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INTRODUCTloNbePthemp`vkoItw)isanli11pe1tclhabepeicinnoed1castO1ina.Thcspeic~rminn1bo\vithInanyhar~~,inbotScalledndbroadileated/KOrCantwthisisthecham~honin~toinla.bendboare~lycalledKrsPincbofOrdnd.ThebohavcboexPloitalforwtahalf~,withiISareabeing~boIhan5oto5~inthiswil,].TO-tw-oroldgrowthbonaatonlyiminfewedwr.beusePaSttimeduetOwithe~mCChanisl1isofthenabotwpePlanboonsofKrsptheunmaseeqclear~ofhsenahahenrstaredanopmcaedtyforndnd'l,.ndmamAnboontisetOPofnd3l.Hot`toodthehighqtaltyorboPli…  相似文献   

Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and broadleaved mixed forest in Northeast China has been changed regressively into secondary forest with almost no conifers. Planting Korean pine trees under the canopy of secondary forest is a feasible approach for recovering Korean pine and broadleaved mixed forest. For establishing an effective growth promotion method for under-canopy planted young Korean pine trees, two stands were selected as the experiment plots, Stand A (planted in 1989) and Stand B (planted in 1982), and an experiment of microenvironment regulation was conducted relying mainly on Opening degree (K=1, K=1.5, K=2, CK) in 2004. The results were shown that the adjustment had promoted growth of diameter and height of Korean pine planted in Stand A and Stand B, and had a significant influence on the growth rate of basal diameter, diameter at breast height and height in the two growth stands. The four years periodic increment of mean diameter and height of Korean pine planted in 1989 and in 1982 after regulation in K=1 level were 63.4% (D0) and 82.7% (H), 64.8% (D1.3) and 69.7% (H) higher than that of control respectively. Quantitative regulation had significant influence on specific leaf area of Korean pine planted in 1989, and the current year specific leaf area (SLA) was lager than perennial year SLA. Quality indexes of natural pruning capacity, normal form quotient and crown size was not significantly changed but shown a positive tendency. The regulation scheme of Opening degree K=1 might be proper for adjusting the microenvironment of Korean pine trees planted under the canopy of secondary forest when the Korean pine trees were in the growth period of 15 to 26 years old in the experiment region.  相似文献   

1ThisStudyisoneoftheprojectssuportedbyNaturalScienceFundationofHeilongjiangProvinceIntroductionSitoindexisaconvcnientstcptoxtardtl1eultin1ategoaiofpredictingtheproductioncapability'offorcstlwt;anditisausefuldircctmeasuresforapotentialexpetionparadigmintcn…  相似文献   

分析了中国东北小兴安岭林区红松种群的生活史过程及其影响因素,对红松生活史的4个阶段进行了分析,并讨论了其进化和保护对策.红松的传粉和受精主要受天气条件的影响.林冠下的光照是控制红松幼苗生长和存活的主要因素.红松种子生产的周期性波动会引起有关动物种群的相应变化.动物是阔叶红松林生态系统中不可缺少的组成成分,松鼠在红松种群的天然更新中起着非常重要的作用.了解森林生态系统中物种的协同进化关系对于我们保护森林生物多样性和生态系统的完整性有着重要的意义.在红松的保护中,我们不仅要保护树木本身,而且还应当保护与红松相关的动物、生境乃至整个生态系统.  相似文献   

以红松人工幼龄林(10年生)为研究对象,开展不同截干处理的结果表明,红松截干(按比例、轮枝)对侧枝生长影响显著。1/3截干轮枝基径、轮枝长平均值最大值(11.08、1.022)分别比对照高出140.87%、354.22%;三轮截干轮枝基径、轮枝长平均值最大值(8.11、0.51)比对照高出298.52%、211%。1/3截干平均值(11.08、1.022)比三轮平均值(8.11、0.51)要大,1/3截干最好。  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTIONTherhythInofKorcanpinegrowingandtrpearchitectUreissubjectedtoitsownl1crcd-ityandforeststructUre.Tl1cil11portantefTcctsofgapdynamicsarethereasonsthatmaketl1cKoreanpinetrceformhighqualityoftimbcr.Whilecurrentn1anagemcntofKoreanpincforestmainlyfocusesonpurestand,thccco-logicalrelationshipsbetWcenKoreanpineandothcrsPecicsinaconununityareneglected,thcprimitivebiologicalconditionislost.TheKo-reanpinetrecsinplantationcasilydivergeonthctOpofmainsten1,thesescverelyaITectthcgrOedqu…  相似文献   

According to a great deal of field investigation and detailed indoor analysis, the natural regeneration pattern and process of Korean pine population under natural Poplar-birch forest has been uncovered. The results show that the regeneration quantity and quality of Korean pine population under mountainous Poplar-birch forest and mountainous white birch forest are better than those under valley moss-grass White Birch forest and virgin broad-leaved Korean pine forest. Korean pine population shows aggregated distribution, the mass-occurrence period of Korean pine population is behind the mass-occurrence period of Poplar-birch population. Various aged Korean pines growth is affected by different stand structure factors. Man-made lighting tending can accelerate the regeneration process and increase the regeneration quality of Korean pine population. It is feasible to set up regeneration recombination of upper layer White Birch and lower layer Korean pines.  相似文献   

LIU Qiang  WANG Jun 《林业研究》2011,21(1):141-143
The height growth of Korean pine plantation was investigated for different ages of saplings in Benxi city of the eastern Liaoning, China. The sapling and seedling age were determined by branch annuals. Results show that the mean height of third- to eight-year Korean pines ranges from 13.31 cm to 111.73 cm and only 19.4% of the saplings reached the height above 130 cm. The height (Y) of eight-year-old Korean pine increases linearly with the increment of ground stem (x) (Y=3.1x+35.15). The relation between height and age can be described by an exponential equation. The second year after planting of the Korean pine is considered as the key period of Korean pine growth really adapting to the local environment; plantation management should be strengthened in this year. The Korean pine seedlings need two years to adapt to the local environment, thus early care and management should be taken in the second year.  相似文献   

Broad-lcafKorcanpi11cforcstbccol11csPoplar-bircl1forcstaftcrburntandfcllcdinbigarcas.Ca11tl1iskindofPopIar-bircl1forcstrccot'crtoclin1axco1nl11unity-trirginbroadlcafKorcanpincforcst9Whatistl1erclationsl1ipbctt`.ccnPoplar-birchforcstandKorcanpil1cforcst?Ho`"docsKorcanpincPOpu1ationrc-gencratcundcrnaturaIPoplar-birchforcst?AllthescprobICInsl1a\'caIrcad}'attractcdforcstcrsattcntionforaIOI1gtil11c.Tllccarh'studicsshox'cd:itt'asinct-ita-blcthatbirchforcstcouldfonnonbun1ingsitesx"ithil1t'irg…  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTloNKorcanpincforcst'asaclimaxofcastlnounta1nsinNortheast-isalt"a}simportantobjcctforforcstcrstostlld}.AIthougllman}'cxpcrtsllax'cn1assi\'cI}'stlldicdthcdy'nal11icsproccssofKorcanpincforest.thcstudlesinsolllcaspcctsstilIIackdcpth'ct'cnl1at'cgaps.Sillccslnall-dianlcterKorcanpincsplayaIinL-lllgIbrlllerandlattcrroIcinKorcanpincforcstd}'llaIl1icsproccss.tl1cstudicsaboutsn1all-dlan1ctcrKorcal1pil1cs-origlnatiol1'gro\Y1l1cllaractcrandthcirrclatiol1stostandstnICt1Ircundoubtcd1}oflbr…  相似文献   

IntroductionKoreanpine(PinuskOraiensisSieb.etZucc.)isoneofthemostimportanttimberspeciesanditisnaturaIIydistributedinHeilongjiang,JiIinandLiaon-ingprovincesinChina.ManyforestryresearchersmadeextensiveandprofoundstudiesonthisspeciesJiangYiyin(1985)studiedthegroWthandgrowthmodelsforpIantationsofKoreanpine.However,veryfewpaperswerefoundonthegroWthmodeIsofnaturalKoreanpineforest.Koreanpinehasa1onggroWthperiod.ForextensivelymanagingKoreanpineforest,itneedstheJorestrytabIeswithhighac-Curacy…  相似文献   

The thesis for the Doctorate consist of two parts. The first is to study on structure, dynamics and tree growth of natural Korean pine forest. The second is to research for tree architecture, growth and stand structure of artificial Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests.The thesis compares the stand structure, process of regeneration, and various tree growth patterns between natural forests and artificial forests. Its purpose is to give a basis for forest management and silviculture. The study was carried out in Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm, which is located in the southern Xiaoxing’an Mountains.  相似文献   

THEMAINCoNTENToNTHENATURALFORESTAgeStTucture,SpatialPattern,andDynamicsofKoreanPineForestSpa-halpatternoftrees,basalstemincrementandheightwereexaminedina5.ohm2mixeddeciduous/Pinuskoraiensisfor-est.ConcIusionsareasfollowingtAgestructureAgedeterminationsonthestudyplotshowthatKoreanpineisalonglivedtreespeciesandunevenagedpopuIation.ThegeneraIecoIogicalIongevi-tyisabout3OO-4oOyear-o1d.TheoverstoryKoreanpinetreesincludeawiderangeofage,themaximumageofKoreanpinetreeonthestudyp1ot…  相似文献   

IntroductionAgestructureoftrees,whichreflcctsrcge11eratio11processandvelocity,meansquantityoftreesdividingbyage.Broad-leavedKoreanpineforestwastl1etypicalzol1alvegetationofChangbaiMountaininNortheastO1ina,anditwastheprimarygymnospermconununitysurvivedaftertheQuatemaryGlacierPeriod.Alotofcommunityinf`)r-mationaccumulatCdinthestr-uctllreofforeststandsa11dgrowingprocessofindividualtrees.So,athoroughstUdyonagestructureanditsdistributiol1ofbroad-leavedKore-anpine.forestwouldprovidetl1eoretical…  相似文献   

Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps inTilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northern slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that Korean pine population was composed of grouped patches with different ages. There were not strict intervals among the dominated generations, and the curve of age structure often had two or more peaks. The distribution of broad-leaved species in natural Korean pine forest was grouped or scattered, and age distribution was also uneven-aged. There existed close relation between quality of broad-leaved species and Korean pine. So, it shaped multi-storied and uneven-aged mixed forest. The model of age structure and growth demonstrated their passive correlation, but growth became slow when woods had reached old age. The study was funded by the Opened Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Reponsible Editor: Chai Rulhai)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopl11entofecono111yandoPeninghn1berInarket.thehlnbersizeiscaredaboutmorea11dl11ol'e.otl1ermse,l11uIhpleproductinventonesrequlresaccurateeshmatesofproductsizes(dial11eteral1dlengths)andvolume.Koreanpine(PinIisko1nIensisSib.etZucc.)isararehn1bersPeciesil1Heilol1roial1gProvince.ItisnecessarynotonlytopredicttI1evolumebasedonvolumetablebutalsotoas-sesstheassotheent.Accordingtothenahol1alhmbercritenonandthewoodqt1ality,thestandqualityisdetenl1i11ed.ThemainPOintofco…  相似文献   

红松人工林培育技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在黑龙江省山河屯林业局凤凰山等4个林场的6个大林班内6个小林班进行红松人工林培育实验,所选地块均为适合红松林生长的荒地类,而且均设置了对照区。实验得出结论:从地类因子对红松径、高生长量影响来分析,以荒地类生长量最高;从坡向、坡位、坡度因子对红松径、高的影响来分析,阴坡的平均径、高生长量明显高于阳坡,以坡下位的平均径、高最高,并随坡度增加生长量逐渐降低,平坡和缓坡(5°-15°)的条件是红松适宜生长的立地条件;从土壤类型和土壤深度对红松径、高的影响来分析,以暗棕壤土红松的径、高生长量最高,而且其各生长指标随土层厚度的增加呈上升趋势,土层厚度大于50cm对红松生长最好;不同修枝高度对红松幼林的径、高影响很大,以中度修枝程度最有利于提高生长量。  相似文献   

Broad-lcavedKoreanpincforcstisthcclimaticclimaxconinunitVofnortheastmoun-tainousregionsofChina.AsthemaintreesPecies,Koreanpinehasexccllentwood.AgreatattentionbasbccnpaidtorecoveringtheseforesttyPesafterharvesting.Additional1y,KoreanpineisoneofkeyregcncrationtreesPeCiesinthisregion.TherehasbeenlargeareaofKorcanpincplantations.Howevcr,thercaresomeproblemsncedingtobestUdicdfwtheramongwhichoneistoselectsuitabIeropenerationapproacl1esofKoreanpincforesls.WHATISTHEPROBLEM?ThcnatUralregen…  相似文献   

Thinning of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) is used to facilitate timber and cone production. The present study in Northeast China investigated the effects of thinning intensity on individual tree growth, temporal variation in cone yield, and seed quality in Korean pine plantation. In 2005, five thinning intensity levels (none, extreme, heavy, moderate and light) were set in 15 permanent plots in a 32-year-old Korean pine plantation at Mengjiagang Forest Farm, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. We recorded tree growth and seed cone production from 2013 to 2016, i.e., from 8 to 11 years after thinning. Except for height growth, thinning increased tree growth (diameter at breast height and crown size) and improved cone yield. The extreme thinning treatment (to 300 trees per hectare) resulted in the largest tree diameter, tree volume, crown size and 4-year cone production per tree. The highest cone yield per tree in the mast year (2014) was observed when stands were thinned to 500 trees per hectare (heavy thinning). Although the best cone and seed quality and the largest cone and seed mass per tree were recorded in the heavily thinned stand, no significant differences were found between heavy and moderate thinning stands (750 trees per hectare). At the stand level, the moderately thinned stand had the highest basal area, stock volume and seed cone production per stand. Our results suggest that thinning to 750 trees per hectare will improve timber and cone productivity in 40-year-old P. koraiensis stands.  相似文献   

In the province of Québec, Canada, the majority of planted jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings are produced in rigid wall containers. More than 95% of them exhibit deformations of the root system which may induce stem instability. Studies of the root architecture of planted jack pine have been limited to a 30 cm radius from the stem, as barely any studies have been devoted to naturally regenerated stands. Moreover, only a few researches have focused on temporal evolution of root systems. The aim of the present study was to characterize the architectural, spatial, and temporal development of jack pine roots in natural and planted stands. Study sites were located in the continuous boreal forest of Quebec. The plantation was done in 1987, so that the trees were 15 years old at the time of sampling. Trees from natural stand had regenerated after a fire in 1983 and were 13–16 years old. The root systems of 14 jack pine trees per site were manually excavated up to a <5 mm diameter, without regard to their distance from the stem. The number, length, diameter, and the spatial and temporal development of roots were analyzed according to three scales of root architecture: the root system, axes, and segments. Overall, the numbers and lengths of roots were higher with planted pines. However, naturally regenerated trees displayed a better distribution of their roots around the stem and at depth, combined with more rapid length growth during the first years. In natural stands, all the trees had a taproot and 30% of the main roots originated at a depth of more than 20 cm, and they are regularly distributed around the stems. Planted trees did not present a taproot and 97% of the main roots originated in the first 20 cm beneath the soil surface. Moreover, 50% of root length was located in one-third of the area surrounding the stems, an area that corresponded to the furrow. Finally, the annual development of lateral roots in planted stand displayed a 5-year delay when compared with natural stand, which also affected maximum growth length and development of the branching pattern. Root distribution and temporal development are known to play a major role in the stability of aerial parts. Seedling production methods, container type, site preparation and planting techniques need to be examined in greater detail in order to assess their effect throughout the development of the root system. It is necessary to compare different sylvicultural practices and with natural/planted stands to gain a clearer understanding of this problem.  相似文献   

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