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Measurements of canopy reflectance may provide a fast and non-destructive tool for monitoring canopy properties in precision agriculture. A substantial gain for practical use may be achieved by further developing multi-spectral and -temporal techniques of canopy reflectance analyses in order to combine several applications like site-specific fertilizer application, disease control, and prediction of harvesting date or yield forecast, in future. For this purpose, seasonal courses of canopy properties and vegetation indices of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. ‘Lirajet’) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. ‘Barke’) were investigated simultaneously in 3-year field experiments from 2002 to 2005. Canopy properties like shoot fresh matter, shoot dry matter, shoot-N content and shoot water content of both crops were related to traditional vegetation indices of the visual (VIS) and the near infra-red (NIR) spectral bands. Typically, closer relationships between canopy characteristics and vegetation indices were found at higher wavelength bands. The index R850 introduced here for the first time allows predicting quantitative growth properties directly at the field level. The results of the current study show that the use of vegetation indices of the NIR and its determination over the entire growth period will substantially improve the application of canopy reflectance measurements in agriculture.  相似文献   

Volunteer oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus L.) causes various agronomic problems in crop rotations and can contribute to gene dispersal by pollen and by seed admixture. A 4-year field experiment (2008–2011) was set up in south-west Germany to investigate the performance of volunteers derived from two OSR cultivars with different levels of seed dormancy. Volunteers of a high-dormancy (HD) and a low-dormancy (LD) OSR cultivar were deliberately generated by spreading 10,000 seeds m−2 on a field in August 2008 and 2009. Four different crops were grown on that area in the first year following the seed rain: winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), winter turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and field pea (Pisum sativum L.). In the second year, maize (Zea mays L.) was sown uniformly across all plots. Numbers of OSR seedlings emerging in early autumn shortly after seed rain were not connected with the size of the soil seed bank in early spring of the following year. The seeds of the HD-cultivar formed a much greater soil seed bank (up to 14% of the initially spread seed number) compared with the LD-cultivar (up to 1.3%) in the soil layer of 0 to 30 cm in early spring 2009 and 2010). Across all crops, considerably more volunteers of the HD-cultivar than of the LD-cultivar were present at several survey dates in the first year following seed rain. The highest number of volunteers originated from the HD-cultivar with up to 11 volunteers m−2 in winter turnip rape compared with a maximum of 0.48 plants m−2 in the other crops. Cultivar-specific differences in volunteer density were observed as well in maize two years after OSR seed rain. Flowering and seed setting volunteers were only present in 2010 and the flowering time was crucially overlapping with that of sown winter OSR. The reproductive ability (seeds produced m−2) of the LD-volunteers was five times lower in winter turnip rape than of the HD-volunteer; a similar trend was observed for the OSR volunteers in the other host crops.Strategies to definitely reduce unwanted effects of OSR volunteers, such as gene flow, should include the use of LD-cultivars with a low potential to form a soil seed bank, particularly if selective herbicides are not available, for instance in broad-leaved crops, or if the volunteers are herbicide-tolerant.  相似文献   

In rape (Brassica napus L., cv. Global) seed growth mainly depends on husk CO2 assimilation. In irrigated plants, the net photosynthetic rate (Amax) was 10–13 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in non-maturing pods and correlated with nitrogen content. The stomatal conductance of water vapour (gH2O) was 0.3 mol m−2 s−1 in non-maturing pods. The photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was 8.3 μmol CO2g−1 N s−1, about one-third of that in leaves. The photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE; AmaxgH2O−1) was similar in pods and leaves. In severely droughted plants, the photosynthetic rate was reduced to 38%. The seed growth rate, however, was not influenced by intermittent periods of water stress, indicating translocation of assimilates to the seeds. The drought resistant character of the pods was due to low specific area, succulence, low stomatal conductance causing a small decrease of ΔΨ day−1 during soil drying and maintenance of high relative water content during severe drought. A mathematical formulation of the pod water release curve was undertaken. © (1997) Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

Information about the effect of the cropping history on the seed yield of oil-seed rape is extremely scarce. In 1992/93 and 1994/95, the effects of different preceding crop combinations (winter barley and winter wheat as preceding crops, oil-seed rape and wheat as pre-preceding crops) on the yield of six double low oil-seed rape cultivars were examined in a field trial at Hohenschulen Experimental Farm, north-west Germany. In addition, eight nitrogen treatments (different amounts and distribution patterns) were tested for their potential to reduce negative effects of the preceding crops. Following the cropping sequence of oil-seed rape then wheat, oil-seed rape yielded only 3.12 t ha−1; after oil-seed rape then barley, the yield was 3.43 t ha−1 compared with 3.77 t ha−1 following wheat then barley and 3.71 t ha−1 following wheat then wheat. The number of seeds per m2 showed a similar pattern, whereas the thousand-seed weight partly compensated for the reduced seed number. It was highest if oil-seed rape was grown 2 years previously. The cultivars differed significantly in their yield potential. Express (3.79 t ha−1) yielded 0.6 t ha−1 more than Falcon (3.18 t ha−1). Increasing amounts of fertilizer-N (80–200 kg N ha−1) increased the seed yield from 3.21 t ha−1 to 3.84 t ha−1. Changes in the distribution pattern within one fertilizer amount had no effect on seed yield. In addition, no interactions between preceding crop combination and the different cultivars or N treatments occurred. It is concluded that crop management cannot totally eliminate the negative effects of an unfavourable cropping history on the seed yield of oil-seed rape.  相似文献   

Information about the effect of the preceding crop or crop combination on the seed yield of oil-seed rape is extremely scarce. Experiments were carried out in northwest Germany to investigate the effect of different preceding crops on the growth, seed yield and yield components of oil-seed rape. The two directly preceding crops, wheat and oil-seed rape, had only a negligible and non-significant effect on the seed yield of the following oil-seed rape crop. Oil-seed rape grown after wheat had more pods per plant, due to an increase in the number of pods on the higher category branches. In contrast, the seed yield and yield components were more affected by the cropping sequence, i.e. the crops 2 years before. Averaged over two experimental years, the greatest yields were observed in oil-seed rape following the sequence peas-wheat (694 g m−2), whereas the smallest seed yield occurred after 2 years of oil-seed rape cropping (371 g m−2). The differences in the seed yield were again associated with more pods per plant, which compensated for the lower number of plants m−2, whereas the number of seeds per pod and the mean seed weight were almost unaffected by the previous cropping. It was not possible to relate the described differences to the crop development, since differences in the biomass caused by the previous cropping were only significant at maturity. Oil-seed rape grown after 2 years of oil-seed rape had the highest ratings of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) as well as verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae). But the general level of the diseases was low, and therefore other causes for the effects described must be considered.  相似文献   

冯韬  谭晖  官梅  官春云 《作物学报》2020,46(8):1146-1156
甘蓝型油菜品系XY881和XY883是湘油15辐照诱变后连续自交筛选的2个种子含油量、光合效率和弱光敏感性等有明显差别的子代品系。分别从XY881和XY883中克隆了芸薹素唑抗性因子1(brassinazole-resistant1,BnaBZR1)和光敏色素互作因子4 (phytochrome interacting factor 4, BnaPIF4)基因并进行了序列结构、表达和功能分析。结果表明, XY883的BnaBZR1和BnaPIF4基因存在结构变异,引起表达和调控模式的差异。XY883中BnaBZR1的启动子具有124 bp的富含A/T的插入序列,且XY883具有比XY881高的BnaBZR1表达,并且在弱光和2,4-表油菜素内酯(2,4-BL)诱导下具有较少的表达变化。XY883中BnaPIF4的5’-UTR区域存在可变剪接,形成长度分别为424bp (U01)、239 bp (U02)和332 bp (U03)的3种5’-UTR,在弱光和2,4-BL诱导下, XY883中3种可变剪接的BnaPIF4转录产物的变化不一致。将BnaPIF4的3个5’-UTR与CDS分别组...  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to estimate the abundance and degree of polymorphism of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in rapeseed. By screening about 45000 clones of a small inserts library of rapeseed total DNA the abundances of GA/TC and CA/TG simple sequence repeats in the rapeseed genome were estimated to be approximately one repeat every 100 kb and 400 kb, respectively. After sequencing 13 positive clones, primer pairs could be designed for 11 microsatellite loci. Seven of these primer pairs produced reproducible amplification products in a set of 31 rapeseed genotypes, with one pair amplifying two independent products, giving a total of eight amplified loci. The different microsatellite loci displayed between one and three visible alleles. At four loci, additional null alleles were observed. With up to four alleles, polymorphic microsatellite markers show significantly higher allele numbers in rapeseed than restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Four of the eight microsatellite markers could be mapped on four different linkage groups of an RFLP map of the rapeseed genome.  相似文献   

氮钾配施对油菜产量及氮素利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实际生产中氮钾肥投入不平衡严重限制了氮肥肥效及作物的产量潜力。为了探明不同施氮量下钾肥施用对油菜产量及氮素利用的影响,于2016—2017年及2017—2018年在湖北省武穴市开展连续2年的田间试验,采用氮钾两因素完全试验设计,设氮0、90、180、270 kg N hm-2和钾0、60、120、180 kg K2O hm-2各4个水平。在油菜成熟期取样测定产量、地上部氮钾积累量以及氮肥利用率。结果表明,在钾供应不足时(K0和K60),冬油菜施用氮肥的平均增产率为113.7%,而在钾供应充足的条件下(K120和K180),施用氮肥的平均增产率高达172.9%;与K0处理相比, K120处理冬油菜氮肥回收利用率平均提高了16.6%,继续增施钾肥对不同施氮量下冬油菜氮肥回收利用率的进一步提高无显著影响;达到区域平均产量时,钾供应充足较低钾(K60)投入平均降低33.9%的氮肥用量。综上所述,氮钾配施显著提高了冬油菜产量和氮肥利用率,在冬油菜实际生产中除了重视氮肥施用外,应增加钾肥投入,通过优化氮钾肥配施比例可进一步提高油菜产量,实现冬油菜高产和养分高效。  相似文献   

The commercial and economic value of genetically modified crops is determined by a predictable, consistent and stable transmission and expression of the transgenes in successive generations. No gene inactivation is expected after selfings or crosses with non-transformed plants of homozygous transgenic oilseed rape plants if the expression of the transgene in homozygous or hemizygous nature in such plants is stable. The segregation ratios of phosphinothricin (PPT) tolerance in successive generations of selfings and mutual crosses of a few independent transgenic PPT-tolerant oilseed rape plants indicated a dominant, monogenic inheritance. In within-variety and between-variety crosses no transgene inactivation was observed. However, after selfings and backcrosses with non-transgenic oilseed rape infrequent loss of the expression of the PPT tolerance transgene was observed independent from its homozygous or hemizygous nature. Molecular analysis of PPT-susceptible plants showed that the loss of expression was due to gene inactivation and not to the absence of the transgene. Methylation and co-suppression are mechanisms that might cause reduced or even loss of expression of the transgene in later generations. The implications of this observation for seed multiplication of varieties and breeding activities with transgenic oilseed rape are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜每角粒数的全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每角粒数是油菜重要的产量构成因子,增加每角粒数有助于提高油菜的籽粒产量。利用Illumina 60K SNP芯片对496份具有代表性的油菜资源进行基因型分析,考察该群体在2个环境中的每角粒数,利用MLM和GLM模型进行全基因组关联分析。结果表明,本群体在2个环境中每角粒数的广义遗传力为57.7%。利用MLM和GLM模型分别检测到9个和20个位点,所有MLM位点均得到GLM结果的验证。6个位点与前人定位的QTL重叠,其中2个位点得到2次验证,其余14个是新位点。在7个位点附近找到了候选基因,其中在C09染色体的位点Bn-scaff155761-p74980附近找到已克隆的油菜每角粒数基因BnaC9.SMG7b,在其余6个位点附近找到GRDP1、SPATULA、HVA22D、DA2等已知的拟南芥每角粒数基因的同源基因。本研究结果有助于解析油菜每角粒数的遗传基础及其调控机制,为每角粒数的遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An essential quality improvement of rapeseed oil can be obtained by reduction of its linolenic acid (C18:3) content from about 10% to less than 3% of the total fatty acids. Genotypes low in C18:3 have been developed by mutagenesis. The initial summer rapeseed mutant had been low yielding and highly susceptible to various diseases. It has been debated whether the low C18:3 character can be successfully combined with high seed yield for physiological reasons. Therefore, the low linolenic character of mutant M48 was transferred into high-yielding genotypes by repeated backcrossing to well-adapted low erucic acid, low glucosinolate (00-) winter rapeseed cultivars. Lines with low C18:3 content were selected from BC3 and BC4 generations and examined in 1990–95. Positive selection response for seed yield was shown to continue over the years. Presently, the best lines are yielding as well as the control cultivars being equivalent also in oil and glucosinolate contents. In order to test the effect of a low C18:3 content on seed yield, plants with low and with high C18:3 content, respectively, were selected from 16 segregating BC5-F2 populations and bulked to form 32 F3 populations. These ‘isogenic’ bulk populations were tested for field performance at four locations in 1995. The results show that C18:3 content of the seed oil is not associated with seed yield, oil content, beginning of flowering, plant height and disease resistance. Means of relative seed yield for the high and the low linolenic F3 bulk populations were not significantly different with 88.0% and 86.9% of the control cultivars, respectively. There was a significant interaction between genotypes with high or low C18:3 content and location. This shows that under specific environmental conditions a low C18:3 content may be either favourable or unfavourable. The results indicate that the low C18:3 character of the original mutants per se does not cause a decrease in seed yield, oil content or general field performance.  相似文献   

In pot experiments under controlled conditions we investigated the effects of water stress on oilseed rape. Yield and yield components were mainly affected by water shortage occurring from flowering to the end of seed set. The greatest reduction (48%) was observed when only 37% of full water requirement was supplied to the plant during this stage. The number of seeds per plant was the main yield component affected. Some compensation occurred when the water supply was restored. The 1000-seed weight was only affected by a water stress from the stage when the pods were swollen until the seeds colored stage. The results demonstrated a marked reduction in oil concentration when water deficit occurred from anthesis to maturity. There was an inverse relationship between oil and protein concentration. The most marked effect observed in this experiment was on the glucosinolate concentration where increases of up to 60% were observed. These results may explain effects on seed quality of field grown oilseed rape.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜抗裂角品种(系)的选与分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用随机碰撞测试方法,对229份自交纯合的甘蓝型油菜品种(系)进行了抗裂角指数测定,以期筛选出抗裂角种质。结果表明,抗裂角性状在现有品种(系)中存在广泛变异,变异系数达114.4%。发现了2份抗裂角的品种(系),占0.9%;较抗的资源占3.93%;处于中间状态的品种(系)占8.73%;易裂角资源占27.07%,极易裂角的品种(系)占59.39%。选择6个品种(系)进行了连续3年的测试,表明抗裂角性状由品种(系)的遗传特性决定,但受环境条件影响;随机碰撞法具有较好的重现性。简单相关分析显示,抗裂角指数与角果密度呈显著负相关,与角皮厚度、角果长度、角果宽度、角喙长度、角粒数呈显著正相关,但相关系数都很小。  相似文献   

甘蓝型双低油菜品种豫油2号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豫油2号是用系谱法从“(7818×Marnoo)F_2×QVa”的杂种后代中选育的甘蓝型双低油菜品种.该品种具有高产、优质、抗(耐)病等特性.在河南省三年区试、两年生产示范和国家黄淮区域试验中,比双低油菜品种豫油1号(ck_1)增产15.6%,比高芥酸、高硫甙油菜品种南阳41(ck_2)增产3.8%,比低芥酸油菜品种秦油3号增产23.2%.该品种含芥酸0.244%、硫甙16.57μmol/g,含油量39.48%,达到了国际优质油菜标准.较抗(耐)病毒病和菌核病.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜种子中硫代葡萄糖甙总量的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牟同敏  刘后利 《作物学报》1990,16(2):97-105
本试验研究了甘蓝型油菜华油16号/Marnoo,华油13号/Wesroona 和71-39/Andor 3个杂交组合各世代种子中硫甙总量的遗传。硫甙含量是高值对低值为部份显性,细胞质不影响后代的硫甙含量。华油16号/Marnoo 和华油13号/Wesroona 两组合的亲本之间存在3对基因的差异,71-39/Andor 的亲本之间存在2对基因的差异。从而表明甘蓝型油菜有2  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜抗裂角品种(系)的筛选与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用随机碰撞测试方法, 对229份自交纯合的甘蓝型油菜品种(系)进行了抗裂角指数测定, 以期筛选出抗裂角种质。结果表明, 抗裂角性状在现有品种(系)中存在广泛变异, 变异系数达114.4%。发现了2份抗裂角的品种(系), 占0.9%; 较抗的资源占3.93%; 处于中间状态的品种(系)占8.73%; 易裂角资源占27.07%, 极易裂角的品种(系)占59.39%。选择6个品种(系)进行了连续3年的测试, 表明抗裂角性状由品种(系)的遗传特性决定, 但受环境条件影响; 随机碰撞法具有较好的重现性。简单相关分析显示, 抗裂角指数与角果密度呈显著负相关, 与角皮厚度、角果长度、角果宽度、角喙长度、角粒数呈显著正相关, 但相关系数都很小。  相似文献   

千粒重是油菜产量构成的重要因素之一。本研究利用高通量SNP芯片对496份具有代表性的油菜种质资源进行基因型分析,考察群体在3个环境(14NJ、15TZ、16TZ)中的千粒重表型,利用混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)和一般线性模型(general linear model,GLM)进行全基因组关联分析。结果表明,本群体在3个环境中千粒重的广义遗传力为63.12%。MLM模型检测到6个显著位点,解释28.92%的表型变异;GLM模型检测到61个显著位点,解释47.08%的表型变异。合并共同位点后得到62个显著位点,联合解释47.31%的表型变异。这些位点分布在基因组所有染色体上,在A07、A03和C06染色体上分别检测到数目最多的9、8和7个位点。其中效应最大的位点Bn-scaff_17526_1-p1066214位于C09染色体,在MLM和GLM模型中表型贡献值分别为5.55%和15.26%。21个位点与前人报道的QTL重叠,其中8个位点得到至少2个群体的验证。其余41个位点为新鉴定的位点,其中多个位点效应高且在多环境中被检测到,如位点Bn-A03-p560769、Bn-scaff_15743_1-p599416和Bn-scaff_15743_1-p590955等。在11个位点附近找到DGAT、EOD3、AGL61、WRI1、DA2、RAV1等拟南芥已报道千粒重基因的同源基因。本研究结果有助于解析甘蓝型油菜千粒重的遗传基础,为研究千粒重的调控机制、指导千粒重的遗传改良奠定基础。  相似文献   

Due mainly to alterations in plant metabolism, lack of oxygen and excess salts are disturbances that affect crop yields. In different parts of the world crops are subjected t o those disttirbances, simultaneously or successively. Our objective was to determine the effects of a winter waterlogging followed by a spring salt peak on rapeseed yield, A pot experiment, combining waterlogging and salinization was carried out. The waterlogging duration was: 0 (control), 3, 7 and 14 days and the sahnity treatments were peaks of Electrical Conductivity of 5 and 8 dSm−1 and the control. The yield started decreasingfrotn 3 days during waterlogging, mainly due to the lower number of seeds per plant. The salt peak from 5 dSm−1 affected the yield only in plants which had suffered a waterlogging lower than 7 days, showing interaction between salinity and waterlogging, Only salinity reduced oil content. The saline peak affected the K, Ca and Na concentration in plant tissues, but the effect of salinity on rapeseed could be more related to soil water potential than specific ion toxicities or imbalance.  相似文献   

Prolonged imbibition under conditions of water stress or oxygen deficiency can lead to the induction of secondary dormancy in rape seeds. During imbibition in darkness seeds develop light sensitivity. The percentage of seeds not germinating in the dark depends on various factors prevailing during and after the stress treatment, as well as on the intrinsic susceptibility of the seeds to these factors.

In experiments on the effect of water stress it was found that the percentage of secondary dormant seeds could be increased in the range of 0–75%, by greater water suction and duration of imbibition of the seeds. Additionally, there were indications that increasing treatment temperature resulted in increasing percentages of dormant seeds. However, fewer secondary dormant seeds were produced when treatment temperature and test temperature differed greatly from each other.

Experiments on the effect of oxygen deficiency also revealed a positive effect of treatment duration. The general degree of dormancy induction, however, in this series of experiments was low. At 20 °C almost no dormancy induction was observed, whilst at 12 °C there were between 0 and 30% dormant seeds.

Genotypic differences previously assessed in model experiments with buried seeds were confirmed in both studies. Oilseed rape cultivars Bienvenu and Liglandor were shown to be able to build up high percentages of secondary dormant seeds, whereas cultivars Jet Neuf and Falcon had a rather low susceptibility towards the dormancy imposing factors tested. Cultivar Rubin was intermediate in response. There was often much variation between experiments with the same experimental design. The reasons for this are unclear.  相似文献   

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