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The biomonitoring program of Environment Canada examines food chains in small Ontario lakes to interpret ecological responses of waterfowl and their foods to changing acid deposition. Macroinvertebrates and fish were sampled in three acid-sensitive regions: Muskoka (1991; N=20), Algoma (1992; N=20), and Sudbury (1994; N=22). Small lakes (<11 ha;=" important=" breeding=" habitat=" for=" waterfowl)=" were=" chosen=" to=" cover=" the=" range=" of=" ph=" in=" each=" region,=" and=" include=" those=" with=" and=" without=" fish.=" in=" all=" regions,=" macroinvertebrate=" taxonomic=" richness=" (particularly=" nekton=" and=" benthos)=" was=" greater=" in=" fishless=" lakes=" compared=" to=" lakes=" with=" fish.=" among=" fishless=" lakes,=" taxonomic=" richness=" (especially=" benthos)=" was=" positively=" correlated=" with=" ph,=" although=" regional=" differences=" were=" evident.=" previous=" studies=" near=" sudbury=" have=" shown=" that=" several=" benthic=" groups=" have=" distribution=" and=" abundance=" patterns=" with=" respect=" to=" ph=" (trichoptera,=" ephemeroptera,=" hirudinea,=" amphipoda,=" and=" gastropoda).=" those=" patterns=" continue=" near=" sudbury,=" and=" were=" also=" strongly=" apparent=" in=" algoma.=" in=" all=" regions,=" the=" number=" of=" acid-sensitive=" taxa=" per=" lake=" is=" related=" to=" ph,=" and=" should=" increase=" as=" lakes=" recover=" from=" acidification.=" however,=" predicting=" macroinvertebrate=" responses=" to=" recovery=" must=" consider=" concurrent=" effects=" of=" fish,=" as=" they=" are=" a=" dominant=" factor=" structuring=" these=">  相似文献   

An extensive database from eight Triassic (Bunter) sandstone catchments in the Black Forest, SW Germany, was used to apply the MAGIC model and simulate long-term acidification trends. Using the ion ratio (Ca+Mg)/(SO4+NO3) as criterium (values< 1.5=" indicate=" an=" acidified=" state),=" hindcast=" simulations=" showed=" that=" the=" brooks=" of=" three=" catchments=" have=" reached=" values="><1.5, three=" catchments=" are=" approaching=" 1.5,=" and=" two=" catchments=" (carbonate=" bearing=" upper=" bunter)=" are=" still=" well=" above=" this=" limit.=" the=" different=" acidification=" state=" of=" the=" catchments=" is=" mainly=" caused=" by=" the=" amount=" of=" acidic=" deposition=" and=" bedrock=" geology.=" other=" differences=" (shallow=" or=" deep=" groundwater=" circulation,=" sulphate=" sorption=" and=" soil=" parameters)=" are=" less=" significant.=" to=" simulate=" the=" future=" evolution,=" three=" scenarios=" were=" tested:=" a=" pessimistic,=" an=" optimistic=" and=" a=" most=" probable=" case.=" the=" latter=" leads=" to=" a=" still=" progressing=" but=" decelerated=" acidifcation=" in=" the=" next=" 100=" years.=" in=" the=" pessimistic=" case,=" acidification=" rates=" will=" be=" accelerated=" in=" two=" of=" the=" catchments.=" even=" in=" the=" optimistic=" case,=" the=" initial=" state,=" prior=" to=" acidification,=" cannot=" be=" restored=" up=" to=" the=" year=" 2130.=" however,=" the=" forecasting=" of=" the=" future=" evolution=" is=" still=" markedly=" hampered=" by=" the=" significant=" uncertainty=" in=" the=" evaluation=" of=" nitrogen-driven=" acidification,=" a=" process=" which=" today=" already=" predominates=" in=" parts=" of=" the=" black=">  相似文献   

Acid clearwater fishless streams have been identified in the Vosges mountains. In order to evaluate the relatipnships between acidifying factors (such as atmospheric deposition), buffering factors (such as bedrock and soil type), and surface water acidity, an exhaustive survey of streamwater acidity in the Vosges mountains (N-E France) was performed. A network of 11 measurement stations of atmospheric deposition was used to estimate and map deposition over the whole massif (total area 5000 km2). Data on bedrock, soil, superficial deposits, and vegetation were collected from published studies. Sensitive areas as well as acidifying environment factors were derived from the corresponding maps. Over the whole massif, 19% of streams showed baseflow alkalinity below 30 eq.r1 and 7.5 % were identified as acid (pH < 5.4).=" acid=" streams=" occur=" on=" the=" north-western=" side=" of=" the=" massif=" on=" quartzrich=" sandstone=" and=" acid=" granites.=" in=" each=" of=" these=" areas,=" we=" could=" clearly=" point=" out=" on=" one=" hand,=" the=" negative=" influence=" of=" conifer=" vegetation=" and=" glacial=" soil=" abrasion=" or=" induration,=" and=" on=" the=" other=" hand=" the=" buffering=" effect=" of=" moraine=" deposits.=" a=" corresponding=" range=" of=" critical=" loads=">< 0.2=" to=" 2.0=" keq.=">1 yr1) for surface water was calculated using the Steady State Water, Chemistry method (SSWC).  相似文献   

Crustacean zooplankton >250 m in size contributed 0.002 to 11% (median of 1.3%) of the total Cd in the epilimnia of 39 Canadian Shield lakes that ranged in pH from 4.7 to 8.3. The contribution of zooplankton to the total Cd pool was consistently low (1%) only in clear water lakes with pH < 5.0.=" in=" three=" intensively=" studied=" lakes,=" the=" contribution=" of=" zooplankton=" to=" total=" aqueous=" cd=" varied=" with=" time=" and=" depth,=" the=" maximum=" contribution=" (4=" to=" 6%)=" occurring=" in=" the=" metalimnion=" in=" mid-summer.=" changes=" with=" depth=" and=" time=" were=" principally=" a=" product=" of=" seasonal=" changes=" in=" zooplankton=" biomass=" and=" seasonal=" succession=" of=" species=" with=" inherently=" different=" tendencies=" to=" accumulate=" cd.=" implications=" for=" the=" study=" of=" cd=" cycling=" in=" lakes=" are=">  相似文献   

The SO2 emissions from the Kola Peninsula in Arctic Russia (totalling around 600 Gg(SO2) yr–1 at the beginning of the 1990s) produce an atmospheric SO2 concentration gradient to the northernmost Europe. This gradient covers the range from >50 g m–3 in the vicinity of the sources to 1 g m–3 in Finnish Lapland. In the present study, the measured sulphur concentrations in Scots pine needles were compared with the estimated distribution of atmospheric SO2. The total sulphur concentrations in the needles ranged from 741 to 2017 mg kg–1. Strongly elevated concentrations (> 1200 mg kg–1) were found within 40 km from the smelters corresponding to an area where the annual mean atmospheric SO2 concentration exceeded 10 g m–3. The foliar sulphur concentrations (total, organic and inorganic) show a high correlation with the estimated mean SO2 concentration distribution in the air. Consequently the foliar sulphur concentrations reflected the atmospheric sulphur load well. The data presented here show that uptake via stomata is an important deposition pathway also in the arctic conditions with a short growing season.  相似文献   

Sulphur concentrations in precipitation as sulphate and in air as sulphur dioxide were determined from October 1991 (May 1992), respectively, to December 1995. The total sulphur deposition was calculated from sum of the wet and dry deposition, using the concentration of sulphate and precipitation volume and the concentration and deposition velocity of sulphur dioxide, determined with the micrometeorological gradient method. The concentration of sulphur in precipitation decreased over the period by about 40% and in air about 70%. The wet deposition decreased over the period by about 30%. However there was no decrease in dry deposition despite the reduction in SO2 concentrations because the deposition velocity varied from 0.16 cm s-1 to 0.37 cm s-1 during the period. Therefore no trend was observed in the total sulphur deposition.  相似文献   

A field experiment was set up in northeastern Italy to investigate the effects of sulphur dioxide fallout on leaf litter decomposition rates and soil microarthropods. The pollution fallout, which affected part of the Po River delta, originated from the activity of an oil-fired power plant located at Isola Camerini (Porto Tolle, Rovigo). Four sampling sites, exposed to different amounts of pollutant fallout, were selected along the river bank. Two sites, located 1·5 km from the power-plant stack, received minimum sulphur dioxide fallout and were used as controls; two high-deposition sites were about 13 km away from the power-plant settlement. Soil cores were taken to compare sulphur concentrations in the upper layers of the sampling site soil profiles. Litter bags filled with plant material of various types, laid down over two consecutive sampling periods, were used to study leaf litter decomposition and sulphur accumulation on plant tissues. Microarthropods were extracted from the litter bags by means of a modified Tullgren apparatus. Soil chemical analysis showed the highest sulphur concentrations at the high pollutant deposition sites along the plume path. Litter bag dry weight loss over time was reduced by sulphur accumulation in plant tissues. Sulphur accumulation in litter bags gave an indirect measure of the differential pollutant deposition over the land. High-deposition sampling sites showed a significant reduction in the total number of some decomposers. Collembola, in particular, appeared to be a robust bio-indicator of pollutant fallout. Conclusions were drawn about the possible detrimental effects of sulphur compounds on soil and leaf chemistry, litter decomposition and microarthropod decomposer populations.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bacterial surfaces are generally negatively charged in the environmental pH-range and may therefore interact with metal cations, thus influencing the mobility of metals in soil and natural waters. In the present work the acid capacity and metal binding properties of Klebsiella oxytoca have been studied. A total acid capacity of 120 meq kg–1 was determined from potentiometric titrations of a suspension of starved bacteria in 0.1 M KC1. The adsorption of trace elements (Cs, Sr, Eu, serving as model systems, as well as Hg, Zn, and As) on starved bacteria was determined by a batch technique using radio tracers and with variation of pH (3 to 9). The adsorption followed the order Cs < sr,=" as=">< zn=">< hg=">< eu=" (at=" ph=" 5=" to=" 7).=" the=" uptake=" of=" eu=" was=" drastically=" increased=" when=" ph=" increased=" from=" 3.5=" to=" 4.5,=" indicating=" a=" surface=" complexation=" (with=" carboxylic=" or=" phosphate=" groups).=" a=" desorption=" of=" eu=" at=" ph=" above=" the=" acid=" equivalence=" point=" (ph=" 6.9)=" could=" be=" an=" indication=" of=" the=" release=" of=" a=" metal=" complexing=" exudate=" from=" the=">  相似文献   

Sulphur and heavy metal deposition in northern Finland (= in Lapland) and the Kola Peninsula were surveyed using Scots pine bark samples. Sulphur concentrations in bark close to the Kola smelters were on an average twice as high as on the Finnish side of the border. The Cu and Ni concentrations near the smelters were almost 100-fold the mean values in northern Finland. There was a marked decrease in the sulphur and heavy metal concentrations with increasing distance from the emission sources. The effects of emission from the Kola Peninsula were evident in Finland only close to the border, especially in the eastern parts of Inari (NE corner of Lapland) where the Cu and Ni concentrations were 2- to 6-fold those in western Lapland. The sulphur and heavy metal concentrations in most of northern Finland were low. However were the concentrations of Cr in bark in the SW corner of Lapland considerably high, due to the emissions from the Tornio refined steel plants.  相似文献   

The use of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in unleaded gasoline has become a source of manganese (Mn) contamination to which urban ecosystems are exposed. The potential of coniferous trees as spatial and chronological indicators of Mn pollutation was investigated. Manganese concentrations in xylem from blue spruce (Picea pungens) growing near (high-exposure site) and far (low-exposure site) from a road were measured as a function of the year of wood formation. Exchangeable Mn content, which is the soil fraction most readily available for uptake by trees, was also measured in the soils of both sectors. The results of the soil analysis show that exchangeable Mn concentrations are about 10 times higher in soils exposed to contamination (p<0.0005), in=" comparison=" with=" the=" concentrations=" found=" in=" soils=" weakly=" exposed.=" however,=" the=" mn=" concentrations=" in=" the=" trees=" near=" the=" road=" were=" not=" significantly=" different=" from=" those=" in=" the=" reference=" trees=" (p=">0.05). Therefore, it appears that blue spruce is not sensitive to soil Mn contamination arising from the use of MMT in gasoline.  相似文献   

Ecosystems in Finnish Lapland are threatened by heavy metal pollution and acid deposition derived from emissions of Cu-Ni smelters in Kola Peninsula and to varying extent to pollution from southern Fennoscandian and Central European sources. Extensive chemical analyses of small lake waters collected in Finnish Lapland have demonstrated that a significant number of lakes are acidified (ANC < 0μcq/l) or their buffering capacity is critical (ANC = 0–50μe/l). The relative abundance of mafic, ultramafic and carbonate rock components in the catchment were the chief factors controlling ANC and the main base cation (Ca2+, Mg2+) concentrations of lake waters. Both humic and clearwater lakes with low buffering capacity (ANC < 50μeq/l) were mainly located in the catchment areas identified as sensitive to acidification on the basis of low content of base cations (Ca2+ +Mg2+ +K+ < 500 meq/kg) in till. The ratio of the catchment area to the lake area was distinctly smaller for acidic lakes than for the well-buffered lakes, indicating the importance of catchment processes in determining the ANC and main base cations. The high sulphur concentrations (median 60μeq/1) of acidic lakes in northeastern Lapland, near the Finnish-Norwegian border, were strongly correlated with the highest deposition of sulphur derived from smelters of Kola Peninsula. The anomalously high concentrations of sulphur of well-buffered lakes in the western part of Lapland were due to sulphide minerals of soil and bedrock. The acidity of humic lakes in southern Lapland was in large part due to the organic acidity derived from peatlands.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of some major components (e.g., NO3-N 6.6 and 14.5; SO4-S 17.8 and 42.4 kg ha–1 a–1) and trace elements (e.g., Cd 0.4 and 1.1, Cu < 1.9=" and=" 15,=" pb=" 43=" and=" 48=" g=">–1 a–1) in bulk and throughfall deposition respectively, shows a pronounced decline in recent measurements of total deposition in the eastern Erzgebirge (Germany). This is true for both bulk and throughfall deposition in 1992–1994 as compared to similar data from 1985–1989. The decline is a result of successful emission control strategies in central Europe and the shut down of plants and factories in the former GDR.The dry deposition at the highest (influenced by long-range transport) and the lowest station (local influences) shows distinct differences (e.g., Cd 0.6 and 0.3; Cu 17.4 and 7.3; Pb 13 and 31 ng m–3). A comparison between total and dry deposition exhibits the different behavior of elements in respect to atmospheric concentrations and solubility in (rain)water. Anthropogenically released elements are mainly immited via wet deposition.  相似文献   

A spatial and temporal investigation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NO3, NO2 and NH4) was conducted under various water discharge conditions in Lanyang-Hsi, a subtropical mountainous stream, which drains through distinct degrees of agriculture-influenced sub-watersheds. In both the cultivated and non-cultivated sub-watersheds, NO3 was the most abundant species accounting for >80% of total DIN, while NH4 and NO2 accounted for <15% and=" 5%=" of=" din,=" respectively.=" agricultural=" activities=" along=" the=" riverbank=" led=" to=" significantly=" higher=">3 concentrations (13–246 M) and DIN yields (1300–3800 kg N km–2 yr–1) in main channel when compared to those of non-cultivated tributaries (9–38 M for NO3 and 550–740 kg N km–2 yr–1 for yield). The much lower and less variable DIN yields observed in tributary stations (mean = 660 ± 120 kg N km–2 yr–1) are considered as the present day background of DIN yield, which is significantly higher than those of most natural watersheds in other regions. Elevated atmospheric DIN deposition is likely the cause for the high background DIN yield. Human activity within the watershed results in additional DIN yield, which accounted for 49% of total N export. However, the reported atmospheric DIN input in northern Taiwan (1800 kg N km–2 yr–1) is much higher than the background DIN yield implying that a major fraction (70%) of atmospheric inputs are retained or processed within the watershed. A dilution pattern occurred in the main channel where high NO3 concentrations from the upstream sources decreased significantly in downstream direction due to inputs of NO3-diluted water from non-cultivated areas. We adopted a two-source mixing model to predict the NO3 dilution pattern. This model revealed a third yet not recognized N source in the lower part of watershed. Model results also indicated the importance of water discharge rate in regulating the relative contribution to total DIN export among these sources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate Cd bioaccumulation in clams living in different salinities. Several hundred clams (Maritrix maritrix) and sediment samples were collected during 1985–1986 from 12 locations on the Saudi coastal areas of the Arabian Gulf. Soft tissue from each clam was removed and digested in HNO3. Sediments were also digested in HNO3. Cadmium in the recently collected seawater samples was extracted using pyrrolidine carbodithioic acid-chloroform system. Cadmium in all the collected samples was determined using an inductively coupled argon plasma analyzer. Concentrations of Cd in the sediments varied insignificantly between 0.1 and 0.22 mg kg–1. Significant geographical variations in the mean Cd concentrations in clams (P < 0.05)=" were=" found.=" intrastation=" differences=" in=" cd=" bioaccumulation=" were=" also=" significant.=" correlation=" between=" biometric=" observations=" and=" cd=" concentrations=" in=" clams=" was=" not=" significant=" (p=">< 0.05).=" seawater=" salinity=" was=" significantly=" (p=">< 0.05)=" correlated=" to=" the=" mean=" cd=" concentrations=" in=" clams=" and=" seawater.=" cadmium=" accumulation=" in=" the=" clams=" was=" supported=" by=" the=" chemical=" behavior=" of=" cd=" in=">  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of lead shot on soils and crops was examined at a clay pigeon shooting site in northern England. Topsoil cores were collected along a 300 m transect from the shooting range, and the numbers of lead shot pellets per soil core, total and 'plant-available'(0.5 m acetic acid extractable) lead concentrations, organic matter content, pH and cation exchange capacity were determined. The number of oilseed rape plants and their stem diameters were recorded in 1 m2 quadrats placed at the soil sampling locations. Total and 'plant-available' lead concentrations in the soil were most but plant numbers per m2 and mean stem diameters were least in the area of greatest lead shot deposition. Total lead concentrations in the soil commonly exceeded 5000 mg/kg; these are considerably greater than threshold 'trigger' concentrations proposed by the Department of the Environment, above which soils are considered to be contaminated and warrant further investigation. Concentrations of lead in the oilseed rape plants themselves were also largest in the area of most intense lead shot deposition; in root samples the lead concentration exceeded 400 mg/kg. The management and remediation of contaminated soils at the clay pigeon shooting site are discussed.  相似文献   

In the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) of Alberta, Canada, increased concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the regional ecosystems and downstream of oil sands development have been observed, presumably originating from various sources including those of oil sands and non-oil sands activities. In this study, we investigated the extent that oil sands activities contribute PAHs to the snowpack of the AOSR. The dominant groups of PAHs found in our snow samples were dibenzothiophenes, phenanthrenes/anthracenes, fluranthenes/pyrenes, chrysenes, and fluorenes. These PAHs were highly dominated by alkylated species, especially near oil sands operations. Aerial deposition of PAHs declined exponentially with increasing distance from the geographic center (GC), which was located close to Suncor and Syncrude’s oil sands operations. The higher aerial deposition at similar distances from GC in the N-S versus W-E directions reflects that PAH inputs from oil sands operations are clustered along the Athabasca River. Patterns of air parcel movements, derived from HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) modeling, closely matched patterns of aerial deposition, supporting that regional wind patterns influence the transport of PAHs emitted by oil sands operations in the AOSR. The source attribution techniques employed in this study revealed that sampling location influenced the characteristics of PAHs deposited. PAHs deposited at sites close to GC were associated with industrial activity, whereas the influences of other sources became increasingly apparent as distance increased from major oil sands areas.  相似文献   

Because of its position to the west of Europe, much of the wet sulphur deposition in the west of the UK is background in the sense that it is not attributable to pollutants emitted within Europe less than four days previously. There are both natural and anthropogenic sources of this sulphur. An important natural source, especially during the summer, is dimethylsulphide (DMS) produced by marine phytoplankton. To identify the contribution of marine biogenic sulphur we have measured stable sulphur isotope ratios in precipitation. We show that biogenic sulphur is significant in summer but contributes little in winter and that around 5–10% of the annual background wet sulphur deposition is due to biogenic sources. During July and December 1993, airflow across the UK was predominantly westerly. The measured biogenic component of precipitation sulphate accounted for around 30 % of background sulphate in July but was negligible in December. Investigation of five day back-trajectories for the period indicated little opportunity for re-circulation of European emissions, suggesting that other (non-DMS) natural sources and non-European anthropogenic emissions were responsible for most of the background sulphur.  相似文献   

Trends in sulphur dioxide (SO2) annual mean concentrations in the period 1984–1993 are given for two sites within the city of Rijeka. During this period a decline (in average 30%) is observed since mid-eighties up to now at both sites. Dry deposition of sulphur as sulphur dioxide (S-SO2) follows the same trend. Deposition of total sulphur as sulphates (S-SO4) and wet S-SO4 exhibit similar pattern with a decline of 45%. Rain scavenging is found to be the main path of sulphate removal from the atmosphere. The decline of sulphur compounds in the urban atmosphere of Rijeka can be attributed to the use of fuel with lower sulphur content.  相似文献   

Trace elements may present an environmental hazard in the vicinity of mining and smelting activities. However, the factors controlling their distribution and transfer within the soil and vegetation systems are not always well defined. Total concentrations of up to 15,195 mg . kg –1 As, 6,690 mg . kg–1 Cu, 24,820 mg . kg–1 Pb and 9,810 mg . kg–1 Zn in soils, and 62 mg . kg–1 As, 1,765 mg . kg–1 Cu, 280 mg . kg–1 Pb and 3,460 mg . kg –1 Zn in vegetation were measured. However, unusually for smelters and mines of a similar size, the elevated trace element concentrations in soils were found to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the mines and smelters (maximum 2–3 km). Parent material, prevailing wind direction, and soil physical and chemical characteristics were found to correlate poorly with the restricted trace element distributions in soils. Hypotheses are given for this unusual distribution: (1) the contaminated soils were removed by erosion or (2) mines and smelters released large heavy particles that could not have been transported long distances. Analyses of the accumulation of trace elements in vegetation (median ratios: As 0.06, Cu 0.19, Pb 0.54 and Zn 1.07) and the percentage of total trace elements being DTPA extractable in soils (median percentages: As 0.06%, Cu 15%, Pb 7% and Zn 4%) indicated higher relative trace element mobility in soils with low total concentrations than in soils with elevated concentrations.  相似文献   

陕西省农田土壤硫含量空间变异特征及亏缺评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陕西省 13种耕地土壤 30 5个表层 (0~ 2 0cm)土壤样点分析结果表明 :该省土壤全硫和用0 0 1molL-1Ca(H2 PO4) 2 浸提的有效硫含量分别为 33~ 76 9mgkg-1(均值 36 0mgkg-1)和 4 6~ 15 7 3mgkg-1(均值 2 9 3mgkg-1) ,其中黑垆土 (普通干润均腐土 )、绵砂土 (灌淤湿润砂质新成土 )的有效硫平均含量最低。土壤全硫具有中等空间相关性 ,有效硫空间相关性较差。土壤全硫和有效硫分布具有渐变性 ,其最大相关距离分别为 5 31km和 34km。全硫以较大区域变异为主 ;有效硫以小区域变异为特征。陕西省耕地土壤有效硫含量低于硫亏缺临界值 (18 5mgkg-1)的占总面积的 13 9% ,相当于 5 3 7万hm2 农田缺硫。陕西省中部地区 ,尤其是延安西部地区土壤硫亏缺风险较大  相似文献   

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