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Nutrient contribution and maize performance in alley cropping systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dry matter yield and potential contribution of N, P and K of some woody perennials as well as performance of maize were assessed in an alley cropping system at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Dry matter yield was highest forCassia, followed byGliricidia and theFlemingia. Whereas dry matter yields ofCassia varied significantly at the various pruning times, those ofGliricidia andFlemingia were relatively uniform.Gliricidia contributed the highest amount of N from the cutback (first pruning) and three subsequent prunings. Dry wood yield at cutback was 14.5, 6.8 and 29.7 tonnes/ha forGliricidia, Flemingia andCassia respectively. Coppicing rate was faster inGliricidia thanFlemingia andCassia. Maize height, stover and cob weights were reduced though insignificantly, for the maize rows close to the shrub hedgerows compared to those in the middle of the alleys. For the plots without N application and prunings removed, the maize near the hedgerows showed better performance than those in the middle of the alleys. The results indicate that N supplementation is needed in the alley cropping systems to optimize yield. The amount of N required is higher inFlemingia alleys than forGliricidia andCassia. Root growth of maize was found to be restricted in control plots without hedges; uptake of the major nutrients (N, P and K) was also found to be similarly affected in those plots.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study into the influences of spacing on the early performance and biomass production of Gliricidia sepium in an alley cropping system in southern Sierra Leone. Four between-row spacings of 2, 4, 6 and 8 m were combined with three within-row spacings (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00m) in a split plot experimental design.Survival, tree height and leaf nitrogen content were not affected by between- or within-row spacings. For the other parameters measured, namely root-collar diameter, branch production, total biomass and nitrogen yields per hectare, it was found that for equivalent tree densities, the lower the rectangularity of planting, the better the performance of the individual trees, and consequently the greater the yields per hectare.Total biomass production per unit area was, expectedly, greatest where the spacings between hedgerows were closest, while production per plant decreased with closer within-row spacings. The total fresh and dry weights of leaves and stems, as well as leaf nitrogen yields per unit area were strongly influenced by between-row spacing and less so by within-row spacing.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in an 11-year-old black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), red oak (Quercus rubra L.), maize (Zea mays L.) alley cropping system in the midwestern USA to examine the extent of tree-crop competition for nitrogen and decomposition dynamics of tree leaves and fine roots. A below-ground polyethylene root barrier (1.2 m deep) isolated black walnut roots from maize alleys in half the number of plots providing two treatments viz. barrier and no barrier. The percentage of N derived from fertilizer (%NDF) and fertilizer use efficiency (%UFN) were determined using 15N enriched fertilizer. Further, maize grain and stover biomass, tree leaf biomass, tissue N concentration, and N content were quantified in both treatments. The barrier treatment resulted in a significantly greater grain (67.3% more) and stover (37.2% more) biomass than the no barrier treatment. The %NDF in both grain and stover was higher in the no barrier treatment as a result of competition from tree roots for water and mineralized N in soil. Maize plants growing in the no barrier treatment had a lower %UFN than those in the barrier treatment due to their smaller size and inability to take up fertilizer. Analysis of tree leaf and fine root decomposition patterns revealed faster release of N (39% over 15 days for black walnut and 17.7% for red oak) and P (30% over 15 days for both species) from roots compared to the leaves of both species. Following an early release of P (11.3% over 45 days), red oak leaves exhibited significant immobilization for the rest of the incubation period. The data indicate that competition for N from fertilizer is minimal since nutrient acquisition is not simultaneous among black walnut and maize. However, competition for mineralized N in soil can exist between black walnut and maize depending on water availability and competition. Tree leaves and fine roots can enhance soil nutrient pools through the addition of soil carbon and nutrients. Tree fine roots seem to play a more significant role in nutrient cycling within the alley cropping system because of their faster release of both N and P as compared to leaves. Selection of tree species and their phenology will impact the magnitude and rate of nutrient cycling.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There are abundant local legume trees and shrubs potentially suitable for alley cropping systems in the sub-Saharan Africa, which are yet to be studied. The nitrogen contribution of two years old Albizia lebbeck and S. corymbosato yield of maize grown in alley cropping was compared to that of Senna siamea, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala in four seasons at Ibadan. Maize shoot biomass and maize grain yield in A. lebbeck alley compared favourably with that in G. sepium and L. leucocephala. Maize biomass and grain yield in S. corymbosa alleys were the lowest. Within A. lebbeck, L. leucocpehala, and G. sepium alleys there were no significant differences in the maize yield in the alleys that received 0, 40 or 80 kg N/ha. Application of more than 40 kg N/ha in S. corymbosa alleys was not necessary as there was no significant increase in maize yield at the higher level of nitrogen. Maize yield and N uptake in A. lebbeck alleys were not significantly different from yield and N uptake in G. sepium, and L. leucocephala at the same fertilizer level. There was a significant correlation between hedgerow tree biomass and maize grain yield. At the end of twelve weeks after pruning application, the organic residues of the pruning applied in the alleys ranged from 5% in G. sepium and 44% in A. lebbeck in the first year compared with the original pruning applied which showed that the slow rate of A. lebbeck decomposition could have a beneficial effect on the soil. The maize N recovery from applied N fertilizer was low (10–22%). Percentage N recovery from the prunings was low in the non-N fixing trees (12–22%), while the recovery was high (49–59%) in A. lebbeck as well as in the other nitrogen fixing tree prunings. Thus A. lebbeck, apart from enhancing maize growth and grain yield like in L. leucocephala and G. sepium, had an added advantage because it remained longer as mulching material on the soil because of its slow rate of decomposition. It was able to survive pruning frequencies with no die-back. This indicates that A. lebbeck is a good potential candidate for alley cropping system in West Africa. S. corymbosa performed poorly compared with the other legume trees. Though it responded to N fertilizer showing a positive interaction between the hedgerow and fertilizer application, it had a high die back rate following pruning periods and termite attack.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

Successful agroforestry systems depend on minimizing tree-cropcompetition. In this study, field experiments and a simulation model were usedto distinguish between tree-crop competition for light and belowgroundcompetition in an alley cropping system. Maize (Zea maysL.) was harvested periodically in three treatments: between vertical barriers ofshade cloth, hedgerows of Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.)Merr., and sole maize. Radiation intercepted by the maize was calculated using asimulation model based on measured values for direct and diffuse light, hedgerowdimensions and leaf area, and solar trajectory. Radiation use efficiency wascalculated as biomass production per unit of intercepted radiation. Maizebiomass and yield in both the alley crop and the shade cloth treatment weregreatest in the center of the alleys. Grain yield between hedgerows was 3.5Mg ha−1 (averaged across the alley), significantlyless than in the shade cloth (7.4 Mg ha−1) or thesole maize (7.7 Mg ha−1) treatments. Lightintercepted by the maize in the alley crop was about half that intercepted bythe maize in the sole crop. The shade cloth intercepted less light than thehedgerows because it did not have an appreciable width. Radiation use efficiencyin the three treatments was 0.75 g mol−1 PAR anddid not differ significantly among treatments. Tree-crop competition wasoverwhelmingly for light. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of spacings between hedgerows (alley widths) and the spacings of trees within hedgerows ofGliricidia sepium on growth and grain yield of maize were investigated at Senehun in southern Sierra Leone. Four between-row spacings (2, 4, 6 and 8 m) were combined with three within-row spacings (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 m) in a split block design. Maize, at densities of 20,000, 40,000 and 53,333 plants ha–1, was established in the alleys and also as pure crops. N, P and K fertilizers were applied to all plots before pruning of the trees began. When pruning started, only the pure maize plots received fertilizer; prunings from the hedgerows were returned to the appropriate alleys in the other plots.Plots with the highest maize populations consistently gave the best yields before pruning started, but lower populations gave improved yields after pruning. Yields of maize increased with increasing alley widths before the start of pruning, after which the narrower alleys of 2 and 4 m outyielded the wider ones by almost double, probably because of the large amount of nutrients applied in prunings. Lack of light limited grain yields before the start of pruning, when there was some shading by the hedgerows. Alleys of 2–4 m wide, planted no closer than 0.50 m within rows, resulted in more than twice the yields of maize than in the 8-m alleys planted at 0.25 m within rows, once the hedgerows were well established and were being managed.  相似文献   

Roots can be an important though poorly quantified source of nitrogen (N) in agroforestry systems. Nitrogen uptake of maize using P. falcataria below- and aboveground biomass separately, and their combination, as source of N, was assessed in a controlled experiment using 15N isotope labeling techniques. The 15N-direct and the 15N-indirect labeling techniques were compared for discrepancies in measuring N cycling from P. falcataria tree residues. N contribution to maize production was as follows; 40–57% from below ground biomass and 10–18% from above ground biomass (P < 0.05). Residue N use efficiency (%rNE) by maize was between 99 and 106% for belowground biomass, 4–4.5% for aboveground biomass. This implies that though nutrient release characteristics of aboveground biomass are commonly used as a basis for selection of agroforestry trees, those of belowground biomass would be of fundamental importance as well. Combining P. falcataria below and aboveground biomass did not result in significant (P < 0.05) effects on N recovered by maize, suggesting the absence of decomposition interactions between the two bio-chemically contrasting residues. There were no significant methodological differences reflected in measured N cycled by maize from leaves (Ndfr); 15% and 18% as estimated by 15N direct and indirect method, respectively. The two methods compared very well (P < 0.05) as tools of estimating N cycling from surface applied leaves. However, the ability of the direct method to measure N without disturbing either the tree or the soil, would make it a more attractive and valuable tool in N cycling studies in agroforestry systems.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fine root and nodule production and turnover in pruned 2- and 8-yr-old Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F. Cook trees were estimated under humid tropical conditions by applying the compartment flow model (CFM) to fine root and nodule biomass and necromass measured in sequentially taken core samples. Shoot pruning intensities compared were complete pruning (i.e., complete removal of shoots) and partial pruning (i.e., retention of one branch on the pruned stump). The CFM provided reasonable estimates of nodule dynamics but did not apply to fine root data. Over a five-month observation period, nodule production in completely and partially pruned 2-yr-old trees was 58.2 and 115 g tree–1, respectively, and the corresponding values in 8-yr-old trees were 26.8 and 26.4 g tree–1. Senescent nodules and fine roots pass to soil organic matter via decomposition. Partially and completely pruned 2-yr-old trees added 95.4 and 50.4 g tree–1 decomposed nodules to soil, respectively. The respective value for 8-yr-old trees were 26.7 and 36.5g tree–1. Nodule and fine root turnover was compensated for by new production at 10–14 weeks after pruning. The retention of a branch on the pruned E. poeppigiana tree stump allows better fine root and nodule survival, and enhances tree biomass production.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The distribution and quantitative recovery of fertilizer N were determined in three 29‐ to 43‐year‐old stands of Scots pine, located in western Uppland, Central Sweden. The experimental technique involved was based on the use of 15N‐labelled fertilizer materials and non‐trenched microplots of special design. The standard dose of nitrogen applied was 160 kg N ha‐1. The primary topics examined were (1) fertilizer nitrogen accumulation in trees and in the soil system as influenced by nitrogen source, nitrogen application rate, time of application during the growing season, granule size of the nitrogen material, and method of placement, (2) distribution of labelled N within the tree (different organs of the tree), and (3) redistribution of accumulated N in the tree over an observation period of two to three growing seasons. When quantified at the end of the second growing season, the labelled N accumulation in trees, concerning plots treated with calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate, averaged 36% (SD=7). The accumulation resulting from split doses did not differ significantly from that resulting from a single‐dose application, nor did granule size of the nitrogen materials have any significant effect on accumulation. For urea source of nitrogen, the recovery figure was markedly lower, averaging 28% (SD=6). When expressed as a percentage, the accumulation in trees was not significantly different for 40 and 160 kg nitrogen application rates. In one of the experiments application timing during the growing season proved to be an important factor determining the extent of fertilizer nitrogen accumulation in trees. The figures for total recovery of labelled nitrogen in above‐ground parts of trees and in soil, when restricting measurements to the forest floor and the 0–32 cm mineral soil, ranged from 46 to 84%, with an average of 60%. The recovery was lowest for a treatment with calcium nitrate, when applied relatively late in the growing season, and highest for a split application of urea. Treatments with urea source of nitrogen were characterized by a high accumulation of immobilized N in the organic LFH layer of the soils. Recovery figures exceeded 82 % for a 40‐kg N dose of nitrogen, regardless of the nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out on an Oxic Paleustalf in the humid zone of southwestern Nigeria withLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit,Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. andSesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. alley cropped with maize and cowpea. The three leguminous woody species were grown in hedgerows spaced at 2 m. Trials were carried out one year after establishment of the hedgerows using a split-plot design with four replications. TheLeucaena trial had twenty pruning combinations consisting of five pruning heights (25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 cm) and four pruning frequencies (monthly, bi-, tri- and six-monthly). TheGliricidia andSesbania hedgerows were subjected to nine pruning intensities consisting of three pruning heights (25, 50 and 100 cm) and three pruning intensities (monthly, tri- and six-monthly).For the three woody species, biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yield from the hedgerow prunings increased with decreasing pruning frequency and increasing pruning height. Biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yields were in the following orderLeucaena >Gliricidia >Sesbania.The various pruning intensities had no effect on survival ofLeucaena plants. Pruning frequency had a larger effect than pruning height on survival ofGliricidia andSesbania plants. With monthly pruning, about 25 percent of theGliricidia and all of theSesbania plants died within six months of repeated pruning. Even with lower pruning frequencySesbania plants showed lower survival rates thanGliricidia orLeucaena.The various pruning intensities of all the hedgerow species had more pronounced effects on the grain yield of the alley cropped cowpea than on maize grain yield. Higher maize and cowpea yields were obtained with increasing pruning frequency and decreasing pruning height.IITA Journal paper number 335  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out on an Oxic Paleustalf in the humid zone of southwestern Nigeria withLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit,Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. andSesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. alley cropped with maize and cowpea. The three leguminous woody species were grown in hedgerows spaced at 2 m. Trials were carried out one year after establishment of the hedgerows using a split-plot design with four replications. TheLeucaena trial had twenty pruning combinations consisting of five pruning heights (25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 cm) and four pruning frequencies (monthly, bi-, tri- and six-monthly). TheGliricidia andSesbania hedgerows were subjected to nine pruning intensities consisting of three pruning heights (25, 50 and 100 cm) and three pruning intensities (monthly, tri- and six-monthly). For the three woody species, biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yield from the hedgerow prunings increased with decreasing pruning frequency and increasing pruning height. Biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yields were in the following orderLeucaena >Gliricidia >Sesbania. The various pruning intensities had no effect on survival ofLeucaena plants. Pruning frequency had a larger effect than pruning height on survival ofGliricidia andSesbania plants. With monthly pruning, about 25 percent of theGliricidia and all of theSesbania plants died within six months of repeated pruning. Even with lower pruning frequencySesbania plants showed lower survival rates thanGliricidia orLeucaena. The various pruning intensities of all the hedgerow species had more pronounced effects on the grain yield of the alley cropped cowpea than on maize grain yield. Higher maize and cowpea yields were obtained with increasing pruning frequency and decreasing pruning height. IITA Journal paper number 335  相似文献   

Alley cropping is increasingly becoming accepted as an appropriate technology with the potential to provide stable and sustainable food production in the tropics. However, only a few of the potential trees/shrubs have been tested. The performance of Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissn) as an alley cropping species was evaluated on an Oxic Paleustalf. The treatments were: prunings removal, prunings application; and three N levels, 0,45, and 90 kg N ha–1, in a factorial arrangement. The cropping sequence was maize (main season) follwed by cowpea (minor season). Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were applied to the maize crop only. Four annual prunings of Calliandra hedgerows produced a total of 6 t ha–1 of dry matter prunings containing about 200 kg ha–1 of N. Maize yields were increased by the application of prunings but no benefits were obtained by supplementing the prunings with inorganic N. An average maize grain yield of 3.1 t ha–1 per year was maintained without any chemical fertilizer input. However, without any prunings, maize yields were substantially increased by the application of inorganic N. Cowpea yield did not respond to application of prunings but plants grown adjacent to the hedgerows had reduced yield probably due to shading. Our results suggest that six rows (0.57 m inter-row spacing) between Calliandra hedgerows spaced at 4 m are optimum for this cowpea variety. The performance of Calliandra was comparable to that of Leucaena which has been widely shown to be effective in alley cropping systems of the region.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken at Senehun — Kamajei, a high rainfall region in Sierra Leone, to assess the effects of Leucaena leucocephala, on the growth and productivity of maize, cowpea and sweet potato. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomised design with four replicates of each treatment. The treatments and controls were: (i) pure crops of maize, cowpea, sweet potato, Leucaena clean weeded and unweeded and (ii) intercrops of Leucaena with the food crops, both (iii) with and without applied fertilizers after the first year.The growth of Leucaena was slow but nevertheless tended to reduce grain yields of maize, and tuber and vine yields of sweet potato in the rows in the immediate vicinity of the trees, especially in the nitrogen-treated plots. The maize, in particular, caused an improvement in the early height growth of the trees.  相似文献   

The magnitude of root competition 17 year-old coconut palms suffer from three year-old inter-planted multipurpose trees, Vateria indica L., Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) Alston. or Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. and kacholam (Kaempferia galanga L.), a herbaceous medicinal plant, was evaluated based on the extent of absorption of applied 32P by the palms in sole and mixed crop situations. The multipurpose tree (MPT) species were grown under two planting geometries (single row and double row). The hypothesis that, when grown together, widespread root proliferation of coconut and multipurpose trees occurs in the well-fertilised kacholam beds was tested by root excavation. Interplanted MPTs substantially altered absorption of 32P by coconut. Both Ailanthus and Vateria exerted a modest depressing effect, while Grevillea enhanced 32P uptake by coconut. Single rows of MPTs also favoured 32P recovery by coconut, presumably because of the increased root densities in the subsoil. Ailanthus, Vateria and Grevillea absorbed substantial 32P. Overall, high 32P absorption in the coconut-Grevillea plots indicates complementary root-level interactions between these species. 32P absorption by MPTs was generally higher closer to the trees owing to the greater root concentration of the MPTs, which in turn suggests possible root interference between MPTs and coconut. Hence selection of tree species with low root competitiveness and/or trees with complementary root interaction is of strategic importance in agroforestry. Kacholam showed substantial 32P content in its foliage. This 32P appears to have been translocated by coconut into the kacholam beds where new coconut roots were abundant. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The suitability of sesbania (Sesbania rostrata) as green manure for lowland rice was evaluated in the Inland Valley Swamp (IVS) of Sierra Leone, and attempts were made to identify appropriate methods of its management in combination with urea. Sesbania — rice intercropping and sesbania — rice rotation treatments were compared with 60 kg N ha–1 applied in two splits and 30 kg N ha–1 as basal or top dressed to rice grown in the two cropping systems. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to quantify N uptake from the green manure and urea and its utilization by rice. Rotating 40–50 days old sesbania two days prior to transplanting and top dressing with 30 kg N ha–1 as urea at nine weeks after transplanting gave highest rice grain yield (121% over the control without sesbania and urea). However intercropping sesbania with rice tended to increase N uptake and N fertilizer utilization more than the rotation treatments. The higher grain yield of rice in rotation despite lower N uptake than intercropping shows that other effects than only N explain the beneficial effect of sesbania on rice.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Quantitative field measurements of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and biomass production by four different understorey pastures in a Pinus radiata-pasture agroforestry system were determined over a period of one year. The trees were two years old at the beginning of this study and the understorey pastures were being cut and removed for silage. The BNF was determined using the 15N dilution technique. Pastures of ryegrass+clover, cocksfoot+clover, phalaris+clover and lucerne were used. Substantial amounts of BNF were found (71 to 230 kg N ha–1 year–1) with lucerne showing the highest N fixation. However, lucerne derived only 71 to 72% of its N from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) during the spring/summer period compared to 83–97% with clovers, thus the net N demand from the soil was substantially higher with lucerne. This caused increased N stress to the trees. Clover in ryegrass+clover pasture fixed more N than the other grass+clover pastures. Although pasture position in relation to trees did not affect annual pasture total DMY and %Ndfa, pastures north of tree row grew better than those in other positions. Trees significantly affected the BNF of legumes and the botanical composition of pastures with highest BNF and legume production occurring in pastures midway between two rows of trees. These results suggest that it would be advantageous to evaluate different legumes and grasses for tolerance of shade and moisture stress in future studies. As the trees studied were only 1.5 to 3 m in height, their effects on BNF, seasonal pasture biomass production and botanical composition are expected to increase with tree dominance in the ecosystem with time. Amounts of N fixed were related to the productivity (i.e. dry matter and N yield) and seasonal persistence of the legumes. The productivity was high in spring and summer and low in autumn and winter.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition in the tropics is predicted to increase drastically in the next decades. The sparse information on N cycling in tropical forests revealed that the soil N status of an ecosystem is the key to analyze its reactions to projected increase in N input. Our study was aimed at (1) comparing the soil N availability of forest sites across an Ecuadorian Andosol toposequence by quantifying gross rates of soil N cycling in situ, and (2) determining the factors controlling the differences in soil N cycling across sites. The toposequence was represented by five old-growth forest sites with elevations ranging from 300 m to 1500 m. Our results provide general insights into the role of elevation-mediated factors (i.e. degree of soil development and temperature) in driving patterns of soil N cycling. Gross rates of N transformations, microbial N turnover time, and δ15N signatures in soil and leaf litter decreased with increasing elevation, signifying a decreasing N availability across the toposequence. This was paralleled by a decreasing degree of soil development with increasing elevation, as indicated by declining clay contents, total C, total N, effective cation exchange capacity and increasing base saturation. Soil N-cycling rates and δ15N signatures were highly correlated with mean annual temperature but not with mean annual rainfall and soil moisture which did not systematically vary across the toposequence. Microbial immobilization was the largest fate of produced NH4+ across all sites, and nitrification activity was only 5–11% of gross NH4+ production. We observed a fast reaction of NO3 to organic N and its role for N retention deserves further attention. If projected increase in N deposition will occur, the timing and magnitude of gaseous N losses may follow the pattern of N availability across this Andosol toposequence.  相似文献   

We considered whether ecological restoration using high diversity of native tree species serves to restore nitrogen dynamics in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We measured δ15N and N content in green foliage and soil; vegetation N:P ratio; and soil N mineralization in a preserved natural forest and restored forests of ages 21 and 52 years. Green foliage δ15N values, N content, N:P ratio, inorganic N and net mineralization and nitrification rates were all higher, the older the forest. Our findings indicate that the recuperation of N cycling has not been achieved yet in the restored forests even after 52 years, but show that they are following a trajectory of development that is characterized by their N cycling intensity becoming similar to a natural mature forest of the same original forest formation. This study demonstrated that some young restored forests are more limited by N compared to mature natural forests. We document that the recuperation of N cycling in tropical forests can be achieved through ecological restoration actions.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional physically-based model for the daily simulation of root competition for water in an alley cropping system associating Gliricidia sepium with Digitaria decumbens is developed. This paper deals with the impact of root distribution on soil water partitioning. By adapting existing principles of root water uptake modelling for pure crops, the model accounts simultaneously for the sink terms of each species in a defined soil domain. Soil-root water transport functions are solved at the level of discrete volumes of soil; each of them are characterized by the inherent soil physical properties, root length density, soil-root distances, and the calculated sink terms of each species. The above ground boundary conditions, such as transpiration and soil evaporation, were managed by simple equations found from the literature or provided by experimental measurements. Running the model with two contrasting observed root maps, an evaluation was carried out over a 10-day period following a rainfall event. With both root maps, the simulated soil water potential profiles at the row, at 0.75 m and 1.50 m from the row did not differ significantly, and were in good agreement with the measurements. However, although water was not limiting during this period, the simulated cumulative water absorption profiles of G. sepium and D. decumbens contrasted markedly, and matched their observed root distribution. This model, although still under further development, forms the basis for development of an above and below ground coupled model to simulate plant interactions for water in intercrops or agroforestry.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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