑日蒸腾速率比对照茶树弱,这两种土地利用方式下6—10月均以蒸腾耗水为主。遮荫可有效削弱茶园土壤蒸发及植被蒸腾。茶园蒸发受微地形条件影响较大,梯地蒸发比梯坎蒸发弱,而农作区和桠柑园土壤蒸发更多受水分条件的影响。合理的土地利用方式和适度遮荫可以有效降低红壤坡地土壤水分散失,提高水分利用效率和防治季节性干旱。  相似文献   

The effect of soil management and land use change are of interest to the sustainable land management for improving the environment and advancing food security in developing countries. Both anthropogenic changes and natural processes affect agriculture primarily by altering soil quality. This paper reviews and synthesizes the available literatures related to the influence of soil management and land use changes on soil carbon (C) stock in Ethiopia. The review shows that topsoil C stock declines approximately 0–63%, 0–23%, and 17–83% upon land use conversion from forest to crop land, to open grazing, and to plantation, respectively. An increase of 1–3% in soil C stock was observed within 10 years of converting open grazed land to protected enclosures. However, there was a little change in soil C stock below 20 cm depth. There is a large potential of increasing SOC pool with adoption of land restorative measures. Total potential of soil C sequestration with the adoption of restoration measures ranges 0·066–2·2 Tg C y−1 on rain‐fed cropland and 4·2–10·5 Tg C y−1 on rangeland. Given large area and diverse ecological conditions in Ethiopia, research data available in published literature are rather scanty. Therefore, researchable priorities identified in this review are important. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

淮北平原裸土潜水蒸发趋势及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为揭示淮北平原裸土潜水蒸发规律及机理,该文依据五道沟实验站1991-2008年潜水蒸发及水文气象观测资料,分析裸土潜水蒸发的年内分配规律以及随土质、埋深的变化趋势,采用累积距平曲线法和Mann-Kendall法联合检测了该区域年、季节时间序列的裸土潜水蒸发变化趋势,并用SPSS统计学软件分析不同气象要素对2种土质、不同埋深裸土潜水蒸发的影响。结果表明:黄潮土潜水蒸发量与砂姜黑土的潜水蒸发量比值随着埋深的增加在扩大;淮北平原裸土历年潜水蒸发量呈增加趋势,不符合“蒸发悖论”,春季对年潜水蒸发量增加的贡献率最大;气象要素对砂姜黑土和黄潮土的最大影响深度分别是0.4和1.0 m;在垂直方向上热量的年内传递过程与潜水蒸发量年内分配一致。该研究为准确把握潜水蒸发规律、更好的认识水文循环提供依据。  相似文献   

根据渭干河灌区潜水蒸发试验站和阿克苏水平衡试验站的实际监测资料,分析了E601型蒸发器与E20蒸发皿观测的水面蒸发的关系、不同土质潜水埋深为零时潜水蒸发与水面蒸发的关系,提出了潜水蒸发能力系数的概念,并分析了其与土壤机械组成的关系。结果表明:塔里木盆地非冻结期E601型蒸发器与E20蒸发皿观测的水面蒸发的折算系数变化在0.65~0.78之间;除细砂土外,E601蒸发器观测的水面蒸发强度不能代替潜水埋深为零时的潜水蒸发强度;不同质地土壤的粉粘粒(d<0.02 mm)含量百分数与潜水蒸发能力系数呈指数相关关系。  相似文献   

根据渭干河灌区潜水蒸发试验站和阿克苏水平衡试验站的实际监测资料,分析了E601型蒸发器与E20蒸发皿观测的水面蒸发的关系、不同土质潜水埋深为零时潜水蒸发与水面蒸发的关系,提出了潜水蒸发能力系数的概念,并分析了其与土壤机械组成的关系.结果表明塔里木盆地非冻结期E601型蒸发器与E20蒸发皿观测的水面蒸发的折算系数变化在0.65~0.78之间;除细砂土外,E601蒸发器观测的水面蒸发强度不能代替潜水埋深为零时的潜水蒸发强度;不同质地土壤的粉粘粒(d<0.02 mm)含量百分数与潜水蒸发能力系数呈指数相关关系.  相似文献   

Although Andosols are relatively resistant to water erosion, they can be severely affected by changes in land use, resulting in accelerated erosion and loss of soil organic matter (SOM). We hypothesized that if the contents of specific components of SOM and organo–metallic complexes (humic acids –HAs–, fulvic acids –FAs–, sodium pyrophosphate extractable carbon –Cp–, aluminium –Alp–, and iron –Fep–) consistently tend towards certain ratios in A and B horizons, they could be used to identify soils denuded by erosion. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the vertical distribution of humus components and certain ratios, namely C‐HA/C‐FA, C‐FA/total organic C (TOC), Cp/TOC and (Fep + Alp)/C‐FA, in representative profiles of andic soils located in natural ecosystems with different degrees of human disturbance. Furthermore, we analysed these parameters in the topsoil of a natural protected area and in adjacent soils under different land use scenarios (natural reserve vs. traditional exploitation). We found that the ratios of C‐HA/C‐FA and, to a lesser extent, of C‐FA/TOC and Cp/TOC changed with depth in the selected soil profiles, but the values were characteristic of each type of soil horizon. The values of these ratios in the topsoils of the disturbed areas were closer to a B horizon than an A horizon. This pattern may be superimposed on pre‐existing gradients, such as those related to the type of natural vegetation. The use of these indices emerges as a possible land use and erosion indicator.  相似文献   

地膜残留量对新疆棉田蒸散及棵间蒸发的影响   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
为探讨残膜对干旱区农田蒸散耗水特征的影响,在新疆阿克苏典型覆膜滴灌棉田开展2 a小区试验研究,设计0、225、450 kg/hm2共3种不同的地膜残留量,采用水量平衡法,微型棵间蒸发仪法,于主要生育时期测定并计算土壤含水量、蒸散量、棵间蒸发量、作物蒸腾量、棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例。结果表明:随着地膜残留量增加棵间蒸发量、棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例呈增大趋势,而蒸散量及作物蒸腾量则逐渐减小。与无残膜处理相比,225和450 kg/hm2处理全生育期田间无效耗水的棵间蒸发量分别增加了9.27和22.20 mm,棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例增幅分别为2.6%和6.1%,作物蒸腾量降低34.89和55.94 mm。在棉花生育期内,棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例(E/ET)与叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)呈幂函数关系,各处理间棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例对叶面积指数的响应差异不同,450 kg/hm2处理蒸发占蒸散的比例随着LAI的增加,曲线下降趋势较明显;无残膜处理棵间蒸发占蒸散的比例与LAI的决定系数最高,均在0.9以上。土壤水分利用率也随残膜量的增加依次降低,当残膜量由0增加到450 kg/hm2时,土壤水分利用率从28.25%降至24.91%,可见,残膜增大了农田的无效耗水,不利于土壤水分的有效利用。研究可为制定缓解或克服残膜危害的应变调控技术提供依据。  相似文献   

A 35-day simulated evaporation experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biochar application on phreatic water evaporation and water-salt distribution in coastal saline soil. Three biochar rates (0, 1%, and 5%; w/w) were applied to 65-cm-long soil columns. Results showed that applying the low biochar application rate effectively inhibited soil water evaporation. The 1% biochar treatment resulted in 4.4% lower cumulative soil water evaporation compared with the control, while it caused salt accumulation in the surface soil. By contrast, the high biochar application rate had little effect on cumulative soil water evaporation. Nonetheless, the 5% biochar treatment significantly increased the soil water-holding capacity while decreasing sodium adsorption ratio and salinity in the surface soil. In conclusion, applying a higher biochar rate (e.g., 5%) could improve salt water-distribution in the coastal saline soil under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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