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条纹鲈又称条纹石鳍,原产于美国东海岸,是一种大型的肉食性鱼类,利用条纹鲈(♀)与白鲈(♂)杂交,产生的子一代为杂交条纹鲈,杂交条纹鲈与其亲本相比具有个体大、生长快、抗病力强、成活率高等优势,因而生产上把杂交条纹鲈作为主要的养殖对象。我们于1998年进行了杂交条纹鲈的一系列养殖及繁殖方面的探索,试验表明,杂交条纹鲈与我国现有鲈科养殖品种相比,具有外观美、肉质好,  相似文献   

Abstract. Four 0.05-ha research ponds were filled with brackish water (12 ppt) for the purpose of evaluating zooplankion dynamics and predator-prey interactions. Three of the ponds were stocked with Chesapeake striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). All ponds were fertilized to stimulate zooplankton blooms using a protocol that has been successful in freshwater systems. Zooplankton was dominated by four major groups: rotifers, copepod nauplii, Eurytemora adults and Eurytemora copepedites with rotifers and the nauplii being the most abundant organisms found. Rotifer populations peaked 15-20 days after filling while the copepods peaked 17-22 days after filling. Fish production was very similar to that found in freshwater ponds with an average yield of 84.4 kg/ha (2.0 kg/ha/day) for phase 1 fish (=45mm). Food selectivity indices indicated striped bass avoided both rotifers and copepod nauplii and preferred adult and copepedite Eurytemora as a food item. However, due to various problems associated with sampling, these selectivity results should be considered with caution. The findings of this study reveal fertilization regimes used successfully in freshwater production systems can be applied in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Experiments for the production of hybrid striped bass (HSB) in in-pond circulation systems (IPCS) were carried out in 2003 and 2004. The circulation system consisted of two channels with a productive volume of 8.5 cubic meters each. The tanks were installed tightly in a pond, which served for the biological cleaning of the expiry water. In the first year HSB fingerlings with an average weight of 46.4 g were produced. The average yield in the basin was 51.2 kg/m3. The survival rate from stocked 0.44 g advanced fry was 97.8%. The food conversion was 1.16. In 2004 two-year-old HSB were reared in the same IPCS. The tanks were stocked at two different stocking densities, 122 and 244 fingerlings/m3 with a mean weight of 36.5 g. In the tank with the larger stocking density, the yield was almost exactly twice as high as in the other tank (50.0 resp. 24.8 kg), which corresponded to a stocking density of 59.1 or 29.3 kg/m3 at the end of the rearing season. The stocking density had no influence on the increase of the individual body weight. Obviously HSB can therefore still be reared at higher stocking densities.  相似文献   

An 18‐week study was conducted in 12, 0.1 ha ponds to evaluate the impacts of cyclic feeding regimes on hybrid striped bass (HSB) foodfish production and pond water quality. Approximately 840 HSB [mean weight (std.); 91.08 g (8.18)] were stocked into each pond (8400 fish ha?1; 3360 fish acre?1) and fed according to one of three feeding regimes. The three feeding regimes included a control (fed twice daily to apparent satiation), and cycles of 3 weeks feed deprivation followed by 3 or 6 weeks of feeding to apparent satiation (3/3 and 3/6 respectively). Compensatory growth (CG) was observed in both cyclic feeding treatments; however, the response was insufficient for the fish to completely regain lost weight. Final mean weight of control fish (477.9 g) exceeded (P<0.05) that of fish receiving the two cyclic treatments: 3/6 (404.7 g) and 3/3 (353.8 g). Specific growth rate (SGR) of fish in the 3/3 treatment increased during all three refeeding periods, and was significantly greater than controls during weeks 9–12 and weeks 15–18, which represent the refeeding phase of the second and third feeding cycles. Specific growth rate for fish in the 3/6 treatment was significantly higher than controls only during the first 3 weeks of the first feeding cycle. Hepatosomatic index and condition factor were highly responsive measures that closely followed the metabolic state of fish on the feeding cycle. Of the water quality variables measured, total phosphorus was 32% lower in ponds receiving cyclic feeding versus control ponds. Soluble reactive phosphorus was 41% and 24% lower in ponds offered the 3/3 and 3/6 cyclic feeding treatments, respectively, although, significant differences (P<0.10) were only observed between control and 3/3 treatment ponds. Overall, CG was observed in HSB foodfish grown in ponds, although 3 weeks of feed deprivation was excessive and did not allow for complete growth compensation. Weight loss during feed deprivation was influenced by pond water temperatures. Early season feed deprivation did not cause as much weight loss as during the second cycle later in the season. Further studies on shorter deprivation periods applied during moderate to low water temperatures are needed to identify feeding regimes that minimize weight loss and result in a complete CG response.  相似文献   

Hatchery-produced white bass (Morone chrysops) and striped bass (M. saxatilis) reared to maturity in a commercial aquaculture facility, were successfully spawned using controlled-release delivery systems containing the gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog DAla6, Pro9[NEt]-GnRH (GnRHa). Two-year-old white bass females (mean weight, 0.81 kg) were implanted with different polymer-based, GnRHa delivery systems at doses ranging from 40 to 89 μg GnRHa kg−1 body weight. GnRHa treatment on 20 February 1994, when females contained oocytes up to 720 μm in diameter, induced ovulation of all fish between 35 to 82 h after treatment. The white bass eggs produced were fertilized with sperm from striped bass for the production of sunshine bass. An average of 294500 eggs kg−1 were produced, with a mean fertility of 81.2%, 24 h survival of 46.5%, and overall hatching success of 45%. Survival from hatch to 30 days post-hatch was 78% and the fry weighed between 0.07 and 0.1 g. Overripening of eggs began within 1 h from ovulation and maximum fertilization (60%) was observed when eggs were stripped 0.5 h after ovulation. Fertilization success decreased thereafter to 31% and 10% by 1 h and 3 h after ovulation, respectively. Control fish not treated with GnRHa did not show any signs of final oocyte maturation during the period of the study. GnRHa administration via controlled-release delivery systems appears to be a very effective method for inducing high fecundity ovulation of captive white bass broodstocks, and producing eggs of high fertility and hatching success.  相似文献   

Triplicate ponds (0.07 ha) were stocked with either 0, 29, 86, or 143 largemouth bass fingerlings and 9500 Tilapia nilotica fingerlings (90% males) per hectare. Fish were fed a 32% protein ration for 6 months and then harvested. Average weight of largemouth bass declined as their stocking density increased. Average weight and total biomass of originally stocked tilapia increased with increasing predator stocking density. Total yields of tilapia were not different and averaged 4203, 4355, 4583 and 4230 kg/ha, of which recruits accounted for 28, 29, 26 and 8% for the above respective predator densities. Stocking 143 largemouth bass per hectare was an effective means of decreasing recruitment and increasing yields of larger sized male tilapia.  相似文献   

为进一步了解青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)养殖池塘中养殖密度与浮游动物群落结构间的关系,通过对不同养殖密度的青海湖裸鲤池塘进行连续的采样调查,测定浮游动物的群落结构、水质指标以及青海湖裸鲤的生长情况。讨论并分析青海湖裸鲤养殖密度对池塘浮游动物群落结构的影响。结果显示:试验期间共测定出浮游动物38种,以轮虫为主,其数量占整个浮游动物种类的61. 5%;浮游动物密度、生物量、多样性指数在中、高养殖密度条件下均随着养殖时间的增加呈现下降趋势。研究表明:高密度养殖对浮游动物群落结构影响较大,中、高密度养殖鱼苗对浮游动物的高摄食压力使浮游动物生长受到限制,浮游动物种类减少并趋于小型化,不利于养殖水环境的稳定。  相似文献   

To assess the response of the GtH system to the removal of gonadal feedback, effects of bilateral gonadectomy and 17β-estradiol (E2) replacement on gonadotropin (GtH) subunit expression, as well as LH protein levels, were monitored in the pituitary. Adult female hybrid striped bass undergoing mid-vitellogenesis were divided into one sham and two gonadectomized (gdx) groups. One gdx group received E2 (2 mg kg?1) via microspheric delivery systems, the other was given a vehicle injection. Groups were sampled on days 3 and 14 post-surgery (PS). Expression of all GtH subunits was significantly increased in the gdx group on both days compared to the shams, whereas E2 replacement in gdx fish restored alpha and LHβ mRNA levels to those of the sham fish and dramatically reduced FSHβ mRNA levels. Gdx had no effect on the pituitary concentration of LH. E2 replacement, however, reduced protein levels significantly on day 3, but not day 14. In conclusion, during mid-vitellogenesis expression of both GtHβ subunits is negatively controlled by gonadal feedback, which is also evident by restoration of gdx subunit mRNA levels to those of the shams after E2 replacement.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton is very important to aquaculture ecosystem and is vulnerable to ambient conditions. In recent years, Chaetomorpha valida, an invasive filamentous green alga, has been blooming in Apostichopus japonicus culture ponds. Here, we conducted a 5‐month investigation, examining whether that bloom affects the structure and succession of the pond phytoplankton community. Differences in dissolved oxygen, light and nutrient concentrations in both bloom and normal (non‐bloom) areas varied monthly. The species and populations of phytoplankton communities in both the bloom and normal areas showed no significant differences when C. valida biomass was low, but through time, differences became increasingly significant. Species in normal areas remained relatively stable as the numbers and species of the dominant species changed little and the diversity and evenness indexes increased monthly. In bloom areas, species abundance decreased gradually with most of the decrease affecting Bacillariophyta. Here, the number of dominant species remained stable from May to July but decreased significantly in August and September. Diversity and evenness indexes also decreased significantly, and the differences between the 2 areas increased rapidly. Results showed that C. valida bloom in A. japonicus culture ponds influenced both the structure and succession of the phytoplankton community, contributing to comprehensive assessment of the effects of C. valida bloom on aquaculture ecology.  相似文献   

Assemblages of zooplankton and epibenthic invertebrates were collected from a commercial Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) pond at fortnightly intervals over an entire grow‐out season. The pond inlet and outlet water were also sampled intensively over three 1‐week periods throughout the season. Before stocking the ponds with shrimp postlarvae, copepods dominated the zooplankton. Immediately after the ponds were stocked, there was a rapid decline in zooplankton numbers, particularly the dominant larger copepods, suggesting heavy predation by shrimp postlarvae. For the rest of the season, barnacle nauplii were the dominant zooplankton component in the pond. Pond water exchanges had little detectable influence on the composition or density of the zooplankton assemblage. Instead, the dominance of barnacle nauplii appeared to have been maintained by steady recruitment due to barnacle reproduction in the pond. While changes in the biomass of pond zooplankton were not correlated with physico‐chemical characteristics, changes in density were positively correlated with temperature, and negatively correlated with pH, dissolved oxygen and secchi disc readings. Epibenthic faunal density peaked at the end of the season, while the biomass peaked during the middle part of the season. Sergestids (Acetes sibogae Hansen) were the most abundant epibenthic taxa. No correlations were found between physico‐chemical parameters and epibenthic fauna biomass or density. Abundances of epibenthic fauna were not related to zooplankton densities, suggesting that trophic interactions between these assemblages is not important. No Acetes were captured in samples of outlet water, and only on a single occasion were large numbers captured in the inlet water; after this, there was a notable increase in the number of Acetes in the pond. This evidence, together with the lack of an increase in the size of Acetes during the season, suggests that water exchange is an important but unpredictable source of recruitment of epibenthic fauna into the pond. The results emphasize the benefits of ensuring that appropriate zooplankton assemblages have been introduced into the ponds, when they are filled, to support the shrimp immediately after stocking. This will depend on the initial inoculum and may be difficult to manipulate with water exchanges once established. Assemblages of epibenthic fauna appear more likely to change with exchanges and may need to be monitored across the season, particularly if their presence reduces production through adverse impacts such as competition with postlarvae, introduction of disease or deteriorated water quality.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖池浮游藻类群落研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在44口凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖池中共鉴定藻类7门62属113种,蓝藻26种,绿藻54种,硅藻14种,裸藻11种,隐藻3种,甲藻4种,金藻1种。绿藻门种类最多,占藻类种类数的47·8%,其次为蓝藻门占23·0%,硅藻占12·4%,裸藻占9·7%。优势种主要为蓝藻,典型优势种有螺旋藻(Spirulinasp.),假鱼腥藻(Pseudoanabaenasp.),弯形尖头藻(Raphidiopsis curvata),针状蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis acicularis)等,其中螺旋藻的优势度平均达到50%,为主要优势种。常见的绿藻有栅藻(Scenedesmusp.),衣藻(Chlamydomonassp.),小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)等;常见的硅藻为梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghinian),卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata)、啮蚀隐藻(C.erosa)和绿裸藻(Euglenavirdis)在虾池中比较常见。养殖池中浮游藻类的种类数平均为43±9种,多样性指数平均为2·19±0·56,个体数量平均为1·45±0·87×108个/L;藻类的种类、数量及生物量表现为养殖前期低后期高的特征,而多样性表现相反,藻类的组成直接影响对虾的生长。  相似文献   

Larvae of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man), and the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), were fed artificial diets manufactured by a spray-drying process or live Artemia nauplii , separately or in various combinations. Spray-dried diets were neutrally buoyant, water stable (low protein leaching rate), and were satisfactorily consumed as verified by the observation of full guts after feeding. Survival and growth of larvae fed live Artemia nauplii was significantly greater than those of larvae fed spray-dried diets. Lowest survival and growth rates were observed when larvae were fed artificial diets exclusively from the onset of exogenous feeding. Survival rates were positively related to the duration of feeding live Artemia nauplii before weaning to artificial diets. The poor performance associated with spray-dried artificial diets may be the result of the digestive capabilities of the larvae of caridean shrimp and striped bass being insufficient to process compact, dense particles.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of commercial bacterialproducts on the composition and abundance of macrobenthos in commercial tigerprawn Penaeus monodon culture ponds. Nine brackishwaterponds, with an area of 0.5 ha each were used for this study. Twocommercial bacterial products (T1 and T2) were applied inthree ponds each. Another three ponds served as the control. Sediment samplesfrom all ponds were analyzed for the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic mattercontents, and macrobenthos. Total nitrogen and total carbon concentrations inthe sediments of T1 were significantly lower (p< 0.05) thanT2. In addition, total nitrogen in T1 pond sediment wassignificantly lower (p < 0.05) than the control towardsthe end of the culture period. There were no significant differences in totalphosphorus amongst treatments. The study revealed the presence of four majorgroups of macrobenthos in all treatments; gastropods, bivalve, polychaetes andinsect larvae. The total density of macrobenthos in all ponds, exceptgastropods, showed a decreasing trend with the progress in culture indicatingeither predation by shrimp or deterioration of pond bottom. T1 hadsignificantly (p < 0.05) higher density of polychaetescompared to the T2 and the control.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of commercial bacterialproducts on the composition and abundance of macrobenthos in commercial tigerprawn Penaeus monodon culture ponds. Nine brackishwaterponds, with an area of 0.5 ha each were used for this study. Twocommercial bacterial products (T1 and T2) were applied inthree ponds each. Another three ponds served as the control. Sediment samplesfrom all ponds were analyzed for the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic mattercontents, and macrobenthos. Total nitrogen and total carbon concentrations inthe sediments of T1 were significantly lower (p< 0.05) thanT2. In addition, total nitrogen in T1 pond sediment wassignificantly lower (p < 0.05) than the control towardsthe end of the culture period. There were no significant differences in totalphosphorus amongst treatments. The study revealed the presence of four majorgroups of macrobenthos in all treatments; gastropods, bivalve, polychaetes andinsect larvae. The total density of macrobenthos in all ponds, exceptgastropods, showed a decreasing trend with the progress in culture indicatingeither predation by shrimp or deterioration of pond bottom. T1 hadsignificantly (p < 0.05) higher density of polychaetescompared to the T2 and the control.  相似文献   

In aquaculture, controls of size (length and weight) and production of fish are two important tasks to meet the market demands, and increasing the stocking density is a way of dealing with the problem of land shortage. In this study, tilapia fry were stocked at the densities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 fry I?1 for an experimental period of 10 weeks. The size, size variation, percentage survival and production were found to be significantly affected by stocking density, but not for condition factor. The simple linear regression model, after the logarithmic transformation, was appropriate for the relationship between size and experimental period. The percentage survivals at all stocking densities were high (> 95%), especially at the stocking density of 0.4 fry I?1 and less (100%). At the higher densities, percentage survival and experimental periods were anti-logistically related. At the end of the experiment, there was a negative relationship between the logarithms of size and the logarithms of stocking density, but a positive relationship between the logarithms of production and the logarithms of stocking density.  相似文献   

To inform decisions on improving the yields of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings in earthen ponds, the hypothesis that composts and leaks were partly responsible for usually low and variable fry survivals was tested, through comparison of treatments and simple regression. The occurrence of amphibians was significantly higher (P < 0.05) and survival of fry was significantly lower (P < 0.02) in ponds with composts than in those without. The survival of fry and fingerlings in earthen ponds was negatively correlated with their night leaking rates and regression analysis yielded the equations y = − 13.31x + 82.56 for fry and y = − 6.97x + 95.29 for fingerlings, where y is the survival of fry or fingerlings in a holding pond and x is the leaking rate of the pond. Realizing how negatively the existence of composts and leaks could affect the survival of fry and fingerlings, fertilizing unfenced ponds with composts and sterilizing nursery ponds by drying were proscribed.  相似文献   

Several experiments were performed to investigate the physiology of seawater acclimation in the striped bass, Morone saxatilis. Transfer of fish from fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW; 31–32 ppt) induced only a minimal disturbance of osmotic homeostasis. Ambient salinity did not affect plasma thyroxine, but plasma cortisol remained elevated for 24h after SW transfer. Gill and opercular membrane chloride cell density and Na+,K+-ATPase activity were relatively high and unaffected by salinity. Average chloride cell size, however, was slightly increased (16%) in SW-acclimated fish. Gill succinate dehydrogenase activity was higher in SW-acclimated fish than in FW fish. Kidney Na+, K+-ATPase activity was slightly lower (16%) in SW fish than in FW fish. Posterior intestinal Na+,K+-ATPase activity and water transport capacity (Jv) did not change upon SW transfer, whereas middle intestinal Na+,K+-ATPase activity increased 35% after transfer and was correlated with an increase in Jv (110%). As salinity induced only minor changes in the osmoregulatory organs examined, it is proposed that the intrinsic euryhalinity of the striped bass may be related to a high degree of “preparedness” for hypoosmoregulation that is uncommon among teleosts studied to data.  相似文献   

运用PCR-DGGE技术分析有机肥(干鸡粪)和化肥(碳酸氢铵和磷酸一铵)对鱼苗池塘中的理化因子和细菌数量及其种群结构的影响,以探讨细菌种群结构对不同肥料的响应。结果显示:施肥后池塘中NH4+-N、PO43--P、NO 3--N和NO 2--N等浓度增加,透明度降低,细菌数量、种群多样性和丰富度指数均增加;化肥增加溶氧和升高pH,有机肥却降低溶氧和pH。施肥后蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)种群成为优势种群,有机肥能增加厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)种群的相对丰度,而化肥却降低其相对丰度;β-和γ-变形杆菌纲种群的相对丰度在施入化肥后增加,有机肥却限制γ-和δ-变形杆菌纲种群,化肥明显降低放线菌门种群的相对丰度。池塘中理化因子、细菌种群数量及其结构因施入不同肥料发生相应的变化。  相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢仔鱼期历时14~15 d,初孵仔鱼个体只有2.85 mm;混合营养期短,仅2~3 d,这对仔鱼的成活极为不利。仔幼鱼的摄饵大小L(mm)与口宽D(mm)呈正相关,关系式为D=2.0349L 0.2371,开口饵料大小为150~200μm轮虫。15日龄进入稚鱼期,历时29~30 d;27日龄后,全长约15 mm的稚鱼可以驯食人工混合饲料。45日龄后仔鱼发育成早期幼鱼,此时全长约27.2 mm。依仔幼鱼的食性与生长发育特性,2002~2005年间进行池塘规模化育苗,由前期仔鱼育成全长22.0~34.0 mm早期幼鱼523.7万尾,成活率20.3%~21.7%。  相似文献   

Abstract. Eight-day-old striped bass, Morone saxatilus (Walbaum) larvae, and one-month-old juveniles were held in varying salinities and exposed to a range of concentrations of potassium permanganate. Lethal concentrations of potassium permanganate for 50% of the larval fish exposed for96h (96h LC50) were 1middot;02, 2 middot;11, 1 middot;41 and 1 middot;73mg/1 for salinities of 0, 3, 6and 9 g/l, respectively; The 96h LC50S for juveniles were 0 middot;96, 3 middot;26, 1 middot;63 and 1 middot;48 mg/l for salinities of 0, 5, 10 and 15g/l, respectively. There were significant differences in 96h LC50 values at different salinities for both life stages. The 96 h LC50 values derived for both life stages revealed a decrease in toxicity as salinity increased from 0 to 3–5g/l. Results indicated potassium permanganate to be toxic in fresh water to striped bass larvae and fingerlings at recommended treatment levels (3 middot;0mg/l).  相似文献   

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