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Zwierlein MW  Ketterle W 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,314(5796):54; author reply 54
Partridge et al. (Reports, 27 January 2006, p. 503) reported pairing and phase separation in a polarized Fermi gas. We argue that it is not possible to distinguish the superfluid from the normal regimes in the presented data, or to discern which clouds were phase-separated. Some of the reported conclusions are inconsistent with recent experiments.  相似文献   

A degenerate gas of identical fermions is brought to collapse by the interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate. We used an atomic mixture of fermionic potassium-40 and bosonic rubidium-87, in which the strong interspecies attraction leads to an instability above a critical number of particles. The observed phenomenon suggests a direction for manipulating fermion-fermion interactions on the route to superfluidity.  相似文献   

A Fermi gas of atoms with resonant interactions is predicted to obey universal hydrodynamics, in which the shear viscosity and other transport coefficients are universal functions of the density and temperature. At low temperatures, the viscosity has a universal quantum scale ? n, where n is the density and ? is Planck's constant h divided by 2π, whereas at high temperatures the natural scale is p(T)(3)/?(2), where p(T) is the thermal momentum. We used breathing mode damping to measure the shear viscosity at low temperature. At high temperature T, we used anisotropic expansion of the cloud to find the viscosity, which exhibits precise T(3/2) scaling. In both experiments, universal hydrodynamic equations including friction and heating were used to extract the viscosity. We estimate the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density and compare it with that of a perfect fluid.  相似文献   

We have measured the heat capacity of an optically trapped, strongly interacting Fermi gas of atoms. A precise addition of energy to the gas is followed by single-parameter thermometry, which determines the empirical temperature parameter of the gas cloud. Our measurements reveal a clear transition in the heat capacity. The energy and the spatial profile of the gas are computed using a theory of the crossover from Fermi to Bose superfluids at finite temperatures. The theory calibrates the empirical temperature parameter, yields excellent agreement with the data, and predicts the onset of superfluidity at the observed transition point.  相似文献   

We report the attainment of simultaneous quantum degeneracy in a mixed gas of bosons (lithium-7) and fermions (lithium-6). The Fermi gas has been cooled to a temperature of 0.25 times the Fermi temperature by thermal collisions with the evaporatively cooled bosons. At this temperature, the spatial size of the gas is strongly affected by the Fermi pressure resulting from the Pauli exclusion principle and gives clear experimental evidence for quantum degeneracy.  相似文献   

We used radio-frequency spectroscopy to study pairing in the normal and superfluid phases of a strongly interacting Fermi gas with imbalanced spin populations. At high spin imbalances, the system does not become superfluid even at zero temperature. In this normal phase, full pairing of the minority atoms was observed. Hence, mismatched Fermi surfaces do not prevent pairing but can quench the superfluid state, thus realizing a system of fermion pairs that do not condense even at the lowest temperature.  相似文献   

We studied fermionic pairing in an ultracold two-component gas of 6Li atoms by observing an energy gap in the radio-frequency excitation spectra. With control of the two-body interactions through a Feshbach resonance, we demonstrated the dependence of the pairing gap on coupling strength, temperature, and Fermi energy. The appearance of an energy gap with moderate evaporative cooling suggests that our full evaporation brought the strongly interacting system deep into a superfluid state.  相似文献   

We report on the observation of a highly degenerate, strongly interacting Fermi gas of atoms. Fermionic lithium-6 atoms in an optical trap are evaporatively cooled to degeneracy using a magnetic field to induce strong, resonant interactions. Upon abruptly releasing the cloud from the trap, the gas is observed to expand rapidly in the transverse direction while remaining nearly stationary in the axial direction. We interpret the expansion dynamics in terms of collisionless superfluid and collisional hydrodynamics. For the data taken at the longest evaporation times, we find that collisional hydrodynamics does not provide a satisfactory explanation, whereas superfluidity is plausible.  相似文献   

Fermi gases, collections of fermions such as neutrons and electrons, are found throughout nature, from solids to neutron stars. Interacting Fermi gases can form a superfluid or, for charged fermions, a superconductor. We have observed the superfluid phase transition in a strongly interacting Fermi gas by high-precision measurements of the local compressibility, density, and pressure. Our data completely determine the universal thermodynamics of these gases without any fit or external thermometer. The onset of superfluidity is observed in the compressibility, the chemical potential, the entropy, and the heat capacity, which displays a characteristic lambda-like feature at the critical temperature T(c)/T(F) = 0.167(13). The ground-state energy is 3/5ξN E(F) with ξ = 0.376(4). Our measurements provide a benchmark for many-body theories of strongly interacting fermions.  相似文献   

A defect-induced, critical phase separation in dipolar fluids is predicted, which replaces the usual liquid-gas transition that is driven by the isotropic aggregation of particles and is absent in dipolar fluids due to strong chaining. The coexisting phases are a dilute gas of chain ends that coexists with a high-density liquid of chain branching points. Our model provides a unified explanation for the branched structures, the unusually low critical temperature and density, and the consequent two-phase coexistence "islands" that were recently observed in experiment and simulation.  相似文献   

Structural transformation between a dense molecular fluid and a polymeric liquid of phosphorus that occurred at about 1 gigapascal and 1000 degrees C was investigated by in situ x-ray radiography. When the low-pressure fluid was compressed, dark and round objects appeared in the radiograph. X-ray diffraction measurements confirmed that these objects were the highpressure liquid. The drops grew and eventually filled the sample space. Decompressing caused the reverse process. The macroscopic phase separation supported the existence of a first-order phase transition between two stable disordered phases besides the liquid-gas transition. X-ray absorption measurements revealed that the change in density at the transition corresponds to about 40% of the density of the high-pressure liquid.  相似文献   

水合物法气体分离作为一种新型分离技术,具有诸多优点,但其应用受到水合物生成压力高、生成速率慢及分离效率低等问题的困扰,而特定添加剂可改善水合物法气体分离性能.综述了国内外在添加剂类型、评价方法及对水合物生长的促进机理等方面的研究进展,指出了未来的研究方向:寻找全新的、不参与水合物生成或较少占据水合物孔穴的添加剂,对于相平衡、分离效率及动力学特性均有较好改善;将不同类型添加剂进行有效复配,通过对复合添加剂促进性能开展实验研究,筛选最优的添加剂组合及加量;借助精密观测手段,分析表面活性剂对水合物生长动力学的影响,验证促进机理假说;对含添加剂体系水合物法分离工艺流程进行优化及经济评价.  相似文献   

In outer space, high-energy irradiation of cryogenic ice mixtures of abundant water and carbon dioxide is expected to form solid carbonic acid. Experiments and thermodynamic analyses show that crystalline carbonic acid sublimates without decomposition. Free-energy considerations based on highly accurate molecular quantum mechanics, in combination with vapor pressures resulting from experimental sublimation rates, suggest that in the gas phase, a monomer and dimer of carbonic acid are in equilibrium, comparable to that of formic acid. Gaseous carbonic acid could be present in comets, on Mars and outer solar system bodies, in interstellar icy grains, and in Earth's upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

Process improvements in silica membrane fabrication, especially the use of clean-room techniques, resulted in silica membranes without detectable mesoscopic defects, resulting in significantly improved transport properties. Supported membranes calcined at 400 degreesC were 30 nanometers in thickness, showed a H2 permeance at 200 degreesC of 2 x 10(-6) moles per square meter per second per Pascal (mol m-2 s-1 Pa-1), and had a CH4 permeance more than 500 times smaller. Molecules larger than CH4 were completely blocked. Silica membranes calcined at 600 degreesC showed no detectable CH4 flux, with a H2 permeance of 5 x 10(-7) (mol m-2 s-1 Pa-1) at 200 degreesC. These results signify an important step toward the industrial application of these membranes such as purification of H2 and natural gas as well as the selective removal of CO2.  相似文献   

Anions of many types, both organic and inorganic, farmiliar and exotic, can be generated in the gas phase by rational chemical synthesis in a flowing afterglow apparatus. Once formed, the rates, products, and mechanisms of their reactions with neutral species of all kinds can be studied, not only at room temperature but at higher energies in a drift field. These completely unsolvated ions undergo a large number of reactions that are analogous to those they undergo in solution, as well as some that are less familiar. New types of ions, for which there are no counterparts in solution, can be produced and their chemical reactions explored.  相似文献   

Diffusional motions of 1,6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene (DPH) were observed by differential polarized phase fluorometry. The measurements indicated that the depolarizing rotations of DPH in propylene glycol are isotropic. The results in vesicles of dimyristoyl-l-alpha-phosphatidylcholine indicated that diffusional rotations of DPH are dominated by hindered torsional motions. Combined use of both differential phase and steady-state anisotropy measurements showed that the average rotational angle of DPH, at times long compared to the fluorescence lifetime, is limited to about 23 degrees at temperatures below the transition temperature of the lipid and that these rotations become less hindered above the transition temperature. The evidence that the depolarizing rotations of DPH in a lipid bilayer are different from those in an isotropic solvent calls into question the meaning of membrane microviscosity as determined by fluorescence anisotropy.  相似文献   

The gas phase of cigarette smoke, separated into its components by gas chromatography, was passed across a ciliated specimen. The acetaldehyde, acrolein, and hydrogen cyanide produced strong inhibition of the ciliary beat. A filter which removed most of the acetaldehyde and acrolein from smoke did not reduce the inhibitory effect of the gas phase of that smoke, whereas a filter that removed most of the hydrogen cyanide did reduce inhibition.  相似文献   

Type I ubiquitin-like proteins constitute a family of protein modifiers. Here we report the identification of a posttranslational protein modifier from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hub1. Overexpression of Hub1 resulted in enhanced conjugate formation when its carboxyl-terminal residue was deleted, suggesting that mature Hub1 may be produced by proteolytic processing. In vivo targets of Hub1 conjugation included cell polarity factors Sph1 and Hbt1. In the hub1Delta mutant, the subcellular localization of both Hbt1 and Sph1 was disrupted, and cell polarization during the formation of mating projections was defective. Consistent with these polarization defects, the hub1Delta mutant was deficient in mating.  相似文献   

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