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The topography at the level of the valves of the equine, bovine and canine hearts
Some morphological features at the level of the valves of the canine, bovine and equine hearts have been compared and their functional importance in relation to the hearts' physiology has been discussed.  相似文献   

Ten horses, younger than 1 year, were used to investigate the articulatio interphalangea distalis of the pelvic limb. The expansion of the dorsal recess was compared to those of adult horses. The recessus dorsalis always formed a shape like the letter ‘m’ or like a triangle with oblique angles. Consequently the great proximo-distal expansion on the medial side of the dorsal recess very probably has nothing to do with the age of horses.  相似文献   

The synovial structures of the M. fibularis longus were studied by dissection on 23 cat, 28 dog, 20 pig, 17 ox, 15 sheep and 17 goat limbs. Five injections with Technovit into the tarsometatarsal joint were made for each species. The dog had two tendon sheaths while all other species had only one lateral one. The mesotendon approached the tendon from the medial aspect and was fenestrated in the dog (here only in the proximal segment), pig, sheep, and goat, but in the cat and ox the fenestration was inconstant. In the area of the lateral malleolus the lateral tendon sheath narrowed (in the dog only in the proximal segment). The synovial structures on the plantar aspect in the cat, dog, pig, and sheep were formed by a recess of the tarsometatarsal joint; while in the ox and goat they formed a tendon sheath that took its origin from the same joint. The plantar recess surrounded the tendon three quarters of the way in the dog, and in cat, pig, and sheep only half way. Nomenclaturial consequences for the NAV are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional morphology of the rete testis, tubuli recti and terminal segments of the tubuli seminiferi in the mature bull The terminal portion of the seminiferous tubule in the mature bull has three segments: a transitional segment, a middle segment and a terminal plug. The middle segment and the terminal plug are formed almost exclusively by modified sustentacular cells. Each terminal segment is surrounded by a cuff-like, vascular plexus. The seminiferous tubule is succeeded by the straight tubule. The latter begins with a funnel-shaped enlargement which surrounds the terminal plug and then forms a smooth-walled, narrow tube that could be likened to the stem of the funnel. The tubular segment between the stem of the funnel and the rete is characterized by intraepithelial invaginations. The single layer of epithelium of the straight tubule and of the rete contains large numbers of free cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) which constitute up to 25 % of the epithelium. In the subepithelial stroma of the rete are free elastic fibers and flat cells which, because of their phosphatase content, are thought to be contractile.  相似文献   

Inhalt: Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt einen Beitrag zur Methodik des maschinellen Milchentzuges beim Schwein dar. Mittels einer eigens hierzu entwickelten Melkmaschine wurde die Milchleistung der in ihren Muttereigenschaften stark differierenden Rassen Pietráin (PI) und Deutsches Edelschwein (DE) ermittelt. Der Milchentzug erfolgte in 2-stündigen Kontrollabschnitten an den Laktationstagen 3, 7,14, 21 und 28. Bei DE kam es während der 4wöchigen Laktationsphase zu einer gleichmäβigen Steigerung der Milch-sekretion von 5,05 1 am 3. Tag auf 12,8 l am Tag 28. Die Sekretionsrate der Rasse PI folgte diesem Verlauf, quantitativ um 2 bis 3 l/d reduziert, bis zu einem Maximum am 14. Laktationstag. Danach sank sie wieder ab. Am Tag 28 betrug der Leistungsunterschied zwischen beiden Rassen über 5 l/Tag. Mit dieser überlegenen Milchsekretionsrate zogen die DE-Sauen 3 Ferkel/Wurf mehr aufals die PI. Auch nach der Standardisierung derFerkelzahl zu Untersuchungsbeginn auf n = 10 blieb die Direrenz zugunsten der Edelschweine signifikant erhalten. Über die Milchinhaltsstoffe und ihre Abhängigkeit von Rasse und Laktationstag sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Lebendmasseentwicklung der Ferkel wird in der II. Mitteilung berichtet. Contents: Investigations on breed differences in milk yield of swine. I. comittment: methodology of mechanical milking and milk yield. This paper deals with the methodology of mechanical milking of sows. By a milking machine, especially developed herefore, milk yields of the breeds Pietrain (PI) and German Large White (DE) which differ a lot in weaning performance, were investigated. Milk was taken in two-hourly control intervalls on the days 3,7,14,21 and 28 of lactation. During this period of 4 weeks, DE showed a continuous increase in milk yield from 5.05 l on day 3 to 12.8 l on day 28. Secretion rate of PI followed parallel with a quantitative decrease of 2 to 3 liters/day, till a maximum was reached on day 14. Then lactation rates decreased. The difference in yield performance between the two breeds was about 5 l on day 28. This superior milk performance of the DE-sows allowed them to wean 3 piglets per litter more than PI. The advantage of DE over PI stays even after standardization of the litter size on n = 10 piglets. Milk composition, its relation towards breed and lactation day and its meaning for the litter performance will be topic of the second comittment.  相似文献   

Morphology and development of the bovine ovarian artery during the fetal and postnatal periods
Development and morphology of the ovarian artery was studied in 106, 9–40 week-old fetuses and 14, 2–14 day-old calves. Different factors were considered such as time-dependent position and mode of branching from the aorta, the course of the ovarian artery in relation to the ovarian vein, and the artery's secondary distribution. Marked developmental changes which in time disappeared, become more prominent, or were reduced, could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in motor endplates were studied in the fibularis longus, semitendinosus and longissimus muscles in pigs. They develop from small, compact AChE-active figures in fetuses to typical myoneuronal synapses with a branched subsynaptical structure of AChE-active units. High correlations were found between size of endplates and both myofibre diameter and body mass. Growth analyses with respect to age, as well as allometrical approaches, showed that endplate growth slightly precedes that of myofibres, with both having similar growth patterns. The morphological changes, however, imply that the increment of synaptical area could lag behind that of myofibres.  相似文献   

Contents In cows the site of alkaline phosphatase, adenosintriphosphatase, succinate dehydrogenase, NADH-tetrazoliurnreductase and NADPH-tetrazoliumreductase is described in the epithelium of the vaginal surface and the vaginal folds. Our findings during estrous and proestrous justify the conclusion that there exists a functional difference between these two epithelial structures.  相似文献   

Inhalt Chlormadinoazetat wurde erfolgreich bei zwei ungewöhnlichen Fertilitätsstörungen beim Rind eingesetzt: der wiederholten multiplen Formierung von Ovarialzysten post partum und dem wiederholten Scheiden– und Rektalvorfall während des zweiten and dritten Trimesters der Gravidität, die in letzterem Palle die Gravidität und die weitere Nutzung des Muttertieres in Frage stellten. Contents (The use of gestagens in the treatment of infertility in the cow [Collection of reports of unusual cases: Clinical reports I). Chlormadinone acetate has been used successfully in correcting cattle infertility as shown in two unusual clinical cases of repeated multiple follicle formation post parturn, and of a repeated vulvar and rectal prolapse during gestation, which threatened termination of gestation and the mothers's disposal.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and ultrahistochemical examinations on the canine mammary gland II. Ultrahistochemical examinations Mammary glands of mostly oldder bitches were examined ultrahistochemically for the distribution of ATPase, alkaline phosphatase, and acid phosphatase. The reactions for ATPase were found regularly in the walls of the blood vessels and often on the plasma membranes of the myoepithelial and epithelial cells. However, plasma membranes adjacent to lumen and basement membrance did not show the reaction. Alkaline phosphatase was found regularly only on the plasma membranes of the myoepithelial cells. Acid phosphatase was found in the lysosomes of myoepithelial and epithelial cells, and increased in amount during the regression of the gland.  相似文献   

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