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Acute Pancreatitis in Cats With Hepatic Lipidosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to characterize the incidence, clinical features, and prognosis of acute pancreatitis in cats with hepatic lipidosis. Of 13 cats histologically diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis between July 1988, and November 1989,5 (38%) were also histologically diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. In cats with hepatic lipidosis alone, the signalment, history, physical examination, and clinicopatho-logic findings were generally indistinguishable from those of cats with concurrent acute pancreatitis except that cats with acute pancreatitis were more likely to be cachectic and to have coagulation abnormalities. Hepatomegaly was seen on abdominal radiographs in both groups. Of the 5 cats with concurrent acute pancreatitis, abdominal ultrasonography detected 1 cat with a hypoechoic pancreas and 5 with peritoneal effusion; those abnormalities were not seen in cats without concurrent acute pancreatitis. Cats with concurrent acute pancreatitis had only a 20% recovery rate, compared with a 50% recovery rate in cats with hepatic lipidosis alone. We conclude that cats with hepatic lipidosis should be rigorously evaluated for concurrent acute pancreatitis because of 1) the rate of disease coincidence, 2) the inability of signalment, history, physical examination, and clinicopathologic findings to adequately distinguish between hepatic lipidosis and acute pancreatitis, 3) the worse prognosis associated with concurrent acute pancreatitis, and 4) the opposing nutritional strategies for hepatic lipidosis and acute pancreatitis. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:205–209. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the lipid classes in hepatic and adipose tissues from cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis (IHL). Concentrations of triglyceride, phospholipid phosphorus, and free and total cholesterol were determined in lipid extracts of liver homogenates from 5 cats with IHL and 5 healthy control cats. Total fatty acid composition of liver and adipose tissue was also compared. Triglyceride accounted for 34% of liver by weight in cats with IHL (338 ± 38 mg/g wet liver) versus 1% in control cats {9.9 ±1.0 mg/g wet liver, P < .001). The mass of cholesterol ester was significantly higher in triglyceride-free (TG-free) liver from cats with IHL (741 ± 340 μg/g TG-free wet liver) compared to healthy cats (31 ± 11 μg/g TG-free wet liver, P < .05). Total fatty acid composition of hepatic tissue in the 2 groups differed; pa Imitate was higher (19.5 ± 1.1% of total fatty acids in cats with IHL versus 9.2 ± 2.7% in controls, P < .05), stearate was lower (8.5 ± 0.8% versus 16.8 ± 1.1%, P < .05), oleate was higher (41.2 ± 1.6% versus 31.1 ± 1.8%, P < .05), and arachidonate was lower (1.2 ± 0.2% versus 6.0 ± 0.9%, P < .05). The total fatty acid composition of adipose tissue also differed between the 2 groups; palmitate was higher (25.2 ± 1.2% in cats with IHL versus 21.3 ± 0.6% in controls, P < .05), total monounsaturated fatty acids were higher (48.4 ± 1.0% versus 45.0 ± 0.8%, P < .05), linoleate was lower (13.3 ± 1.6% versus 17.5 ± 0.9%, P < .05), total (n-6) fatty acids were lower (13.8 ± 1.38% versus 18.4 ± 0.83%, P < .05), linolenate was lower (0.2 ± 0.04% versus 0.7 ± 0.06%, P < .05), and total (n-3) fatty acids were lower (0.3 ± 0.02% versus 1.3 ± 0.32%, P < .05). The fatty acid composition of both liver and adipose tissue was similar for stearate, oleate, linoleate, and linolenate in cats with IHL. These results support the hypothesis that the origin of hepatic triglyceride in cats with IHL is the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Hypophosphatemia associated with hemolytic anemia was diagnosed in five cats with diabetes mellitus and in one cat with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis. The hematocrit began decreasing within 24 to 48 hours after documented hypophosphatemia in each case. The anemia resolved in all five surviving cats. Because of the temporal relationship and lack of other detectable causes, hemolytic anemia was presumed to be caused by hypophosphatemia. There were increased Heinz bodies in three of six hypophosphate-mic cats during episodes of hemolysis. Intravenous potassium phosphate administration corrected the hypophosphatemia in four of five cats. The effective dosages of intravenous phosphate ranged from 0.011 to 0.017 mmol of phosphate/kg/h for 6 to 12 hours. Hypocalcemia (5.4 to 8.7 mg/dL) occurred in four of five cats treated with intravenous phosphate; however, only one cat developed clinical signs attributable to hypocalcemia. Based on this retrospective study, we recommend monitoring serum phosphorus concentration every 6 to 12 hours in cats likely to become hypophosphatemic. Treatment of hypophosphatemia in cats is warranted because of the apparent increased susceptibility of cats to hypophosphatemia-induced hemolysis. Cats with severe hypophosphatemia (≤1.5 mg/dL) should be given oral or parenteral phosphate if contraindications do not exist. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:266–271. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.)  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 48 cats. Forty-one cases were identified within a period of 3 years. Coccidioides immitis was revealed by cytological or histopathological examinations, or culture in 70% of cats. The remaining 30% of cases were diagnosed by appropriate clinical signs, radiographic lesions, and serological test results. The average age of affected cats was 6.2 years with a median age of 5.0 years. Fifty-four percent (n = 26) were female and 46% (n = 22) were male. Domestic shorthaired and longhaired breeds comprised 89% (n = 41) of affected cats. Sixty-seven percent of cases were diagnosed during the 6-month period of December through May. Cats infected with C immitis were presented for evaluation of dermatologic (56%), respiratory (25%), musculoskeletal (19%), and neurological or ophthalmologic signs (19%). Fever, inappetence, and weight loss were present in 44% of the cats. Duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was less than 4 weeks in 85% (n = 42) of cats, with an average of 3.8 weeks and a median of 2 weeks. Agar gel immunodiffusion tests were positive in all 39 cats tested at sometime during the course of their disease. Hyperproteinemia (greater than 7.9 g/dL) was present in 52% (10/23) of cases. The majority of cats (n = 39) were negative for feline leukemia virus. Antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus were absent in the 19 cats tested. Ketoconazole was the most common antifungal agent used to treat cats with Coccidioidomycosis. Duration of treatment ranged from less than 1 week to 43 months. Thirty-two cats are currently asymptomatic, with or without treatment. Eleven cats died or were euthanized. Five cats were lost to follow-up. Ketoconazole likely is more suppressive than curative because relapses were common after discontinuing therapy.  相似文献   

The association between hepatic lipidosis (HL) and disease in 59 anorectic, ketotic, lactating Holstein heifers and cows was investigated. Severe HL, as determined by histologic evaluation of liver tissue, was present in 46 animals; only half of these animals required intensive treatment for ketosis, and only half had serum biochemical evidence of liver disease, as determined by the presence of a test value of 2-fold or greater than the upper limit of the reference range for at least 2 of the 4 serum tests: gamma-glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and sorbitol dehydrogenase activities and bile acid concentrations. Most cattle with biochemical evidence of liver disease and severe HL had been lactating for 14 or more days. Cows that required intensive treatment inconsistently had serum biochemical evidence of liver disease.
Although cattle with severe HL had significantly higher serum bilirubin concentrations and aspartate aminotransferase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activities than cattle with less severe lipidosis, the specificity of abnormally high serum sorbitol dehydrogenase activity or bilirubin concentration for severe lipidosis was only 8%. Abnormally high serum aspartate aminotransferase activity was 83% sensitive and 62% specific for severe lipidosis. Serum glucose and total carbon dioxide concentrations were significantly lower in cattle with severe lipidosis than in those with mild or moderate lipidosis, and low serum glucose or total carbon dioxide concentrations were rare in cattle without severe lipidosis. From these data, we conclude that the use of a single biochemical or histopathologic criterion to define severity of disease or degree of liver compromise in anorectic, ketotic cows results in the misidentification of many animals.  相似文献   

Clinical signs consistent with hepatic lipidosis occurred in six obese adult laboratory cats, housed in a group cage, 6 to 7 weeks after changing their diet from a commercial to a purified diet. The affected cats lost 30 to 40% of their body weight in this time period. This rate of weight loss is compatible with little or no food intake. For treatment, 5 cats were tube-fed three or four times daily with a high-fat liquid diet supplemented with L-citrulline and choline. All cats tolerated the diet, which contained 35% protein on an energy basis. Substantial voluntary food intake resumed 12 to 16 days after initiating treatment. The sixth cat was euthanatized. These observations suggest that 6 to 7 weeks of anorexia, associated with 30 to 40% weight loss, can induce hepatic lipidosis in obese but otherwise healthy cats, and confirm that with appropriate management the prognosis for cats with hepatic lipidosis is favorable.  相似文献   

Background: Feline nasal lymphoma (NLSA) is a condition for which no standard of care exists.
Hypothesis: There is no difference in survival times of cats with NLSA treated with single or multimodality therapy.
Animals: Records from 97 cats diagnosed with NLSA were examined.
Methods: The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the survival times of cats with NLSA treated with radiation therapy (RT) alone, chemotherapy alone, or RT + chemotherapy and identify potential prognostic variables that affected survival. Cats were grouped according to therapy: RT + chemotherapy (n = 60), RT alone (n = 19), or chemotherapy alone (n = 18).
Results: Survival was calculated with 2 methods. The 1st survival analysis (method A) included all cats, but counted only deaths caused by progressive NLSA. The median survival time (MST), regardless of therapy modality, was 536 days. The 2nd survival analysis (method B) also included all cats and counted all deaths, regardless of cause, as events. The overall MST calculated for all deaths was 172 days. A negative independent prognostic variable identified was anemia ( P < .001), and positive independent prognostic variables were a complete response to therapy ( P < .001) and total radiation dose >32 Gy ( P = .03).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: There were no significant differences in survival times among the 3 treatment groups but these results suggest that the addition of higher doses of RT to a cat's treatment protocol may control local disease and therefore influence survival.  相似文献   

Objective — The purpose of this study was to determine the signalment, history, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, outcome, and factors affecting outcome of dogs and cats surgically treated for bile peritonitis. Study Design — Retrospective study. Animals or Sample Population — Twenty-four dogs and two cats surgically treated for bile peritonitis. Methods — The medical records of dogs and cats surgically treated for biliary effusions at the Ohio State University and Michigan State University between 1987 and 1994 were reviewed. Statistical analysis was performed to compare factors affecting outcome. Results — The cause of the biliary effusion was determined in 24 animals, and resulted from disruption of the biliary tract secondary to trauma (n = 13) or necrotizing cholecystitis (n = 11). Determination of the bilirubin concentration of the abdominal effusion was the only diagnostic test that was 100% effective in diagnosing bile leakage before surgical intervention. The bilirubin concentration of the effusion was consistently at least two times higher than the serum bilirubin concentration. Bacteriologic culture and sensitivity revealed that a septic, biliary effusion was usually associated with multiple types of gram-negative bacteria. The overall survival rate was 50% (13 of 26). The peripheral white blood cell count was significantly lower in survivors (mean 20,608/uL) compared with nonsurvivors (mean 35,712/uL). The immature neutrophil count was also significantly lower in survivors (mean 686/uL) than in nonsurvivors (4,852/uL). Only 27% (3 of 11) of the animals with a septic biliary effusion survived. In contrast, 100% (6 of 6) of the animals in which no bacteria were isolated from the abdominal effusion survived. Open abdominal drainage was not a successful treatment for 7 of 9 animals with septic biliary effusions. Survival was not significantly affected by the distribution of the peritonitis, cause of biliary effusion, or duration of clinical signs before surgical intervention. Conclusions — Patients with sterile biliary effusions have a much lower mortality rate than those with septic biliary effusions. The successful treatment of sterile biliary effusions does not require open abdominal drainage, and is not affected by the duration of the effusion. Clinical Relevance — This retrospective study provides information that may aid the surgeon in the diagnosis and treatment of bile peritonitis.  相似文献   

The prevalence of feline thrombocytopenia (<200,000 platelets/L) at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, from January 1985 to March 1990, was 1.2% (41/3300). Cats were divided into six categories based on clinical diagnoses: 29% (12/41) had infectious disease, 20% (8/41) had neoplasia, 7% (3/41) had cardiac disease, 2% (1/41) had primary immune-mediated disease, 22% (9/41) had multiple diseases, and 20% (8/41) had disorders of unknown etiology. The mean platelet count for all thrombocytopenic cats was 52,000/μL ± 46,000/μL (1 SD) with a range of 1000–190,000/μL. No significant differences were found between groups with respect to platelet count, packed cell volume, or white blood cell count, though anemia and leukopenia were common among the cats as a whole. Bleeding disorders (hemorrhage or thrombosis) were observed in 29% (12/41) of thrombocytopenic cats and were more likely to be associated with neoplasia, cardiac disease, and platelet counts less than or equal to 30,000/μL. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy was diagnosed in 12% (5/41) of the cats. Infections and/or neoplasia affecting the bone marrow were the most common diseases associated with thrombocytopenia. Feline leukemia virus and myeloproliferative neoplasia accounted for approximately 44% (18/41) of the specific diagnoses in thrombocytopenic cats. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:261–265. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.)  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis was conducted of all feline necropsies performed during a nine year period to identify cases of sever, acute, centrilobular (periacinar), hepatic necrosis (ACHN). After exclusion of cats with anemia, a series of seven cases of ACHN was identified. In addition, two similar cases were identified from tissue submitted for histopathology following, and eight had bile duct hyperplasia. Seven of the nine cats received diazepam prior to dath, and one received zolazepam. Of the seven cats that received diazepam, five were healthy prior to treatment and received oral diazepam for the treatment of inappropriate urination, intercat aggression, or skin disease. Two cats which received diazepam exhibited other clinical signs: one had chronic vomiting, and the other received diazepam after biochemical evidence of hepatocellular necrosis was present. Onset of clinical sings in cats receiving oral diazepam occurred 7–13 days following the initiation of treatment. Clinical signs and clinical biochemical analysis were compatible with severe hepatocellular necrosis and acute liver failure. All cats had lesions in other organs: five had pancreatic disease, five had cardiac disease, and five had renal disease. All cats died, or were euthanized, within 4 dyas of the onset of clinical signs and 2 days after presentation to a veterinarian. Fatal, acute, centrilobular hepatic necrosis appears to be a serious adverse reaction to diazepam therapy in certain cats.  相似文献   

Hemostasis profiles from 101 cats presented for medical or surgical evaluation to The Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital from 1986 through 1991 were reviewed retrospectively; 69% were abnormal. Commonly identified abnormalities included a mixed hemostatic defect compatible with disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombocytopenia, isolated prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and prolongation of both the APTT and one-stage prothrombin time. The most common disorders associated with abnormal hemostasis profiles in this study were liver disease, neoplasia, and feline infectious peritonitis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dermatophytes were cultured from seventy of 1824 (3.8 per cent) canine samples and 61 of 408 (14.9 per cent) feline samples submitted over ten years. Microsporum canis was the most common species isolated (86/131). M. gypseum (31/70) and M. canis (30/70) were isolated most frequently from dogs whereas M. canis was isolated most frequently from cats (56/61). Both male and female dogs and cats were equally affected by dermatophytosis. There was a higher incidence in both dogs and cats less than one year of age. Mixed breed dogs (19/70), domestic shorthaired cats (39/61) and Persian cats (15/61) were most often affected. M. gypseum had a greater incidence of infection in summer and most often caused localized disease in dogs. In dogs, localized dermatophytosis was more common. Localized infections were most often caused by M. canis in all animals, with the head (23/75), feet (10/75) and tail (7/75) affected most frequently. Résumé— Dos dermatophytes ont été isolés à partir de 70/1824 (3,8 pourcent) prélèvements canins et 61/408 (14,9 pourcent) prélèvements félins collectés sur une période de dix ans. L'espèce la plus souvent isolée était Microsporum canis (86/131). Microspomm gypseum (31/70) et M. canis (30/70) étainet les plus fréquemment isolés chez les chiens, alors qu'il s'agissait de M. canis (56/61) chez les chats. Les mâles et les femelles, chiens ou chats, étaient également représentés. Il y avait une nette incidence des animaux de moins d'un an, tant chez les chiens que chez les chats. Les chiens croisés (19/70), les chats européens (39/61) et les chats Persans (15/61) étaient les plus souvent atteints. L'incidence de M. gypseumétait plus importante l'été et provoquait les plus souvent des lésions localisées les chiens. Les formes localisées étaient plus fréquentes chez les chiens et le plus souvent dues àM. canis dans les deux espèces, avec une atteinte préférentielle de la tête (23/75), des membres (10/75) et de la queue (7/75). Zausammenfassung— Aus siebzig von 1824 Proben von Hunden (3,8 Prozent) und 61 von 408 Proben von Katzen (14,9 Prozent) von einem Zeitraum über zehn Jahre wurden Dermatophyten angezüchtet. Microsporum canis war die am häufigsten isolierte Spezies (86/131). Microsporum gypseum (31/70) und M. canis (30/70) wurden am häufigsten bei Hunden isoliert, M. canis dagegen wurde am häufigsten bei Katzen isoliert (56/61). Männliche wie weibliche Hunde und Katzen waren gleichermaßen von Dermatomykosen betroffen. Sowohl bei Hunden also auch bei Katzen war die Inzidenz bei Tieren unter einem Jahr höher. Am häufigsten erkrankten Mischlingshunde (19/70), Kurzhaarhauskatzen (39/61) und Perserkatzen (15/61). Die Inzidenz der Infektion mit M. gypseum war im Sommer größer, bei Hunden verursachte es mehr lokalisierte Erkrankungen. Bei Hunden überhaupt waren lokalisierte Dermatomykosen häufiger anzutreffen. Lokalisierte Infektionen wurden bei alien Tieren am häufigsten durch M. canis verursacht, am meisten betroffen waren Kopf (23/75), Pfoten (10/75) und Schwanz (7/75). Resumen Se cultivaron dermatofitos de setenta de 1824 (3,8 por ciento) muestras caninas y 61 de 408 (14,9 cor ciento) muestras felinas, sometidas durante diez anos. Microsporum canis fue la mas común de las especies aisladas (86/131). Microsporum gypseum (31/70) y M. canis (30/70) se aislaron mas frecuentemente de perros, mientras que M. canis fue aislado con más frecuencia de gatos (56/61). Ambos, macho y hembra, perros y gatos fueron igualmente afectados por la dermatofítosis. Había una mayor incidencia en perros y gatos menores de un año de edad. Perros de cruce de razas (19/70), gatos domésticados de pelo corto (39/61) y gatos persas (15/61) fueron afectados con más frecuencia. M. gypseum tenía una mayor incidencia de infección en verano, y muy frecuentemente causaba enfermedades localizados en perros. En perros, fue más commún la dermatofitosis localizada. Infecciones localizadas eran más frecuentemente causadas por M. canis en todos los animates, con la cabeza (23/75), pies (10/75) y rabo (7/75) afectados con más frecuencia.  相似文献   

Megaesophagus was diagnosed in 15 llamas on the basis of survey and contrast radiography. Age of onset ranged from 13 months to 9.5 years. Clinical signs varied, with salivation being the most common; regurgitation or dysphagia were noted in only 33% of the cases. Duration of the disorder ranged from 1 week to 5 years. Organophosphate toxicity was the cause of megaesophagusin 1 llama. While most cases were of unknown etiology, the 3 with histological abnormalities included 1 with vagal neuropathy and 2 with a degenerative myopathy of esophageal muscles. The causes in most were undetermined.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of pathologically confirmed cases of feline spinal lymphosarcoma (FSL) admitted to the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia and North Carolina State University from 1973 to 1988 was conducted. Two hundred fourteen cases of feline lymphosarcoma were diagnosed histopathologically; involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) was identified in 26 (12.1%). Twenty-three of these tumors involved the spinal cord, and 22 of the 23 were solitary. A predilection for the thoracic and lumbar vertebral canal was noted. Most cats with spinal disease were young, with mean and median ages of 43 and 24 months, respectively; 67 cats were 36 months of age or younger. In most cases, affected cats had acute neurological deterioration after an initial insidious course. Extraneural abnormalities were not consistently present. Neoplastic lymphocytes diagnostic of FSL were identified on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis in 6 of 17 cats evaluated. Sixteen of 17 cats evaluated had serologically positive test results for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) p27 antigen, and all cats tested for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibodies had negative test results.  相似文献   

The present retrospective study was undertaken to determine the frequency of hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia in horses with natural occurring severe liver disease. The study represents a review of case records and laboratory data of 84 horses presented with acute or chronic liver disease to the University of California Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital between 1973 and 1991. Forty horses (48%) had serum protein concentrations above the maximum reference value (7.7 g/dL). The increase in serum protein concentration was associated with hyperglobulinemia ( P = .00005, R 2 = .80). Only 13% (11/84) of the horses had serum albumin concentrations below the minimum reference range (2.5 g/dL), and hypoproteinemia was found in only 1 of these horses. Of these, 18% (9/51) of the horses with chronic liver disease and 6% (2/33) of the horses with acute liver disease had albumin concentrations below the minimum reference value. Globulin concentrations in 64% of the horses (54/84) were above the maximum reference value (4.0 g/dL). The present study indicates that hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia are not common features in horses with severe liver disease.  相似文献   

Cavernous sinus syndrome (CSS) is characterized by deficits in more than one of the cranial nerves (CN) that traverse the cavernous sinus at the base of the cranial vault: CN III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), VI (abducens), and the first two branches of CN V (trigeminal). Records from 4 dogs and 8 cats with CSS diagnosed over a 14-year period were reviewed. The most common clinical signs were ophthalmoparesis or ophthalmoplegia, mydriasis with no direct or consensual pupillary light reflexes, ptosis, decreased corneal sensation, and decreased retractor oculi reflex. All cats had initial signs referable to a left CSS lesion (one had bilateral CSS), whereas in all dogs the lesions were localized to the right cavernous sinus. Median ages at diagnosis were 9 and 10 years of age for dogs and cats, respectively. Cerebel lomedullary cisternae cerebrospinal fluid analysis in 6 animals was useful as a sensitivebut nonspecific diagnostic test of an intracranial inflammatory or neoplastic lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging scans provided a more definitive diagnostic test in all dogs, revealing a contrast-enhancing mass on T1 weighted scans in the region of the cavernous sinus. A definitive pathological diagnosis was obtained in 2 dogs: a primary intracranial neoplasm and a metastatic intracranial neoplasm. A definitive diagnosis was obtained in 6 cats: metastatic neoplasm (n =1), primary intracranial neoplasm (n = I), primary intracranial infectious disease (n = 2). and associated systemic infectious disease (n = 2). The prognosis associated with CSS in dogs and cats was considered guarded to poor. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:65–71. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Pemoline is a central nervous system stimulant commonly used for Attension Deficit Disorder in humans. This study describes the clinical syndrome associated with pemoline ingestion as well as its treatment. Ten years worth (1987–1997) of records from the ASPCa National Animal Poison Control Center involving pemoline ingestion in dogs were reviewed. The data suggests that most dogs ingesting pemoline show signs of central nervous system and cardiovascular stimulation including hyperactivity, tremors, ataxia, seizure, tachycardia, hyperthermia, and mydriasis. Blood chemistry alterations included electrolyte imbalances in some dogs. The minimum dose reported to cause clinical signs was 2.8 mg/kg and the minimum dose reported to have caused death was 10 mg/kg. Dogs generally showed clinical signs within 30 minutes to 24 hours of ingestion. The duration of clinical signs ranged from 15 hours to four days. Ninety-four percent of the dogs recovered with supportive treatment. (Vet. Emerg. & Crit. Care, 9:203–207, 1999)  相似文献   

Introduction:  Pituitary tumours are uncommon in cats. Signs may be due to either an expansile mass or paraneoplastic effects (acromegaly and/or unstable diabetes mellitus). There are a few small case series providing evidence of efficacy for radiotherapy of pituitary tumours in cats. This retrospective study describes the outcome of ten cats with pituitary tumours treated with course‐fractionated radiation.
Methods:  The medical records of cats with MRI‐confirmed pituitary tumours that underwent radiotherapy were reviewed. A standard coarse‐fractioned radiation protocol was used; 37 Gy in 5 once‐weekly fractions using two parallel‐opposed 4MeV X‐ray beams. Survival times were calculated from date of first radiation dose.
Results:  Ten cats with pituitary tumours underwent radiotherapy. 5 cats had CNS signs and 5 had evidence of growth hormone excess (1 cat also showed CNS signs). 2 cats with pre‐existing moderate to severe CNS signs died of unknown causes before completing the radiation course. Of the remaining 4 with CNS signs, 3 had complete resolution of signs and the fourth showed partial improvement. Of the 5 cats with unstable diabetes, 2 no longer required insulin and 3 became stable at a lowered dose. The median survival time was 77.6 weeks. 6 cats died: 2 without completing the radiation course, 2 from unrelated causes (CRF, VAFS) and 2 from relapse and/or progression of CNS signs. 4 cats remain alive (range 34–191 weeks).
Conclusions:  Radiation therapy is confirmed as an effective treatment for pituitary tumours in cats giving extended survival and control of both direct mass effect and paraneoplastic signs.  相似文献   

Background: Serum hypercalcemia in dogs has been reported in association with a variety of diseases. Serum-ionized calcium (iCa) concentration is a more accurate measure of hypercalcemia than total serum calcium or corrected serum calcium concentrations. The severity of hypercalcemia has been utilized to suggest the most likely differential diagnosis for the hypercalcemia.
Hypothesis: Diseases causing ionized hypercalcemia may be different than those that cause increases in total or corrected serum calcium concentrations. The severity of ionized hypercalcemia in specific diseases cannot be used to determine the most likely differential diagnosis for ionized hypercalcemia.
Animals: One-hundred and nine client-owned dogs with a definitive cause for their ionized hypercalcemia evaluated between 1998 and 2003 were included in this study.
Methods: Retrospective, medical records review.
Results: Neoplasia, specifically lymphosarcoma, followed by renal failure, hyperparathyroidism, and hypoadrenocorticism were the most common causes of ionized hypercalcemia. Dogs with lymphoma and anal sac adenocarcinoma have higher serum iCa concentrations than those with renal failure, hypoadrenocorticism, and other types of neoplasia. The magnitude of serum-ionized hypercalcemia did not predict specific disease states.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum-ionized hypercalcemia was most commonly associated with neoplasia, specifically lymphosarcoma. Although dogs with lymphosarcoma and anal sac adenocarcinoma had higher serum iCa concentrations than dogs with other diseases, the magnitude of the serum iCa concentration could not be used to predict the cause of hypercalcemia. Total serum calcium and corrected calcium concentrations did not accurately reflect the calcium status of the dogs in this study.  相似文献   

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