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茶跗线螨是一种世界性害螨,也是我国茶树上发生危害最严重的害螨之一.从生活习性、种群消长、种群和化学生态学4个方面概述了茶跗线螨的主要生物学特性,从农业防治、生物防治和化学防治3方面概述了其综合防治技术,并讨论了目前在茶树寄主上存在的问题和研究方向.  相似文献   

芒果芽瘿螨,在中国为新记录,是危害我国芒果树芽部的新害螨。据1986—1987年在海南调查,嫩芽最高受害率达87.5%。室温26—32℃下饲养从卵到成螨出现历期13—17天,其中卵期平均5.5天,若螨期平均9.5天。螨的数量在2月下旬至5月上旬最少的,5月中旬开始增加,6月上旬至7月上旬为第一发生高峰期,9月下旬至10月上旬为第二高峰期。室内试验结果,用50%硫磺胶悬剂400倍液进行防治,效果良好。  相似文献   

棉花抗螨机理的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
综述了国内外对棉花抗螨机理的研究进展,分别讨论了棉叶螨对棉叶的为害机制和棉花对棉叶螨的各种抗性机制。棉花的抗螨性存在三种抗性机制:非选择抗性、抗生性、耐害性。但因研究材料或基因型不同,抗性机制不尽相同,有的具有一种抗性机制,有的具有两种以上抗性机制。  相似文献   

记述海南岛钝绥螨属21种的分布和栖息作物;优势种类如纽氏钝绥螨〔Amblyseius new-sami(Evans)〕、拉戈钝绥螨〔Amblyseius largoensis(Muma)〕的生物学习性,室内捕食六点始叶螨、硃砂叶螨的能力;它们在橡胶园与六点始叶螨、在柑桔园与桔全爪螨的种群消长和对其控制效果。钝绥螨优势种群是控制害螨种群消长的有力因素,在以螨治螨的生物防治中,有较好的利用价值。  相似文献   

观察了6个温度条件及9种寄主植物对皮氏叶螨发育及繁殖的影响,并进行了5种药剂对此螨的毒力测定。结果表明:24~32℃为皮氏叶螨发育、存活和产卵的最适合温度,番木瓜为皮氏叶螨的最适宜寄主,其次为香蕉和番荔枝。香蕉品种间比较,巴西蕉和贡蕉分别为皮氏叶螨的最适和最不适宜的芭蕉属寄主。5种农药对皮氏叶螨雌成螨的毒力大小顺序为阿维菌素>阿维·氯>哒螨灵>果好迈>辛硫磷,其LC50分别为0.0586,0.4415,34.6817,35.0268和96.1017μg/mL。  相似文献   

茶跗线螨[Polyphagotarsonemus latus(Banks)]是一种世界性害螨,也是茶树上为害较重的害螨之一,主要以若螨和成螨在茶树嫩梢上吸食汁液,被害叶片萎缩、硬化增厚、质地变脆,严重时叶片背面变褐色,生长停滞而脱落,影响茶叶的产量和品质.文章介绍茶跗线螨的为害症状、形态特征、生物学特性和防治方法,供生...  相似文献   

本文就国内近十多年麻类作物虫害防治的基础研究(种类调查、鉴定分类、生物学和生态学研究)和麻类作物虫害防治方法研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

从生物学、生态学、分布范围及危害症状等方面分析了蔗扁蛾目前的研究现状,并对其综合防治措施进行阐述。  相似文献   

The tarsonemid mite, Phytonemus (Tarsonemus) pallidus ssp. fragariae (Zimmerman), is a serious pest of strawberry throughout much of Europe and North America. Many of the plant protection products previously effective against the mite, which causes stunting and distorting of leaves and buds, reducing fruit yield and quality, are no longer available. Finding alternative acaricides for control is a priority. In two field trials, we tested 9 foliar applied plant protection products to determine the efficacy for control of Phytonemus pallidus, and to assess their effects on natural enemies. The products tested as foliar applications (dose ha−1) were; abamectin 18 g/l EC (250, 500, 750, 1250 ml), tebufenpyrad 20% WP (500 g), fenpyroximate 51.3 g/l SC (1.0 l), bifenazate > 90% WP (400 ml), spiromesifen 24 g/l SC (500 ml), acequinocyl 15.8% SC (1.0 l), spirodiclofen 240 g/l SC (400 ml), etoxazole 110 g/l SC, and the surfactant, Silwett L-77 (Heptamethyltrisiloxane 0.05% (50 ml)). Effective products were used in admixture with the surfactant to investigate potential increased efficiency against P. pallidus. In each experiment, two applications were applied to plants previously inoculated with P. pallidus.  相似文献   

Prickly scorpion's tail, Scorpiurus muricatus L. subsp . subvillosus (L.) Thell., is an annual legume species, widespread in pastures of the basin of the Mediterranean Sea. It has been neglected by researchers and farmers for a long time, although the species has promise as a forage crop for its high nutritive value, self-reseeding capability and its preference by ruminants. Harvesting and threshing of seed, however, are difficult and it has seed-coat dormancy, which delays and reduces germination, hindering its use as a forage crop. It is suggested that plant breeding programmes would allow the selection of ecotypes and varieties for field crop cultivation. In this study, the main botanical, biological, ecological and agronomic traits are reviewed to identify those issues that currently limit its introduction into cultivation as a forage crop in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

木豆为豆科木豆属多年生常绿小灌木,是世界第六大食用豆类,也是唯一的木本食用豆类。木豆用途非常广泛,成熟籽实可以食用,营养价值丰富;嫩枝叶是草食家畜的优质饲料,又可用作水土保持和覆盖作物等。木豆对土壤条件要求不严,适合世界热带亚热带地区种植。本文介绍国内外木豆育种及分子生物学研究概况和进展,并对国内今后木豆研究提出展望。  相似文献   

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is an important pest of many agricultural crops. Studies on artificial selections, stability of resistance and monitoring of spiromesifen resistance were carried out to provide basic information for a spiromesifen resistance management program in T. urticae. Artificial laboratory selections for resistance to spiromesifen were performed in a population originating from a mixture of four field populations collected in commercial chrysanthemum fields in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. After 20 cycles of selection for spiromesifen resistance, the resistance ratio (RR50) reached 121. Spiromesifen resistance was shown to be unstable in the absence of selection pressure under laboratory conditions. The frequency of spiromesifen resistance decreased from 75 to 0.15% in six months. The evaluation of 23 T. urticae populations from several crops in the States of Goiás, Mato Grosso and São Paulo in Brazil indicated that the susceptibility of the spider mites to spiromesifen was variable, with percentages of resistant mites ranging from 0.0 to 81.5%. The highest resistance frequencies were observed in ornamental plants (roses and chrysanthemum) in the State of São Paulo. Populations of T. urticae with up to 29.8% resistant mites were also detected in strawberry fields, in the same State. This is the first report on spiromesifen resistance in T. urticae on several crops in Brazil. Strategies for the management of acaricide resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to investigate eriophyoid mites associated with some fruit trees in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The survey was carried out in four localities (El-Waseel, Al-Beer, Al-Haiyer and El-Deriya) and included seven species of fruit trees, namely olives (Olea europea), fig (Ficus carica), grapes (Vitis vinifera), apple (Malus domestica), citrus (Citrus spp.), pomegranate (Punica granatum) and pear (Pyrus communis). Seven new records of eriophyoid species (Aceria benghalensis Soliman and Abou-Awad, A. olivi Zaher and Abou-Awad, Caleptrimerus baileyi K., Colomerus oculivitis (Attiah), Oxycenus niloticus (Zaher and Abou-Awad), Rhynchaphytoptusficifolia (Keifer) and Tegolophus hassani (Keifer)), belonging two families, Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae, were collected from four species of fruit crops covering four different production localities in Riyadh. An illustrated identification key for these mites is provided. The present study is the first scientific study on Saudi eriophyoid mites.  相似文献   

在温度(25±2)℃、RH(75±5)%、光照周期14(L)∶10(D)的条件下,研究以木薯(Manihot esculenta)、橡胶(Hevea auyanensis)、木瓜(Chaenomeles sinensis)、变叶木(Codiaeum variegatum)和芒果(Mangifera indica)5种植物叶片饲养木薯单爪螨(Mononychellus mcgregori)对其生长发育及繁殖的影响.结果表明:不同植物对木薯单爪螨生长发育及繁殖存在显著影响.木薯单爪螨取食木薯和橡胶叶片能完成世代发育,以木薯饲养,其F0代发育历期8.10d,F1代发育历期8.45 d;以橡胶饲养,其F0代发育历期8.45 d,F1代发育历期10.95 d.木薯单爪螨取食木瓜、变叶木和杧果新鲜叶片不能完成世代发育,F0代仅发育至幼螨期,分别为3.70、1.80和1.60 d;后代性比以木薯最大,F0和F1代分别为80.80%和88.50%,橡胶分别为80.20%和80.60%.木薯单爪螨在不同寄主上的单雌产卵量以橡胶最高,F0和F1代分别为25.8和29.8粒,木薯次之,分别为18.6和26.2粒,在木瓜、变叶木和芒果上只有木薯单爪螨F0代产卵,分别为1.2、0.98和0.6粒;成螨寿命以橡胶上成活最长,F0和F1代分别为19和20d,木薯分别为17和18d居次;在木瓜、变叶木和芒果上,木薯单爪螨成螨仅分别成活5.5、5和5d.综上所述,木薯单爪螨不仅对木薯产生危害,且极有可能转移为害热带经济作物橡胶,对橡胶产业的发展存在一定的安全隐患.  相似文献   

Understanding collection methodologies and their limitations are essential when targeting specific arthropods for use in habitat restoration, conservation, laboratory colony formation, or when holistically representing local populations using ecological surveys. For dung beetles, the most popular collection methodology is baited traps, followed by light traps and unbaited flight-intercept traps during diversity surveys. A less common collection method, flotation, is assumed to be laborious and messy, and so only a handful of papers exist on its refinement and strengths. Our purpose was threefold: First, we tested the recovery and survival rates of Labarrus (=Aphodius) pseudolividus (Balthasar) and Onthophagus taurus (Schreber) when floating beetle-seeded dung pats to determine potential collection and safety issues. We collected 72.4 and 78% of the seeded L. pseudolividus and O. taurus, respectively, with >95% survival rating. Second, we developed a flotation-sieving technique that enables users to rapidly collect and passively sort dung beetles with less time and effort. Specifically, we often collected 50–100 g of wild dung beetles within a couple of hours of gathering dung and sorted them in a couple more by allowing dung beetles to sort themselves by size within a series of sieves; Third, we reviewed flotation-based advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other methodologies.  相似文献   

卢芙萍  卢辉  伍春玲  梁晓  陈青 《热带作物学报》2016,37(12):2409-2414
用室内离体叶片饲养方法,研究了分别取食橡胶(Hevea brasiliensis)和7种目前常见的与橡胶间套种的作物[木薯(Manihot esculenta)、甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)、菠萝(Ananas como sus)、椰子(Cocos nucifera)、杧果(Mangifera indica)、木瓜(Chaenomeles speciosa)和变叶木(Codiaeum variegatum)]后,六点始叶螨(Eotetranychus sexmaculatus)的存活、发育与繁殖情况差异。结果表明,取食木薯、甘蔗、菠萝、椰子和杧果后,六点始叶螨各龄均不能存活;而取食橡胶、木瓜和变叶木叶片后,其幼螨、前若螨、后若螨及卵到成螨的存活率均表现为橡胶(均为100%)变叶木(68%、69%、77%和71%)木瓜(53%、65%、54%和57%),存在显著差异(p0.05);从卵到成螨的发育历期表现为橡胶(12.05 d)变叶木(14.67 d)木瓜(15.61 d),但三者间没有显著差异(p0.05);平均每雌产卵量为橡胶(32.20粒)木瓜(8.00粒)变叶木(7.00粒),橡胶与木瓜和变叶木间存在极显著差异(p0.01);F1代卵孵化率为橡胶(100%)变叶木(97.53%)木瓜(94.42%),仅橡胶与木瓜间存在显著差异(p0.05);后代雌性百分率为橡胶(88.20%)变叶木(75.40%)木瓜(66.30%),三者间存在显著差异(p0.05);成螨寿命为橡胶(19.58 d)木瓜(19.33 d)变叶木(17.00 d),仅橡胶与变叶木间存在显著差异(p0.05)。研究结果表明,木薯、椰子、杧果、菠萝和甘蔗不适于六点始叶螨生存、发育与繁殖,因此为预防六点始叶螨的发生与危害,这5类作物可作为橡胶的间作套种作物;而变叶木和木瓜虽然影响六点始叶螨的发育与繁殖,但六点始叶螨仍可完成世代发育和繁殖,因此其亦为六点始叶螨的嗜好寄主,不适宜与橡胶间作套种。  相似文献   

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