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Co-situs is the placement with one application of a sufficient amount of controlled-release fertilizer for an entire growing season at any site, together with seeds or seedlings, without causing fertilizer salt injury. An experiment was conducted to find an efficient method for ameliorating Fe deficiency in two rice cultivars (cv. Tsukinohikari and cv. Sasanishiki) grown in a calcareous soil (pH 9.2, CaCO3 384 g kg?1), which was poor in organic matter (0.1 g kg?1) and available Fe (3.0 μg g?1 soil). The field treatments consisted of co-situs application of the following fertilizers: 1) controlled-release NPK fertilizer (CRF-NPK) containing no micronutrients; 2) controlled-release NPK fertilizer containing micronutrients (CRF-M1); and 3) controlled-release NPK fertilizer containing micronutrients (CRF-M2). The main difference between CRF-M1 and CRF-M2 was that the former had larger granules than the latter. All the fertilizers were placed in contact with the roots of rice seedlings at transplanting time. Plants in the CRF-M1 and CRF-M2 treatments had similar lengths, number of stems, leaf age, and leaf color (SPAR value) during the cultivation period. By contrast, plants from the CRF-NPK treatments grew poorly, showed severe chlorosis symptoms of Fe deficiency, and all died on 30 DAT. Plants of both cultivars accumulated more macroand micronutrients with the CRF-M2 treatment than with the CRF-M1 treatment. The grain yield of cv. Tsukinohikari was 0.0, 1,910, and 2,160 kg ha?1 for the CRF-NPK, CRF-M1, and CRF-M2 treatments, respectively, and 0.0, 2,490, and 2,860 kg ha?1 for the same treatments for cv. Nihonbare. Chlorosis due to iron deficiency was successfully ameliorated and world-average grain yields were obtained with the co-sites application of both controlled-release fertilizers.  相似文献   

钙质紫泥田水稻氮磷钾施肥效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了钙质紫泥田水稻氮磷钾的施肥效应,分析了肥料的因素效应及合理施用量。结果表明:(1)在试验施肥量范围内,水稻产量与肥料用量呈二次多项式函数关系;(2)磷和氮的效应高,钾肥效应低;(3)棕紫泥夹砂田水稻合理施肥量为每公顷N 125~130 kg、P2O570 kg、K2O 0~30 kg,下湿紫泥田为N 85~90 kg、P2O555 kg、K2O 0~20 kg;(4)地下水位高、湿害严重,是下湿紫泥田生产水平低、施肥效果差的根本原因,改造途径是深沟排水、脱潜治理。  相似文献   

Experiment was carried out to evaluate the, efficiency of different iron sources including polyolefin resin coated slow release Fe fertilizer (PRCCFe) and its methods of application on the performance of rice var. Swarna during rainy seasons of 2001 and 2002 under calcareous soil at Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. The pots were filled with 10 kg calcareous soil having high CaCO3 (36.32%) and low iron contents (1.45 pp—less than critical limit). The experimental treatments comprised five iron sources (NPK + 100% pyrite, NPK + 100% polyolefin resin coated slow release Fe (PRCSRFe), NPK + 50% pyrite + 50% PRCSRFe, NPK + 75% pyrite + 25% PCRSRFe, and NPK + 25% pyrite + 75% PCRSRFe and two methods of application (uniform and co-situs) including one control (NPK only). These 11 treatment combinations were laid out in Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) replicated thrice. The two methods of iron application did not differ significantly with respect to crop yield though higher yield was recorded with co-situs application. Among the Fe sources, application of iron 75% through to + 25% through polyolefin resin coated slow release Fe fertilizer produced the highest grain yield.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on contribution of iron phosphate to phosphorus nutrition of rice plant under waterlogged and moist conditions,respectively,by use of synthetic Fe^32 PO4.nH2O,tagging directly the iron phophate in calcareous paddy soils.Results showed that under waterlogged condition,similar to iron phosphate in acidic paddy soils.that in clacareous paddy soils was an important source of phosphorus to rice plant ,and the amount of phosphorus originated from it generally constituted 30-65% of the total phosphorus absorbed by rice plant.  相似文献   


Characterization of methanotrophs isolated from paddy soils and rice (Oryza sativa) roots was investigated in the present study. The number of methanotrophs in root homogenates of the rice cultivar Mutsuhomare was 4.9 × 107 most-probable-number (MPN) g?1 dry roots, in Yumeakari it was 2.0 × 108 MPN g?1 dry roots and in Kirara it was 4.6 × 107 MPN g?1 dry roots. Although bacterial cells were observed infrequently on the surface and in the interiors of roots before incubation, a large number of colonies, measuring 0.5–5 mm in diameter, were observed on the sterilized roots after incubation on nitrate mineral agar plates under methane in air. In particular, a large number of colonies were observed at the emergence sites of lateral roots and root hairs. Strains MD5-1 and M1 were isolated from the roots of Mutsuhomare and strain R62 was isolated from the root homogenate of Yumeakari. All isolates were catalase-positive and oxidase-positive, Gram-negative, straight-rod-shaped and curved-rod-shaped bacteria, and formed exospores. The isolates were able to fix nitrogen and grew in the absence of copper. In addition, all were found to be positive for naphthalene-oxidizing activities (corresponding to soluble methane mono-oxygenase activities). Strains MD5-1, M1 and R62 were closely related to Methylosinus sporium. Methanotrophic strains W3-6, SD3-5 and 2-19, isolated previously from paddy field soils, were classified into Methylosinus (W3-6) and Methylocystis (SD3-5 and 2-19) type II methanotrophs. Isolates from the rice roots (MD5-1, R62 and M1) grew logarithmically when casamino acid was used as the nitrogen source; however, the growth of these strains was reduced on the nitrate medium. These strains preferred amino acids over inorganic nitrogen as a nitrogen source for growth.  相似文献   

pH与石灰性水稻土铁氧化还原过程的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
光照和pH是调控土壤铁氧化物厌氧生物氧化还原的关键环境因素。本文采用恒温厌氧培养试验研究了黑暗、光照条件下土壤pH的变化及pH对铁氧化还原的影响,探索了pH与Fe(II)和水溶性无机碳的关系。结果表明,光照可改变土壤厌氧培养过程中pH的变化趋势,避光培养时土壤pH呈降低趋势,光照时呈先降低后增加趋势。pH介于4~9之间均可发生铁的还原反应,pH=7时还原量最大,128.5μmol g-1,pH调至4和9均可抑制避光条件下的铁还原。光照条件下pH 6~8时可发生Fe(II)的再氧化,控制初始pH为7时可使其再氧化量增加77.13%,达49.17μmol g-1。厌氧培养过程中Fe(II)与水溶性无机碳在避光时存在显著线性正相关关系,pH与Fe(II)和水溶性无机碳之间均存在显著线性负相关关系。  相似文献   

长期施钾对红壤水稻土水稻产量及土壤钾素状况的影响   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
研究了长期定位施肥试验中连续27年(1981~2007)施用钾肥对水稻产量和土壤钾素状况的影响。本试验选择了其中5个处理:CK(不施肥)、NP(施氮、磷肥)、NPK(施氮、磷、钾肥)、NP+RS(施氮、磷肥和稻草)和NPK+RS(施氮、磷、钾肥和稻草)。结果表明,施钾能明显提高水稻产量,施钾肥的NPK和NPK+RS处理27年的早稻平均产量分别比NP和NP+RS处理增加15.2%和10.9%;晚稻增产17.2%和9.1%;在27年54季水稻种植期间,不同施肥处理早、晚稻产量的变化趋势不同。CK、NP处理的早、晚稻产量随时间的推移呈负变化趋势,而NPK、NP+RS和NPK+RS处理的早、晚稻产量呈正变化趋势。施钾的NPK和NPK+RS处理不同土层中土壤全钾、缓效钾和速效钾含量均高于NP和NP+RS处理的相同土层;除NPK+RS处理外,其它各处理表观钾平衡均为负值,其中CK和NP处理钾的负平衡值最大。长期施用钾肥能提高水稻产量和维持土壤钾素肥力。  相似文献   

A filed experiment with an early rice-late rice rotation was carried out on a paddy soil derived from red soil in the southern part of Zhejing Province to elucidate the effect of excess P application on some important characteristics of soil properies and its relation to nutrient status and grain yields of rice crops.The experimental results indicated that adequate fertilizer P(15 kg P hm^-2)could increase the content of soil available P at the tillering stage of early rice,the contents of N,P and K in the shoots of early rice at primary growth stages,and the grain yield of early rice by increasing valid ears per hectare and weight per thousand grains,which,was mainly related to the higher contents of reduced,non-reduced and total sugar in the shoot at the heading stage, And early rice supplied with excessive P could not yield more than that applied with adequate, P de to the reduction in the valid grain percentage and weight per thousead grains. In addition,one-time excess P supply at a rate as high as 90 kg P hm^-2 could not improve the soil P fertility in case the soil available P content was lower than the initial(3.74mg kg^-1 soil) after an early rice-late rice rotaion,and made a decline in the grain yield increased by per kilogram fertilzer P.Thus,one-time excess P supply should not be adopted for soils with a large P fixation capacity like the paddy soils derived from red soils.  相似文献   

长期施用绿肥对红壤稻田水稻产量和土壤养分的影响   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:39  
通过对26年长期定位试验结果的统计分析,结果表明:绿肥与化肥长期配合施用有利于水稻稳产增产,减少化肥的使用量,提高化肥NPK养分的农学利用效率达60%以上。26年水稻平均产量以OM3处理(紫云英+猪粪)最高,比CK增产64.47%,比NPK处理增产6.86%;其化肥养分农学效率为16.33kg/kg,比NPK处理化肥养分农学效率高118.9%。绿肥与化肥长期配合施用土壤有机质、全氮和全磷均有所积累,积累的量与肥料施用量及有机肥种类相关,以紫云英+猪粪处理最优。土壤钾素均表现亏缺,土壤全钾和速效钾均低于试验前,亏缺幅度最小的是紫云英+稻草处理,其土壤全钾和速效钾分别比对照高4.28%和13.94%。通过对土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾与水稻产量关性分析,相关系数最高的为土壤全钾(r=0.808**),说明缺钾已成为限制红壤稻田高产的主要肥力因子。  相似文献   

氮锌配施对石灰性土壤锌形态及肥效的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过分析石灰性土壤上施用锌肥后土壤中锌的形态变化,研究锌肥的有效性及后效,为指导合理施用锌肥提供理论依据。结果表明在潜在性缺锌的石灰性土壤施锌肥没有明显的增产效果,可增加小麦籽粒锌含量,但不同基因型反应差异很大;土壤中的锌主要以矿物态存在,占全锌91.5%~97.6%,其次为松结有机态锌(1.34%~5.53%)、碳酸盐结合态锌(0.47%~1.55%);施入土壤中的锌增加了交换态、松结有机态、碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态锌含量,但大部分转化为矿物态;种植小麦可以使土壤中的锌向有效态转化;施氮增加了小麦对锌的吸收,也增加了锌矿化的比例;主成分分析结果表明,交换态、松结有机态和碳酸盐结合态均能不同程度反映土壤锌的有效性,石灰性土壤中碳酸盐结合态和有机结合态锌含量占有较为可观的比例,因此增加这两种形态储备容量是调节和控制土壤锌营养状况的重要措施。  相似文献   

揭示覆膜与裸地旱种对水、陆稻锰(Mn)素吸收利用的差异。以陆稻中旱3号和水稻武香粳99-8为供试材料,以传统淹水种植方式为对照,设置覆膜和裸地2种旱种方式,研究了覆膜旱种和裸地旱种对Mn素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,陆稻中旱3号覆膜旱种的产量较对照显著降低9.0%,而水稻覆膜旱种的产量较对照无显著差异,陆稻和水稻裸地旱种的产量分别较水种显著降低11.7%和8.0%。旱种使稻株的含Mn量、稻米中的含Mn量和Mn素累积量均减少,而Mn素物质生产效率、Mn素籽粒生产效率和Mn素收获指数均增加,旱种还使Mn素在稻株穗部分配比例增加,在叶片和茎鞘中的分配比例表现不一。与武香粳99-8相比,中旱3号生育后期稻株含Mn量提高13.1%~20.6%,Mn素累积量较少5.2%~9.6%,Mn素物质生产效率和Mn素籽粒生产效率降低,Mn素收获指数增加。水种时中旱3号稻米中Mn含量明显低于武香粳99-8,而旱种时则表现相反。表明旱种稻株对Mn素吸收利用因种植方式和品种类型不同而有较大差异。  相似文献   


Maize (Zea mays L.) cv. Ganga 2 was grown in refined sand at three levels of copper: deficient (0.00065 mg L-1), adequate (0.065 mg L-1), and excess (6.5 mg L-1), each at three levels, deficient (0.00065 mg L-1), adequate (0.065 mg L-1), and excess (6.5 mg L-1) of zinc. Excess Cu magnified the zinc deficiency effects in maize by lowering further the biomass, the concentration of leaf Zn, activities of carbonic anhydrase, aldolase, and ribonuclease and intensified the visible foliar symptoms of Zn deficiency. The effects of Cu deficiency, low dry weight, the concentration of leaf Cu and activities of cytochrome oxidase and polyphenol oxidase were enhanced by excess Zn. Synergism was observed between combined deficiency of Cu and Zn and Cu or Zn deficiency, because the depression in the parameters characteristic of Cu or Zn deficiency was more pronounced when both Cu and Zn were deficient than when Cu or Zn was deficient. Antagonism was observed in some parameters between combined excess of Cu and Zn and Cu or Zn excess. Dry weight was decreased further when both Cu and Zn were in excess than when either Cu or Zn was in excess. After the infiltration of Cu and Zn together to the leaf discs from deficient Cu-deficient Zn treatment, the increase in the concentration of leaf Zn and the activities of aldolase, carbonic anhydrase, polyphenol oxidase, and cytochrome oxidase was more pronounced than after the infiltration of Cu or Zn singly. Discontinuance of excess Zn supply from the excess Zn-deficient Cu treatment increased the concentration of leaf Cu and activities of polyphenol oxidase and cytochrome oxidase and lowered the concentration of Zn. Similarly the discontinuance of excess Cu supply from the leaf discs in the “excess Cu-deficient Zn” treatment increased the leaf Zn concentration and the activities of carbonic anhydrase and aldolase.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对红壤性水稻土磷素及水稻磷营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】合理的土壤磷素管理对作物生产和环境保护具有重要意义。南方双季稻田土壤磷素特征及磷素吸收信息相对缺乏,本文利用江西省稻田土壤质量演变定位监测试验为平台,系统分析长期不同施肥措施下土壤全磷、磷活化系数及水稻磷素吸收量的变化特征和全磷与磷盈亏的响应关系等,为指导磷肥合理施用提供重要科学依据。【方法】从1984年开始在江西省南昌市进行长期定位试验,设置8个处理,分别为不施肥对照(CK),PK、NP、NK、NPK、70%化肥氮+30%有机肥氮(70F+30M)、50%化肥氮+50%有机肥氮(50F+50M)、30%化肥氮+70%有机肥氮(30F+70M)。早稻施用纯N、P2O5和K2O量分别为150、60和150 kg/hm^2,晚稻分别为180、60和150 kg/hm^2。早、晚稻施用的氮、磷、钾化肥均分别为尿素、过磷酸钙和氯化钾,有机肥分别为紫云英(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.30%、0.08%、0.23%)和腐熟猪粪(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.45%、0.19%、0.60%)。除30F+70M处理,其余处理均为等氮磷钾设计。于1984-2012年每年早、晚稻收获期采集秸秆和稻谷计产,并于晚稻收获后,测定土壤全磷和有效磷含量。分析土壤全磷、磷活化系数(PAC)及早、晚稻磷素吸收量随种植年限的变化规律,研究土壤全磷含量与磷累积盈亏的响应关系。【结果】经29年连续试验,NK处理土壤全磷含量以每年4.6 mg/kg的速度下降,而含磷化肥处理土壤全磷含量升高速率为3.3~19.4 mg/(kg·a)。有机无机配施处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)升高速率平均为16.1 mg/(kg·a),是施NPK肥处理的4.89倍。施磷土壤全磷含量平均增至1.07 g/kg (2010-2012平均值),较初始值提高了1.18倍。不施磷肥处理土壤磷活化系数(PCA)由试验初始的4.24%下降至2.5%左右,施磷肥处理则均显著升高,其中有机无机配施处理平均升高至8.51%,平均年升高速率是施NPK处理的2.89倍。早、晚稻磷素吸收量,施磷肥(PK、NP和NPK)和化肥配施有机肥处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)均显著高于CK,提高幅度分别为29.9%~124%和28.6%~103%,均衡施肥(NPK、70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)磷素吸收量显著高于不均衡施肥(PK和NP)处理,前者平均分别较后两者提高了38.7%和32.9%。早、晚稻产量与磷素吸收量呈极显著线性正相关关系,每吸收磷(P) 1 kg,早稻和晚稻产量分别可提高115和106 kg/hm^2。不施肥(CK)条件下,土壤全磷变化与累积磷盈亏间无显著相关关系,施NK肥处理土壤中每亏缺磷100 kg/hm^2,土壤全磷含量降低6.0 mg/kg,施化学磷肥的3个处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均提高9.3 mg/kg,而3个有机–无机配施处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均增加63.3 mg/kg,是无机磷肥的6.78倍。【结论】无论是单施化学磷肥,还是有机无机配施均有效提高土壤全磷含量及磷活化系数,且在等磷量投入条件下,有机无机配施较单施化肥的效果更优。建议减少中国南部红壤性稻田土壤的总磷输入量和提高有机肥施用比例,以改善粮食生产和保护环境。  相似文献   

There have been few investigations of the possible effects of genetically engineered plants on the microbiota and enzyme activities in flooded soil. We studied the influence of the transgenic rice KeMingDao (KMD) straw on the culturable microbiota and enzymatic activities in a flooded paddy soil under laboratory conditions. KMD contained a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis under the control of a maize ubiquitin promoter and linked in tandem with the gusA and hpt genes. The results showed that there were only some occasional significant differences (P<0.05) in the number of Colony forming units of aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi and in the number of anaerobic fermentative bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria, and methanogenic bacteria between the paddy soil amended with Bt-transgenic rice straw and with the non-Bt parental rice straw during the early stages of incubation. From d14 to d84 there were significant increases (P<0.05) in soil dehydrogenase and soil neutral phosphatase activity in soils amended with rice straw compared to soil without added straw. The dehydrogenase activity was significantly greatly (almost 1.95-fold) in soil amended with Bt-transgenic straw from d7 to d14 but from d21 to d49 there was significantly greater activity (about 1.47-fold) in the soil amended with non-Bt-straw. There were no apparent differences between the activity of soil neutral phosphatase in the soils to which non-Bt-straw and Bt-straw had been added. However, both soils to which rice straws were added demonstrated significant differences in the number of microorganisms except for aerobic bacteria and enzymatic activities with respect to the control soil throughout the incubation. The above results indicated that the Bt-straw from KMD transgenic rice is not toxic to a variety of culturable microorganisms in the studied flooded paddy soil.  相似文献   


An understanding of the phosphate (P) dynamics in paddy rice fields is the basis for improving P fertilizer efficiency and reducing P loss from paddy fields. During the ripening stage of rice plants cultivated in pots, we identified vivianite on the roots. We placed 3?kg of air-dried soil in a pot with coated urea (1?g N), coated potassium sulfate (1?g K2O) and granular superphosphate (1?g P2O5) as basal fertilizers. Three rice seedlings were transplanted into each pot and grown until the ripening stage under submergence outdoor conditions. The bulk soil showed a black color indicating the formation of amorphous FeS. According to the soil analysis data, the oxalate-extractable Fe content was much greater than the labile S and P contents, indicating that enough Fe(II) can be supplied to the S and P for the reaction. Bluish vivianite particles were observed on the roots using an optical microscope. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the vivianite was an aggregate of platy crystals, and an energy dispersive X-ray analysis showed that Fe and P were the major elements in the crystal aggregates. The diffraction peak positions by the X-ray microdiffractometer were very close to the reported pattern for vivianite. Future research on the dynamics of P is expected based on vivianite formation in paddy field soils.  相似文献   

土壤磷固定是影响石灰性磷肥肥效的主要原因。本文在田间滴灌条件下采用连续浸提的方法对液体磷肥和固体颗粒磷肥及其不同施用方法对石灰性土壤各形态无机磷含量动态变化的影响进行了研究,并比较了不同处理下加工番茄磷素营养效应。结果表明:各施肥处理0—20 cm土层Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量随施肥时间明显下降,而Ca10-P含量则显著上升,表明磷肥在石灰性土壤中不断向Ca10-P转化并被固定。液体磷肥追肥处理0—20 cm土层Ca2-P含量在各时期均显著高于其他施肥处理(P<0.05),且液体磷肥追肥可以明显保持土壤0—20 cm土层较高的Ca8-P含量。与其他施肥处理相比,液体磷肥追施可减少石灰性土壤对磷的固定,增加0—20 cm土层Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量(P<0.05),显著提高土壤磷的有效性。液体磷肥追施处理可显著提高加工番茄叶片含磷量和经济产量(91725 kg/hm2)。与传统过磷酸钙颗粒磷肥作基肥处理(CK1)相比,液体肥料全做追肥可使加工番茄经济产量提高26.7%,并明显提高了磷肥利用率。在滴灌条件下石灰性土壤上液体磷肥分次追施比传统的固体颗粒磷肥基施具有明显的优势,是一种非常具有应用前景的施肥方式。  相似文献   

为了消减冷浸型中低产田长期浸渍、泥温低、土壤有效养分低等障碍因子,通过田间小区试验和动态取样与室内测定,研究了不同有机无机肥配比对冷浸田土壤肥力及水稻生长的影响。结果表明:与复合肥处理比较,复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤磷酸铁盐和磷酸钙盐含量分别提高11%和17%,复合肥与60%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤磷酸铝盐含量提高44%,且磷酸铝盐、磷酸铁盐和磷酸钙盐占无机磷总量的比例提高,闭蓄态磷占无机磷总量的比例降低,促使土壤中难溶性磷向易溶性磷转化,提高土壤有效磷含量;复合肥配施60%(N)生鸡粪处理的土壤松结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例提高1.9个百分点,紧结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例降低4.6个百分点,土壤活性有机质含量提高14%,土壤阳离子交换量提高11%;复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤真菌和放线菌数量分别提高33%和28%,复合肥配施60%(N)生鸡粪处理的土壤细菌数和微生物活性分别提高160%和19%,水稻磷、钾吸收量分别提高5%和111%;复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的早、晚稻产量分别增加8%和42%,复合肥与60%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的早、晚稻产量分别增加6%和31%。有机无机平衡施肥是适合于冷浸田水稻增产的施肥方式。  相似文献   

连续施磷条件下渗育性水稻土无机磷土层分布及移动特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过3年田间肥料定位试验,采用顾益初、蒋柏藩的石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法,研究了太湖地区砂壤质渗育性水稻土不同无机磷形态在015.cm、1530.cm和3045.cm土层的分布及移动特征。结果表明,太湖地区砂壤质渗育性水稻土中的无机磷以Ca-P为主,其中Ca10-P含量最高。无论施肥与否,各土层中不同形态无机磷的含量都是Ca10-PO-P、Fe-PAl-P、Ca2-P、Ca8-P。3年定位施磷后,随施磷量增大表层(015.cm)土壤中总磷、Olsen磷、无机磷和无机磷各组分含量显著增加,而1530.cm和3045.cm土层中各无机磷组分的增加相对较小。土壤中总磷、无机磷和Olsen磷在土壤剖面中向下移动性随着土层的加深而减弱。其移动性呈Olsen磷无机磷总磷。植物有效无机磷源(Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P)的下移比植物无效或缓效无机磷源(Ca10-P、Fe-P、O-P)的下移更明显。Olsen磷与土壤各层中的Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P的相关性要比Fe-P、O-P和Ca10-P更大。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对碱性紫色土磷素迁移与累积的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在25年稻麦轮作长期定位施肥试验点上,开展了碱性紫色土水旱轮作种植制不同施肥处理土壤剖面全磷、速效磷迁移和累积以及耕层土壤全磷、速效磷随时间的变化规律研究。结果表明,单施无机磷肥土壤磷可迁移至100 cm土层,Olsen-P可迁移至40 cm土层。有机无机磷肥配施不但使土壤磷可迁移至相同深度,且迁移量更大,Olsen-P可迁移至60 cm土层。耕作25年后,施磷处理土壤耕层磷素随时间的变化显著,MNPK处理耕层土壤全磷含量年增长率为0.033 g/kg,Olsen-P的年增长率为2.56 mg/kg。试验表明,连续数年施用足量磷肥后,作物施磷量可根据具体情况酌减,以节约磷肥资源和提高磷肥利用率;施用有机肥促进了磷素从耕层向底层的迁移,是造成土壤磷素迁移的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

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