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One hypothesis for why females in many animal species frequently prefer to mate with the most elaborately ornamented males predicts that availability of carotenoid pigments is a potentially limiting factor for both ornament expression and immune function. An implicit assumption of this hypothesis is that males that can afford to produce more elaborate carotenoid-dependent displays must be healthier individuals with superior immunocompetence. However, whether variation in circulating carotenoid levels causes variation in both immune function and sexual attractiveness has not been determined in any species. In this study, we show that manipulation of dietary carotenoid supply invokes parallel changes in cell-mediated immune function and sexual attractiveness in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).  相似文献   

d-Amphetamine is markedly more potent an inhibitor of catecholamine uptake by norepinephrine neurons in the brain than is 1-amphetamine, whereas the two isomers are equally active in inhibiting catecholamine uptake by the dopamine neurons of the corpus striatum. In behavioral studies, d-amphetamine is ten times as potent as 1-amphetamine in enhancing locomotor activity, while it is only twice as potent in eliciting a compulsive gnawing syndrome. This suggests that the locomotor stimulation induced by amphetamine involves central norepinephrine, while dopamine neurons play an important role in the induced compulsive gnawing behavior. Assessment of differential actions of d- and 1-amphetamine may be an efficient method to differentiate behaviors involving norepinephrine or dopamine in the brain.  相似文献   

Hormone-induced stabilization of soluble RNA in pea-stem tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When indoleacetic acid labeled with carbon-14 in the carboxyl group is fed to excised green pea-stem segments, growth is initiated, and there is a parallel progressive labeling of the RNA extracted by cold phenol. The bulk of the label is found in the 4S fraction. This fraction is more resistant to degradation by ribonuclease than a similar fractian obtained from tissue not treated with indoleacetic acid.  相似文献   

A laboratory strain of Drosophila mercatorum has existed for 20 years without males and therefore without natural selection operating to maintain the genetic basis of female mating behavior. The females of this strain have recently experienced a genetic impairment of mating capacity. This observation exemplifies the mode of evolution of vestigial characters and supports Muller's theory that random mutation will tend to destroy the genetic basis of a character from which selection has been removed.  相似文献   

Lisk RD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,152(3722):669-670
Small lesions placed near the diencephalic, mesencephalic junction, in either the lateral or medial mammillary region, resulted in an increase of copulatory behavior. This increase was expressed both by increased numbers of copulation plugs formed per 14-day interval and by increased percentage of days on which copulation occurred. Inhibitory structures thus form an essential part of the circuitry involved in mediation of sex behavior in the male.  相似文献   

在番鸭胚性腺未分化前注入不同类型的芳香酶抑制剂Formestane(类固醇型)和Letrozole(非类固醇型),研究对其性腺分化的影响.结果表明,在Formestane 3个处理组中,50 μg·枚-1处理组公母雏鸭性别比差异不显著;100和150 μg·枚-1处理组对番鸭雄性化作用较强,雄性比差异极显著(P<0.01),经遗传性别鉴定,性反转率分别为52.94%和55.56%,但是随着浓度的加大番鸭胚的孵化率逐渐降低.在Letrozole的3个剂量组中,100 μg·枚-1处理组雄性比差异显著(P<0.05),性反转率为36.36%,而50和150 μg·枚-1处理组公母雏鸭性别比差异均不显著(P>0.05),此外,3个处理组均显著降低了番鸭胚的孵化率.对性反转番鸭性腺进行解剖组织学观察,性反转完全番鸭的两侧性腺似睾丸组织,而性反转不完全番鸭的两侧性腺存在不同程度的反转,一般左侧性腺反转程度低于右侧,组织结构介于睾丸与卵巢之间.  相似文献   

In the phytophagous corn earworm, Helicoverpa (Heliothis) zea, females delay their reproductive behaviors until they find a suitable host on which to deposit their eggs. Perception of volatile chemical signals from corn silk triggers the production of sex pheromone followed by its release, which leads to mating. Several natural corn silk volatiles, including the plant hormone ethylene, induced pheromone production in H. zea females. Because H. zea larvae feed on the fruiting parts of a wide variety of hosts, ethylene, which is associated with fruit ripening, could act as a common cue.  相似文献   

Hormone-mediated nutritional control of sexual behavior in male dung flies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
W Foster 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,158(808):1596-1597
Male Scatophaga stercoraria must prey on other Diptera before they display sexual behavior, develop the accessory cells of their ejaculatory ducts, and achieve full elongation of the testes. The corpus allatum also becomes enlarged after predation and is necessary for the onset of sexual behavior and development of reproductive organs. The complex diet consumed during predation apparently activates the corpus allatum, and the hormone released acts independently on organ growth and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

A technique for the simultaneous audiovisual recording of behavior and brain waves is described. The absence of muscle movement artifact, despite unlimited activity of the patient, suggests that telemetering may be adaptable for routine electroencephalography.  相似文献   

综述了60年代以来尤其是近10多年来年龙眼、荔枝和红毛丹花芽及花性分化的内部变化及其与外部因素关系的研究进展,并对龙眼、荔枝和红毛丹的研究现状进行比较,以期能从中得到一些有益的启示  相似文献   

棘皮动物是重要的海洋渔业资源,中国现有棘皮动物500余种,其中海参和海胆均被誉为"海产八珍",具有极高的经济价值.大多数棘皮动物不存在明显的雌雄二态性,但在性腺色泽、免疫力、激素水平等层面却展现了性别差异,因此,针对棘皮动物性别决定及分化机制展开研究、实现单性群体养殖具有重要的理论和经济意义.本文综述了棘皮动物,尤其是...  相似文献   

棘皮动物是重要的海洋渔业资源,中国现有棘皮动物500余种,其中海参和海胆均被誉为海产八珍,具有极高的经济价值。大多数棘皮动物不存在明显的雌雄二态性,但在性腺色泽、免疫力、激素水平等层面却展现了性别差异,因此,针对棘皮动物性别决定及分化机制展开研究、实现单性群体养殖具有重要的理论和经济意义。本文综述了棘皮动物,尤其是经济棘皮动物(海参、海胆)的生殖对策、性别决定和性别分化遗传基础,并就棘皮动物性染色体的确定、性别连锁分子标记的开发应用、基因编辑技术应用及性激素诱导单性养殖等方面提出未来重点研究建议,以期推动经济棘皮动物性别控制育种工作进程。  相似文献   

The time spent by the female rhesus monkey in grooming the male fluctuates rhythmically and reaches a minimum at mid-cycle. At this time the male's grooming activity reaches a maximum. The rhythmic changes in male mounting behavior, together with the males' and females' grooming cycles, are abolished by ovariectomy and have a hormonal basis.  相似文献   

Competitor species can have evolutionary effects on each other that result in ecological character displacement; that is, divergence in resource-exploiting traits such as jaws and beaks. Nevertheless, the process of character displacement occurring in nature, from the initial encounter of competitors to the evolutionary change in one or more of them, has not previously been investigated. Here we report that a Darwin's finch species (Geospiza fortis) on an undisturbed Galápagos island diverged in beak size from a competitor species (G. magnirostris) 22 years after the competitor's arrival, when they jointly and severely depleted the food supply. The observed evolutionary response to natural selection was the strongest recorded in 33 years of study, and close to the value predicted from the high heritability of beak size. These findings support the role of competition in models of community assembly, speciation, and adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

甘蔗条螟雌雄特征和性行为观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在蔗田及室内的观察发现,甘蔗条螟的雌蛹和雄蛹都具有明显的特征,根据其特征特别是生殖孔的形态和位置,用肉眼已能区分蛹的雌雄.雌雄成虫腹部末端的性特征与触角形态也有明显的区别.雌雄成虫一般在晚上11:00后交配.一晚每只雌雄蛾均只交配一次.  相似文献   

瓜类性别分化的化学调控及作用机理研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
乙烯利、赤霉素、矮壮素、1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸等激素类型不同浓度对不同生长时期瓜类性别分化有不同程度的影响,了解其作用机理及研究进展,对瓜类的育种和栽培有较大应用价值。  相似文献   

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