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1 我国牛肉的生产和消费状况进入21世纪以来,我国的肉牛业起了较大的变化,我国的牛肉生产和消费有下列特点:1.1 牛肉产量年均增长率高于肉类总计年均增长率  1980~2000年世界肉类总产量年均增长率为2.20%,其中,牛肉和小牛肉产量年均增长率为1.15%。同期我国肉类总计年均增  相似文献   

<正>德国肉牛生产在畜牧业中具有重要的地位,肉牛生产的年产值达28.9亿欧元,占畜牧业总产值的比重是15.6%。不仅如此,近年来,德国牛肉消费比率持续上升,德国人均消费肉类89.6kg,其中牛肉和小牛肉消费量达27.5kg,牛肉消费量占总肉类消费量的30.7%。  相似文献   

牛肉是我国第二大肉类产品,2007年以来牛肉产量稳定在600万吨以上并保持增长,参与肉牛养殖的户企数量约1300万户,肉牛产业是保障肉类供给的重要产业。近年来,牛肉需求增加拉动了牛肉进口快速增长,我国从牛肉净出口国转变为净进口国。牛肉进口激增挤占了国产牛肉的市场空间,打压了国内牛肉价格,影响了肉牛产业的健康发展。因此,研究我国牛肉进口对产业的影响及肉牛业的健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

吉林省作为牛肉生产大省,近年来牛肉消费需求增长迅速。笔者通过对吉林省607位城乡居民的调查,从牛肉消费基本情况和影响消费者牛肉购买行为的因素两方面研究城乡居民牛肉消费行为的最新动态。结果表明:消费者在购买牛肉时比较注重质量、安全及价格等因素,且普遍认为牛肉价格偏高。在此基础上提出相关建议,以期更好地满足城乡居民牛肉的消费需求,促进肉牛产业持续稳定发展。  相似文献   

一、我国发展肉牛产业的前景很好 近年来,随着经济发展和肉食结构的调整,我国肉牛生产发展很快,牛肉增长速度超过猪肉.2004年牛肉产量为630.5万吨,占我国肉类总产量的9.09%.10年前的牛肉比例是7.89%,当时产量为415.5万吨.目前,粮食育肥的优质牛肉越来越多,群众越来越喜欢消费高档牛肉.牛肉价格越来越高,这无疑是行业发展的契机.随着城市人群要求减肥和收入增加,牛肉市场越来越好,这也是我国畜牧业的发展趋势.  相似文献   

为了调查乌鲁木齐市居民对生鲜牛肉的消费偏好,采用随机抽样方法对132名消费者进行问卷调查或访谈。结果表明,喜欢吃牛肉的人占84.09%,但每天消费牛肉的人仅占8.33%;50.00%的消费者喜欢无包装产品;多数消费者家庭月均牛肉消费量在3kg左右。根据以上调查结果,提出了扩大优质肉牛养殖规模,加强品牌建设,改进包装设计,优化牛肉分割,提高生鲜牛肉质量等建议。  相似文献   

世界牛肉消费趋势及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者利用世界牛肉生产和消费数据以及世界牛肉主要消费国的消费数据,分析了1990—2011年世界牛肉消费情况和变化趋势,以及影响牛肉消费的主要因素。结果表明,居民收入水平、相对价格水平、消费者的态度和偏好以及牛肉质量安全与品质是影响牛肉消费的主要因素。世界牛肉消费趋势给予我国较大启发,要通过发展中国特色的肉牛产业、建立适合中国国情的肉牛胴体分级制度、建立健全追溯制度和加强肉牛质量安全监管来促进我国肉牛产业持续稳定发展。  相似文献   

<正> 牛肉蛋白质含量高于其他肉类,是低脂肪、低胆固醇的理想肉食,在国际市场上牛肉一直供不应求。除牛肉外,皮毛及肠衣是轻工业的原料,也是出口创汇的重要产品,自2001年以来全国共有投资千万元以上的牛肉产品加工企业200多家。从近几年的发展情况看,全世界总体发展趋势是饲养数量稳中有升,肉牛产量增加幅度较大,一般为2.8%~10.0%,个体产肉量明显提高,平均每头存栏牛的产肉量已突破100千克。肉牛工业是中国食品工业体系中较大的产业,从生产到销售有一套完整的体系,肉牛业支撑许多其他相关行业,如动物保健品、饲料和人工授精等。一、进出口现状1.肉牛出口情况中国肉牛业发展最为迅速的地带是以黄淮海平原为中心的中原农区——中原肉牛带,其次是东北三省和内蒙古东部的东北肉牛带。2001年河南、山东、河北、安徽等四省的牛肉产量占全国总产量的47.2%,东北三省和内蒙古占20.0%。自20世纪80年代中国牛肉出口呈缓慢上升趋势,但90年代以来牛肉出口波动较大,1991年全国共出口牛肉13.2万吨,达历史最高峰,1992~1998年牛肉出口一直维持在2~5万吨之间。2001年牛肉出口3.8万吨,进口3.6万吨,  相似文献   

近年来。我国肉牛生产发展很快,牛肉产量增长速度超过猪肉。2004年牛肉产量676万t,占我国肉类总产量的9.33%,10年前为7.89%,当时产量415.5万t。目前,粮食育肥的优质牛肉越来越多,群众越来越喜欢消费高档牛肉,牛肉价格也越来越贵.这无疑是发展的契机。  相似文献   

我国牛肉消费及其对猪肉价格变化的反应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了近年来我国以及世界各肉牛主产国的牛肉消费情况。我国牛肉消费增长很快,但消费的绝对量及其在肉类中占比仍然较小;且我国牛肉消费呈现出鲜明的地区差异、城乡差异、群体差异和季节差异。猪肉是牛肉的替代品,本文系统地分析了牛肉和猪肉的替代关系。研究结果表明:由于消费绝对数量差距大等原因,目前我国牛肉价格不会因猪肉价格波动而大幅度波动,即使出现小幅度波动,主要是由季节等因素引起。最后针对我国牛肉消费状况,提出了加强牛肉营养知识宣传、引导并宣传牛肉食用方式、研发新的牛肉加工品等刺激牛肉消费的建议。  相似文献   

Beef traders’ and consumers’ perceptions on the development of a natural pasture-fed beef (NPB) brand by smallholder cattle producers were investigated. In total, 18 meat traders (five abattoirs and 13 beef retailers) and 155 beef consumers were interviewed using structured questionnaires. All meat traders had the potential but were not willing to support the development of a NPB brand citing smallholder farmers’ limited ability to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle. Consumers (81%) were prepared to purchase NPB upon availability on the market but were not willing (80%) to pay a brand premium. Logistic regression model results showed that consumers’ willingness to buy NPB and pay a premium were influenced (P < 0.05) by gender, household size, income source, meat preference, meat consumption frequency, money spent on beef, frequency of beef purchases and consumption. Overall, beef traders and consumers held positive impressions regarding the development of a NPB brand by smallholder cattle producers but were not willing to support its development. Positive impressions held by value chain partners on the development of a NPB brand provide a basis for advancing development of a NPB brand. Initial efforts should enhance farmers’ capacity to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle.  相似文献   

新疆褐牛是以新疆地方品种牛哈萨克牛为母本,经过多品种杂交,历经数十年选育形成的乳肉兼用牛品种。随着时代的不断发展和人民对于农产品的消费亲睐,综合考虑新疆肉牛优势产区的生态环境、生产条件和接受程度,确定了新疆褐牛的选育方向和技术路线。该文主要从新疆褐牛品种培育历程、选育方向确定和肉用类型群体选育技术与进展方面进行阐述,旨在推动品种改良和品种形成,为其他肉牛新品种选育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The maturation of the US beef and pork markets and increasing consumer demands for convenience, safety, and nutrition suggests that the beef and pork industries must focus on product development and promotion. New marketing arrangements are developing that help coordinate production with consumer demands. The relative high levels of incomes in the United States are likely to increase the demands for branded products rather than increase total per capita consumption. Foreign markets represent the greatest opportunity for increased demand for commodity beef and pork products. Increasing incomes in developing countries will likely allow consumers to increase consumption of animal-source proteins. Real prices of beef and pork have declined substantially because of sagging domestic demand and increasing farm-level production technologies. Increasing US beef and pork exports have obviated some of the price declines. Pork attained a net export position from a quantity perspective in 1995. The United States continues to be a net importer of beef on a quantity basis but is close to becoming a net exporter in terms of value. By-products continue to play a critical role in determining the red meat trade balance and producer prices. The United States, however, must continue to become cost, price, and quality competitive with other suppliers and must secure additional market access if it is to sustain recent trade trends. Several trade tensions remain in the red meat industry. For example, mandated COOL will undoubtedly have domestic and international effects on the beef and pork sectors. Domestically, uncertainty regarding consumer demand responses or quality perceptions regarding product origin, as well as added processor-retailer costs will be nontrivial. How these factors balance out in terms of benefits versus costs to the industry is uncertain. From an international perspective, some beef and pork export suppliers to the United States could view required labeling as a trade restriction, which could ultimately impact future US red meat exports. Conversely, some countries may view such labeling requirements as an opportunity to brand high-quality products. The US lamb meat industry has experienced declining real prices, domestic production, and demand. The cessation of wool incentive payments, increased environmental regulations, and competition by imports have significantly affected the industry. Import suppliers have capitalized on product quality in this niche market. Trade restrictions initially imposed in 1999 by the US Government were ruled illegal by the WTO. The US Government responded by providing financial assistance to lamb producers. Product quality improvements and promotion aimed at the domestic market, however, will be critical factors in shaping the economic viability of the US lamb meat industry.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,居民消费水平持续上升,我国的肉类消费结构正在逐渐升级,人们对牛肉的消费需求开始不断增加。然而,近年来国内牛肉的产量增幅不大,且供需缺口巨大,这为肉牛产业迎来了新的发展机遇。因此,中国肉牛企业应当瞄准市场需求,不仅能够弥补国内牛肉供应市场的短板,而且可为企业创造较高的经济效益。基于此,本文从肉牛产业链中的养殖业、食品加工业和牛肉消费市场3个层面对国内肉牛产业链现状和发展前景进行了分析,并结合企业自身的发展,探讨中国现代化、规模化、标准化的肉牛企业的发展方向。  相似文献   

An outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in Izmir, Turkey, between January and March 2004. The outbreak was caused by the consumption of raw meat balls made of beef deceptively mixed with pork infected with Trichinella britovi. A total of 1098 people who had consumed this food either in 14 restaurants or from the street vendors located in three different neighbourhoods, consulted six different healthcare centres with a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms. Of them, 418 (38.1%) patients fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of acute trichinellosis. The most commonly observed signs and symptoms were myalgia (89.2%), arthralgia (69.9%) and eyelid (67%) and facial oedema (65.8%). High levels of creatinine kinase (69.3%) and lactate dehydrogenase (93.8%) with leucocytosis (>10 000/mm(3), 58.9%) and eosinophilia (>1000/mm(3), 60.5%) were the most prominent laboratory findings. All, but 13 of these patients were treated with mebendazole or albendazole. Based on the physicians' assessments of disease severity, 78 (19%) patients were additionally given prednisolone in whom a significantly more rapid recovery of clinical signs and symptoms (e.g. fever, myalgia, facial and eyelid oedema) was observed, with a rapid improvement in leucocytosis, eosinophilia and muscle enzymes, compared with those, who had not received corticosteroids (P < 0.05). Beef illegally mixed with pork of unknown origin, by a wholesale butcher who had sold this product to restaurants and street vendors at a lower price than the prevailing market price of beef, was the cause of this large-scale outbreak in a country with a predominantly Muslim population.  相似文献   

近年来,牛肉消费量逐年上涨,高端牛肉产品走向人民生活。为提高牛肉质量和牛肉品质,超声波技术在牛肉加工中开始应用。本文通过对超声波在牛肉嫩化方面,结合化学嫩化方法联合处理分析总结,以期为超声波技术更好地在肉品生产加工上应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

肉牛业是我国农业供给侧结构性改革发展中的重点产业,也是改善居民膳食结构、促进农民增收、农业增效的重要产业。近年来,我国肉牛业发展总体趋稳,但供需不平衡,牛肉市场仍有较大的发展空间,肉牛种业正处于高速发展的新时期。推动肉牛种业高质量发展不仅关系着我国国民生活水平及我国经济实力,更标志着我国国际地位的提升。本文立足于我国肉牛种业现阶段的发展现状,对影响我国肉牛种业发展的主要制约因素进行详细剖析,提出了我国肉牛种业发展的创新构想与突破路径,有望引导我国肉牛种业进入快车道,加速迈向联合育种的新时期,打破种源+牛肉“双重垄断”,实现肉牛种业由自主到主导的跨越。  相似文献   

摘要:牛肉风味是评价牛肉的一项重要的品质和感官参数,它主要依赖于牛肉品的感官特性。牛肉风味是影响消费者对牛肉消费的重要因素。许多因素可以对牛肉的风味造成影响,例如:品种、年龄、性别、饲养管理、营养水平等因素,这些因素主要影响肌肉中的脂肪酸、氨基酸、维生素、脂肪含量等决定肉的味道和风味的前体物质。近年来,对肉质风味的研究得到关注。对于测定风味的研究也越发成熟,风味组学与代谢组学结合更加科学准确解析风味的形成。本文对影响牛肉风味因素相关研究进展进行综述,旨在为我国牛肉风味改善研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

稳定羊肉市场价格波动对羊肉有效供给与市场健康有序发展具有重要意义。为了分析影响我国羊肉市场价格波动的因素,文章构建了双对数线性回归模型分析我国羊肉市场价格波动影响因素及影响程度。研究结果表明,羊肉产量、肉羊养殖成本、牛肉市场价格、居民人均羊肉消费量及禁牧政策等对我国羊肉市场价格波动均产生重要影响,但影响程度各不相同。据此我们一方面要从生产端推进肉羊优势产区发展,优化肉羊产业布局,从而降低养殖成本,稳定羊肉市场供给;另一方面从消费端不断满足消费者日益增长的消费需求。  相似文献   

张海峰 《猪业科学》2020,37(10):120-124
文章通过问卷访问调查的方法,分析北京、上海以及广州消费者猪肉消费习惯以及对猪肉品质特征的考量。笔者分析发现,在生鲜猪肉的购买地点上,北上广消费者有着不同的消费习惯。北京消费者主要在超市购买猪肉,而广州消费者主要在农贸市场购买猪肉。在猪肉品质的考量上,北上广消费者均对猪肉卫生安全最为敏感,其次是猪肉的新鲜程度,最后是价格和口感。但各个城市对猪肉品质特征的偏好也有明显的差异。笔者发现,北京消费者更加偏好食品卫生安全,上海的消费者比较重视猪肉的口感,而广州消费者比较重视新鲜程度。此外北上广消费者在肉类食品消费结构上有显著的差异。北京消费者的猪肉和羊肉消费量相对较高,上海消费者牛肉消费量相对较高,而广州消费者鸡肉消费量相对较高。  相似文献   

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