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云南水土保持监测工作依照法律法规,理清思路,注重监测体系建设,完善监测网络与信息系统,加强开发建设项目水土保持监测,开展常规水土流失监测,及时发布水土保持监测公报,全面推进了全省水土保持监测工作的发展。分析了水土保持监测机构职责定位不明确、对水土保持监测工作的作用认识不到位等主要问题,并提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

关于水土保持监测体系建设的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
分析和介绍了水土保持监测体系现状及存在的问题,提出了构建水土保持监测体系的设想:一是建立全国统一的水土保持监测监督管理体制;二是适当剥离各级水土保持监测机构承担的行政管理职责,把水土保持监测行政管理与水土保持监测技术的职能划清;三是实现监测工作社会化;四是完善水土保持监测网;五是加强水土保持监测能力建设;六是全面加强监测数据质量监督与管理。指出了完善监测体系的现实意义。  相似文献   

水土保持监测站建设是水土保持的一项基础性工作。市县级水土保持监测站建设现存问题是:监测站网点建设不完善,监测网点布设缺乏科学性和统筹安排;市级监测机构的定位、作用、职能不清晰;监测人才匮乏,手段落后;缺少专项经费……致使水土保持监测数据及成果可靠性和实用性较差。加强市县级水土保持监测能力建设,应从加强水土保持监测能力建设出发,就市县级监测站点的水土保持监测手段、监测技术、监测队伍、监测管理和科学监测理念方面作一些思考,以期能更好地为水土保持决策管理和生态建设服务。  相似文献   

水土保持监测工作的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
水土保持监测工作的开展及发展推动了我国水土流失治理理论的突破和水土保持事业的健康持续发展,当前和今后一个时期,是我国进入全面建设小康社会的关键阶段,水土保持监测工作必须适应新形势,服务于国家经济社会发展大局,开创监测工作新局面。一是深入贯彻落实新水土保持法,着力提高水土保持对改善民生的保障水平;二是完善水土保持监测网络体系,实现全面覆盖、提高功能、规范运行;三是注重创新,全面建立水土保持监测技术体系;四是进一步加强监测管理制度体系建设。  相似文献   

推动水土保持监测与信息化工作的思路与要求   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
水土保持监测与信息化是当前水利部着力推动的重点工作之一。加强水土保持监测和信息化是落实中央生态文明建设决策部署和相关制度,适应政府职能转变和强化行业管理,推动水土保持改革发展的要求。提出了落实水土保持监测和信息化工作目标任务的基本要求,从把握总体目标要求、管理部门和监测机构职责、中央和地方事权界定、强化成果应用、标准和制度完善、督查与考核等方面,阐明了需要把握的重点。  相似文献   

分析了水土保持监测预报工作的法律定位和重要意义,阐述了云南省水土保持监测预报工作的主要成效与存在的问题,在此基础上提出了近期内水土保持监测预报工作的建议:一是加强对水土保持监测预报工作的宣传;二是加强水土保持监测机构队伍建设;三是制定合理的监测规划,采用统一的监测标准;四是加强制度建设,形成统一管理、分级负责的监测网络管理体制;五是寻求解决监测网络运行经费的长效机制,积极推进项目监测。  相似文献   

总结了近几年全国水土保持监测工作所取得的成绩和经验,分析了目前存在的主要问题,指出了近期工作重点,明确了近期水土保持监测工作的主要任务:一是进一步加强水土保持监测机构能力建设;二是加强管理制度建设,促进监测工作规范化;三是加大投入,多渠道落实水土保持监测经费;四是加强水土保持监测研究,丰富监测内容;五是加强联合,建立多层次、多渠道的协作机制;六是提高认识,增强责任感和紧迫感,做好监测工作。  相似文献   

开发建设项目水土保持监测现状及发展方向   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了目前开发建设项目水土保持监测工作的开展情况和队伍建设情况以及采用的监测方式和方法,分析了其中存在的诸如体制和模式不完善、实施率低、方法可操作性差、队伍混乱等问题。提出了剥离各级水土保持监测机构行政管理职责、完善开发建设项目有关法律法规和水土保持监测方法,加强法律法规宣传并加大对在建项目的监督检查强度和频次,严把水土保持专项设施评估验收关,对提高开发建设项目水土保持监测实施率及推动水土保持行业健康、稳定、持续发展等具有重要现实意义的观点。  相似文献   

分析了水土保持监测工作对固原发展的重要意义,总结了固原市开展水土保持监测工作的主要成效及存在问题,其中主要问题有机构设置不合理、监测设备简陋、监测手段落后、监测人员缺乏监测经验等。针对存在的问题提出了相应建议:加强对水土保持监测工作的宣传;加强监测机构和队伍建设;制定统一的监测办法;重视制度建设;寻求解决监测网络运行经费的长效机制,积极推进项目监测等。  相似文献   

2006年水土保持工作成绩显著,以开展水土流失综合科学考察为契机,整体提升水土保持科技水平;以加强开发建设项目水土保持监管为手段,大力推进人为水土流失的防治工作;以实施国家重点防治工程为依托,推进山丘区水土流失综合治理和新农村建设;以弘扬人与自然和谐相处的理念为导向,积极推动水土保持生态自我修复工作;以监测网络与信息系统建设为龙头,不断夯实水土保持事业发展的基础。2007年水土保持工作重点是:应当充分认识到党中央、国务院对水土流失高度重视,采取更加有力的措施推动水土保持工作。应当清醒地认识到当前我国水土流失的严重状况,继续全力推进防治工作。面对多部门联合推进生态建设的现实,找准定位,积极发挥综合优势和主导作用。抓住国家建立生态补偿的机遇,做好有关调研和基础工作,推动水土保持进入新的历史阶段。  相似文献   

掌上电脑农业专家系统开发平台的研究与开发   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
为了加快掌上电脑在农业上应用,缩短基于掌上电脑农业专家系统的开发周期,提高系统开发质量,研究开发了一个基于Windows CE的掌上电脑农业专家系统开发平台。该平台采用面向对象技术,具有可视化、易操作等特点。  相似文献   

即插式长喉道量水计的研究开发   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为满足灌区中小型渠道量水的需要,研制开发了由长喉道量水槽和自动测量水位、数字显示用水量的即插式测杆组成的新型量水设备——即插式长喉道量水计。新量水计具有数字显示瞬时流量、累计水量,可实现量水数字信号远距离传输等功能,其易损部件采用即插即用形式,使野外维护工作更简便。现场试验结果表明,新量水计有较好的测流稳定性和较高的精度,累计水量相对误差在±5%以内。为解决长喉道量水槽复杂的设计、计算困难,基于Windows98/2000,运用Visual Basic6.0开发了长喉道量水槽设计软件。设计软件包括尺寸设计  相似文献   

树木年轮信息在树木年代学、气候学、生态学、灾害学和环境学等领域研究中有重要的作用。为准确、快速地获取树木年轮信息,降低工作强度和操作复杂度,该研究设计了一种树木年轮信息解析系统。该系统在硬件上进行了机电一体化设计,主要包含滑台模组、旋转编码器、步进电机、置物台、手轮、工业相机、控制箱、光学显微镜、电脑等组件,基于C#语言和OpenCvSharp工具包设计上位机,所设计的上位机软件通过与工业相机、采集器和控制器通信来实现对年轮信息采集、处理和存储,实现位置计算、电机控制和图像识别。系统设计了2种方法进行年轮信息解析:1)电子显微定位法。在常规显微定位法的基础上,基于旋转编码器和螺旋测距法感知滑台线性位移进而实现年轮宽度测量,并使用工业相机和显示器代替传统显微镜来判读年轮线,最后可生成年轮解析图表;2)图机辅助法。在电子显微法的基础上,结合图像识别与电机控制算法进行改进。为验证系统的年轮宽度测量精度、年轮线识别准确率和解析效率,以传统显微镜和光学标定板作为参照工具,采集油松、落叶松、杨树、白桦4个树种的木芯样品进行试验。试验结果表明:在年轮宽度测量精度上,电子显微定位法和图机辅助法的平均绝...  相似文献   

便携式金属磨粒分析仪的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对直读式铁谱仪进行改进的基础上,研制了一种新型便携式金属磨粒分析仪。介绍了磨粒分析仪监测原理及各部分的结构,并利用该仪器探讨了铁磁性颗粒和弱磁性颗粒在沉积管内的沉积规律。结果表明,金属磨粒分析仪能同时监测这两类性质不同的颗粒。文中还提出了一种新的可用于监测弱磁性颗粒的定量指标,并重新定义总磨损量参数。  相似文献   

Physically based hydrologic models for watersheds are important tools to support water resources management and predict hydrologic impacts produced by land-use change. Grande River Basin is located in southern Minas Gerais State, and the Grande River is the main tributary of Basin which has 2080 km2 draining into the Camargos Hydropower Plant Reservoir (CEMIG — “Minas Gerais State Energy Company”). The objectives of this work were: 1) to create a semi-physically based hydrologic model in semi-distributed to sub-basins approach and based on GIS and Remote Sensing tools and, 2) to simulate the hydrologic responses of the Grande River Basin, thus creating an important tool for management and planning of water resources for region. The hydrologic model is based on the SCS Curve Number (SCS-CN) and MGB/IPH models, and structured into three hydrologic components: estimation of the flow components (quick runoff, hortonian and base flows), propagation into the respective soil reservoirs (surface, sub-surface and shallow saturated zone) and propagation into the channels. Precipitation and discharge data sets were obtained from the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) data were obtained from the Brazilian National Meteorological Institute (INMET). In order to estimate actual evapotranspiration, crop coefficient, soil moisture and satellite image interpretation of actual land-use were applied. The long-term hydrologic data series were structured for period between 1990 and 2003. The calibration and validation process was carried out by evaluating the behavior of the Nash–Sutcliffe Coefficient (CNS), obtained from three different combinations of calibration and validation years. This allowed us to evaluate the model performance to simulate years in which El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) events were registered (1997–1998 and 1999–2000, respectively). The combinations of calibration and validation years were: the first 7 years to calibrate and remaining 6 years to validate; the first 9 years to calibrate and remaining 4 years to validate; and first 11 years to calibrate and the last 2 years to validate. The statistical precision showed that the model was able to simulate the hydrologic impacts, including years of EN and LN events, with CNS scores greater than 0.70 in both situations. The evaluation of the CNS scores showed small variation in the coefficient as the years of validation decreased. In addition, the model was also able to simulate the hydrologic impacts of land-use change in the Grande River Basin, based on the CNS scores of 0.80 for different combinations of validation periods. The hydrologic impacts in Grande River Basin produced from grassland area converted to eucalyptus under three specific scenarios were evaluated, which predicted annual runoff mean reductions of up to 17.8%, due to an increase in evapotranspiration rate for the eucalyptus plantation.  相似文献   

Physically based hydrologic models for watersheds are important tools to support water resources management and predict hydrologic impacts produced by land-use change. Grande River Basin is located in southern Minas Gerais State, and the Grande River is the main tributary of Basin which has 2080 km2 draining into the Camargos Hydropower Plant Reservoir (CEMIG — “Minas Gerais State Energy Company”). The objectives of this work were: 1) to create a semi-physically based hydrologic model in semi-distributed to sub-basins approach and based on GIS and Remote Sensing tools and, 2) to simulate the hydrologic responses of the Grande River Basin, thus creating an important tool for management and planning of water resources for region. The hydrologic model is based on the SCS Curve Number (SCS-CN) and MGB/IPH models, and structured into three hydrologic components: estimation of the flow components (quick runoff, hortonian and base flows), propagation into the respective soil reservoirs (surface, sub-surface and shallow saturated zone) and propagation into the channels. Precipitation and discharge data sets were obtained from the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) data were obtained from the Brazilian National Meteorological Institute (INMET). In order to estimate actual evapotranspiration, crop coefficient, soil moisture and satellite image interpretation of actual land-use were applied. The long-term hydrologic data series were structured for period between 1990 and 2003. The calibration and validation process was carried out by evaluating the behavior of the Nash–Sutcliffe Coefficient (CNS), obtained from three different combinations of calibration and validation years. This allowed us to evaluate the model performance to simulate years in which El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) events were registered (1997–1998 and 1999–2000, respectively). The combinations of calibration and validation years were: the first 7 years to calibrate and remaining 6 years to validate; the first 9 years to calibrate and remaining 4 years to validate; and first 11 years to calibrate and the last 2 years to validate. The statistical precision showed that the model was able to simulate the hydrologic impacts, including years of EN and LN events, with CNS scores greater than 0.70 in both situations. The evaluation of the CNS scores showed small variation in the coefficient as the years of validation decreased. In addition, the model was also able to simulate the hydrologic impacts of land-use change in the Grande River Basin, based on the CNS scores of 0.80 for different combinations of validation periods. The hydrologic impacts in Grande River Basin produced from grassland area converted to eucalyptus under three specific scenarios were evaluated, which predicted annual runoff mean reductions of up to 17.8%, due to an increase in evapotranspiration rate for the eucalyptus plantation.  相似文献   

In Spain, there are more than 250,000 tractors built before 1980, when it became mandatory for all new tractors to be equipped with a rollover protective structure (ROPS). A similar situation is found in the European Union, but the situation is worse in the U.S. and in developing countries. Directive 2003/37/EEC establishes that tractors over 800 kg weight can be homologated by using the OECD standard code for the official testing of protective structures on agricultural and forestry tractors (static test), called Code 4. A ROPS attachable to the rear axle of different tractor models has been designed, and a computer program for the calculation of the ROPS design has been developed. The program, named ESTREMA, is available at: www.cfnavarra.es/insl. Using this program, it has been possible to design a ROPS for the Massey Ferguson model 178 tractor, one of the most common tractor models without a ROPS in Spain. After the tractor was equipped with the designed ROPS, it was tested at the Spanish Authorized Station for testing ROPS and passed the homologation test (OECD Code 4), the main results being a maximum distortion of 21.3 cm when the absorbed energy was 5437 N and the maximum force applied was 34 kN during loading from the side. The ROPS was improved, redesigned, and remounted on the tractor, the tractor was tested in a real overturn, and no part of the structure intruded on the driver's clearance zone during the test. In conclusion, the ESTREMA program worked correctly, and the designed ROPS was able to pass the authorized test and provide adequate protection to the operator during a real overturn.  相似文献   

针对现有根茎类作物收获机用于藠头收获时存在的果土分离不彻底、埋果率高、地形适应性差等问题,该研究研制了基于"杆筛式振动碎土+拨辊推送式多级分离"技术的自走式藠头收获机。对挖掘和果土分离过程中的物料状态和作业机理进行了分析,建立模型计算得到了挖掘装置的位置和深度、杆筛式振动装置的振幅和曲柄转速、拨辊的尺寸和位置等关键参数,基于可调式挖掘装置、杆筛式振动装置、拨辊推送式多级分离装置组成加工了藠头收获机样机。针对研究内容设计了田间挖掘试验和整机性能试验,对以上装置及整机的作业性能进行验证。田间试验表明:该机实际挖掘深度稳定,漏挖率、埋果率、总伤果率分别为0.31%、3.20%、5.87%,有效收获率为93.23%。整机结构及布局合理,性能稳定,能够满足当前丘陵山区条件下藠头机械化收获的需求。  相似文献   

A reactive plume model that includes atmospheric chemical reactions of mercury was developed. The model simulates advective transport with the mean wind flow; horizontal and vertical turbulent diffusion; gas phase; aqueous-phase and particulate chemistry; cloud microphysics; wet deposition and dry deposition. The model was applied to the simulation of clear sky, non-precipitating cloud and precipitating cloud scenarios. No significant mercury chemistry occurs in the absence of droplets. In clouds, Hg(II) is reduced to Hg(0) with more reduction taking place in precipitating clouds than in non-precipitating clouds.  相似文献   

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