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We examined the distribution of sardine larvae relative to environmental conditions with the purpose of identifying and characterizing habitat that encourages high larval growth and survival, based on the 1983–1998 surveys of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI). Long-term averages show that sardine 'survivors' (spatially aggregated larvae ≥ 18 days old) were most abundant offshore, whereas sardine egg density, chlorophyll biomass and zooplankton volume were greatest inshore. In contrast, mesoscale eddies, observed in remotely sensed sea surface temperature imagery, were found only in offshore regions. To further examine the link between eddies – which often result in locally elevated chlorophyll and zooplankton – and sardine survival, we compared the distribution of larvae and eddies survey by survey. Sardine survivors were most abundant offshore in only one-quarter of the research surveys, and when they were most abundant offshore they were associated with eddies. This indicates that the offshore eddy habitat produced exceptionally large numbers of survivors, as evidenced by the disproportionate effect on the long-term average.  相似文献   

Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) and northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) eggs exhibited different spatial structure on the scale of 0.75–2.5 km in two egg patches sampled in the Southern California Bight in April 2000. Plankton samples were collected at 4‐min intervals with a Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) on 5 × 5 km grids centered on surface drifters. Variograms were calculated for sardine and anchovy eggs in Lagrangian coordinates, using abundances of individual developmental stages grouped into daily cohorts. Model variograms for sardine eggs have a low nugget effect, about 10% of the total variance, indicating high autocorrelation between adjacent samples. In contrast, model variograms for anchovy eggs have a high nugget effect of 50–100%, indicating that most of the variance at the scales sampled is spatially unstructured. The difference between observed spatial patterns of sardine and anchovy eggs on this scale may reflect the behavior of the spawning adults: larger, faster, more abundant fish may organize into larger schools with greater structure and mobility that create smoother egg distributions. Size and mobility vary with population size in clupeoids. The current high abundance of sardines and low abundance of anchovy off California agree with the greater autocorrelation of sardine egg samples and the observed tendency for locations of anchovy spawning to be more persistent on the temporal scale of days to weeks. Thus the spatial pattern of eggs and the persistence of spawning areas are suggested to depend on species, population size and age structure, spawning intensity and characteristic physical scales of the spawning habitat.  相似文献   

Several published models exist for simulating vertical profiles of pelagic fish eggs, but no one has rigorously assessed their capacity to explain observed variability. In this study, we applied a steady‐state model, with four different formulations for vertical diffusivity, to northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) and Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) eggs in the California Current region. Vertical mixing profiles, based on wind speed and hydrography, were combined with estimated terminal ascent velocities of the eggs based on measurements of egg buoyancy and size, to simulate the vertical profiles of the eggs. We evaluated model performance with two data sets: (1) vertically stratified tows for both species and (2) paired samples for sardine eggs from 3‐m depth and in vertically integrated tows. We used two criteria: whether the model predicted individual observed vertical profiles (1) as well as the observed mean and (2) better than the observed mean. Model predictions made with the formulation producing the most gradual profile of vertical diffusivity provided the best match to observations from both data sets and for both species. Addition of a random error term to the terminal ascent velocity further improved prediction for anchovy eggs, but not sardine. For the paired data, model prediction of integrated abundance from abundance at 3‐m depth had significantly lower mean square error than prediction based on a linear regression of 3 m on integrated abundance. Our results support the feasibility of using data from the Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler quantitatively as well as qualitatively in stock assessments.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of sardine spawning as revealed by the presence of sardine eggs is examined in relation to sea surface temperature (SST) and mean volume backscatter strength (MVBS) measured by a 150 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) during four spring surveys off central and southern California in 1996–99. Studies in other regions have shown that MVBS provides an excellent measure of zooplankton distribution and density. Zooplankton biomass as measured by survey net tows correlates well with concurrently measured MVBS. The high along‐track resolution of egg counts provided by the Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) is a good match to the ADCP‐based data. Large interannual differences in the pattern and density of sardine eggs are clearly related to the concurrently observed patterns of surface temperature and MVBS. The strong spatial relationship between sardine eggs and MVBS is particularly evident because of the large contrast in zooplankton biomass between the 1998 El Niño and 1999 La Niña. The inshore distribution of sardine spawning appears to be limited by the low temperatures of freshly upwelled waters, although the value of the limiting temperature varies between years. Often there is an abrupt offshore decrease in MVBS that is coincident with the offshore boundary of sardine eggs. Possible reasons for this association of sardine eggs and high zooplankton biomass include an evolved strategy that promotes improved opportunity of an adequate food supply for subsequent larval development, and/or adult nutrient requirements for serial spawning. Hence, the distribution of these parameters can be used as an aid for delineating the boundaries of sardine spawning habitat.  相似文献   

Large amplitude variations in recruitment of small pelagic fish result from interactions between a fluctuating environment and population dynamics processes such as spawning. The spatial extent and location of spawning, which is critical to the fate of eggs and larvae, can vary strongly from year to year, as a result of changing population structure and environmental conditions. Spawning habitat can be divided into ‘potential spawning habitat’, defined as habitat where the hydrographic conditions are suitable for spawning, ‘realized spawning habitat’, defined as habitat where spawning actually occurs, and ‘successful spawning habitat’, defined as habitat from where successful recruitment has resulted. Using biological data collected during the period 2000–2004, as well as hydrographic data, we investigate the role of environmental parameters in controlling the potential spawning habitat of anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay. Anchovy potential spawning habitat appears to be primarily related to bottom temperature followed by surface temperature and mixed‐layer depth, whilst surface and bottom salinity appear to play a lesser role. The possible influence of hydrographic factors on the spawning habitat of sardine seems less clear than for anchovy. Modelled relationships between anchovy and sardine spawning are used to predict potential spawning habitat from hydrodynamical simulations. The results show that the seasonal patterns in spawning are well reproduced by the model, indicating that hydrographic changes may explain a large fraction of spawning spatial dynamics. Such models may prove useful in the context of forecasting potential impacts of future environmental changes on sardine and anchovy reproductive strategy in the north‐east Atlantic.  相似文献   

We examined variability in growth rate during the larval stage of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in response to physical and biological environmental factors in 2005 and 2006. The onset of spring upwelling was anomalously delayed by 2–3 months until mid‐July in 2005; in contrast, spring upwelling in 2006 began as a normal year in the northern California Current. Larval and early juvenile E. mordax were collected in August, September, and October off the coast of Oregon and Washington. Hatch dates ranged from May to September, with peaks in June and August in 2005 and a peak in July in 2006, based on the number of otolith daily increments. Back‐calculated body length‐at‐age in the June 2005 hatch cohort was significantly smaller than in the August 2005 cohort, which had comparable growth to the July 2006 cohort. Standardized otolith daily increment widths as a proxy for seasonal variability in somatic growth rates in 2005 were negative until late July and then changed to positive with intensification of upwelling. The standardized increment width was a positive function of biomass of chlorophyll a concentration, and neritic cold‐water and oceanic subarctic copepod species sampled biweekly off Newport, Oregon. Our results suggest that delayed upwelling in 2005 resulted in low food availability and, consequently, reduced E. mordax larval growth rate in early summer, but once upwelling began in July, high food availability enhanced larval growth rate to that typical of a normal upwelling year (e.g., 2006) in the northern California Current.  相似文献   

The spatial extent of small pelagic fish spawning habitat is influenced by environmental factors and by the state of the adult population. In return, the configuration of spawning habitat affects recruitment and therefore the future structure of the adult population. Interannual changes in spatial patterns of spawning reflect variations in adult population structures and their environment. The present study describes the historical changes in the spatial distribution of spawning of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the Bay of Biscay during two periods: 1967–72 and 2000–2004. Using data from egg surveys conducted in spring, the spatial distributions of anchovy and sardine eggs are characterized by means of geostatistics. For each survey, a map of probability of egg presence is constructed. The maps are then compared to define (1) recurrent spawning areas, (2) occasional spawning areas and (3) unfavourable spawning areas during each period. Sardine spawning habitat is generally fragmented and appears spatially limited by the presence of cold bottom water. It is confined to coastal or shelf break refuge areas in years of restricted spawning extent. For anchovy, recurrent spawning sites are found in Gironde and Adour estuaries whilst spawning can extend further offshore in years of more intense spawning. For both species, the mean pattern of spawning has changed between 1967–72 and 2000–2004. Noticeably, the spatial distribution of anchovy eggs in spring has expanded northward. This trend possibly results from changes in environmental conditions during the last four decades.  相似文献   

Most reports on the distribution of spawning areas of sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the northern Benguela originate from the 1970s and 1980s. The northern Benguela system was in a high upwelling regime during those decades. Since the early 1990s upwelling favourable winds have decreased and a trend of increasing sea surface temperature (SST) has been observed. Changes in the structure of sardine stock in the northern Benguela have been observed and it has been suggested that a reduced biomass and changes in stock structure has led to decreased spawning in the favourable southern locations, thus preventing a recovery of the sardine stock. The present paper on the contrary shows that there has been a shift in spawning location from the less favourable northern areas in the early 1980s to spawning areas further south in the 2000s. Thus, the failure of the northern Benguela sardine stock to recover since its collapse in the late 1960s cannot be explained by spawning in less favourable areas. The shift in preferred spawning location to more southern areas since the 1980s was to be expected with a general warming of the northern Benguela system. Alternative explanations for the failure of the sardine stock to recover such as a reduction in average length as well as length at 50% maturity, leading to a reduction in reproductive output, increased predation pressure, and increased low oxygen waters are proposed.  相似文献   

Numerical particle-tracking experiments were performed to investigate the transport and variability in environmental temperature experienced by eggs and larvae of Pacific stocks of the Japanese anchovy ( Engraulis japonicus ) and Japanese sardine ( Sardinops melanostictus ) using high-resolution outputs of the Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator (OFES) and the observed distributions of eggs collected from 1978 to 2004. The modeled anchovy individuals tend to be trapped in coastal waters or transported to the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region. In contrast, a large proportion of the sardines are transported to the Kuroshio Extension. The egg density-weighted mean environmental temperature until day 30 of the experiment was 20–24°C for the anchovy and 17–20°C for the sardine, which can be explained by spawning areas and seasons, and interannual oceanic variability. Regression analyses revealed that the contribution of environmental temperature to the logarithm of recruitment per spawning (expected to have a negative relationship with the mean mortality coefficient) was significant for both the anchovy and sardine, especially until day 30, which can be regarded as the initial stages of their life cycles. The relationship was quadratic for the anchovy, with an optimal temperature of 21–22°C, and linear for the sardine, with a negative coefficient. Differences in habitat areas and temperature responses between the sardine and anchovy are suggested to be important factors in controlling the dramatic out-of-phase fluctuations of these species.  相似文献   

Three indexes of spatial aggregation are developed and used to examine the aggregation pattern of sardine (Sardinops sagax) and anchovy (Engraulis ringens) in the Peruvian Humboldt Current System, determined from 36 acoustic surveys conducted from 1983 through 2003 by the Peruvian Marine Institute (IMARPE). Each index assesses a different aspect of aggregation: the concentration, the percent occupancy of space and the clustering of high‐fish abundance. Both time‐series correlation and tree‐based clustering‐regression method, classification and regression trees (CART), were used to relate each of the indexes to environmental variables (season, temperature anomaly and year). Additionally, a measure of onshore–offshore distribution, the average distance from the coast, and abundance variables (the average acoustic backscatter per occupied sampling unit, and the acoustically estimated total abundance of sardine and anchovy from IMARPE) were related to environmental factors by using CART. We show that the 1983–2003 time series can be divided into three different periods: with shifts in 1992 and in 1997–98. Sardine and anchovy showed large differences in both abundance and aggregation among these periods. Although upwelling ecosystems support dramatic and sudden changes in environmental conditions, fish responses are sometimes smoother than usually suggested and there are transition periods with concomitant high biomasses of anchovy and sardine, but with different spatial aggregation patterns. Observed relationships between environmental proxies and aggregation patterns support the habitat‐based hypothesis that environmentally mediated alterations in range lead to population changes.  相似文献   

Environmental variability and growth‐rate histories from hatching to capture were investigated for larval Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus). Larvae collected around the front of the Kuroshio Current were examined using otolith microstructure analysis, and their movement was estimated from numerical particle‐tracking experiments. Sardine larvae collected inshore of the Kuroshio front originated from a coastal area near the sampling site, while those collected in the offshore area originated from an area 500–800 km west‐southwest of the sampling site. Anchovy larvae collected both inshore and offshore had been transported from widely distributed spawning areas located west of the sampling area. At the age of 13–14 days for sardine and 19–20 days for anchovy, the offshore group exhibited significantly higher mean growth rates than did the inshore group. Although the offshore area was generally warmer than the inshore area, temporal variations in growth rate are not attributable solely to fluctuations in environmental temperature. While previous studies have examined the relationship between larval growth rates and environment based solely on data at capture, the methods used in the present study, combining otolith analysis and numerical particle‐tracking experiments, utilize data up until hatching. Although the relationship between growth rate and environment was not fully confirmed, this approach will greatly advance our understanding of fish population dynamics.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that recruitment of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) depends on survival during not only the first feeding larval stage in the Japanese coastal waters and the Kuroshio front but also during the post‐larval and juvenile stages in the Kuroshio Extension. Spatial distributions of juvenile anchovy and sardine around the Shatsky Rise area in the Kuroshio Extension region and the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region are described, based on a field survey in the late spring using a newly developed mid‐water trawl for sampling juveniles. All stages of anchovy from post‐larvae to juveniles were obtained in the northern Shatsky Rise area. The Kuroshio Extension bifurcates west of the Shatsky Rise area and eddies are generated, leading to higher chlorophyll concentrations than in the surrounding regions in April and May. When Japanese anchovy and sardine spawn near the Kuroshio front or the coastal waters south‐east of Japan, their larvae are transported by the Kuroshio Extension and are retained in the Shatsky Rise area, which forms an important offshore nursery ground, especially during periods of high stock abundance.  相似文献   

Yearling juvenile coho and Chinook salmon were sampled on 28 cruises in June and September 1981–85 and 1998–07 in continental shelf and oceanic waters off the Pacific Northwest. Oceanographic variables measured included temperature, salinity, water depth, and chlorophyll concentration (all cruises) and copepod biomass during the cruises from 1998–07. Juvenile salmonids were found almost exclusively in continental shelf waters, and showed a patchy distribution: half were collected in ~5% of the collections and none were collected in ~40% of the collections. Variance‐to‐mean ratios of the catches were high, also indicating patchy spatial distributions for both species. The salmon were most abundant in the vicinity of the Columbia River and the Washington coast in June; by September, both were less abundant, although still found mainly off Washington. In June, the geographic center‐of‐mass of the distribution for each species was located off Grays Harbor, WA, near the northern end of our sampling grid, but in September, it shifted southward and inshore. Coho salmon ranged further offshore than Chinook salmon: in June, the average median depth where they were caught was 85.6 and 55.0 m, respectively, and in September it was 65.5 and 43.7 m, respectively. Abundances of both species were significantly correlated with water depth (negatively), chlorophyll (positively) and copepod biomass (positively). Abundances of yearling Chinook salmon, but not of yearling coho salmon, were correlated with temperature (negatively). We discuss the potential role of coastal upwelling, submarine canyons and krill in determining the spatial distributions of the salmon.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of oceanographic variability on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis: PBF) distributions in the California Current system using remotely sensed environmental data, and fishery‐dependent data from multiple fisheries in a habitat‐modeling framework. We examined the effects of local oceanic conditions (sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, sea surface height, eddy kinetic energy), as well as large‐scale oceanographic phenomena, such as El Niño, on PBF availability to commercial and recreational fishing fleets. Results from generalized additive models showed that warmer temperatures of around 17–21°C with low surface chlorophyll concentrations (<0.5 mg/m3) increased probability of occurrence of PBF in the Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel and purse seine fisheries. These associations were particularly evident during a recent marine heatwave (the “Blob”). In contrast, PBF were most likely to be encountered on drift gillnet gear in somewhat cooler waters (13–18°C), with moderate chlorophyll concentrations (0.5–1.0 mg/m3). This discrepancy was likely a result of differing spatiotemporal distribution of fishing effort among fleets, as well as the different vertical depths fished by each gear, demonstrating the importance of understanding selectivity when building correlative habitat models. In the future, monitoring and understanding environmentally driven changes in the availability of PBF to commercial and recreational fisheries can contribute to the implementation of ecosystem approaches to fishery management.  相似文献   

Shelf waters of southern Australia support the world's only northern boundary current ecosystem. Although there are some indications of intense nitrate enrichment in the eastern Great Australian Bight (GAB) arising from upwelling of the Flinders Current, the biological consequences of these processes are poorly understood. We show that productivity in the eastern GAB is low during winter, but that coastal upwelling at several locations during the austral summer–autumn results in localized increases in surface chlorophyll a concentrations and downstream enhancement of zooplankton biomass. Sardine (Sardinops sagax) and anchovy (Engraulis australis) eggs and larvae are abundant and widely distributed in shelf waters of the eastern and central GAB during summer–autumn, with high densities of sardine eggs and larvae occurring in areas with high zooplankton biomass. Egg densities and distributions support previous evidence suggesting that the spawning biomass of sardine in the waters off South Australia is an order of magnitude higher than elsewhere in southern Australia. Sardine comprised >50% of the identified prey species of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (SBT, Thunnus maccoyii) collected during this study. Other studies have shown that the lipid content of sardine from the GAB is relatively high during summer and autumn. We suggest that juvenile SBT migrate into the eastern and central GAB during each summer–autumn to access the high densities of lipid‐rich sardines that are available in the region during the upwelling period. Levels of primary, secondary and fish production in the eastern GAB during summer–autumn are higher than those recorded in other parts of Australia, and within the lower portion of ranges observed during upwelling events in the productive eastern boundary current systems off California, Peru and southern Africa.  相似文献   

During periods when the population size of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus is large, the abundance of 1‐yr olds has been considered to be dependent on the growth and survival processes in the late larval and early juvenile stages in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region off northern Japan. Recent growth rates for 10 days before capture of larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were estimated and examined in relation to the surface water temperature and the available copepod density in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Late larval and early juvenile E. japonicus were distributed in the waters with temperature from 15 to 19°C and available prey density from 10 to 1000 mg dry weight (DW) m?2 in the transition region. The late larval growth rates were found to be regulated more strongly by water temperature than by copepod density in the waters <16°C, and more strongly by copepod density than water temperature in the waters <100 mg DW m?2 in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region. The recent growth rates decreased from the western waters to the eastern waters in the survey area 140–170°E in 1998, correlating with decreases of food availability to 50–100 mg DW m?2. While in 1999, the recent growth rates were faster in the waters east of 150°E, resulting from eastward expansion of warm water ranges and high available prey density 100–400 mg DW m?2. The key environmental factors regulating late larval growth rate of E. japonicus in the transition region seem to be spatially different between years.  相似文献   

Since there have been practically no surveys of the eggs of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the western North Pacific (WNP), its spawning ground (SG) distribution has been poorly resolved, based mainly on the larval distribution. This means of estimating SG distribution is imprecise because saury eggs drift for more than a week before they hatch, in a region with intense western boundary currents and their extensions. To improve our understanding of the immature saury, a large number of larvae (body length <25 mm) collected in the WNP during 1993–96 were numerically backtracked to take into account the advection by geostrophic and wind‐forced Ekman currents, and the SG locations and ambient sea surface temperatures (SSTs) for the eggs and larvae on the backtracking trajectories were estimated. The resulting seasonal distributions of SGs indicated that both the locations and the intensities of spawning change from season to season. Moreover, the ambient SSTs for eggs just after fertilization ranged from a high of around 21.5°C in early autumn (September to October) to a low of around 15.0°C in late spring (May to June) with an intermediate of around 20.0°C in winter (January to February). The ambient SSTs showed seasonally different gradients while the individuals developed from eggs to early larvae: the SSTs decreased throughout the autumn (September to December), stayed rather constant in winter (January to February), and increased throughout the spring (March to June). The ambient SSTs for the early larvae were at around 19.0°C in autumn and winter (September to February) and around 16.5°C throughout the spring (March to June).  相似文献   

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