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利用天敌防控美国白蛾调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对美国白蛾各个发育阶段的天敌进行详细的调查研究,发现卵期有2种捕杀性天敌、幼虫期有4种捕杀性天敌和4种寄生性天敌,蛹期有多种鸟类捕杀性天敌和4种寄生性天敌,成虫期有2种捕杀性天敌。因此,保护和利用天敌是防控美国白蛾重要而最根本的方法,有利于自然系统的生态平衡。  相似文献   

采用踏查与室内饲养相结合的方法,系统调查了徐州市林业害虫的寄生性天敌昆虫种类、寄主和分布等情况。结果表明,徐州市共有寄生性天敌4目15科39种,其中,历史记载3目14科35种(此次调查到12种),新增记录4种。调查到的寄生性天敌中,美国白蛾和舟蛾类、天牛类害虫的重要寄生性天敌有8种,分别为松毛虫赤眼蜂、杨扇舟蛾黑卵蜂、白蛾周氏啮小蜂、白蛾黑基啮小蜂、广大腿小蜂、舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂、日本追寄蝇和花绒寄甲。该调查首次查明了徐州市林业害虫的寄生性天敌昆虫的种类、寄主和分布情况等,为优势天敌的筛选和人工繁育与利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

美国白蛾是危害猖獗的世界性检疫害虫,笔者介绍了该虫蛹期寄生性天敌昆虫的种类,在介绍其中7种优势寄生性天敌对美国白蛾越冬蛹和夏季蛹的自然寄生率、寄主蛹中羽化的子代数和性比等研究结果的基础上,系统综述了舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂的分布、寄主、寄生率、生物学特性和人工繁殖与利用等方面的研究进展。结合江苏省采用天敌昆虫开展生物防治的现状,探讨了应用舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂防治美国白蛾的研究方向与利用对策。  相似文献   

美国白蛾寄生性天敌综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国白蛾从90年代传入我国至今,一直没有足够的天敌抑制消涨,危害程度始终沿用药剂控制。天敌种群形成控制量,一直是我们追寻的目标。观测美国白蛾天敌种群数量、消涨规律,可以为防治提供决策依据。多年来,我们观测中发现美国白蛾幼虫、蛹都有寄生性天敌存在,现分别表述如下。1  相似文献   

用2年时间,在通辽市美国白蛾发生区研究了释放寄生性天敌昆虫周氏啮小蜂和赤眼蜂防治该害虫的效果和种群数量调控情况.结果表明:林间释放周氏啮小蜂对美国白蛾蛹的寄生率为69%、天敌总寄生率为92%、防治效果为87.4%,林间释放赤眼蜂对美国白蛾卵的防治效果为78.7%.利用天敌防治美国白蛾方法有利于其他天敌种群自然繁育,无抗...  相似文献   

采用人工饲养和野外采集相结合的方法,对烟台地区几种阔叶树食叶害虫各虫期的天敌种类、数量进行了调查,共收集到各种天敌33种,其中捕食性天敌10种、寄生性天敌23种(包括真菌2种)。舟蛾赤眼蜂、白蛾周氏啮小蜂、白蛾黑棒啮小蜂、寄生蝇类是优势天敌种类,对控制杨扇舟蛾、杨雪毒蛾、美国白蛾等食叶害虫种群数量发挥着显著作用。  相似文献   

天津市园林绿化研究所主持的“美国白蛾生活史观察及防治技术研究”课题通过验收鉴定。 科研人员在对美国白蛾寄生性天敌调查中,共发现白蛾周氏啮小蜂、白蛾黑棒啮小蜂、白蛾聚集绒茧蜂等8种。白蛾周氏啮小蜂为美国白蛾的优势蜂种。他们还对白蛾周氏啮小蜂的生物学特性进行了深入的研究,并对该蜂  相似文献   

美国白蛾已成为世界性的检疫害虫和我国重大的林业有害生物,为了借鉴美国白蛾的有效治理措施,该文综述了美国白蛾在美国的生物生态学及其治理措施的研究进展。在美国本土,美国白蛾种群受到寄主质量和数量、近90种寄生性和捕食性天敌的自然调控。人工剪除网幕、生物制剂和化学药剂的防治能够有效控制美国白蛾。  相似文献   

美国白蛾为世界性的检疫害虫,给我国的农林业和园林绿化树种造成了严重危害。生物防治能有效控制美国白蛾种群数量,同时对环境安全,是一种维持生态平衡和实现可持续控制美国白蛾的无公害防治措施。该文对美国白蛾生物防治研究现状进行了全面分析,评价了不同的生物防治措施具有的优势、存在的问题与研究发展方向。捕食性天敌需在调查的基础上,加强应用研究;寄生性天敌应开展生物学、生态学、行为学及人工饲养等工作,因地制宜找到适合本地区的天敌资源,生产上大力推广白蛾周氏啮小蜂;美国白蛾核型多角体病毒具有专一性及对环境和人畜安全,能够解决我国城区无公害防治的难题。  相似文献   

白蛾周氏啮小蜂是生物防治美国白蛾的有效天敌,具有不污染环境的特点。为了调查白蛾周氏啮小蜂对美国白蛾的林间生物防治效果,该文以美国白蛾蛹期的重要寄生性天敌——白蛾周氏啮小蜂作为生防材料,在沈阳市美国白蛾发生区进行释放白蛾周氏啮小蜂试验,对放蜂后有虫株率、网幕密度及不同寄主树种受危害程度进行调查。结果表明:各试验区7月份和9月份的有虫株率分别比对照下降了32.1%和40.0%,平均网幕密度分别比对照每株降低3.5网和5.4网;9月份有虫株率和网目密度均比7月份有所减少,说明人工释放白蛾周氏啮小蜂能够有效地防治美国白蛾,且连续2次放蜂效果更好;对于蒙古栎、刺槐、黄波罗等树种较多的林地,利用白蛾周氏啮小蜂进行生物防治美国白蛾虫害是十分有效的手段。  相似文献   

1993年在大邑县共收集到舞毒蛾天敌30种,其中寄生性昆虫19种,捕食性昆虫9种,病毒和虫霉菌各1种。卵期平均寄生率为27.06%±0.54%,大蛾卵跳小蜂是主要天敌。幼虫期天敌有病毒、斑痣悬茧蜂、毒蛾镶颚姬蜂和绒茧蜂等,平均杀死幼虫51.59%±6.48%。蛹期主要天敌有寄蝇、广大腿小蜂和脊腿囊爪姬蜂等,平均寄生率达32.91%±26.40%。在舞毒蛾卵-蛹期,累计约有87.62%的个体被天敌致死。  相似文献   

The impact of the density of Sunn Pest egg parasitoids, Trissolcus grandis Thomson (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), at three levels of Sunn Pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), infestation was assessed on bread wheat variety Cham 6 in screened cages in the field for percentage of egg parasitism and grain quality. Percent parasitism ranged from 60.1 to 83.9%. No statistically significant differences were detected at parasitoid densities of 1, 2, or 3 insects per square meter at Sunn Pest densities of 2 or 4 insects per square meter. The quality of grain collected from all Sunn Pest infested cages without egg parasitoids was unacceptable for baking purposes and was significantly lower than grain from both non-infested plots and plots where either two or three egg parasitoids were present. The abundance of egg parasitoids in Al Hassakeh province in Syria was also determined. Egg parasitism was observed 1 week after the initiation of Sunn Pest oviposition and ranged between 22 and 59% in non-insecticide treated fields, while no parasitoids were recovered from insecticide treated areas within the same region. The impact of feeding by Sunn Pest on different wheat stages indicated that only feeding prior to the spike stage does not affect the bread-making quality of the grain.  相似文献   

The presence of a natural enemy in a habitat refuge is no guarantee of emigration by these into crop fields, when pest population outbreaks occur. Parasitoids from a refuge may not prefer foraging on the pest crop, exhibiting host fidelity, and therefore not constituting a source of natural enemies for improving biological control. An effective refuge must not only be a suitable sink for natural enemies, providing an acceptable host when these are not present in the crop, but it must also be a suitable source of parasitoids that readily accept the aphid-host on the crop. Therefore, crop-originated parasitoids would have to accept pests from the refuge as hosts to lay eggs in, and refuge-originated parasitoids would have to accept and lay eggs in pests from the crop. We here study the host fidelity of populations of Eriosoma lanigerum originating from two host plants (firethorn and apple) through reciprocal transfer experiments. Thereafter, the host fidelity of parasitoids from populations in the two host plants (firethorn and apple) was assessed. Reciprocal transfer experiments of parasitoids did not show an association between apple-originated parasitoids and their preference for any of the aphid hosts. Conversely, parasitoids from firethorn exhibited a higher number of attacks and in less time when aphids from apple were offered, suggesting a preference for apple-originated aphids. If future field work confirms these findings, firethorn could become an important management tool for enhancing biological control of woolly apple aphid in apple orchards, without being a substantial source of aphids.  相似文献   

Using multiple pest-mortality sources is a basic tenet of IPM, but they may not always be compatible. To that end, we examined compatibility of parasitism and nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) infected. Specifically, we examined the effects of prior oviposition experience by Microplitis pallidipes on its ability to distinguish NPV-infected from healthy larvae of Spodoptera litura. We found that time spent searching for hosts was significantly lower, while the number of attacks, percentage of first attacks, and parasitism rate were all significantly higher in healthy versus virus-infected hosts for parasitoids that had experienced healthy hosts. Meanwhile, parasitoids that had experienced infected hosts spent significantly more time searching for infected hosts starting on day 2. For these parasitoids, the number of attacks, percentage of first attacks, and parasitism rate were all significantly lower from day 2 in virus-infected versus healthy larvae. We found no significant differences between parasitoids without experience versus ones experienced with infected hosts in search time for infected hosts, number of infected host attacks, or percentage of first attacks on infected hosts. In comparison, parasitoids that had experienced healthy hosts spent less time searching for healthy hosts than parasitoids without experience, and displayed a higher frequency of attack on healthy hosts and a higher percentage of first attacks on healthy hosts. Experience with healthy larvae aided parasitoids in distinguishing healthy from virus-infected larvae, but experience with virus-infected larvae did not convey the same discrimination. This information provides a better understanding of how to integrate NPV applications with naturally occurring parasitism for this pest in crops.  相似文献   

伊藤厚丝叶蜂寄生天敌及控制作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
寄生伊藤厚丝叶蜂的寄生性天敌19种,其中1中国新记录属,1中国新记录种,2辽宁新记录属。报道主要天敌的生活习性,优势种及其控制作用。提出了寄生天敌的两种类型:控制型和长效型。对寄生天敌的利用作了简要评价。  相似文献   

In Bulgaria near Marikostino, in a forest ofPinus nigra Arn. 239 egg batches were sampled over four generations ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. &; Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) in various seasons. Directly after collection the batches were singled in test tubes, closed with cotton stoppers and stored under laboratory conditions at 20–22°C. Oviposition always started from the base towards the tip of the needles. The emergence of egg parasitoids was observed daily, and the parasitoids were counted and identified. The eggs from which parasitoids emerged were marked for further studies. After removing the adults and opening the eggs, the impact of the species of parasitoids was evaluated by identifying the meconia and other rests (left overs). Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) was the most abundant egg parasitoid, followed byAnastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.). Only few individuals ofBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus servadeii (Dom.) were collected. The hyperparasitoidBaryscapus transversalis Graham, was found at low densities. Only a few eggs were parasitised byTrichogramma embryophagum Htg. Total mortality of the host eggs varied from 34.7 to 79.7% depending on the period of parasitism and on the numbers of sterile eggs. The impact of the parasitoids was calculated to be 9.3–38.9%, depending on the period when parasitism had taken place. The mean number of eggs per batch varied from 203 to 253. The rate of parasitism was reduced by early sampling of the egg batches. In some cases, a very high percentage (up to 29.2%) of undeveloped eggs was found. In all samples a small percentage of empty eggs was always observed.  相似文献   

The parasitoid fauna of Coccoidea in cultivated and noncultivated areas was studied in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey in 1994–1997. In total, 25 parasitoid species belonging to Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, and Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) were reared from 21 different scale hosts. On crop plants, mainly citrus and peach, 13 parasitoids from eleven Coccoidea hosts were determined while 14 parasitoid species were obtained from twelve scale insects on non-cultivated plants. Seven parasitoid species are new records for the Turkish insect fauna. Only one of them was found on citrus, while the other six species were sampled in non-cultivated areas. The most common parasitoids encountered wereAphytis melinus DeBach,Encarsia berlesei (Howard) (Aphelinidae),comperiella bifasciata Howard (Encyrtidae), andMetaphycus flavus (Howard) (Eulophidae) in cultivated areas andCoccophagus lycimnia (Walker) (Aphelinidae) in non-cultivated areas. All other parasitoids species were obtained only from a few scale insects hosts.  相似文献   

 Parasitism by parasitoid wasps on the larvae of Epinotia granitalis (Butler), which is a wood-injuring pest in coniferous plantations, was observed for 6 years in two plantation forests of Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl. and Cryptomeria japonica (L.f.) D. Don that were adjacent to each other and consisted of trees of almost the same size. E. granitalis larvae were collected from early April to mid-May, then reared in glass bottles, and finally examined to determine whether or not the larvae had been parasitized. Five species of parasitoids were recorded; two of them were classified in Ichneumonidae, Campoplex spp. A and B, and others in Braconidae, Iconella repleta Papp, Bassus cingulipes Nees von Esenbeck, and Bracon spp. In all 6 years, parasitism was first observed around 20 April. Species composition of parasitoids differed greatly among years and between forests. In 1 year in each forest the percentage parasitism increased significantly with the sampling date, indicating that not all parasitoids attack the same developmental stage of E. granitalis. The mean percentage parasitism per year was significantly higher in the forest of C. obtusa [11.5(%) ± 5.7(SD)] than in the forest of C. japonica (3.0 ± 4.1). These results suggest that the efficiency of parasitoid adults in finding hosts differed between the two forests. Received: September 20, 2001 / Accepted: August 5, 2002 Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. K. Maeto, Shikoku Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, and to Dr. K. Konishi, National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, for identifying parasitoids, and to Dr. T. Miyaura, Forest Tree Breeding Center, and Dr. H. Kosaka, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, for their helpful advice throughout the study. Correspondence to:K. Kato  相似文献   

伊藤厚丝叶蜂寄生天敌研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道寄生伊藤厚丝叶蜂Pachynematus itoi Okutani的寄生性天敌10种:毛瘤角蜂Pleolophus setiferae(Uahida,1936)(中国新记录),短翅田猎蜂Agrothereutes abbreviatus(Fabricius),辽宁恩姬蜂Endasys liaoningensis Wang et Ma,大田猎姬蜂Agrothereutes macroincubitor(Uchida),毛面泥甲姬蜂Bathythrix eilifacialis Sheng,狭颊刻姬蜂Arenetra Genangusta Sheng et Zhang,克禄格翠金小蜂Tritneptis klugii(Ratzeburg,1844)(中国新记录),暗尖胸青蜂Cleptes semiauratus(L.),布朗撵寄绳Myxexoristops blondeli(Robineau-Desvoidy),球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana,简要说明了它们的其它主要寄主及分布,对毛瘤角姬蜂和短翅田猎姬蜂进行了重新描述,指出了短翅田猎姬蜂的变异性,对寄生天敌的利用作了简要评价。  相似文献   


Asobara japonica (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Ganaspis brasiliensis and Leptopilina japonica (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) are Asian larval parasitoids of spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). This study evaluated these parasitoids’ capacity to attack and develop from 24 non-target drosophilid species. Results showed that all three parasitoids were able to parasitize host larvae of multiple non-target species in artificial diet; A. japonica developed from 19 tested host species, regardless of the phylogenetic position of the host species, L. japonica developed from 11 tested species; and G. brasiliensis developed from only four of the exposed species. Success rate of parasitism (i.e., the probability that an adult wasp successfully emerged from a parasitized host) by the two figitid parasitoids was low in hosts other than the three species in the melanogaster group (D. melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. suzukii). The failure of the figitids to develop in most of the tested host species appears to correspond with more frequent encapsulation of the parasitoids by the hosts. The results indicate that G. brasiliensis is the most host specific to D. suzukii, L. japonica attacks mainly species in the melanogaster group and A. japonica is a generalist, at least physiologically. Overall, the developmental time of the parasitoids increased with the host’s developmental time. The body size of female A. japonica (as a model species) was positively related to host size, and mature egg load of female wasps increased with female body size. We discuss the use of these parasitoids for classical biological control of D. suzukii.


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