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王勇 《花卉》2019,(8):255-255
森林资源的包会工作的有效落实对我国现在的生态环境的改善和生活质量的有效的提升以及我国的可持续性的发展策略的有效执行并且持续发展具有非常重要的意义。所以我们必须要意识到林场的森林是我国林业资源的重要的组成部分,也是保护生态环境的重要的森林资源。国有林场的发展和存在改善了人类生存环境的情况。所以我们要积极的分析国有林场面临的问题,积极的找出合适的改善措施。  相似文献   

在最近几年,我国的社会经济在不断的飞速发展,但是也就意味着我国日常生活和生产的不断发展都加大了资源和环境的索取和破坏程度都在日渐的加剧。但是随着时间的改变,建立在资源的消耗和环境的破坏的基础上来换取的经济的快速发展的先进的模式已经逐渐的暴漏出来了很多问题和缺点。然而在我国的政策和法律中,国有林场属于国家的国有资产,其本身的价值不可以用金钱的水平来估量。因为国有林场作为重要的经济系统,不仅仅能够凭借着林场的各种资源来产生巨大的经济利益,也可以凭借着得天独厚的生态条件,带来巨大的生态价值。所以,从各个方面来看,关于国有林场的管理模式得更新和改革的进度和方法都关系着国家的发展和经济的发展,更是关系到了我们国家的生态环境的平衡和健康发展。所以本文主要是以我国的国有林场的改革后的经营和管理的模式作为主要的研究课题,来进行初步的探讨,并且努力的找到正确并且合适的对策。  相似文献   

经济的高速发展对于生态环境产生了严重的影响,为了减少环境方面的影响,更好的进行生态环境方面的建设的工作,要在经济发展和生态环境的发展的过程中进行相应的利益的平衡,使得进行全面的工作的发展。在生态环境的改善的过程中,营造林是其中非常重要的一项工作。  相似文献   

谢瑞乐 《现代园艺》2012,(15):46-47
地处夏热冬冷、人口稠密的江浙地区的传统民居,在炎热的夏季和寒冷的冬季仍能保持室内的舒适,满足人与自然和谐共处的需要,故古人的建筑处理手法蕴含着节能环保及可持续发展的理念。本文分析江南民居室内特点,找出其内外空间的适宜性、室内空间的相对开放性、空间陈设的灵活性、文化的继承性对现代建筑的生态的、可持续的处理手法的可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

王锐 《花卉》2018,(10)
对于园林树木的养护管理需要更具有科学的办法,必须依据树木的不同的阶段进行一定的措施进行操作,从而使得园林树木得到更为合理有效的养护,然而对于园林树木的科学管理的事项较为复杂,并且各区域在养护上存在一定的差异,同时不一样的数种以及不同的时期的措施也存在着极大的差异。同时通常情况下在关于园林树木的养护有着一定的规律可以遵循的。  相似文献   

春天,是绿意的萌动,春天,是生机的勃发。人们向往春天,是因为春天的天空是湛蓝的,春天的大地是翠绿的,春天的阳光是灿烂的,春天的小雨是甘甜的。春天的大自然给人一种掩映不住的渴盼和向往。羊年圣洁的雪花乘着时代的列车北去了,带走了凛冽的风寒和那难忘的365篇“日记”;猴年的春天乘着飞天的航船驶来了,牵来了融融的暖意和开发进取的心声。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国社会经济发展水平的不断提升,社会各方面的发展也都相应的取得了极大的进步,各个区域之间的发展水平也都逐渐提高,在国家的大力支持下,新疆的整体发展水平也较传统来说有了很大的改进,乌鲁木齐作为新疆的省会城市,其建设的质量也相应的有了很大的提高,人们的物质生活水平也相应的有了很大的进展,对于居住环境的要求也更高,这直接促进了乌鲁木齐市园林绿化水平的提高,这对于乌鲁木齐市整体生态水平的提高来说自然会产生积极的作用,但是就园林绿化的实际养护状况来看,还是会不可避免的存在一些问题,因此说在未来的发展过程当中,需要针对于当前乌鲁木齐市园林绿化养护工作中的一些问题,来相应的提出解决的策略,进而得以促进园林绿化整体养护水平的提高。  相似文献   

刘建武 《花卉》2020,(10):170-171
随着国家的工业化进程的不断发展,在生产用地和生活用地上大幅度的增加,很多的地方出现了工程建设占用林地的情况。林地对我国的生态发展有着非常重要的影响,它能够从林地的范围和质量上反映出地方区域的生态环境的状况。目前,我国的各个行业都处于发展中的阶段,需要有大量的时间和空间,所以占用林地的情况自然也就随之增多,经过长时间的发展,会对林地本身带来非常大的影响,所以,占用林地的情况是比较常见的,目前,不断占用林地的现象逐渐增多,随之而来的就会出现林地管理上的问题。本文主要分析了征占用林地工作中存在的一些问题,并结合实际情况对征占用林地工作提出了有效的应对方法。  相似文献   

以3个草莓品种的叶片为试材,采用传统的石蜡切片法,研究冬季大棚栽培不同草莓品种对白粉病的抗性的影响并分析其叶片的解剖结构的差异。结果表明:3个草莓品种的抗性差异显著,抗白粉病能力最强的是‘枥乙女’,其次是‘红颜’,最差的为‘章姬’。筛选出3个品种的草莓叶脉的厚度,主维管束的长度,主维管束的宽度,栅栏叶肉的厚度和叶片栅栏组织的比例等指标差异性极强。同时发现栅栏组织的厚度和在叶片栅栏组织的比例可能是影响草莓的抗病性的关键性指标。草莓的栅栏组织的厚度可以采取作为草莓抗白粉病的品种筛选的早期识别指标,从而为冬季大棚栽培草莓提供理论依据。  相似文献   

园林的绿化需要园林植物的合理应用栽培,植物的栽培养护对园林的观赏效果具有重要的价值。园林植物的色彩搭配,对于风景秀丽的景区、街道的装饰性具有极大的观赏性效果。  相似文献   

根外追肥是与土壤施肥相辅相成的,是蔬菜生产上一种经济速效的提高产量和改善品质的施肥方法(即叶面施肥),它可以通过叶面直接吸收利用.尤其在蔬菜生长后期.根系老化,吸收运输能力衰弱时喷施.可以迅速补充植株体内养分的不足或营养失衡.促进蔬菜生长旺盛。防止早衰,延长供应朋。根外追肥在茄果类或瓜类生育期长,分批采收的蔬菜上效果尤为明显。  相似文献   

口感好硒含量高采摘期长,这是海南省“澄迈福橙”的特点,澄迈县将福橙促销瞄准大超市。2009年2月20日,该县在省城海口市召开福橙品尝推介会,向超市促销这一地方名牌农产品。  相似文献   

Conflicts among forest visitors have direct effects on the quality of a recreational experience. As the number of visitors to forests close to residential areas increases, as well as the number of different activities, so does the potential for perceived conflicts. According to the literature, expanding knowledge of conflict characteristics and their causes is important for recreation planners and managers who aim to reduce conflicts.In the present study, different forest user groups were identified and categorised according to their pursued activities, and for each group, causes of conflict were identified. Furthermore, a choice experiment was constructed to estimate the distance visitors are willing to travel to encounter few visitors as opposed to many visitors, and thereby potentially experience fewer conflicts. Comparing the marginal willingness to travel (WTT) of different user groups suggests that some groups have a WTT further than the average to reach a forest with ‘Few’ visitors. The average WTT to reach a forest area with ‘Few’ visitors. ‘Mountain bikers,’ ‘Peace and nature lovers’ and ‘Horse riders’ are willing to travel 4 km more than the average per visit to reach a less crowded forest. At the other end of the scale, we find that people who are doing physical exercise are willing to travel 2 km less than the average to reach a less crowded forest.  相似文献   

桃砧木筑波4号和筑波5号抗根癌病鉴定评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以当年实生筑波4号(Prunus persica‘tsukuba-4’)和筑波5号(Prunus persica‘tsuku-ba-5’)的新梢为材料,采用人工接种发根土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)的方法研究了其对根癌病的抗性及其分离情况。结果表明,筑波4号实生群体中免疫、高度抗病、中度抗病、中度感病和高度感病类型分别占0.90%、1.80%、9.01%、18.92%和69.37%。筑波5号实生群体中免疫、高度抗病、中度抗病、中度感病和高度感病类型分别占1.01%、3.03%、8.08%、38.38%和49.49%。筑波4号和筑波5号对发根土壤杆菌的抗性存在显著分离现象,可从中筛选出抗性极强的植株。  相似文献   

Zhang  Jinguang  Yu  Zhaowu  Cheng  Yingyi  Sha  Xiaohan  Zhang  Hanyu 《Landscape Ecology》2022,37(3):895-911
Landscape Ecology - It has been widely acknowledged that exposure to green space (e-GS) has positive health benefits to urban residents. While most studies estimate e-GS from an availability or...  相似文献   

Biogeochemical models offer an important means of understanding carbon dynamics, but the computational complexity of many models means that modeling all grid cells on a large landscape is computationally burdensome. Because most biogeochemical models ignore adjacency effects between cells, however, a more efficient approach is possible. Recognizing that spatial variation in model outputs is solely a function of spatial variation in input driver variables such as climate, we developed a method to sample the model outputs in input variable space rather than geographic space, and to then use simple interpolation in input variable space to estimate values for the remainder of the landscape. We tested the method in a 100 km×260 km area of western Oregon, U.S.A. , comparing interpolated maps of net primary production (NPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP) with maps from an exhaustive, wall-to-wall run of the model. The interpolation method can match spatial patterns of model behavior well (correlations>0.8) using samples of only 5 t o 15% of the landscape. Compression of temporal variation in input drivers is a key step in the process, with choice of input variables for compression largely determining the upper bounds on the degree of match between interpolated and original maps. The method is applicable to any model that does not consider adjacency effects, and could free up computational expense for a variety of other computational burdens, including spatial sensitivity analyses, alternative scenario testing, or finer grain-size mapping.  相似文献   

Extracts of phenolic compounds from maturing Red Delicious apple tissues containing p-coumaryl-quinic acids and chlorogenic acid were shown to be inhibitory to germination of Botrytis cinerea spores and mycelial growth of B. cinerea, Penicillium expansum and Alternaria sp. Measurements of the content of both acids during the growing season showed that the content of phenolic compounds was highest early in the season and decreased as the fruit matured. The decrease coincided with the rise in susceptibility of the fruit to rot caused by B. cinerea. The concentration of p-coumaryl-quinic acid was highest near the skin and lowest near the core.  相似文献   

Investments in urban forests have been increasing in many US cities. Urban forests have been shown to provide countless ecosystem benefits with many addressing climate change issues, such as sequestering carbon, reducing air pollution, and decreasing the heat island effect. Individual groups within the American public may not respond to the issue of climate change in the same way, thus engaging each group in climate change solutions will require different approaches. It is therefore important to understand how the public perceives climate change, their values and preferences, and barriers that might constrain their engagement to policy solutions. A mail survey was implemented, focused on households’ willingness to support and pay for urban forests as a climate change mitigation method. Atlanta, Georgia, USA was selected for this study given its environmental issues such as heat island effect and land cover changes, including conversion of forestland, that come with rapid population growth and urban sprawl. A Tobit model was used to model willingness-to-pay as a function of several variables derived from survey results; and a multivariate weighting strategy was used to address nonresponse issues. The analysis showed that Atlanta households are willing to pay $1.05 million to $1.22 million per year, or $5.24 to $6.11 million over a five-year period. The WTP amount was significantly related with the residents’ income, media source from where they received climate information, and the relative coverage of tree canopy around their residence. Results are relevant to city managers who are interested in understanding the public value of urban greening programs and developing strategies or policies to expand urban forests as part of a climate change strategy.  相似文献   

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