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This study investigates the effect of different smolt production strategies on vertebral morphology (radiology), composition (mineral content) and mechanical strength (load-deformation testing) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Rapid-growing underyearling (0+) smolt were compared with slower-growing yearling (1+) smolt and a reference group of wild smolt (w). The underyearling and yearling smolt were transferred to seawater in October 2002 and May 2003, respectively. The underyearling smolt were reared under continuous light and the yearling smolt under natural light during the first twelve weeks in seawater, at ambient temperatures. Thus, the underyearling smolt hit seawater at 13 °C and were reared at 10-13 °C during the early seawater phase, whereas the yearling smolt hit seawater at 7 °C and were reared at 7-10 °C during the early seawater phase. All groups displayed increased longitudinal growth (up to 9% increase in relative length) of the caudal vertebrae during parr-smolt transformation. However, at transfer to seawater, the underyearling smolt had significantly lower vertebral mineral content (0+ 44%, 1+ 47%, w 50%) and higher incidence of deformed vertebrae (0+ 1.5%, 1+ 0%, w 0%), and at twelve weeks after transfer to seawater significantly lower vertebral mineral content (0+ 36%, 1+ 41%, w 43%), yield-load (0+ 6492 g, 1+ 8797 g, w 9150 g) and stiffness (0+ 7578 g/mm, 1+ 15,161 g/mm, w 20,523 g/mm), and significantly higher incidence of deformed vertebrae (0+ 2.5%, 1+ 0.3%, w 0%). There was a significant correlation between the mineral content and mechanical properties of the vertebrae. The underyearling smolt had significantly elevated plasma concentrations of total Ca, and P and Ca2+ during the parr-smolt transformation and in the early seawater phase.The results show that underyearling smolt may have an increased risk of developing vertebral deformities. It is possible that this risk can be reduced by postponing the start of the short-day treatment. This will reduce the temperature during smoltification, the temperature and daylength during the early seawater phase, and increase the age at smoltification.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of skeletal deformities in individually tagged Atlantic salmon (n = 805) from the parr stage (Sept 2001, 70 g mean ± 34 g S.D.) until 10 month after transfer to seawater (Feb 2003, 3040 g mean ± 1097 g S.D.). A subgroup of the total population (n = 129) was radiographed as parr (Feb 2002) and again 10 months after transfer to seawater (Feb 2003). Eight percent of the males matured sexually during their first autumn in sea (jack), and were excluded from further analysis. Based on an external examination of each fish (n = 773), 1.8% (n = 14) developed skeletal deformities (0.1% operculum deformities (n = 1), 0.4% jaw deformities (n = 3), 1.3% vertebral deformities (n = 10)) during the experiment. Based on evaluation of radiographs (n = 129), the prevalence of vertebral deformities was 7.0% (n = 9) at the parr stage, and 12.4% (n = 16) 10 months after transfer to seawater. From radiographs, longitudinally compressed vertebral bodies without intervertebral spaces were classified as ankylosis and compression, longitudinally compressed vertebral bodies with intervertebral spaces were classified as compressions, and dislocated vertebral bodies with a normal morphology and without intervertebral spaces were classified as ankylosis and dislocation. Of the fish that developed deformities during the experiment, 8 had ankylosis and compressions, 7 had compressions and 1 had ankylosis and dislocation. Ankylosis and compression developed in the region between vertebrae number 1 and 16, whereas compressions developed in the region between vertebrae number 13 and 49. Most of the individuals with compression 10 months after transfer to seawater had normal vertebral columns as parr, whereas all individuals with compression and ankylosis 10 months after transfer to seawater had deformed vertebral columns as parr.  相似文献   

Vertebral column malformations in Atlantic salmon occur under farming conditions and in wild specimens and are commonly diagnosed by X-ray. The literature uses varied terms to describe malformations, and often, different terms refer to similar phenomena or similar terms describe unrelated pathologies. A coherent classification of spine defects is lacking. This shortcoming complicates the comparison of studies, makes it difficult to link particular malformations to particular causes and hampers the assessment of the prevalence of spinal deformities.Expanding available systems to categorise skeletal malformations in different teleost species, we propose 20 types of salmon vertebral column malformations that are repetitively observed under farming conditions. As vertebral column deformities are usually diagnosed by X-ray, the classification of deformity types is based on radiological observations that have been obtained over the past 10 years from more than 5000 specimens. The proposed deformity types should be identifiable independent from the type (analogue, digital) and the quality of radiographs. We propose nine types of compression and fusion-related deformities, four types of abnormal radiotranslucent or radiopaque vertebral bodies, three types of spine curvatures, three types of symmetry deviations and displacement of vertebral bodies and one type of severe multiple malformations. Based on the suggested categories we discuss the relationships between types of vertebral body malformations. Several types of malformations involve the development of heterotopic cartilage, a pathology that is possibly linked to mechanical overload and accelerated growth. Refined categories for vertebral body malformations should help link particular types of malformations to particular causes. It should also help find out which deformities represent final stages and which deformities represent transitory stages.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal lipid absorption in Atlantic salmon was studied following force-feeding with a standard grower diet to which isotope-labelled free fatty acid (FFA) [1-14C]-decanoic acid (14C-10:0) and triacylglycerol (TAG) [9,10-3H(N)]-triolein (trioleic acid; 3H-18:1) were added. Following force-feeding, the 15 fish, with an average weight of 704 g, were kept in five circular tanks, three fish per tank, supplied with seawater (salinity, 32 g l−1). At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 48 h, the fish from one tank were killed, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract was removed and divided into six segments: stomach (ST), anterior, mid, and distal pyloric ceca (PCA, PCM, and PCD, respectively), mid intestine (MI), and distal intestine (DI). The levels of radioactivity (dpm [disintegrations per minute] μg−1 tissue) from the 14C-10:0 and the 3H-18:1 substrates were measured in tissue samples from each segment, allowing an estimation of the amounts of fatty acid substrates absorbed from the lumen into the intestinal cells. The highest levels of radioactivity from both fatty acid substrates were measured in tissue from pyloric ceca (PC) 12 to 18 h after force-feeding. The level of radioactivity from the 14C-10:0 substrate was significantly higher in the PCA than in the PCM and PCD, while there was no clear difference in the level of radioactivity from the 3H-18:1 substrate measured among the different PC tissue segments and the level measured in MI. The level of radioactivity in tissue from DI was negligible to low for both fatty acid substrates. Total lipid accumulation in tissue from PCM, MI and DI was quantified morphometrically at each sampling point using light microscopy and image analysis. These results confirmed the findings from the isotope study, where the highest levels of fat were present at 12 and 18 h following force-feeding. In conclusion, PC was the most important site for fatty acid absorption in the GI tract of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The potential of bacteriophage therapy to control bacterial disease in farmed fish was tested using, as an example, furunculosis of Atlantic salmon, caused by Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

In vivo testing with Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) showed no adverse effects, with bacteriophage generally cleared within 96 h of administration by either intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection or oral in-feed.

Juvenile Atlantic salmon were administered a combination of bacteriophage O, R and B (1.9 × 108 pfu fish− 1) by i.p. injection, after they had been challenged with A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 78027, also by i.p. injection. The fish that were injected with bacteriophage immediately after challenge died at a significantly slower rate then those that were either not treated with bacteriophage, or treated 24 h post-challenge. However, the end result (100% mortality) was not affected.

In further experiments the effects of oral (1.88 × 105 pfu g− 1 fish− 1 daily for 30 days), bath (1.04 × 105 ml− 1 daily for 30 days) and i.p. (6.25 × 107 pfu fish− 1) phage treatment to control furunculosis in experimentally infected Atlantic salmon were compared with antibiotherapy (treatment with 10 mg kg− 1 bw− 1 day− 1 oxolinic acid for 10 days), using an indirect cohabitation challenge. No protection was offered by any of the bacteriophage treatments, compared to the positive challenge group, although significant protection was offered by the oxolinic acid treatment. Analysis of samples taken from the trials demonstrated that bacteriophage were correctly administered to the fish and, on occasion, were isolated from fish that had succumbed to furunculosis. It was also shown that bacteriophage resistant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolates could be recovered from mortalities in all the treatment groups.

The results suggest that, although there were no safety problems associated with the approach, furunculosis in Atlantic salmon is not readily controllable by application of bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts (0.17–0.26 kg) were exposed to four different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure for 43 days in an open flow system: 0.6 mm Hg (control), 4.9 mm Hg (low), 12 mm Hg (medium), and 20 mm Hg (high). The water temperature was 15–16°C and the salinity 34‰. In the low carbon dioxide group (PCO2=4.9 mm Hg; 10.6 mg/l), no significant differences were found in blood parameters (haematocrit, plasma chloride and plasma sodium) or in growth parameters (weight, length and condition factor) when compared to the control group. After 43 days, the mean plasma chloride concentration for the medium group (PCO2=12 mm Hg; 26 mg/l) was significantly reduced, while weight and condition factor were slightly, although not significantly, lowered. For the high carbon dioxide group (PCO2=20 mm Hg; 44 mg/l) plasma sodium and plasma pH were significantly increased and plasma chloride, oxygen consumption, weight, length and condition factor were significantly reduced at the end of exposure. There was no mortality in the control group or in the low carbon dioxide group. The mortalities in the medium and high carbon dioxide groups were 1.1 and 4.3%, respectively. Nephrocalsinosis was not observed in any of the groups. The results of the present investigation indicate that the CO2 concentration of the low group may represent a safe level for Atlantic salmon postsmolts when the temperature is 15–16°C and the oxygen level is 6–7 mg/l. Further studies are required.  相似文献   

Samples of wild and domesticated salmon in Norway were genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci to compare allelic variability and investigate the potential of microsatellite markers for identification of individuals. The following loci were amplified: Ssa20, Ssa62NVH, Ssa71NVH, Ssa90NVH, Ssa103NVH, Ssa105NVH, SsaF43; Ssa20.19; Ssa13.37; SsOSL85; Ssa197; Ssa28. All domesticated strain samples displayed reduced variability compared to wild salmon. On average 58% of the allelic richness observed within the four wild stocks were present in the samples taken from domesticated strains. No systematic differences in heterozygosity were observed between samples representing the two groups.

Pairwise genetic distances, as estimated by Fst values and Nei [1978] was 2–8 times higher among domesticated strains than among wild strains. Among the wild stocks, the highest genetic distances were observed between the river Neiden, located in northern Norway, and the other wild stocks located in the southwest of Norway.

Assignment tests indicated that the wild and domesticated salmon could be distinguished with high precision. Less than 4% of domesticated salmon were misassigned as wild salmon, and less than 3% of wild fish were misassigned as domesticated salmon. Fish from individual domesticated strains were identified with similarly high precision. Assignment to wild salmon stocks was less accurate, with the exception of the sample taken from the river Neiden, for which 93% of the individuals were correctly assigned.  相似文献   

The role of high carbon dioxide (CO2) levels on fish performance, bone structure/composition and as a potential cause of spinal deformities was studied. Two groups of fish were exposed to a low (control) and a high level of CO2 for 135 days during the freshwater period. After smoltification, the fish were transferred to seawater and followed up for 517 days until they reached harvest weight (3.1 kg BW).Differences in body weight between the control and high CO2 groups were observed. At the end of the freshwater period, average weight in the group exposed to high CO2 levels was 20.9% lower than in the control group. Specific growth rates (SGR) from the start of the experiment (10 g BW) to smolt stage were 1.63 ± 0.04 and 1.36 ± 0.01 for the control group and the high CO2 group, respectively. Differences in body weight were maintained during the initial stages of the seawater period, but were not observed at harvest weight.Nephrocalcinosis was not observed in any of the experimental groups at the end of the freshwater period and no external signs of spinal deformities were observed either at smolt stage or at harvest weight. X-rays revealed mild abnormalities in some vertebrae bodies, which could not be related to any experimental group. Despite the lack of signs of pathological bone alterations, the histological examination suggested that the exposure to high CO2levels resulted in an increase in trabeculae volume and a higher rate of bone remodeling at the end of the freshwater period. Furthermore, fish exposed to a high CO2 level presented a higher bone ash content at the end of the freshwater period. These differences could not be observed at the end of the grow-out period.  相似文献   

The effect of phytase supplementation to a canola-meal-based diet on phosphorus utilisation in Atlantic salmon was studied in a two-by-two factorial design. Diets were prepared without phytase or inorganic phosphorus supplementation, with phytase, with supplemental inorganic phosphorus and with both phytase and supplemental inorganic phosphorus. Available phosphorus was set below requirement and the total phosphorus set to meet requirements for salmonids. After 12 weeks, there were no significant differences in survival, feed intake and weight gain between diets. There was an interaction effect between supplements on bone ash, bone phosphorus and whole-body phosphorus so that adding phytase, inorganic phosphorus, or both resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher values for these parameters. An interaction effect was also observed for phosphorus digestibility, phosphorus retention efficiency and phosphorus load. Phosphorus digestibility and retention efficiency were significantly (P<0.05) higher, and phosphorus load was significantly (P<0.05) lower in fish fed the phytase supplemented diet compared with diets containing supplemental inorganic phosphorus. In conclusion, phytase increased phosphorus availability, therefore reducing the need to add inorganic phosphorus and reducing phosphorus waste from plant-meal-based diets for Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes of the family Anisakidae occur in the visceral cavity and surrounding tissues of many marine fish species at a prevalence as high as 100% in wild salmon samples. Human consumption of fish products containing these parasites can result in the zoonotic disease anisakiasis, and Anisakis simplex is most commonly associated with human disease. Previous studies of farmed salmon have found no anisakids in viscera or muscle, presumably because formulated feed production renders parasite larvae nonviable. However, among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) examined by histopathology as part of a provincial government auditing program in British Columbia, Canada, 1 of 894 (0.11%) had an anisakid larva partly embedded in the wall of an intestinal cecum. Skeletal muscle is not examined as part of the government's program, but other studies have correlated anisakids in the viscera and muscle. Using anisakid prevalence in viscera as an estimate of its prevalence in muscle, the risk ratio of anisakid parasites in commercial product is 570 times less in farmed than in wild Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity between three farmed and four wild populations of Atlantic salmon from Ireland and Norway were analysed using 15 microsatellite markers. High levels of polymorphism were observed over all populations with the average number of alleles and average heterozygosity at 17.8 and 0.70, respectively. Farmed salmon showed less genetic variability than wild salmon in terms of allelic diversity but not necessarily in terms of overall heterozygosity. Between farmed populations significant differences were observed in expected heterozygosity suggesting that more intensive breeding practices may have resulted in a further erosion of genetic variability. Phylogenetic analysis using either populations or individuals as nodes show a clustering of populations into two groups, farmed and wild. This suggests that founder effects and subsequent selection have had more effect on the genetic differentiation between these strains than geographical separation. This technology has great potential for use in aquaculture situation where levels of genetic variation could be monitored and inbreeding controlled in a commercial breeding progra.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.) of wild (Namsen) and farmed (AquaGen) strains were transferred to full-strength seawater (33‰) for 0 (initial control group), 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 14, 30, 42 and 60 days at three different temperatures (4.3, 9.4 and 14.3 °C). Freshwater temperature in each tank was adjusted to test conditions 10 days prior to transfer. Physiological adaptation was monitored as changes in plasma growth hormone levels, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, plasma chloride levels and survival in seawater. Overall, smolts from the wild strain were better able to tolerate transfer to seawater than smolts from the hatchery strain. A delay in the osmotic disturbance and a prolonged period of osmotic stress were observed at the low temperature. Circulating GH levels increased transiently in all groups during the first 12–48 h in seawater and long-term GH levels were positively correlated with seawater temperature. Growth rates were influenced by temperature and strain, with the farmed smolts showing a higher growth than the wild smolts. Food Conversion Efficiency (FCE) was higher in smolts from the farmed strain, whereas no differences in daily food consumption were observed. Optimum temperature for FCE was calculated to be 10.5 °C, whereas the optimal temperature for growth in seawater was calculated to be 13.0 °C. We suggest that the observed differences in seawater tolerance, growth and food conversion probably are genetic and may reflect the fact that the hatchery fish have been bred for rapid growth for several generations.  相似文献   

In the search for alternative farming methods, we investigated whether large salmon submerged below 10 m in winter conditions behaved normally and performed as well as control fish held in standard surface cages. On average, 2345 salmon of ~ 3.5 kg were kept in each of six 2000 m3 sea-cages for 6 weeks; three of which were submerged to 10–24 m depth and three acted as surface controls (0–14 m). Behaviour during both day and night was studied with echo-sounders, and underwater video cameras fitted with infra-red lamps. A sub-sample of fish from each cage was weighed, measured and assessed for fin and snout condition prior to and after the experimental period. In addition, the vertebral column of 50 fish from the control and submerged treatments were dissected and X-rayed to assess vertebral deformities. The submerged salmon seemed unable to re-fill any gas into the swim bladder, as a linear decrease in echo reflection to < 5% of pre-submergence levels after 22 days of submergence indicated loss of almost all gas from the physostomous swim bladders and negatively buoyant fish. Around day 22, submerged salmon swam at night time with a distinct ‘tail-down, head-up’ tilt (26°) compared to the horizontal swimming position of control fish (− 3°). Average swimming speed (body length per second) of submerged salmon were 1.3–1.4 times faster (day: 0.77 ± 0.02; night: 0.46 ± 0.02, (mean ± SE)) than control fish (day: 0.54 ± 0.01; night: 0.37 ± 0.02) both during day and night. Almost no mortality was seen, and the submerged salmon maintained similar diurnal vertical migrations as the surface fish, indicating that deep submergence did not exhaust the fish. However, submerged fish fed less efficiently, resulting in lower growth and reduced feed utilization. Fins and snouts of the submerged fish had small, but significantly more erosion than the control fish. Vertebrae in the tail region were significantly compressed in the submerged fish compared to control fish. This could be an early symptom of development of vertebral deformities. The results suggest that continuous submergence below 10 m for longer than 2 weeks reduces the welfare and performance of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Seawater transferred under-yearling Atlantic salmon (120 g) were fed a practical fishmeal formulated diet containing 57.4% blue whiting fishmeal and providing 15 g kg− 1 total phosphorous (P) in the diet. The basal diet was supplemented with graded dietary levels of inorganic P (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 g kg− 1) to total P levels of 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 g kg− 1. Within a feeding period of 12 weeks, classical signs of P deficiency developed in Atlantic salmon fed the P un-supplemented diet containing 15 g kg− 1 total P of natural origin. Deficiency signs included reduced growth and feed efficiency, reduced tissue mineral concentration (P, Ca, Mg, Zn), increased P:Ca ratio in the body, increased condition factor, metabolic disorder as indicated by lipid accumulation and impaired protein utilization, as well as reduced lipid, energy and Zn digestibility. Supplementation of inorganic P-salts in the diet at 3 g kg− 1 (18 g kg− 1 total P) significantly improved the production results with respect to growth and feed efficiency, and restored all other signs of P deficiency in fish. A higher supplementation level of 6 g kg− 1 inorganic P (21 g kg− 1 total P) was required for optimal mineralization in whole body and vertebrae. The highest supplementation levels of 15 g kg− 1 added inorganic P (30 g kg− 1 total P) seemed to increase P excretion and to have slightly negative impacts on growth and bone mineralization. Results suggest that P availability from blue whiting fishmeal is very low (3.2 g kg− 1) and inadequate to meet dietary P requirement in rapidly growing under-yearling salmon immediately following seawater transfer, despite high natural P content in the blue whiting fishmeal.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess whether selection for increased growth rate in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is associated with increased feed intake and/or better feed utilization. Growth responses of offspring from selected and wild lines of Atlantic salmon (initial weight 814±14 g and 533±12 g, respectively) were tested in a 14-week experiment. Selected and wild salmon increased body weight by 79 and 39%, respectively, during the experiment. Relative feed intake (DFI), thermal growth coefficient (TGC) and feed efficiency ratio (FER) were significantly higher in the selected (DFI: 0.67% BW d−1, TGC: 2.96×10−3 and FER: 1.16), than in the wild, line (DFI: 0.48% BW d−1, TGC: 1.39×10−3 and FER: 0.93). FER was positively correlated with mean growth rate (r=0.90, n=6, P<0.05), and differences between the lines indicated a 4.6% increase in FER per generation of selection. Fish of the selected line had a significantly lower intake of protein and energy per kilogram gain, so the higher growth rate of the selected line was the result of both greater feed consumption and more efficient feed utilization for growth. This implies that selection for increased growth rate in Atlantic salmon may improve both of these traits.  相似文献   

Two field studies were carried out with farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) in sea cages to examine various effects of artificial light (AL) and the vertical distribution of salmon on lice infestation.

The use of AL light caused an overall increase in lice infestation in both experiments. The first study showed that salmon held at 0–4 m depth in cages developed higher infestation than salmon held at greater depths (4–8 and 8–12 m) under both natural light (NL) and AL. In the second study, salmon maintained in 14-m deep sea cages that were exposed to AL with different light intensities. The AL treatments resulted directly in different diel and seasonal patterns of vertical distribution of the salmon and also different temporal patterns in lice infestations. So indirectly the infestation pattern appeared to be correlated with median day-time swimming depth of the salmon.  相似文献   

The effects of graded levels of phytic acid on skeletal development and mineral deposition were investigated in an 80 day feeding trial with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr. The level of phytic acid had no significant effect on the phosphorus (P) content of either whole body or vertebral column of Atlantic salmon. Negative effects of high phytic acid levels were, however, found on whole body concentration of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and in the Ca:P ratio, and in the vertebral column concentration of zinc (Zn). A novel type of vertebral pathology was observed, hyper dense (HD) vertebrae. The HD vertebrae appeared denser on radiographic images, and they consisted of a denser trabecular network than the surrounding vertebrae. The number of fish with HD vertebrae increased from initially 16% to 45-60%, with a tendency of more fish with HD vertebrae with increasing dietary phytic acid content. The HD vertebrae are described and illustrated with radiographic images, whole mount staining, and histology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to non-invasively determine fat and pigment concentrations in salmon muscle based on visible and near infrared (VIS/NIR) spectroscopy measurements of live/whole fish and fillets, and by means of digital photography (DP) of fillets. The fish used were two populations of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) consisting of 46 salmon averaging 0.7 kg (range 0.17–1.7 kg, Group S) and 30 salmon averaging 2.3 kg (range 1.4–4.1 kg, Group L). Chemical analyses (fat and pigment content) and computerized tomography, CT (fat content) were used as reference methods. Group L was analysed in the live state (VIS/NIR), after gutting (VIS/NIR and CT), and as fillets (VIS/NIR and DP). Group S was analysed in the gutted state (VIS/NIR) and as fillets (VIS/NIR and DP). VIS spectroscopy predictions of pigment in whole salmon from Group S were obtained with a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.9 mg kg− 1 astaxanthin, and a correlation between VIS spectroscopy predicted and chemically measured pigment of r = 0.85 (p < 0.0001). The fat concentration was determined by the NIR spectroscopy in live fish with RMSEP = 1.0 fat% unit, and a correlation with chemical reference values of r = 0.94 (p < 0.0001). Fat predictions from NIR spectroscopy correlated also well with predictions from CT analyses, r = 0.95 (p < 0.0001). VIS spectroscopy and DP were equally well suited to determine pigment concentrations in salmon fillets, with prediction errors of only 0.4 mg kg− 1 astaxanthin, and a correlation with chemically determined pigment of r = 0.92 (p < 0.0001). The results obtained in the present study are the first to demonstrate successful non-invasive pigment predictions in whole salmon using VIS/NIR spectroscopy, and the possibility for simultaneous, rapid and non-destructive quantification of fat and pigment concentrations.  相似文献   

In five experiments, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr were found to grow better under conditions of rhythmically alternating water temperature (P<0.031), than control groups reared under stable temperature conditions. The daily temperature sums for the experimental and the control groups were carefully equalized and monitored in all five experiments. The experimental group was reared in a rhythmically alternating temperature regime, of 10.0 h of high temperature (16.0°C) and 10.0 h of low temperature (10.0°C), the temperature adjustments being made during the 2 h between the periods of fixed temperature. The control group were reared in a relatively stable temperature regime (13.00–13.98°C). The growth rate of the fish reared under the varying temperature conditions was higher (mean for all five experiments 1.96% day−1) than that for the salmon reared under stable conditions (1.85% day−1).  相似文献   

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