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The underlying principles and traditional knowledge concerning indigenous agroforestry systems (AFS) around the world have been used successfully in the design of improved systems; but lately there has been a slow-down in that effort. Recognizing that Cinderella, by analogy, refers to an individual whose attributes were unrecognized or one who unexpectedly achieved success after a period of obscurity and neglect, we propose Cinderella agroforestry systems for such underexploited and “forgotten” AFS. In order to highlight their unrecognized potentials, a few such systems that are location-specific and little-known outside their areas of existence were selected from around the world. Each selected system is unique in terms of its production, environmental, and sociocultural attributes; but none had been described in quantitative terms of ecology and production. A qualitative SWOT (strengths–weaknesses–opportunities–threats) analysis of the systems showed several commonalities among them. While sustainability, multi-functionality, and high sociocultural values are common strengths, low levels of production and lack of research- and technology inputs to improve the system are the major weaknesses. The opportunities emanating from strengths and weaknesses are also common to all the systems; and “threats” to these systems arise mostly from ramifications of government policies. Given the acknowledged role of AFS in climate-smart agriculture and the current global momentum for working with communities to better manage landscapes, learning from success stories of the Cinderella AFS could suggest models for sustainable development, and efforts in that direction should also be incorporated into global agroforestry research agendas.  相似文献   

A comparative study of gum arabic yield trends per tree and picking in relation to stand management (by farmers and by researchers) and type (natural and planted) was conducted at two locations in North Kordofan, Sudan, for a three-year period. In addition, eight-year yield trends in relation to rainfall were compared based on the 1993–2000 gum yield data from 1440 trees. Although the gum arabic yield followed the same trend over time in all stands at both locations, the gum yield from farm stands, whether planted or natural, was 47% to 60% lower than that from research stands. Late tapping reduced the gum yield by 40% and 50% at the two different locations, respectively. Yield was highly affected by rainfall, correlating positively with annual rainfall in six of the eight years of the study. These findings can be used for improving gum arabic yield through management interventions and for predicting yield in relation to stand type, management regime and rainfall.  相似文献   

Indonesia’s pulp and paper industry needs a large area of sustainably grown plantations to support its continued development. Acacia mangium has been the key species underpinning the pulp and paper industries in Sumatra, however increased disease pressure on A. mangium is expected to require large-scale conversion of Acacia plantations to Eucalyptus in the near future. The effect of such a large scale change in plantation species on soil moisture, for both tree production, and catchment hydrology is unknown. In this study we sought to characterize the impacts of plantation species (Acacia or Eucalyptus) and nitrogen management, on soil moisture, soil water depletion and depth to groundwater under stands of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita over the first 2–3 years after establishment. The study was conducted in experiments at four sites in Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil moisture and soil water depletion were not influenced by plantation species or fertilizer treatment. Soil moisture content and soil water depletion were strongly influenced by shallow groundwater at two of the four sites, however depth to groundwater did not influence stem growth. Results from the field trials cautiously suggest that large scale conversion of Acacia mangium to Eucalypt species in these regions is unlikely to result in increased moisture stress, nor is conversion of plantation species likely to lead to substantial differences in catchment hydrology. This study demonstrated the importance of conducting multi-site studies when investigating biophysical relationships in forest/plantation systems.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in South Kordofan, Sudan to determine the effect of tapping, tapping tools and date of tapping on the gum yield of Acacia polyacantha. A two-factor experiment was conducted for two seasons in 2008-2009. One location was used for two seasons and two locations for one season. The first factor (4 levels) was the tools of tapping: Makmak, Farrar, and Sonki, and the control which was not tapped. The second factor (2 levels) was the date of tapping that comprises mid October and mid November. These treatments were arranged in Randomaized Complete Block Design and replicated three times. Gum yield (g/tree and g/ picking) was recorded for five pickings. Economic analysis was done using the partial budget technique. The results showed highly significant (p < 0.01) differences on gum yield (g/picking and g/tree). The results indicated that the process of tapping increases gum production by 88.4% and 79.8% compared with un-tapped trees, respectively. The date of tapping has no significant effect on gum yield (g/tree and g/picking) of A. polyacantha. Tapping of the tree with Makmak in mid- November was found to be economically beneficial compared to using the other tools and the control. These results could identify a new source of income for the poor farmers in South Kordofan mainly because of the wild occurrence of Kakamut as a potential gum producing tree species grown naturally in the area.  相似文献   

The ecological effects of eucalypt plantations (EPs) have garnered increasing attention. To understand their effect on soil quality at a landscape scale, and to determine whether soil quality parameters differ due to different stand types, we evaluated soil characteristics in twenty-one groups of EPs, Pinus massoniana Lamb. plantations (PMPs) and natural broadleaved forests (NBFs) across Guangdong Province, China. Both the physical characteristics of soil hydrology and the properties of soil nutrients in A and B horizons were determined. Results showed that, compared to NBFs, EPs and PMPs produced a shallower litter layer, reduced canopy density, higher soil bulk density, significantly lower total porosity, non-capillary porosity, total water volume, and hygroscopic water in the A horizon (P < 0.05). Moreover, total N, available K, and soil organic carbon (SOC) in EPs and PMPs were significantly lower than in NBFs. EPs and PMPs did not differ significantly in N, P or K content, but PMPs had significantly lower SOC and boron in the A horizon than EPs. Low pH and poor capacity to buffer acidification generally occurred in all cover types. Both EPs and PMPs showed a decline in soil properties relative to NBFs, but EPs and PMPs exhibited no significant difference. These results indicate that actions are needed to ameliorate the potential negative effects on soil quality in forestry plantations.  相似文献   

We examined the saccharification and fermentation of meals from Acacia mangium wood, Paraserianthes falcataria wood, and Elaeis guineensis trunk. The levels of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and ethanol production were highest for P. falcataria wood and lowest for A. mangium wood. Ultrasonication pretreatment of meal further increased the rates of hydrolysis and ethanol production in meal from P. falcataria wood. Through this pretreatment, hemicelluloses (xylan and xyloglucan) and cellulose were released in the meal from P. falcataria wood. Loosening of hemicellulose associations can be expected to make P. falcataria wood more useful for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) are considered to be the major insect pests in storage. Essential oils from aromatic plants are recognized as proper alternatives to fumigants. Thymus persicus (Ronniger ex Rech. f.) is one of these plants that have medicinal properties and is indigenous to Iran. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Carvacrol (44.69%) and thymol (11.05%) were the major constituents of the oil extracted. In this experiment, fumigant toxicity of the essential oil was studied against T. castaneum, S. oryzae at 27 ± 1°C and 60 ± 5% RH in dark condition. The adult insects were exposed to the concentrations of 51.9, 111.1, 207.4 and 370.4 μl/l air to estimate median lethal time (LT50) values. The fumigant toxicity was increased in response to increased essential oil concentrations. The LT50 values at the lowest and the highest concentrations tested were ranged from 28.09 to 13.47 h for T. castaneum, and 3.86 to 2.30 h for S. oryzae. It was found that S. oryzae adults were much more susceptible to the oil than T. castaneum. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 values (95% fiducial limit) for T. castaneum and S. oryzae were estimated to be 236.9 (186.27–292.81) and 3.34 (2.62–4.28) μl/l air, respectively. These results suggest that T. persicus essential oil merits further study as potential fumigant for the management of these stored-product insects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the most efficient methods of inoculation to significantly improve nodulation and growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica, grown under greenhouse conditions. Our results showed that inoculation using dissolved alginate beads containing rhizobia significantly improved the growth of both acacia species better than the growth of plants in other treatments. The experiment with A. nilotica was conducted in two unsterilised soils from different areas. Plants grown in soil from Bel Air were well-nodulated and showed better growth than plants grown in soil from Sangalkam. However, no difference between these soils was shown between the several methods of inoculation and their effect on the nodulation and growth of plants. An interaction between A. senegal and A. nilotica provenances and the effect of inoculation with rhizobia was also demonstrated. Bel Air provenance of A. senegal, Dahra and RIM provenances of A. nilotica grew best of several provenances tested. These results suggest that (1) it may be possible to improve growth and yield of A. senegal and A. nilotica by careful selection of each symbiotic partner; and (2) nursery-grown seedlings of A. senegal and A. nilotica should be inoculated, just after sowing, with dissolved alginate beads containing a mixture of selected rhizobia. Résumé. Lobject de notre travail était de déterminer la méthodologie dinoculation la plus efficace pour améliorer significativement la nodulation et la croissance dAcacia senegal et dAcacia nilotica poussant dans des conditions de serre. Nos résultats ont montré que linoculation utilisant des billes dalginate dissoutes améliorait significativement la croissance des deux espèces dAcacia par rapport à celle des plantes des autres traitements. Lexpérience avec A. nilotica a été faite dans deux types de sol non stériles. Nous avons observé que les plants poussant dans le sol de Bel Air étaient plus nodulés et mieux développés que ceux poussant dans le sol de Sangalkam. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre les deux sols na été mise en évidence en termes deffet des différentes méthodologies dinoculation sur la nodulation et la croissance des plantes. Il a aussi été démontré lexistence dune interaction entre les provenances dA. senegal et dA. nilotica et leffet de linoculation avec rhizobium. Cest ainsi que les provenances Bel Air dA. senegal, Dahra et RIM dA. nilotica ont le mieux poussé parmi les différentes provenances testées. Lensemble de ces résultats suggèrent: (1) il devrait être possible daméliorer la croissance et la production dA. senegal et dA. nilotica par une sélection des deux partenaires symbiotiques; (2) Les jeunes plantules dA. senegal et dA. nilotica produites en pépinière devraient être inoculées juste après le semis avec des billes dalginate dissoutes contenant un cocktail de souches sélectionnées.  相似文献   



Australian blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), is a fast-growing, high-quality, appearance-grade timber species native to eastern Australia. Some of its key wood properties are percentage heartwood, heartwood colour, basic density, wood stiffness and green moisture content. Variation in these properties affects log value, processing and marketing.  相似文献   

The problem of salinized soils has become one of the most serious constraints to agricultural and forest productivity. With the purpose of enhancing salt stress tolerance of Populus tomentosa, we transformed this tree species with spermidine synthase (SPDS) genes derived from an apple by an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Four transgenic clones were confu'med by PCR and Southern blot analysis. As well, the expression of introduced SPDS genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

Two field trials were conducted under rainfed conditions at El-Obeid Research Farm and Eldemokeya Forest Reserve, North Kordofan State during the growing seasons 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. The objective was to investigate the effect of Acacia senegal on the performance and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogea), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in an agroforestry system. The two trials consisted of seven treatments: three represented the intercropping of groundnut, sesame and roselle with A. senegal, three without trees and one represented A. senegal alone. Data were recorded on soil physical and chemical properties, soil moisture content, crops fresh weight (kg/ha), dry weight (kg/ha), gum yield (g/picking) and crop yield (kg/ha). The trees at El-Obeid yielded no gum, whereas those at Eldemokeya were 15 years old and were tapped as part of the total harvest in the agroforestry plots. Land equivalent ratios (LER) and simple financial analyses of gross surpluses were used to evaluate the productivity of the different treatments. Fresh weight of groundnut, sesame and roselle was significantly different (P < .0.05) at both sites. Higher fresh weights were found under the intercropping system than the sole cropping system. This could be attributed to a shading effect that limits fruit production of the field crops more than vegetative growth. Dry weights were significantly greater for sesame and roselle in both sites, while that of groundnuts was not significantly different. In both sites, intercropping reduced the yield of sesame by 6 and 11% in the first season and 37 and 39% in the second season. The reduction in roselle yield was 19 and 28% in the first season and 15 and 8% in the second season. Yield reduction in groundnut was 35 and 17% in the first season and 35 and 11% in the second season. The combined analysis indicated that intercropping reduced groundnut yield by 26%, sesame by 21% and roselle by 20%. All the treatments gave LER of more than one—indicating the superiority of growing the field crops in intercropping over the sole cropping systems. The highest LER of (1.71) was obtained when roselle was intercropped with A. senegal, while the lowest LER (1.48) was obtained when groundnuts were intercropped with A. senegal. All the treatments gave positive net revenues, the highest being for intercropped roselle (438 SDG/ha). The intercropping of sesame gave the second highest net revenue (387 SDG/ha), while the sole roselle gave the lowest net revenue (97 SDG/ha).  相似文献   

In this study, the response of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium kraft pulp to different options of ECF bleaching was investigated. Oxygen-delignified pulps of both species having similar kappa number (c.a. 12) were used. Both the pulps were prebleached using conventional ClO2 stage (D0), combined use of ClO2 and O3 (DZ), hot acid treatment before D0 (AhotD0) and hot acid treatment before (DZ) i.e., Ahot(DZ), hot ClO2 treatment (DHT) and Ahot followed by DHT (AhotDHT). All prebleached pulps were finally bleached to 90%+ ISO brightness using D1 option. The overall benefits of other options were not considerable compared to D0 and (DZ). From the ClO2 consumption point of view, for a certain species, the option Ahot(DZ) was the best. Instead of D1 in final bleaching, pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO) was also investigated in the case of D0 and (DZ) prebleached pulps. (PO)-bleached pulp produced higher brightness stability but lower viscosity compared to D1.  相似文献   

This study assessed the use of agroforestry to improve soil nutrient properties in plantations containing Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire (yerba mate). Intercropping within tree plantation systems is widely practiced by farmers around the World, but the influence of different species combinations on system performance still requires further investigation. I. paraguariensis is a major South American crop commonly cultivated in intensive monocultures on low activity clay soils, which are highly prone to nutrient deficiencies. Study plots were established in 20 plantations in Misiones, Argentina. These involved two species combinations (I. paraguariensis monoculture and I. paraguariensis intercropped with the native tree species Araucaria angustifolia) and two age classes (30 and 50 years old). Chemical soil samples were analysed to determine Ca, Mg, K, P, N, C and Al concentrations, effective CEC (eCEC) and pH at two soil depths (0–5 cm and 5–10 cm). In the younger plantations, the agroforestry sites had lower nutrient levels than I. paraguariensis monoculture sites. However, the monoculture plantations were more susceptible than agroforestry sites to a decline in soil nutrient status over time, particularly with respect to Ca, eCEC, N and C for both soil depths. P concentrations were below detection limits for all sites, potentially reflecting the high P-fixing capacity of the kaolinic soils of this region. While agroforestry systems may be better at maintaining soil quality over time, significant growth increase of I. paraguariensis was apparent only for the monoculture sites.  相似文献   

The browse potential of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and thornless honey locust [Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis (L.) Zabel] has not been adequately tested. Our objective was to determine effects of fertilization and pollarding on biomass and foliar nutritive value in separate studies of black locust and thornless honey locust in Arkansas, USA. Shoots were sampled monthly for two consecutive growing seasons in 2002 and 2003 to determine foliar, shoot, and total aboveground biomass, shoot basal diameter, and foliar nutritive value (crude protein and in vitro digestibility). Black locust yielded more foliar biomass when pollarded at 50 or 100 cm and fertilized with 600 kg P ha−1, than at 5 cm with or without P, averaging 3.5 Mg dry matter ha−1. Black locust foliar crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility ( ≤ 170 and 534 g kg−1, respectively) decreased as leaves aged, but still met maintenance needs for beef cattle (Bos taurus L.). Thornless honey locust had little agronomic potential because of slow establishment, low foliar yield (330 kg ha−1), and a 2% reversion to undesirable thorny phenotype. Black locust should be considered for livestock browse when drought induces semi-dormancy of herbaceous forages.  相似文献   

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A dramatic decline in forest cover in eastern Africa along with a growing population means that timber and poles for building and fuelwood are in short supply. To overcome this shortage, the region is increasingly turning to eucalyptus. But eucalyptus raises environmental concerns of its own. Fears that it will deplete water supply, affect wildlife and reduce associated crop yields have caused many countries in the region to discourage farmers from planting this exotic. This paper is part of a series of investigations on the growth and water use efficiency of faster growing eucalyptus hybrids, which was introduced from South Africa to Kenya. The hypothesis is that the new hybrids are more efficient in using water and more suitable for the semi-arid tropics than existing eucalyptus and two popular agroforestry species. Gas exchange characteristics of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden), two eucalyptus hybrids (E. grandis × Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), Grevillea robusta (A. Cunn) and Cordia africana (Lam) was studied under field and pot conditions using an infrared gas analyzer was used to measure photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (g s) and transpiration rate (E) at CO2 concentrations of 360 μmol mol−1 and ambient humidity and temperature. A, E and g s varied between species, being highest in eucalyptus hybrid GC 15 (24.6 μmol m−2 s−1) compared to eucalyptus hybrid GC 584 (21.0 μmol m−2 s−1), E. grandis (19.2 μmol m−2 s−1), C. africana (17.7 μmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (11.1 μmol m−2 s−1). C. africana exhibited high E values (7.0 mmol m−2 s−1) at optimal soil moisture contents than G. robusta (3.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (5.3 mmol m−2 s−1) in field experiment and G. robusta (3.2 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (4.2 mmol m−2 s−1) in pot-grown trees. At very low soil moisture content, extremely small g s values were recorded in GC 15 and E. grandis (8 mmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (14 mmol m−2 s−1) compared to GC 584 (46.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and C. africana (90.0 mmol m−2 s−1) indicating strong stomatal control by the species. Instantaneous water use efficiency ranged between 3 and 5 μmol mmol−1 and generally decreased with decline in soil moisture in pot-grown trees but increased with declining soil moisture in field-grown trees.  相似文献   

The efficacy of NeemAzal powder, two local neem (Azadirachta indica ) products [neem seed powder (NSP) and neem seed oil (NSO)], as well as a local Lamiaceae, Plectranthus glandulosus leaf powder, applied at four different rates for the control of Sitophilus zeamais was determined. Mortality was recorded 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after S. zeamais infestation, followed by the determination of F1 progeny production. Grain damage, population increase and grain germination were assessed for treated grains that were stored for 4 months. Grains treated with P. glandulosus powder and NSP had relatively low mortality (5.0–22.5%) after 3 days whereas NeemAzal and NSO had higher mortality (55.0–98.8%). Maximum mortality of 99, 100, 96 and 74% were achieved for NeemAzal (12 g/kg after 14 days), NSO (4 ml/kg after 7 days), NSP (40 g/kg after 14 days) and P. glandulosus powder (40 g/kg, after 14 days), respectively. In the same order, 7-day LC50 values were 0.02 g/kg, 1.46 ml/kg, 12.44 g/kg and 28.9 g/kg. The three neem products greatly reduced progeny emergence, while P. glandulosus powder was less effective. NeemAzal protected the grains against S. zeamais damage better than the local neem products, which in turn provided far better grain protection against the weevil damage than P. glandulosus powder. NeemAzal was superior to the local neem products in grain protection against germination loss, with P. glandulosus being the least effective. NeemAzal and NSO had sufficient efficacy to be a component of an integrated management package for S. zeamais.  相似文献   

Generic equations are proposed for stem, branch and foliage biomass of individual trees in even-aged pure stands of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Larix kaempferi. Biomass data was collected from a total of 1,016 individual trees from 247 stands throughout Japan, and five regression models were assessed by root mean square error, mean bias, fit index (FI), and AIC. The results show that a power equation using diameter at breast height (dbh) and height is the most suitable for all species and components. This equation is more accurate than the familiar power equation that uses ‘dbh2 height’, and it expresses the greater volume of branch and foliage mass of trees with a lower height/diameter ratio. A power equation using dbh is more reasonable for models with dbh as the only independent variable and more accurate than a power equation using ‘dbh2 height’ for estimating branch and foliage mass. Estimating error for branch and foliage mass is larger than that for stem mass, but the entire aboveground biomass can be estimated with an error of less than 19%, except in the case of small trees with dbh less than 10 cm.  相似文献   

Bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella) is a legume tree species common in the early stages of succession in Araucaria angustifolia forests in southern Brazil. Bracatinga can form high-density monospecific stands called bracatingais. Its traditional management for charcoal production involves maintenance of the seed bank. Our objective was to analyze the genetic diversity and structure of bracatingais to understand the mechanisms by which intraspecific diversity of M. scabrella is created and maintained in landscapes managed by family farmers in their agroforestry mosaics. We analyzed 14 bracatingais using 8 allozyme loci. We compared parental and progeny generation indices (7 loci) and described the mating system (9 loci) of two progenies. Overall diversity was high: A = 2.69, H o = 0.257, H e = 0.382 and similar between populations. Overall fixation (F = 0.364) was similar to the fixation index (f = 0.329). The genetic divergence among populations was low (Θp = 0.052) but significant. The progenies’ genetic diversity values were similar to those of the previous generation (H e pop11 = 0.342 vs. 0.420/H e pop10 = 0.432 vs. 0.400). Progenies were compatible with half-sib and full-sib crossing expectations (θ xy  = 0.204 and 0.194). Our data showed that there is a tendency for genetic structuring caused not only by the reproductive system but also by genetic drift. It is very likely that the high genetic diversity is amplified by internal migration within each bracatingal. This study showed that current landscape management can contribute to maintaining high levels of bracatinga genetic diversity, which contributes to its regional conservation.  相似文献   

The need for environmentally friendly agricultural practices has led to the development of plant-based nematicides for root-knot nematode control. The efficacy of these botanicals has been tested primarily under laboratory and rarely under actual field conditions. Moreover, any side effects on non-target soil organisms that support soil biological activity are usually ignored. Herein, we evaluate the efficacy of Melia azedarach preparations against Meloidogyne spp. in a tomato greenhouse, by root gall examination and soil J2 enumeration. We also assessed side effects on soil microbes through PLFA analysis and microbivorous nematodes, and we quantified several plant growth parameters (e.g., fruit number and weight, root weight). Different treatments within the greenhouse included M. azedarach ripe fruit powder (MFP), ripe fruit water extract (MWE) and furfural, one of the principal active ingredients of M. azedarach and previously known to exhibit fumigant nematicidal activity. Results were compared to those obtained with the commercial nematicide oxamyl (Vydate® 10 SL) and an untreated control. All treatments were repeated every 20 days throughout the cultivation period. MFP and MWE suppressed Meloidogyne spp. often at the same levels obtained by furfural and oxamyl treatments and enhanced soil biological activity, as indicated by the proliferation of soil microbes and microbial feeding nematodes. Furfural and oxamyl adversely affected the soil community, especially the free-living nematodes. Moreover, furfural was phytotoxic to tomato plants in spite of its natural origin.  相似文献   

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