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螺旋环剥对幼龄荔枝树生长结果的调控作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
周贤军  赖军 《园艺学报》1996,23(1):13-18
‘糯米糍’和‘桂味’荔枝幼树不挂果现象相当普遍。采用螺旋环剥能显著促进成花、改善花质、减少落果、增加产量,改善品质。糯米糍、桂味幼树在生理落果期间出现旺盛的根梢生长峰,但其成年树和坐果比较正常的怀枝幼树都没有出现这种旺盛生长,表明了品种和树龄特性的差异。螺旋环剥明显减少生理落果期间的根与梢的生长量,使果实在与根、梢之间的库力竞争中获得优势,因而有利于坐果和果实生长。  相似文献   

<正>1冬枣生理落果的主要原因1.1枝、叶、根与花、果营养竞争7月上旬正值树体营养竞争期,此前新梢生长、根系生长、开花及坐果均消耗大量树体营养,枝、叶、根、果间养分的竞争激烈,营养分配不均衡,会引起大量落果。1.2树势影响花果发育树体衰弱、贮存营养不足、花芽分化质量差,造成落果。1.3果实个头不均匀果实个头不均匀,大果对营养竞争强烈,小果营养缺乏,造成落果。  相似文献   

<正>1确保果园通风透光合理修剪,改善树冠乃至全园的通风透光条件调整生长与结实的关系,是减轻落果的基础。通风透光良好,可以避免因局部郁闭的小气候造成的幼果脱落现象。2合理利用摘心、扭梢和环剥技术幼果生理落果期正处在新梢生长旺季,不可避免地会造成新梢与果实发育间的激烈竞争。从初花期至谢花后对枝干进行环剥或环割,谢花后对旺长的果  相似文献   

荔枝环剥时期对新梢生长及碳素储备的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 枝梢环剥显著抑制了‘怀枝’荔枝新梢的生长,并导致射线细胞和髓部大量积累淀粉。梢芽萌发或伸长前环剥可完全抑制新梢生长,而新梢快速伸长期环剥对其抑制效应最弱。秋季环剥对新梢的抑制和对淀粉积累的促进效应明显高于春季环剥。环剥口以上的老叶面积和环剥位置并不影响环剥对新梢生长的抑制效应和促进淀粉的积累效应,但环剥口以上单位枝梢长度的叶面积与淀粉含量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

据邹平县林业局两年实践表明,对2~5年生、生长旺、座果率低的桃幼树的结果枝组或母枝,在盛花期进行环剥,能减少落果,提高座果率29~34%;在生理落果期到果实膨大前环剥,可增加果重,增产21%左右,并提早上色,成熟期提前3~5天;且能增加枝条中下部芽成花。具体做法是:在结果枝组或结果母枝基部3~5 cm处环剥,宽度 0.2~0.6 cm,剥宽视枝条粗细而定(环剥过窄效果不明显,过宽则长期不愈合,甚至死枝)。此外应注意:①环剥只应用于旺长无花或结果少的树;②掌握剥后座果率提高,但不可结果过多;③剥后应加强肥水管理,确保树体生长健壮和提高环剥效果;④…  相似文献   

环扎、环割对沙田柚生长结果的调控作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅州市沙田柚面积已达2.1万hhm2,成为当地经济发展的支柱产业之一。沙田抽果实发育期间因根、梢的旺盛生长,与果实竞争养分,导致严重落花落果,产量下降,品质不佳。近年一些单位采用环扎技术明显提高产量和果实品质。本文探讨了环扎、环割对沙田抽的根、梢生长,光合呼吸,碳氮水平及结果的影响,以期为沙田抽生产提供理论指导。1材料与方法 试验于1997~1998年在广东梅州市民政柚果场进行。土壤为红壤,pH5.8,肥水管理一般。试材为8年生酸抽砧沙田柚。选择树势健壮,花量相近的沙田柚树,采用随机区组排列,单…  相似文献   

研究了环割、树盘地膜覆盖及叶面喷施硼钙肥对桂味荔枝果实生长、落果裂果和果实品质的影响。结果表明:环割,覆盖地膜和硼钙肥处理均能显著促进果实横纵径增长和显著降低果实累积落果率,且均以硼钙肥处理表现最好;但3个处理均提高了采前日均落果数,以环割和覆盖地膜表现明显,环割和覆盖地膜处理还明显提高了裂果率,仅硼钙肥处理对裂果具有一定防控作用。此外,3个处理对单果质量和可食率影响不显著,但环割极显著降低了果实可溶性固形物含量。综合分析,在荔枝第一次生理落果后叶面喷施硼钙肥5次左右有利防控桂味荔枝落果和裂果,提高果实产量和品质。  相似文献   

大红袍荔枝幼青年树螺旋环剥丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川荔枝主栽品种是大红袍 ,约占全省荔枝总数的 90 %以上 ,但其幼青年树 (2 0年生以前 )都普遍存在严重的花而不实问题 ,致使果农收益减少 ,严重影响了果农的生产积极性。我所科技人员经观察和探索 ,借鉴了深圳黄东光螺旋环剥经验 ,经两年试验 ,证明螺旋环剥可以抑制大红袍荔枝营养生长 ,促进生殖生长 ,解决了大红袍荔枝花而不实的问题。1 螺旋环剥原理荔枝幼青年树营养生长过旺 ,特别是大红袍品种在 2 0年生以前营养生长都大于生殖生长 ,造成只长枝梢和根系而不开花 ,或出现开花后严重落花落果现象。通过适度螺旋环剥树干皮层 ,调节地上…  相似文献   

为促进中国樱桃优良品种大窝娄叶幼树早成花 ,进行了幼树环剥促花试验。试验在渴口乡前良村樱桃高密栽培园内进行。供试的大窝娄叶樱桃幼树为 2 0 0 1年春扦插苗 ,2 0 0 2年春定植。 2 0 0 3年 4月中旬至 8月中旬 ,每隔 1 5天左右进行 1次主干环剥 ,每次环剥 1 0株 ,环剥宽度为干周的1 /1 2 (一般 0 .2~ 0 .3cm)。每次环剥时 ,5株用樱桃叶包扎伤口 ,5株不行包扎。以主干不环剥树作为对照。观察伤口愈合情况、流胶现象及成花株率。试验结果表明 ,对照树 (不环剥 )成花株率为 1 0 % ,而 4~ 8月份不同时期环剥 ,均能促进花芽分化 ,提高成花株…  相似文献   

苹果树夏季修剪四注意1要注意夏剪的对象一般只宜在幼树、旺树、密枝、旺枝或生长较旺的品种上应用。如环剥只宜在旺树的辅养枝、临时性枝组或二年生枝条上应用,或在大年树上应用,以促进花芽分化,为翌年结果打基础。2要注意夏剪的时间夏剪的效果受修剪时期的影响,错过适宜的修剪时间有时会产生不利的影响。如在扭梢时必须把时间掌握在新梢基部半木质化时进行,否则就会把新梢折断。再如,为了提高坐果率,环剥应在花期或花前进行,错过此期效果不明显且造成落花落果。3要注意避免伤口过多在修剪中疏去过密枝或环剥都会有伤口的形成。若伤口愈合…  相似文献   

研究结果表明,幼‘糯米滋’荔枝主要螺旋环剥能减少碳水化合物向根系转运,从而增加叶片和果实中的碳水化合物含量,增多果实中赤霉素类物质和降低脱落酸类物质含量。坐果率的提高与赤霉素/脱落酸的比值较高关系密切。  相似文献   

The method was based on summer girdling two-thirds of the tree’s main branches. The girdle width was c. 2.5 mm, carried out in early July and repeated about three weeks later. Such girdles, when applied to healthy vigorous trees with many leaves, may cause a fruit size increase of 15% or more. The year after girdling, treated branches tended to bear more and somewhat smaller fruits than untreated branches. A harvesting scheme to obtain maximum returns, for cultivars with long picking seasons, is also described.  相似文献   

枝梢环剥对荔枝新梢生长和叶片矿质营养的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
环剥处理中断韧皮部光合产物向下运输及抑制枝梢生长的效应已经明确,但对不同矿质营养运输的影响则有待进一步揭示。研究以妃子笑荔枝为试材,揭示了枝梢环剥处理对新梢生长和叶片矿质营养的影响。结果表明,枝梢环剥处理可强烈抑制枝梢上的新梢发生;环剥17 d后,叶片叶绿素指数明显下降;同时,环剥口上端的叶片不同的矿质营养发生不同的变化。其中对钾和镁影响微弱,而氮、磷、钙、铁、锰、铜、锌等矿质营养含量发生不同程度降低,其中微量元素铁、铜、锰的含量下降较为明显,这表明,中断韧皮部运输也会导致叶片摄取这些矿质元素的减少。  相似文献   

遮荫和环剥对荔枝枝梢生长和光合生理的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 以12年生‘黑叶’荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.‘Heiye’)为研究材料,进行遮荫、环剥及遮荫 + 环剥处理,观测这些处理对新梢生长,以及叶片净光合速率、叶片光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)最大光量子效率(Fv/Fm)和淀粉含量的影响。结果表明:遮荫处理和环剥处理均能显著抑制枝梢生长,降低叶片的净光合速率,但两种处理抑制光合作用的机制各异。其中,环剥处理导致叶绿素含量降低,产生永久性光抑制,显示光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)受到破坏,因此,环剥处理导致光合作用的降低与光反应系统的破坏有关;遮荫下叶片最大光化学效率Fv/Fm维持正常,淀粉含量降低,但即使在相同的人工光源下,光合作用速率同样低于对照,可能主要与暗反应系统活性减弱有关;而遮荫可显著缓解环剥对光反应系统的破坏效应。  相似文献   

果实膨大生长和吸水与气候变化之间的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄辉白  高飞飞 《园艺学报》1994,21(2):124-128
田间和遮雨生长棚下,甜橙和荔枝果实在台风雨期间出现突发性猛长现象,而受胁迫果实的反响更加强烈。发现在果实猛长同时,果实的呼吸强度也上升。这些现象与大气的水蒸汽压亏的明显下跌有关。乙烯利溶液浸果试验证明,果实吸水的增多与乙烯利促进呼吸作用有关。果实的膨大生长主要依赖于水分的进入,果实的吸水包括被动和主动两种方式,呼吸为后乾提供能量,果实的吸水也与其本身的生长潜势有关。  相似文献   

The effects of girdling at the beginning of pit hardening on peach shoot xylem sap cytoki- nin and gibberellin concentrations were studied. Girdling at the beginning of growth stage II of fruit development significantly reduced xylem sap concentration of zeatin-type cytokinins, gibberellin A, and/or gibberellin A3. Girdling also reduced shoot growth, both internodal length and node number, for about eight weeks after girdling until the girdle had healed over. The results support the hypothesis that reduced shoot growth is caused by reduced xylem transported, root supplied, promotive growth substances.  相似文献   

Trees with root systems established well below grade due to deep planting or soil disturbance are common in urban landscapes, yet the long term effects of buried trunks and subsequent remediation strategies, such as root collar excavation are poorly documented. We evaluated the consequences of deep planting over a 10-year period on tree growth and stability, with and without root collar excavation, for red maple [Acer rubrum L. Red Sunset® (‘Franksred’)] and Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) planted at grade or 30-cm below grade. Sleeves to prevent soil-trunk contact were installed around trunks on a subset of deep trees. Root collar excavations were made during the 6th growing season for both species and trees were grown for an additional 4 and 3 growing seasons for red maples and Northern red oaks, respectively. Within two weeks of root collar excavations, pulling tests compared the effect of treatments on stability of red maples. Deep planting generally slowed growth of red maple but had no clear effect on Northern red oak. Root collar excavation had no lasting effect on growth of either species. Approximately 55% of deep red maples and 33% of deep Northern red oaks had roots crossing and in intimate contact with buried trunks, suggesting a potential for future girdling roots. Approximately 25% of deep maples had substantial adventitious rooting. All deep Northern red oaks had new roots emerging just above the first original structural roots but none were clearly adventitious. Trunk sleeves had no effect on growth for either species. Neither deep planting nor root collar excavation resulted in a loss of tree stability compared to trees planted at grade, although failure patterns varied among treatments. Overall, the biggest long term concern for deep-planted trees is the potential for girdling root formation.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of dry matter and nonstructural carbohydrates in various parts of young ‘Fuyu’ persimmon (Diospyros kaki) were examined with 3- and 4-year-old trees with (fruited) and without fruits (defruited). The effect of such changes was then monitored with regard to the magnitude of new growth the following year. From June 15 to November 1, fruiting significantly decreased the rate of dry weight accumulation in perennial parts of the tree. Dry matter was partitioned the most to fruits (68–72%) and the least to the roots. Of the total dry weight, root accounted for 8–27% in fruited and 58–62% in defruited trees. During this period, soluble sugars were three times more in fruited than in defruited trees, but more than 95% of sugars were in the fruits. Starch content increased in defruited trees, more than 93% of which being distributed to the perennial parts. Compared with fruited trees, defruiting in the previous year increased new shoot growth and the number of fruits the following year, with a 20–58% greater increase in dry matter. During the new growth from April 10 to June 10 the following year, root dry weight decreased by 30–32% in defruited trees, whereas it increased by 20–80% in the fruited ones. Soluble sugars in roots decreased by 8.8–19.7 g in defruited trees but increased by 9.7–12.3 g in fruited ones. Starch in roots decreased by 68–75.1 g in defruited trees but increased by 10.2–13.3 g in fruited ones. However, there were no significant differences in soluble sugars and starch in the newly grown parts. It was estimated that a 1-g difference in dry matter accumulated in the previous season resulted in a 116-mg and 256-mg difference in dry weight of newly grown parts, and a 6.5-mm and 17.5-mm new shoot in the following season for 3- and 4-year-old trees, respectively.  相似文献   

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