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鲈鱼(Late olabrax japonicus)亲鱼在厦门火烧屿海水网箱中培育性腺能成熟,主要措施是在适当的放养密度下加强日常管理,掌握好饲料的日常投喂及注意病害防治。本实验开始于1993年11月—1997年1月,各年度(1993—1994、1994—1995、1996—1997年)雌亲鱼成熟率分别为36%、97%、76.3%、91.4%,雄系鱼成熟率为70—100%;获产率100%。  相似文献   

卓华龙  王国良 《海洋渔业》2000,22(2):73-75,67
<正> 随着海水鱼类网箱养殖规模的不断扩大、集约化程度的不断提高,以及受养殖环境污染、管理技术措施相对滞后等诸多因素的影响,海水网箱养殖鱼类的病害频繁发生且日趋严重。病害已给养殖生产造成了极大的经济损失,严重阻碍了海水网箱养殖业的稳定与发展。因此,探索海水网箱养殖鱼类病害的防治方法已成当务之急。我们已用了四  相似文献   

水质的调控是决定养殖生产成败的一个关键因素,目前已有化学和物理等水处理方法被应用到水产种苗和养殖生产,对改善水产养殖的生长环境具有一定效果,但这些方法仍存在各种不同的弊端.本文通过纳米催化微电解技术对海水杀菌效果的研究,以期确定该仪器的最低完全杀菌的处理当量;利用不同的处理当量了解斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)仔鱼对水体中游离氯的耐受范围,并在石斑鱼的苗种培育生产中进行了可行性的实验.研究结果表明:该技术对海水的消毒杀菌效果非常显著,处理当量在1.06 W·h/t以上时,杀菌效果可达到100%,该当量处理每吨海水的用电成本约为0.053分;斜带石斑仔鱼可耐受的最高处理当量为4.08 w·h/t,该当量已达到完全杀菌的效果,且持续抑菌效果良好,因此该处理当量可应用到石斑鱼苗种的实际生产中.利用纳米催化微电解海水产生游离氯的消毒作用,以灭活养殖环境水体中的病原生物,达到净化水体,抑制病原性疾病的目的,在水产动物种苗与养殖生产中具有一定的推广运用价值,且具较好的环保功效.  相似文献   

温,盐度对鲈鱼早期仔鱼生长及存活率的影响   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
本文就温度,盐度以及不同降低盐度方法对鲈于仔鱼的生长及存活进行实验,经一星期的培养,结果表明,1;钙鱼仔鱼在盐度30-3‰的海水中都能生长,以20‰的存活率最高达99%。2.每经6小时逐渐降低盐度5‰的仔鱼存活率高于大幅度骤降盐度。3.温度14.7-14.9℃和18.3-19.7℃,以盐度30‰生长快,5‰生长缓慢。  相似文献   

在水温20±0.5℃,日光照周期16h:8h条件下,黄金鲈鱼初孵仔鱼投喂卤虫无节幼体的合理密度为5只/mL。7日龄仔鱼的饱食指数为13%,排空时间2.0~2.5h,最佳投饵量为体重的60%。  相似文献   

本文研究了鲈鱼幼鱼对饵料中蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的适宜需求量,结果表明:当饵料中蛋白质含量为44.1%,脂肪含量为8.9%,碳水化合物含量为12.1%时,鲈鱼幼鱼生长迅速,且成活率高。  相似文献   

我地区目前海水工厂化养殖面积达200万m2,养殖企业600余户,每天产生大量养殖废水。由于工厂化养殖为流水养殖,养殖废水中含有大量残饵,如果不有效利用,不仅浪费资源增加养殖成本,而且残饵富集过多还易使水体富营养化,造成水质恶化。为了充分利用这一资源,  相似文献   

中草药对鲈鱼诱食活性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以鲈鱼为实验对象,采用迷宫装置研究中草药单体及中草药复合剂对鲈鱼Lateolabrax japonicus(Cuvier et Valencinnes)的诱食活性.结果表明,中草药单体的诱食效果比中草药复合剂诱食效果好.不同的中草药单体对鲈鱼的诱食效果差异明显,阿魏对其有显著的诱食作用,陈皮的诱食作用次之.同时发现鲈鱼对肉桂、白芷、山楂和大茴香有一定的趋避反应.不同的中草药复合试剂对鲈鱼的诱食效果差异较大,其中,中草药组合栀子 陈皮 阿魏对鲈鱼有显著的诱食作用,而中草药组合陈皮 栀子对其有显著的抑制作用.  相似文献   

在我国南方沿海的对虾养殖中,往往于放苗阶段遇到大雨而使养殖池水的比重发生急剧变化,从而影响虾苗放养后的存活率。因此,了解斑节对虾苗对海水比重突变的适应能力,在养殖生产上是十分必要的。为此,我们进行了不同大小斑节对虾苗对不同海水比重变化的适应性的研究,旨在为养殖生产提供参考依据。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

应用间接荧光抗体技术快速检测花鲈病原菌——鳗弧菌   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)弧菌病的病原菌-鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)W-1为抗原,制备兔抗血清;利用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的羊抗兔免疫球蛋白(FITC-IgG)为荧光标记二抗,并以罗丹明标记的牛血清白蛋白为背景染色,建立检测鳗弧菌的间接荧光抗体快速检测技术。应用该技术对人工感染后的花鲈组织(肌肉、鳃、肠、肾)样品和养殖水体样品进行了鳗弧菌检测,结果显示间接荧光抗体技术不仅可以用于诊断发病的感染花鲈,也可用于检测带菌状态或未发病的感染花鲈。  相似文献   

大批量注射花鲈疫苗方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张涛  王常玉  孟雪松 《水产科学》2007,26(9):512-514
研究了大批量注射疫苗中不同麻醉剂FA100的浓度、不同注射深度、不同注射部位和不同注射流程对体长(20.0±1.2)cm花鲈成活率的影响。试验结果表明,用麻醉剂与海水体积比为1∶2000的麻醉剂麻醉后,将鱼轻轻滑至容器壁腹腔注射,注射深度4 mm,成活率最高,可以避免鱼体表机械损伤,提高注射效率和成活率。利用此方法9 d共注射花鲈21万尾,成活率高达99.76%。  相似文献   

利用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术分析了网箱养殖花鲈()肠道细菌组成,同时分析了配合饲料和网箱中海水的细菌组成,以确定鱼类肠道细菌与环境之间的关系。花鲈投喂冰鲜鱼,日本黄姑鱼投喂配合饲料。从花鲈和日本黄姑鱼前肠、中肠、后肠、配合饲料和网箱内海水中共鉴定出886个细菌OTU(operational taxonomic unit),分别隶属8个门、40个属,其中从花鲈和日本黄姑鱼肠道中鉴定出的550个细菌OTUs分别隶属5个门、15个属。在门的水平上,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)在两种鱼类肠道中均占优势;在属的水平上,梭菌属()在日本黄姑鱼肠道中占优势。花鲈与日本黄姑鱼之间肠道细菌的相似性高于日本黄姑鱼肠道细菌与配合饲料中细菌的相似性,也高于花鲈或日本黄姑鱼肠道细菌与其养殖网箱内海水中细菌的相似性。日本黄姑鱼肠道与配合饲料中共有的细菌OTU数多于日本黄姑鱼肠道与网箱内海水中共有的细菌OTU数。综上所述得出结论:(1)花鲈和日本黄姑鱼肠道细菌群落分别独立于其养殖网箱内海水细菌群落,日本黄姑鱼肠道细菌群落独立于其配合饲料中的细菌群落;(2)日本黄姑鱼肠道细菌受配合饲料中细菌的影响大于受网箱内海水中细菌的影响。  相似文献   

Cohorts of perch larvae, hatched within 24 h, developed into a bimodal body size distribution as early as 6 days after commencement of external food uptake. At this development stage, intra-cohort cannibalism occurred among larval perch individuals of larval stage V (body size: 10.5±0.26 mm, 95% c. l.) on smaller siblings. In experimental trials the consumption rate (C: no. of prey/predator·hour) increased exponentially with size of predatory perch (L: mm) and at 21°C was expressed by the relationship log C=3.406·log L-3.848 (n=10, r2=0.98, P<0.001). For predatory perch in larval stage V, consumption rate was reduced when Daphnia pulex were added, while not in later stages. Perch larvae experimentally forced to live as true piscivores without additional food items developed from stage V to stage IX (15.8±1.34 mm) within the same time as those fed on Daphnia alone, but with increased mortality.  相似文献   

Using the approach of sequencing the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we have analysed the bacterial diversity associated with the distinct compartments of the gastrointestinal tract of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and cestodes (Proteocephalus sp.) parasitizing their digestive tract. The dominant microbiota associated with cestodes (Proteocephalus sp.) was represented by bacteria from the genera Serratia, Pseudomonas and Mycoplasma. By comparing the associated microbiota of perch and cestodes, a clear difference in bacterial composition and diversity was revealed between the community from the stomach content and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract of fish. Microbiota associated with cestodes was not significantly different in comparison with microbiota of different subcompartments of perch (mucosa and content of intestine and pyloric caeca) (ADONIS, p > .05) excluding microbiota of stomach content (ADONIS, p ≤ .05). PICRUSt-based functional assessments of the microbial communities of perch and cestodes indicated that they mainly linked in terms of metabolism and environmental information processing and could play an important role in the nutrition and health of host.  相似文献   

Abstract – Perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) can act as a piscivore from larval stage VI (body size 10.3 mm) on newly hatched larval roach ( Rutilus rutilus ), bream ( Abramis brama ) and smaller siblings of its own cohort. Consumption rates at this stage were approx. 0.5 prey/perch*h at 21°C. Larval perch predation was strongly gap-limited, and the maximum size of roach consumed by perch (perch length interval 10.3–62.0 mm) under experimental conditions followed the linear regression, Pprey-max.=0.478*LPred.+1.829 ( r 2=0.99, P <0.001, n =12). Under experimental conditions, predatory 0+ perch substantially affected the size distributions of 0+ roach prey cohorts, since smaller prey individuals were predated more frequently than larger ones. In both unimodal and bimodal size distributions of prey roach, the distributions changed according to the maximum prey size consumed by the added predatory perch. Unimodal prey distributions were positively skewed when piscivorous perch were added compared with controls without predators. According to the size distributions of lake-living 0+ roach and 0+ perch and the relative size difference between prey and predator, the vulnerability of 0+ roach cohort to 0+ perch predation changed from June to September. Prey vulnerability was extremely sensitive to the relative size difference between predator and prey. Therefore differences in hatching time and growth rates between the two species will strongly influence the potential for predator-prey interactions. Note  相似文献   

Infestations of the protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, cause the serious disease ichthyophthiriosis in freshwater fish throughout the world. Formalin is a recommended treatment for ichthyophthiriosis in the Australian fish silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell), but the disease is difficult to control in ponds, particularly at low water temperatures. Experiments were carried out to develop an improved treatment regime for formalin and to evaluate copper as a therapeutant. Silver perch fingerlings infested with I. multifiliis were stocked into 55 L aquaria at temperatures of 14.8–17.6 °C and alkalinities of 70–110 mg L?1. Formalin (34–38% formaldehyde) or copper (24.5% copper sulphate) were added to the aquaria and then monitored and readjusted to nominal concentrations daily. A concentration of 30 mg L?1 formalin controlled ichthyophthiriosis, but fish treated with 20 mg L?1 remained infested with theronts and trophonts on day 17; survival at both concentrations was 100%. A concentration of 10 mg L?1 formalin did not control ichthyophthiriosis and all fish were dead from the infestation by day 17. Fish treated with 0.1 or 0.2 mg L?1 copper were free of theronts and trophonts by days 17 and 14, respectively, and survival was 100%. Survival at 0.05 mg L?1 copper was 100%, but fish remained infested. At 0.25 mg L?1 copper, survival was 82.5% and there were no theronts or trophonts on gill and skin tissues of fingerlings by day 14. There was total mortality of fish treated with 0.5 or 1.0 mg L?1 copper suggesting these concentrations are toxic to silver perch. All fish in infested‐control treatments died. In earthen ponds containing silver perch, 0.2 mg L?1 copper was depleted to below 0.1 mg L?1 within 24 h, and concentrations of 25–38 mg L?1 formalin were depleted to below 15 mg L?1 within 48 h. Treatment regimes involving daily applications of formalin or copper controlled ichthyophthiriosis in silver perch in earthen ponds at costs of $US466.37 and $US65.58 hectare?1 day?1 respectively. This study has developed a new formalin‐treatment regime for the control of ichthyophthiriosis, and demonstrated that copper sulphate is a potential therapeutant for this serious disease of silver perch.  相似文献   

This work reports a mortality outbreak, occurred in 2015 and affecting juveniles of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) farmed in Italy. Perch rhabdovirus (PRV) was detected by viral isolation and biomolecular investigations. Phylogenetic analysis clustered our isolate into genogroup B, which also includes PRV isolates from Perca fluviatilis identified in France (2004–2009); diagnostic investigations also revealed opportunistic bacteria (Aeromonas hydrophila) and parasites (Chilodonella piscicola). Since, occasionally, PRV has been reported in the natural environment, which is often a source of eggs and broodstock for farms, it could be possible that both similar France and Italian isolate were imported from a same place elsewhere and have a common origin. Improving biosecurity measures (batch control) and disinfection of egg strings with an iodine‐based solution helps prevent apparent vertical transmission of PRV.  相似文献   

Abstract – Larvae and juveniles of perch Perca fluviatilis and bream Abramis brama of Lake Speldrop, a highly eutrophicated gravel-pit lake in the floodplain of the Lower Rhine, were used in laboratory experiments to study predation of perch on bream. In the first series of experiments (control), 0+ perch of 30 mm total length (TL) did not prey on 0+ roach of about 24 mm TL. The perch fed only on zooplankton, resulting in low growth rates of 0.17 mm  ·  day−1. In the second series of experiments, perch (30 mm TL) were combined with 0+ bream with an average TL of 14 and 19 mm at different ratios. As in the first series, even a nine-fold higher amount of zooplankton food had no significant influence on the growth rate of perch, regardless of the perch:bream ratio. At a perch: bream ratio of 7:1 and 4:4 all bream were eaten by the perch and restocked twice daily. At the end of the experiment, the TL of perch at a perch:bream ratio of 7:1 was significantly lower compared to a perch:bream ratio of 4:4 (mean growth rates at 7:1 of 0.16 mm  ·  day−1 and at 4:4 of 0.35 mm  ·  day−1). At the perch:bream ratio of 1:7, perch fed on bream in varying amounts, averaging between 3 and 12 bream per day and per individual. After 20 days, the final length of these fish was always significantly higher than the TL of perch at other perch:bream ratios and increased in correlation to number of bream eaten per day (mean growth rate 1.13 mm  ·  day−1). The results are discussed with respect to the piscivore-dominated fish community of the eutrophied Lake Speldrop. Note  相似文献   

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