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根据北方设施园艺的特点,详细介绍现有保温被的种类及选用原则,总结卷帘机的种类、性能及特点,探讨卷帘机的安全技术要求及使用注意事项,为促进温室大棚的健康发展提供理论参考. 相似文献
《Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research》1982,27(6):513-527
Primary tillage largely dictates the power requirement on an arable farm. The effectiveness of the power and machinery system is, however, arbitrarily determined by the management skill in matching work output to the time available at an acceptable level of fixed and variable costs. The farmer tends to compensate for inadequacies of the machinery system and for vagaries of the weather by adjusting the definition of soil workability and amending the time available to suit the advanced or belated state of progress in the field.The identification of the effect of different soil moisture content levels on the work rate of various tractor-plough combinations provides a more objective assessment of soil workability and represents a major advance on existing machinery planning procedures. It has been achieved by relating traction and plough draught to cone index as a soil strength parameter which is soil moisture dependent.Incorporating a soil moisture simulation model, this study shows the feasibility of a comprehensive computer program for the selection of tractor-plough combinations for a given climate and soil type within a machinery, labour and timeliness penalty cost framework. 相似文献
绥化市北林区农机事业在黑龙江省起步比较早,与全省其他市县一道,通过近两代农机人的共同努力,积累了丰富的工作经验。为此,对改革开放以来北林区农机工作进行较系统的总结,旨在为今后优化农机化发展决策提供参考. 相似文献
《Agricultural Systems》2006,89(2-3):528-537
The selection of ‘representative’ farms in farm level modelling where results are aggregated to the sector level is critically important if the effects of aggregation bias are to be reduced. The process of selecting representative farms normally involves the use of cluster analysis where the decision regarding the appropriate number of clusters (or representative farm types) is largely subjective. However, when the technique of fitting mixtures of distributions is employed as a clustering technique there is an objective test of the appropriate number of clusters. This paper demonstrates the mixture of distributions model (MDM) approach to cluster analysis by classifying dairy farms in Northern Ireland. 相似文献
《Agricultural Systems》2005,86(1):29-51
The methodology presented in this paper aims at analysing whether there is room for improvement of vegetable farmers’ income in Canelón Grande (Uruguay), while reducing soil erosion and improving physical and biological soil fertility, and to gain insight in the influence of farmers’ resource availability on the opportunities for sustainable development. The (generic) approach we developed to support re-design of farming systems in this region is unique in dealing with complex temporal interactions in crop rotations and spatial heterogeneity on farms in one integrated method, while revealing trade-off between economic and environmental objectives. Rather than an arbitrary sub-set, all feasible crop rotations were generated, using a tool named ROTAT. The crop rotations were combined with a range of production techniques according to pre-defined design criteria to create a wide variety of alternative production activities at the field scale. We used process-based simulation models supplemented with empirical data and expert knowledge to quantify inputs and outputs of production activities. We developed a mixed integer linear programming model (MILP), named Farm Images, to allocate production activities to a farm with land units differing in soil quality, while maximising or minimising socio-economic and environmental objectives, subject to constraints at the farm level. Production activities comprised current practices as well as activities new to the area. We used Farm Images to design farm systems for seven existing farms in Canelón Grande with different resource availability. The farm systems designed by the model had higher family income than current systems for six of the seven farms studied. The estimated average soil erosion per ha decreased by a factor of 2–4 in the farm systems proposed compared to the current systems, while the rate of change of soil organic matter increased from negative in the current systems to +130 to +280 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the proposed farm systems. The degree to which the objectives could be achieved was strongly affected by farm resource endowment, i.e., particularly by the fraction of the area irrigated, soil quality and labour availability per ha. The study suggests that decreasing the area of vegetable crops by introducing long crop rotations with pastures and green manure during the inter-crop periods and integrating beef cattle production into the farm systems would often be a better strategy than the actual farmers’ practice. 相似文献
由山东省经贸委、山东省机械工业办公室、山东农机工业协会、寿光市人民政府主办的本届展销会,经过精心组织和周密策划,于2004年4月24日与著名的“寿光蔬菜博览会”同期开幕。多年来,山东农业机械工业协会把握行业走势,积极寻求市场切入点,为购销双方架设桥梁付出了艰苦努力,所承办的各届展会在业界的影响力不断提升。2004山东暨华东、华北地区农机、汽车、工程机械产品春季展销订货会掠影 相似文献
于金伟 《农业装备与车辆工程》2007,(7):30-31
绿色设计以节约能源和保护环境为设计理念,因此,农机企业开展产品的绿色设计是企业适应可持续发展社会的必然,而可拆卸性设计是产品绿色设计的主要内容之一。本文介绍了可拆卸性设计的内涵、特点和方法,阐述了农业机械产品可拆卸性设计的关键技术和实施途径,并指出今后要注重农业机械的可拆卸性设计。 相似文献
夏季是农机使用繁忙时节,在高温酷暑下作业易导致农机事故高发。针对高温条件下农机作业易发生的几个主要问题,提出安全使用及维护保养措施,以期为提高农机作业效率、实现安全生产、延长农机使用寿命提供参考。 相似文献
辽宁省盘山县农机推广站 《农机科技推广》2007,(3):52-53
张会,1978年毕业于营口农学院,1990年调任辽宁省盘山县农机技术推广站站长。他17年如一日,孜孜以求,致力于盘山的农机推广和应用,人们都亲切地称他为“我们的农机专家”。自担任站长以来,张会带领全站干部职工,先后推广了园田管理机、水稻插秧机、水稻联合收割机等多种 相似文献
农田作业机械路径优化方法 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
提出了一种面向农田作业机械的地块全区域覆盖路径优化方法。基于农田地块几何形状、作业机具参数、地头转弯模式等先验信息,将田间作业划分为不同区域,根据选择不同的路径优化目标:转弯数最少、作业消耗最小、总作业路径最短或有效作业路径比最大,计算出最优作业方向,生成最优作业路径。基于地块全区域覆盖路径优化算法,设计开发了农田作业机械的路径规划软件,并选取了4块典型的凸四边形农田地块进行作业路径规划测试。测试结果表明,最优作业方向上的路径优化目标量比其他作业方向上有显著减少;对于上述4个地块,按照不同优化目标计算所得的最优作业方向均与地块某个边的方向角相同,对于长宽比较大的地块,最长边方向通常为最优作业方向。 相似文献
由于农机产品产量大、使用面广,又与水、空气、地表及土壤有着密不可分的关系,所以在其设计过程中必须考虑资源问题及环境属性.绿色设计以节约能源和保护环境为设计理念,农机企业开展产品的绿色设计是企业适应可持续发展社会的必然要求.为此,论述了绿色设计的概念、内容和方法;分析了农机产品绿色设计的内涵;指出了绿色设计是农机产品可持续发展的根本保障,是一项社会化的系统工程. 相似文献
1 地面灌溉技术概述 地面灌溉是世袭的古老灌溉技术.就世界范围看,无论在什么情况下,地面灌溉都占灌溉面积的绝对优势.全世界地面灌溉的面积约占世界灌溉总面积的90%;我国现有地面灌溉面积约0.467亿hm2(2000年),占全国总灌溉面积0.547亿hm2的85%以上,因此,对于地面灌溉技术的改进及其机械设备的研究始终未停止过.近10余年来,用现代高科技完善地面灌溉技术,改造沿袭的落后技术,在提高水的利用效率和劳动生产率上更是取得很大进展. 相似文献