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越南橡胶集团已于2008年7月底派出代表团前往南非、乌干达、纳米比亚等非洲国家,以考察在非洲投资橡胶种植园的可行性。并且表示,此次非洲考察结束后,将制定出详细的投资方案,在非洲宜胶区进行投资。越南橡胶集团的秘书长称,由于非洲有广阔的宜胶土地、适宜的土壤和气候条件、与欧美市场的良好关系,这为越南投资非洲橡胶种植计划提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

盐碱土壤施用不同生物有机肥对大麦生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大田条件下,以大麦花22为试材,研究不同有机肥品种对大麦生长、茎蘖动态、成熟性状及产量的影响。结果表明:与当地习惯施肥(不施有机肥,常规施氮)相比,3种配施生物有机肥(联业生物肥、通微腐殖酸肥、温兴蚯蚓肥)处理,大麦分蘖数、有效穗数、千粒质量等均明显提高,而每穗粒数、穗长、株高等有所降低。腐植酸肥与常规施氮组合处理下的大麦产量最高,比仅常规施氮处理的增产8.54%。减氮10%并配施生物有机肥(腐殖酸肥或蚯蚓肥)处理的分别比常规施氮处理的增产0.22%和1.43%。本结果说明生物有机肥的施用有利于促进氮肥的减量化使用。  相似文献   

对2011年橡胶IAN873品系中小苗寒害树的4种不同配方有机肥的肥效进行试验,结果表明:肥料C(鱼粉+磷肥+尿素+功能菌+有机肥,施2.3 kg/株)处理的橡胶中小苗寒害树的茎增粗显著高于常规施肥(鱼粉+磷肥+有机肥,施3 kg/株)和肥料A(花生麸+磷肥+有机肥,施3 kg/株)处理,与肥料D(花生麸+鱼粉+磷肥+有机肥,施3 kg/株)处理差异不明显,但从树体长势程度来看肥料C处理显著优于其它肥料处理。  相似文献   


Arbuscular mycorrhizae were inoculated into phosphorus-deficient soil fertilized with either organic or chemical fertilizer with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) as the first crop and lettuce (Lactu-ca sativa L.) as the second crop but without additional fertilization and AM inoculation. AM increased dry matter and fruit yield of cucumber significantly in the unfertilized, organic-fertilized and P-deficient plants compared with the fully chemical-fertilized plants. AM inoculation increased the available phosphorus in plant and soil by around 30% for all treatments except for those chemically-fertilized. The rate of AM infection did not differ significantly among the fertilization treatments, but the infection intensity was higher in unfertilized, organic-fertilized and phosphorus-deficient treatments than chemical-fertilized treatment. The residual effects of AM-inoculated to cucumber were evident for lettuce in all pre-treatments that were unfertilized and un-inoculated for the second cropping. Without P-fertilization, neither crop could grow optimally even when the soil was inoculated with AM, suggesting that AM could not serve as a substitute for phosphorus fertilizer. However, the other beneficial effects of AM on crop growth and yield could not be fulfilled with phosphorus fertilizer.  相似文献   


A microbial inoculant known as Effective Microorganisms or EM is a mixed culture of naturally-occurring, beneficial microorganisms (predominantly lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, photosynthetic bacteria and certain fungi) that has been used with considerable success to improve soil quality and the growth and yield of crops, particularly in nature farming and organic farming systems. Despite this success, the exact mechanisms of how this EM elicits such beneficial effects is largely unknown. Consequently, a study was conducted to determine the effects of EM and organic fertilizer on the growth, photosynthesis, and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) under glasshouse conditions, compared with chemical fertilizer. An organic fertilizer consisting of a mixture of oilseed mill sludge, rice husk and bran, and fish processing waste, was inoculated and fermented with EM as the microbial inoculant. The organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer were then applied to respective pots to compare the growth, yield and physiological response of sweet corn plants. EM applied with the organic fertilizer was shown to promote root growth and activity, and to enhance photosynthetic efficiency and capacity, which resulted in increased grain yield. This was attributed largely to a higher level of nutrient availability facilitated by EM application over time. Interestingly, during the early stage of the experiment, the growth and dry matter yield of plants that received organic fertilizer were actually lower than those treated with chemical fertilizer that provided higher initial levels of macronutrients. However, during the intermediate and late growth stages, EM increased the nutrient availability of the organic fertilizer to a higher level, than the chemical fertilizer. Consequently, even though there was an early lower growth rate for plants that received EM-fermented organic fertilizer compared with chemical fertilizer, the final biomass and grain yield from organic fertilizer was equal to or higher than from chemical fertilizer.  相似文献   

为探讨绿先机、绿聚能复合肥对水稻产量及效益的影响,笔者特设置了此试验,对水稻茎蘖动态、穗部性状、产量及产量构成等进行了测定和比较分析。结果表明,绿先机复合肥提高了水稻的分蘖成穗率;增加了一次枝梗数和二次枝梗数,减少了枝梗退化率;对水稻单位面积穗数、每穗粒数和结实率均有促进作用,进而提高了水稻产量;绿先机复合肥成本较低,可进一步增加水稻的生产效益。  相似文献   

在化肥总养分减量18%的前提下,比较2种不同缓释肥在新垦水田水稻上的应用效果。结果表明,在新垦水田上施用缓控释肥对水稻产量影响不大,但可大幅提升化肥偏生产力,化肥减量效果明显。与常规施肥(施用45%三元复合肥)相比,施用缓释肥可增加水稻生长前期叶绿素含量,增加每穗实粒数,提高千粒重,弥补了有效穗数的不足,达到稳产的目标。相比较而言,有机缓释肥的施用效果较掺混肥料要好,较常规施肥增产1.1%、增效350.4元/hm2、化肥偏生产力提升23.2%。建议可将“好乐耕”有机缓释肥作为余杭地区主要水稻缓控释肥品种之一推广应用。  相似文献   

有机碳肥在作物生产上的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了有机碳肥应用对作物的生态环境、生长发育、抗逆能力、品质和产量等的影响,为作物应用有机碳肥提供参考。  相似文献   

于2018年在黑龙江省农科院绥化分院试验区开展生物节氮增产技术对水稻生长发育和产量性状的影响试验,采用四种不同生物菌肥处理与常规施肥技术相比较,考查不同生物菌肥处理对水稻生长发育性状、产量构成因子和产量相关指标及节氮效果.结果表明,奕源生物菌剂处理节肥最多,比对照减氮肥18.6%,产量与对照相当.万丰达掺混肥处理产量最...  相似文献   

通过新型专用复混肥料在水稻上的应用效果试验,结果表明:新型水稻专用复混肥料可以有效提高肥料利用率,使水稻提早成熟、增产增收、应进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

水稻新型专用复混肥料试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过新型专用复混肥料在水稻上的应用效果试验,结果表明:新型水稻专用复混肥料可以有效提高肥料利用率,使水稻提早成熟、增产增收、应进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

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