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橄榄功能成分及其抗氧化作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
橄榄果实中富含丰富的营养功能成分,包括蛋白质、脂肪酸、挥发性芳香物质、有机酸、氨基酸、酚类物质等,与橄榄的药理功效具有密切的关系。橄榄中的多酚氧化酶(PPO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等具有抗氧化能力。本文综述了橄榄的功能成分以及抗氧化作用,以期为橄榄的进一步研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

红茶加工中芳香物质增变动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文测定红茶初制过程中主要芳香物质增变动态。经过萎凋,芳香物质开始增多,而大部分芳香化合物均形成于揉捻、发酵、干燥工序。构成红茶香气的香叶醇、苯甲醇、苯乙醇、十六酸、水杨酸甲酯等主体芳香物质,均表现成倍增多态势。  相似文献   

茶叶香气是茶叶品质的重要因子植物的香气或其它特有气味,都是由其存在的挥发性芳香物质所决定。芳香物质是多种挥发性的亲脂物质的混合物,能象油脂一样悬浮在水中,且具有芳香气味,因此被称为芳香油(或称挥发油)。  相似文献   

适度低温胁迫诱导岭头单枞香气形成的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用广东主栽乌龙茶品种之一岭头单枞品种为研究材料,通过适度低温胁迫处理茶树,分析鲜叶香气物质的变化。结果表明:低温胁迫处理能明显提高鲜叶中芳香物质的种类;T3处理的香气种类最多,共有62种,T1处理香气种类最少;随着温度的降低,芳樟醇等30种物质的含量增加,而吲哚、橙花醇等12种物质则随着温度的下降而减少;2-甲基十一烷等8种物质只在处理T3和T4中出现;十六酸在处理T3中含量最高,而在T4处理下降;低温胁迫使芳香物总数增加约21%,不同程度的低温胁迫能诱导形成不同种类的芳香物质的合成,并随着低温胁迫程度的加深,其诱导的芳香物质种类也增加。  相似文献   

小议茉莉花吐香   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茉莉花的芳香物质,在花蕾达到一定成熟度时,已在体内聚积了一定的挥发所必备的芳香油基质量。此时,花蕾的花瓣未开,花体内处于封闭状态,芳香物质无法挥发出来,随着花蕾的开放,芳香物质才开始逸出。茉莉花受生理特性支配,在夜间七点左右开始开放,8—9点间吐香最猛烈。茉莉花  相似文献   

花茶窨制过程中,鲜花释放的芳香物质不断被茶坯所吸附,而茶坯对芳香物质的吸附是伴随着对水分的吸收同时进行的。可以说,没有水分的吸收就不会有芳香物质的吸附。所以,研究窨花过程中水分的变化规律有助于揭示茶坯对香气的吸附。同时,掌握水分的变化规律还能预测茶坯的含水状况,从而为确定起花时间提供参考。  相似文献   

提高炒青名优绿茶香气加工技术的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶叶香气是反映茶叶品质的重要指标。研究表明,一般鲜叶中芳香物质的含量不多,但由于组成各类茶叶香气的芳香物质复杂,茶叶香气主要是通过这些物质的不同组合,形成了各种类型的香气。本文联系自己在名优茶生产实践中对提高名优绿茶香气的加工技术谈点体会。  相似文献   

成熟的茉莉鲜花开放是吐出的香气,是一种含有大量芳香油:茉莉内酯、乙酸苯甲酯、芳樟醇、丁香脂等20多种成分组成的复杂芳香物质。这些芳香物质难溶于水,但可用某些有机溶剂(如石油醚)把它们浸提萃取出来,分离出溶剂后进行浓缩,便得到一种  相似文献   

做青温度对岭头单枞乌龙茶香气成分影响的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
用气相色谱—质谱法分析了岭头单枞乌龙茶不同温度下做青香气组分的变化,结果表明:高温(29℃)做青芳香物质种类少、精油总量低、特征组分含量低,中温(25℃)、低温(21℃)做青芳香物质种类多、精油总量高、特征组分含量高。说明做青温度是影响乌龙茶香气的重要因素。  相似文献   

3个杨梅品种果实发育过程中氨基酸含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3个品种杨梅果实发育过程中氨基酸变化趋势进行研究,结果表明,3个品种杨梅果实TAA含量在果实发育初期最高,为1434.85~1822.27 mg/hg,随着果实生长,TAA含量总体呈下降趋势,在果实成熟时含量为532.02~701.85 mg/hg。17种氨基酸在果实发育各个阶段均有检出,Asp、Pro和Glu始终是果实中含量最高的3种氨基酸。在果实发育过程中,Asp含量均呈先上升后下降的趋势;Glu、Pro含量在果实发育过程中总体呈逐步下降的趋势。EAA含量在果实发育过程中呈逐渐下降的趋势,EAA/TAA总体呈先降后升的V型的变化趋势。果实中药用氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸的含量总体呈S型下降趋势,而甜味氨基酸、芳香类氨基酸含量呈逐步下降趋势。  相似文献   

香稻稻米自身含有较高量香味物质且在食用口感、营养等品质方面优于非香水稻品种。香稻香味物质主要成分是2-乙酰-1-吡咯啉(简称2-AP),不同的品种2-AP含量不同。稻米2-AP含量多少不仅受到自身遗传物质的影响,还与土壤中植物营养元素的种类和含量、土壤水分管理、环境温度、贮藏等因素有密切关系。2-AP合成与调控可能与脯氨酸及其酶有关。  相似文献   

随着海南省国际旅游岛建设的快速发展,旅游结构需要从单一的观光型旅游逐渐向高端休闲度假式旅游转移。以芳香植物为主题的休闲旅游产业是芳香产业的最高端产品,具有极高的附加值。海南有着温暖湿润的气候条件,多物种的野生植物资源,具备发展芳香旅游得天独厚的优势,使得海南在开发芳香产业链上具有广阔的发展空间。本文运用SWOT分析法对海南省芳香植物资源分布、特点以及海南芳香产业发展的现状的优势、弱势、机遇以及面临的威胁进行分析比对,并提出对海南岛发展芳香旅游产业有建设性的战略定位和发展思路。  相似文献   

对海南省优质高产香稻的选育进展及方法进行了综述,提出在海南选育生产上大面积推广应用的优质香稻,以利用香稻两用核不育系琼香S与华南地区选育的优质高产常规品种配组选育两系优质高产杂交香稻为上策,选育出来的琼香S系列组合生育期适宜、产量高、米质优、抗性强、适应性广。  相似文献   

广东山区野生芳香植物资源丰富,初步统计共有111科311属763种(含变种),包含乔木、灌木、草本和藤本4种生活型。区系成分分析显示:该地区芳香植物科的气候带分布类型以热带至亚热带分布(主产热带)和热带至温带分布(主产热带亚热带)成分为主,分别有29科(占26.1%)和38科(占34.2%),主要集中于木兰科、樟科和芸香科等10个科;属的地理分布区类型多样,以热带成分为主(187属,占60.1%),同时兼有大量的温带成分(99属,占31.8%)。研究发现,本区具有较高观赏价值和园林开发前景的特色芳香植物有  相似文献   

应用水蒸汽蒸馏法对收集到的20份云南紫苏试材的芳香油积累动态进行了研究,结果表明:不同发育时期芳香油含量不同,以花芽分化及开花期含量最高;试材间芳香油含量差异极大,最高者可达0.3087%,最低者仅为0.0431%。  相似文献   


In this study, we collected native aromatic rice cultivars from north, east and northeast of Afghanistan, and check cultivars from Japan, Thailand and India. We characterized some important agronomic characters such as plant height, panicle number per plant, grain number per panicle, 1,000-grain weight, grain length and grain width to find the desirable characters for breeding programs. Many of them were classified into tall culm rice according to IRRI index, but had thin and slender grain, and strong aroma which are favorable characteristics in Afghanistan and surrounding regions. The aromatic character was characterized by three methods, 1.7% KOH sensory test, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. These three methods gave similar results. Six out of 10 Afghan native rice cultivars were aromatic and four non-aromatic. Among the check cultivars, Basmati 370, Jasmine 85, Izayoi, Oitakoutou and Jakouine were aromatic and Nipponbare non-aromatic. Improvement of aromatic and high yielding rice and reduction of plant height are the important objectives for rice breeding in Afghanistan. The results showed that Pashadi Konar from Afghanistan has the intermediate plant height, heavier 1,000-grain weight (32 g), longer grain (11 mm) and favorable aroma. Therefore, this cultivar may be a good source of aromatic rice germplasm in Afghanistan. To clarify the genetic nature of aroma in rice, we crossed non-aromatic cultivar Nipponbare with aromatic cultivar Jasmine 85, and examined the aromatic character in the F2 generation by 1.7% KOH sensory test and PCR analysis. Non-aromatic and aromatic characters were segregated at a ratio of 3:1, showing that aroma is controlled by a single recessive gene.  相似文献   

To improve grain quality of the high-yielding hybrid rice in China, we introduced the aromatic rice MR365, an improved Indian cultivar with aroma and other desirable grain quality characters such as long grain and low chalkiness, from IRRI in 1984 and began to transfer its aroma and good quality characters into the existing maintainer lines with good combining ability but poor grain quality. In the meantime, we also conducted the research on the inheritance of aroma for increasing the breeding efficiency. Through years of research and breeding practices, two cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines Xiangxiang 2 A and Xinxiang A and a series of quasi-aromatic hybrids mated from these aromatic CMS lines have been developed and released for commercial production in China. It was found that the inheritance of aroma in MR 365 and its derivatives including Xiangxiang 2 A, Xinxiang A and Xiang 2B S was controlled by one pair of recessive major genes based on the identification of aroma by the KOH-soaking method. We also found that there existed disparity in aroma degree among different grains of F2 generation, and different aromatic CMS lines derived from the same aromatic donor such as Xiangxiang 2 A and Xinxiang A had also a little difference in the degree of aroma, which implies that, besides the major genes, aroma may also be affected by the genetic backgrounds or minor genes. Xiangxiang 2 A, developed from the cross of V20A∥V20B/MR365, is the first aromatic CMS line bred in China. It is not only aromatic but has good grain quality and combining ability. Using it as female parent, Xiangyou 63 (Xiangxiang 2A/Minghui 63), the first quasi-aromatic hybrid rice combination in China, was developed and approved to release to farmers in 1995. Xiangyou 63 is characteristic of quasi-aromatic or partially aromatic (because only a portion of or NOT ALL grains are aromatic), good grain quality, high-yielding ability, good blast resistance and wide adaptability. However, Xiangxiang 2 A has an evident drawback, i.e., instablility in male sterility under higher temperature conditions resulting from the existence of restoring minor genes in it, which greatly hampered the extension of its elite hybrid Xiangyou 63 with both high yield and fine quality in commercial production. To improve Xiangxiang 2 A, we made hybridization of Xiangxiang 2 B with V20 B again in 1990. A new aromatic CMS line Xinxiang A was successfully developed in 1994. It not only retains the favorable characteristics of Xiangxiang 2 A in grain quality and combining ability, but also expresses complete and stable male sterility and high seed production yield potential. Up to now, by using it as female parent, a series of quasi-aromatic hybrids have been developed. Some of them such as Xinxiangyou 63 (Xinxiang A/Minghui 63), Xinxiangyou 77 (Xinxiang A/Minghui 77), Xinxiangyou 80 (Xinxiang A/R80), Xinxiangyou 207 (Xinxiang A/R207) and Xinxiangyou 96 (Xinxiang A/R96) have been released to farmers. Such hybrids have been preferred and well welcome by the farmers in China, because they can not only yield higher or as high as but also possess a better grain quality than the current common high-yielding hybrid rice varieties, especially, they are naturally-mixed aromatic rice so that it can be consumed daily just like non-aromatic common rice. The planting area under these hybrids is increasing rapidly in China. It is expected that the quasi-aromatic hybrid rice will have a good prospect in the coming years.  相似文献   

杂交香稻的香味遗传模式及育种研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 以川香28A和川香84A与无香味的恢复系CDR22、成恢177等杂交,研究F1和F2单粒稻米的香味遗传特点。结果表明F1稻米无香味,恢复系的无香味表现胚乳直感现象;杂种稻米(F2)无香味∶有香味符合15∶1的遗传分离比。川香28A与香稻恢复系636杂交,F1和杂种稻米(F2)的每粒米都有香味。结合过去的有关研究,提出杂交香稻香味遗传的双基因模式。介绍了运用香稻亲本转育香味基因,选育香稻保持系、恢复系和杂交香稻的育种方法和进展。  相似文献   

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