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Effect of cholecalciferol-enriched hen feed on egg quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eggs are one of the most important sources of vitamin D in the human diet, and their vitamin D content can be further increased by adding more vitamin D to hen feed. To investigate this issue more closely, we performed two feeding experiments. In both, zero egg samples were collected while the hens were fed regular feeds with a vitamin D content of 1720 or 4280 IU/kg. In experiment 1, egg samples were collected 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 23, and 30 days after beginning the high-cholecalciferol (11 200 IU/kg) feeding period. In experiment 2, samples were collected 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, and 168 days after beginning the high-cholecalciferol (12 000 IU/kg) diet. The egg samples were then assayed for their cholecalciferol content, and some samples, also for the presence of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol by an HPLC method. Further, the vitamin D-fortified eggs were compared with the controls by a sensory evaluation, by conducting fatty acid and functional analyses (emulsion capacity, gel forming capacity, foaming properties) and by measuring eggshell strength. Because vitamin D can be toxic in high doses, we also performed histopathological tests on the hens at the end of experiment 2. The top cholecalciferol contents in egg yolk (ca. 30 microg/100 g) were reached 8-13 days from starting the high-cholecalciferol diet. After 112 days feeding the cholecalciferol content gradually decreased to ca. 22 microg/100 g. When added to eggs as described above, vitamin D did not affect their sensory or functional properties or their fatty acid composition. Moreover, the cholecalciferol levels used in this study appeared not to affect eggshell strength or to be harmful for hens.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a withdrawal period for flunixin in milk by quantifying 5-hydroxyflunixin, the marker residue, in bovine milk as a function of time, following intravenous treatment of lactating dairy cows with flunixin-N-methyl glucamine (Banamine or Finadyne). Lactating dairy cows were dosed on three consecutive days at 2.2 mg of flunixin free acid/kg of body weight/day. Milk was collected twice daily and assayed using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) procedure. The method was validated at concentrations in the range 0.5-250 ppb. The concentrations for 5-hydroxyflunixin measured 12 h after the last administration of drug ranged from 1.56 to 40.6 ppb for all cows. Milk concentrations for 5-hydroxyflunixin were used to establish withdrawal periods of 36 h using guidelines established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration/Center for Veterinary Medicine and 24 h using guidelines established by the European Medicinal Evaluation Agency/Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) in four types of beef muscle (Biceps femoris, Infraspinatus, Longissimus thoracis, and Pectoralis profundus) was examined using histology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The surface and the length of the IMCT and the surface of the myofiber bundles were evaluated by image analysis. The texture of the cooked meat from these muscles was measured both instrumentally by a compression test and by sensory analysis. The relationship between muscle structure and meat texture was studied by general discriminant analysis. The models obtained could assign correctly up to 87% of the samples to two tenderness classes. Histology and MRI provided complementary information about the microscopic and macroscopic IMCT structures, respectively. Both were necessary to predict sensory tenderness whereas only the MRI measurements were necessary to predict instrumental toughness. Tough muscles had smaller MRI myofiber bundles (0.7-1 mm radius) than tender muscles.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantitative determination of diclazuril in poultry tissues and feed is presented. A simple clean up with an organic solvent was carried out. A reversed-phase C(18) column was used for the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to separate the analyte with a gradient of acetonitrile and water as mobile phase. The precursor ions produced by electrospray negative ionization were selected for collisional dissociation. Validation of the methods was performed based on Commission Decision 2002/657/EC (Off. J. Eur. Communities 2002, L221, 8-36). For the detection of diclazuril in poultry meat, the decision limit was found to be 0.5 microg/kg. An animal experiment was set up in which 70 chickens were held for 6 weeks. From day 22 until day 32, they were fed feed containing 730 microg/kg diclazuril. From day 33 until day 42, every day six chickens were slaughtered, and breast, thigh, and liver were analyzed. Average steady-state concentrations of 94, 135, and 722 microg/kg in breast, thigh, and liver were obtained, respectively. Nine days after withdrawal of the medicated feed, diclazuril was still present in the different sample types.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and exercise-induced stress are known to increase the oxidative susceptibility of lipids in muscle tissue. In contrast, antioxidative enzymes, e.g., catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase, are known to help sustain the delicate oxidative balance in biological tissue upon the application of stressors. The present study investigates the combined effect of different diet-induced muscle PUFA contents and preslaughter stress on the activity of antioxidative muscle enzymes and the oxidative stability of cooked meat. An increased content of unsaturated fatty acids in the tissue led to a decreased activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the plasma, indicating increased cell integrity. Catalase activity in the muscle tissue increased with increasing PUFA levels. However, this upregulation in antioxidative status of the muscle could not counteract the subsequent development of accelerated lipid oxidation in cooked meat as measured in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Moreover, preslaughter stress induced increasing oxidative changes with elevated PUFA levels in the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

牛肉图像中背长肌区域的分割和大理石纹提取是利用计算机视觉评定牛肉胴体等级的重要步骤.研究了利用数学形态学的方法来分割牛肉眼肌切面图像中背长肌区域并将大理石纹提取出来的技术.眼肌切面图像经过去除背景并进行肌肉和脂肪像素识别等预处理后,再用形态学腐蚀与膨胀相结合获得背长肌区域图像,通过图像逻辑运算提取大理石纹.结果表明,这种方法能有效地把背长肌区域与其周围肌肉组织分离开来并提取大理石纹.  相似文献   


Consideration of the harvest method and protein content of corn grain and forage may be important variables for estimating Economic Optimum Nitrogen (N) (EON) rates for corn. Corn grain yield, forage yield, grain protein and forage protein data from twenty five N response experiments conducted in Pennsylvania were analyzed to determine the effect of harvest method and a price adjustment based on grain and forage protein content on the EON rate. The value of the protein in this study was assumed to be that of substituting soybean meal in the ration for growing beef cattle or dairy cattle. There was no difference in the EON for corn harvested for grain compared to corn harvested for forage when the protein content was not considered. When price adjustments were made for the protein content of the grain and forage, the EON rates increased 10 kg/ha for grain and 22 kg/ha for forage. With the protein price adjustments, the EON was 14 kg/ha higher for forage than grain. These results support the recommendation for higher N rates for corn harvested for forage, where the protein value of the forage is considered, compared to corn harvested for grain. In situations where the amino acid composition of the grain is important, such as for poultry or swine, or where urea or anhydrous ammonia can be substituted in the ration for protein, it is unlikely that a higher EON level would result when protein content or quality is considered.  相似文献   

牦牛肉宰后成熟嫩度预测模型与验证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
牛肉宰后初始阶段的生理生化指标变化,会对宰后成熟期间牦牛肉嫩度品质的形成产生影响,该研究有助于牦牛肉成熟及嫩度改善理论的完善。为了明确宰后生理生化指标的变化对牦牛肉嫩度形成的影响,该研究选取18头公牦牛,宰后取背最长肌,在4℃条件下储藏成熟,测定pH值、糖原含量、依钙蛋白酶活力(calpain activity,CA)、肌原纤维小片化指数(myofibrillar fragmentation index,MFI)、肌节长度、肌纤维直径和剪切力,并通过动力学分析确定部分指标的变化幅度和速度参数。然后采用"刀切法",筛选出4个变量作为预测因子:依钙蛋白酶活力下降速率(RCA)、pH值下降幅度(EpH)、pH值下降速率(RpH)、糖原下降速率(RGlu),并通过线性回归构建宰后6 d剪切力的预测模型,所得预测方程拟合度R2=0.703。经过验证,预测方程可给出与真实值相差极小的预测值。通过预测模型,可以根据牦牛宰后3 d内生理生化指标的变化,对宰后6 d牦牛肉的剪切力实现有效预测。  相似文献   

以杜长大三元杂交猪为对象, 研究了饲喂沼渣源配合饲料对猪胴体品质、肉质性状及营养成分的影响.结果表明, 饲料添加不同量的沼渣对猪屠宰率和胴体长无显著影响(P>0.05), 但显著降低了瘦肉率、后腿比例和眼肌面积(P<0.05), 显著提高了背膘厚.饲料添加沼渣显著降低了肌肉颜色和熟肉率, 显著提高了滴水损失和剪切力值, 且添加量越多效果越明显;同时, 添加沼渣对肌肉失水率、pH无显著影响, 但大理石纹评分对照组和沼渣组差异显著.对猪肉营养成分测定结果表明, 添加沼渣显著降低猪肉粗蛋白质、粗脂肪和水分含量, 而对粗灰分含量无显著影响.因此, 猪日粮中添加沼渣降低了胴体品质、肉质性状以及营养价值, 如果将其应用到生产中, 需要解决胴体品质、肉质和营养价值下降的问题.  相似文献   

为探明高压和氯化钙(CaCl2)注射结合处理对僵直后期牛肉嫩度的影响,首先分别对CaCl2浓度、高压强度及保压时间对宰后36?h的牛背最长肌嫩度的影响进行分析,在3个单因素试验的基础上,采用Box-Behnken响应曲面中心组合设计法,对高压和CaCl2结合处理嫩化牛肉的工艺参数进行优化,并通过透射电镜对肌纤维的超微结构进行分析。结果表明:以CaCl2浓度、高压强度和保压时间为自变量,剪切力值为响应值,得到的二次多项式回归模型拟合度高(决定系数R2=0.9742);高压强度、保压时间、CaCl2浓度、高压强度和保压时间的交互作用对牛肉嫩化效果极显著(P<0.01),高压强度和CaCl2浓度的交互作用对牛肉嫩化效果显著(P<0.05)。高压和CaCl2结合处理嫩化牛肉最佳工艺为:高压强度241?MPa,CaCl2浓度0.24?mol/L(样品质量5%的注射量),保压时间14?min。应用此工艺嫩化牛肉,和对照相比牛背最长肌剪切力值下降了52.98%,肌纤维间隙增大,肌节完整性遭受破坏,牛肉嫩度明显改善。  相似文献   

为明确整地时期对水田土壤的理化性质以及水稻产量的影响,在盐化草甸土型水稻土上开展了水田连续春、秋整地对土壤和水稻产量影响大区对比试验研究。结果表明:秋季整地可降低土壤含水量和容重,0~10 cm土层土壤含水量下降10.07%,容重下降0.02 g·cm~(-3);秋季整地可以提高土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量,3次连续调查结果是土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量秋整地比春整地分别提高29.30%、43.77%和24.06%,秋整地土壤淹水培养后铵态氮含量比春整地高7.94 mg·kg~(-1),秋整地土壤中交换性钠离子比春整地下降11.16%~129.72%,pH值下降0.10~0.36;秋整地可以提高水稻根系活力,促进籽粒养分吸收,与春整地相比,籽粒氮、磷、钾积累量分别提高4.51、2.49和1.03 kg·hm~(-2),水稻产量第1年增产1.03%,第2年增产22.61%,差异极显著,两年平均增产11.82%。综上所述,秋整地的盐化草甸土区稻田,无论是水稻产量还是土壤理化性质方面,均较春整地好。  相似文献   

超高压处理对绵羊肉嫩化机理的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
实验研究了超高压处理条件下绵羊肌肉感官特性、显微结构、钙激活酶(Calpains)粗酶活性和剪切力值的变化,并探讨了超高压处理对绵羊肌肉的嫩化机理。超高压处理后绵羊肌肉的感官特性发生变化,随处理压力升高,绵羊肌肉颜色变淡,出现轻微的类似蒸煮的成熟风味。在压力为400 MPa,保压时间为10 min的处理条件下,绵羊肌肉显微组织结构变化明显:肌节收缩,肌原纤维的Z线断裂,M线降解,I带变白。当压力水平在100~400 MPa范围变动时,随压力升高,Calpains粗酶活性显著下降(P<0.01);当压力达到400 MPa时,Calpains粗酶活性几乎失活。超高压处理后绵羊肉的剪切力值显著下降(P<0.05)。实验结果表明,超高压处理促进了绵羊肉的嫩化。  相似文献   

According to a new European Union regulation, vitamin D(3) can be partially or totally substituted with 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25-OH-D(3)) in hens' feed. The purpose of this study was to clarify how this regulation has affected the vitamin D content of commercial eggs and chicken meat. Another aim was to investigate how effectively 25-OH-D(3) is transferred from the hens' diet to egg yolk by analyzing eggs from farms using known commercial feeds and by conducting an animal study. Vitamin D determinations were made by HPLC methods. The vitamin D(3) contents of two commercial egg yolk pools were 4.9 ± 0.14 and 4.0 ± 0.10 μg/100 g, and the 25-OH-D(3) contents were 1.3 ± 0.19 and 1.0 ± 0.07 μg/100 g. The chicken meat pools contained 0.2-0.3 μg of vitamin D(3)/100 g, whereas the content of 25-OH-D(3) was ≤0.2 μg/100 g. These results are comparable to earlier data. The animal and farm studies showed that 25-OH-D(3) was effectively transferred from the hens' diet to yolk. However, because the relative activity between 25-OH-D(3) and vitamin D(3) is unknown, it remains questionable whether the use of 25-OH-D(3) in hens' feed is beneficial to human vitamin D intake from eggs.  相似文献   

为了实现对牛肉嫩度品质的快速无损检测和评价。该文选取60头牛的眼肌部位作为试验样本,经在75~80℃的水浴中加热并煮至肉的内部温度达到70℃后取出,冷却至室温(20℃)。利用质构仪测得牛肉黏力、黏性、弹力、弹性长度、内聚性、弹性、胶着性和咀嚼性等质构特性参数,并分析各参数与牛肉嫩度等级之间的相关性,黏力和黏性与牛肉嫩度的相关性较低,相关系数为0.246和0.096;弹力、弹性长度、内聚性、弹性、胶着性和咀嚼性与牛肉嫩度相关性较大,且成负相关,说明上述流变学参数值会随着牛肉嫩度等级的增大而下降,相关系数为-0.92、-0.939、-0.771、-0.776、-0.815、-0.882。结合感官评定法构建BP网络模型、RBF网络模型和自组织竞争神经网络模型,用其预测牛肉嫩度等级,3种模型训练误差均为1×10-6。另选取20头牛的背最长肌中间部位作为测试样本,对3种网络模型进行比较分析。研究结果证明,自组织竞争神经网络预测模型较为准确,预测牛肉嫩度等级的准确率达到90%,说明此方法能够准确地对牛肉嫩度等级进行评定,研究结果为未来牛肉嫩度评定方法提供参考。  相似文献   

Zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Green Magic) plants were grown hydroponically with nitrate (NO3):ammonium (NH4) ratio of 3:1 until the onset of flowering when the plants were assigned to four NO3:NH4 ratio (1:0, 1:1, 1:3, or 3:1) treatments. Changing the original nitrogen (N) form ratio significantly affected plant growth, fruit yield, nutrient element, and water uptake. Growth of plants was better when NO3‐N (1:0) was the sole form of N than when NH4‐N was part of the N treatment. Fruit yields for plants fertilized with 1:0 or 1:3 N‐form ratio were double those of plants grown continuously with 3:1 N ratio. The largest leaf area and plant water use were obtained with 1:0 N ratio treatment Total uptake of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) decreased with increasing NH4‐N proportion in the nutrient solution which suggest NH4‐N was competing with these cations for uptake. The results also demonstrated that growers may increase fruit yield by using a predominantly NO3‐N source fertilizer through the vegetative growth stage and by shifting the NO3:NH4 ratio during the reproductive phase.  相似文献   

An in vivo experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of sodium selenite, sepiolite, and bentonite on inorganic mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) bioaccumulation. For this purpose 160 chickens were fed under different controlled conditions. Chickens were exposed to Hg(II) and MeHg added to feed with or without selenium or clays supplementation. No significant differences were observed in the voluntary intake and feed/gain conversion rates. The target organs of Hg(II) and MeHg in chickens were the liver and kidney, respectively, but the greatest body store was the muscle in both cases. A higher bioaccumulation for MeHg than for Hg(II) was observed. The results showed that addition of sodium selenite, sepiolite, or bentonite induced a decrease of up to 60-100% in the inorganic mercury bioabsorption. Bentonite addition to a MeHg-containing diet also caused a decrease in organic mercury bioaccumulation (29-67%). On the other hand, inorganic selenium and sepiolite did not decrease MeHg accumulation.  相似文献   

饲料分析及营养价值评定实验技术课程.作为我校动物营养学和饲料学实验课独立开设的教改项目,实施几年来,取得了显著的成效。本文叙述了该课程教改的目的意义、思路、内容、具体实施过程及效果;分析了尚存的困难和问题;提出了进一步深化改革和完善该课程教学的措施和设想。  相似文献   

智能饲喂器对哺乳母猪采食量体况和生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为探究不同饲喂方式对哺乳母猪采食量、体况和生产性能的影响,满足哺乳母猪获得最大采食量并达到精准饲喂控制等需求,该文以哺乳母猪为试验对象,比较不同饲喂方式对哺乳母猪采食量、体况和生产性能的影响。试验共选用40只1胎母猪,随机分为3组:试验1组采用智能饲喂器饲喂(6次/d)、试验2组采用人工饲喂(6次/d)、对照组采用人工饲喂(3次/d)。结果表明,在试验环境条件下,哺乳8~21 d、人工饲喂3次/d的采食量(6.46 kg)显著高于智能饲喂6次/d(5.22 kg)(P0.05),2种饲喂方式在母猪的体质量变化、背膘变化、总产仔数、断奶后发情天数、仔猪日增体质量和用水量方面均无显著性差异(P0.05);哺乳母猪在采食过多时可能引起厌食进而降低后期的采食量,应按照饲喂参数逐步增加饲喂量饲喂;在现有设备投资和工资水平下,智能饲喂器正常使用4.5 a可取代1名优秀饲养员。研究结果可为今后智能化饲喂替代有经验人工饲喂、根据饲养条件选择饲喂方式提供参考。  相似文献   

该研究旨在探究豆粕、棉粕、菜粕、酒糟蛋白(Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles,DDGS)、乙醇梭菌蛋白5种蛋白原料及其混合粉料的营养指标和理化性质的差异,确定影响颗粒饲料质量和制粒能耗的关键指标,对5种蛋白原料的制粒效果进行综合评价.以豆粕为对照组,仅改变蛋白原料,采用相同的加工...  相似文献   

加热温度和时间对牛肉嫩度影响的主成分分析评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究加热温度及时间对不同部位牛肉嫩度的影响,该研究以夏南牛肩肉、外脊和米龙3个部位肉为例,分别代表牛胴体前、中、后躯部位肉,提出了一种基于主成分分析的高熟度牛肉嫩度综合评价方法。利用剪切力测定法和质构剖面分析测定了6头夏南牛3个部位(肩肉、外脊、米龙)4个加热温度(70、80、90、100℃)6个保温时间(0、30、60、90、120、180 min)的剪切力值和质构指标,对不同加热处理牛肉的蒸煮损失、剪切力值、硬度、黏附性、弹性、内聚性、胶着性、咀嚼性和回复性等9个指标进行主成分分析,从中提取了3个主成分,方差贡献率分别为56.53%、24.43%、8.62%,分别代表牛肉的咀嚼特性、抗压特性和剪切特性,累积方差贡献率达89.58%,并建立了综合评价模型。试验结果表明,在高熟度牛肉的评价过程中,以剪切力值作为主要载荷的第3主成分在肉品嫩度综合评价中仅占很小的比例,并不能代表肉品嫩度的全部信息,因此不能把剪切力值作为高熟度牛肉嫩度评价的主要指标,在评价过程中应综合考虑与内聚性、胶着性、咀嚼性和回复性等与肉品质地相关的指标进行分析评价;加热温度和时间对牛肉嫩度综合得分影响较大,当肉块中心温度小于80℃时,随着加热时间的延长,牛肉嫩度综合得分整体变化比较平稳;而当肉块中心温度高于80℃时,随着加热时间的延长,牛肉嫩度品质综合得分整体呈下降趋势,且中心温度越高,加热时间越长,得分值越低。运用主成分分析减少了牛肉嫩度品质的评价指标,简化评价流程,为高熟度牛肉嫩度评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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