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Addressing the multiple dimensions of gender inequality requires commitments by policy‐makers, practitioners and scholars to transformative practices. One challenge is to assemble a coherent conceptual framework from diverse knowledges and experiences. In this paper, we present a framework that emerged from our involvement in changing market culture in the Pacific, which we name a radical empowerment of women approach. We draw on detailed narratives from women market vendors and women‐led new initiatives in marketplaces to explain this approach. We argue that the primary focus of recently developed projects for marketplaces in the Pacific is technical and infrastructural, which is insufficient for addressing gendered political and economic causes of poor market management and oppressive conditions for women vendors. By exploring the complex array of motives and effects of the desire to transform or improve marketplaces in the Pacific, we caution against simplistic technical or infrastructural solutions. This paper also introduces the practice of working as a cooperative, hybrid research collaboration. The knowledges and analyses that we bring to this issue demonstrate that substantive analysis generated from diverse and shifting ‘locations’ and roles, but underpinned by a shared vision of, and commitment to, gender justice, can provide distinctive policy and research insights.  相似文献   

为揭示社区花园健康效益作用机制与影响因素,促进人群健康,激发城市活力,笔者借助中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Sience(WoS)文献数据库分析2000—2021年国内外社区花园健康效益相关研究。结果表明:(1)2000—2021年国内外研究呈显著增长趋势,国外研究多以食品健康发展研究为导向,更加关注人居环境与健康的定量和实证研究;国内研究则多以实际应用为导向,开展以规划设计和园艺活动等方面为主的场所营造。(2)社区花园健康效益作用机制及影响因素是目前国内外研究的重点,作用机制侧重于缓解精神压力、增强生理效益及增进社会交往等方面,影响因素以社区花园营建特征、生物多样性、植被类型以及管理维护为主。(3)多学科交叉生态治理、绿色发展构建低碳健康人居环境是未来热点研究领域。  相似文献   

The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) is promoted as a useful way to centre development on the needs of those who are most vulnerable, but is critiqued for inflexibility and ignoring important power relations. In light of the rigidities in using a formulaic SLA, this conceptual paper suggests a practical suite of tools that are in use in livelihoods research and development practice, and refocuses them to include adaptive strategies of vulnerable peoples to resource management pressures. The Pentagon Prison of five capitals can overwhelm both the researcher and researched and while possibly useful in identifying livelihoods gaps, misses all‐encompassing power relations, and reduces complexities to quantitative units. In arguing for a shift from the Pentagon Prison of SLA towards a flexible livelihoods trajectory approach, in particular for a research project on livelihood adaptations in Lao PDR, I identify a feasible research and development approach that more meaningfully reflects the lives of those participating in that research. I propose that the livelihood trajectories approach opens up the way data are gathered and can lead to holistic understandings of the complex realities of peoples' adaptive strategies, incorporating strategies from short to long term, and proactive, reactive and inactive techniques.  相似文献   

Talanoa has been defined as ‘talking about nothing in particular’, ‘chat’ or ‘gossip’. It is within the cultural milieu of talanoa that knowledge and emotions are shared and new knowledge is generated. Talanoa has recently been taken up by development researchers and others as a culturally appropriate research method in Pacific contexts. However, talanoa is often treated as synonymous with ‘informal open‐ended interviews’ and tends to gloss over the deep empathic understanding required in such exchanges. Highlighting the connection between talanoa and empathy is vital in ensuring that development practitioners and researchers are implicitly aware of the political dimensions, cultural appropriacy and socio‐ecological impact of their research methods. This connection is also critical in illuminating how talanoa as a method may decolonise research in the Pacific, inform the decolonisation of research in other cultural contexts, and contribute to ethical and empowering development policy and practice. We will argue for the merits of what we refer to here as ‘empathic apprenticeship’: an intentional, embodied, emotional, and intersubjective methodology and process between the researcher and the participant. An empathic apprenticeship has the potential to enhance shared understandings between all human beings and is essential if talanoa is intended as a decolonising research methodology.  相似文献   

Abstract: Forest resource management in Thailand bears the mark of its historical position on the margins of colonial power and its present position in a biodiversity hotspot. During the colonial era, British forestry in Burma and India had a fundamental influence on the knowledge and techniques used in Thai forest management. More recently, international conservation agendas and organisations have influenced the ways in which the Thai government regulates the forest within its boundaries. The treatment of forests as a national and international resource, defined in interaction with colonial neighbours and global partners, has resulted in legal constructs, spatially simplistic conservation mechanisms and a conception of nature ill‐suited to managing forests as a local resource. This paper investigates the manifestation of Thailand's historical legacy in local park‐people conflicts by drawing on research conducted in a region where the government is establishing a national park. It finds that the continued use of laws, tools and concepts derived from colonial and global influences undermines the forestry department's ability to address the contemporary challenge of managing forests as a local, as well as a national/global, commons.  相似文献   

论中国农业植物品种的知识产权保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为完善中国植物品种保护法律制度,对中国农业植物品种保护状况进行评析,通过文献研究方法对比分析了UPOV两个文本的区别,阐述了中国植物品种保护立法方面不宜过早采用1991文本,并应在品种权的国际保护方面加强与发展中国家合作,争取更大程度地维护本国利益。在品种权保护制度的实施方面,重点分析了目前该项制度还受到中国科研体制的制约,应推广种子公司办科研和种子公司与育种单位协作的科研体制改革模式。在品种侵权案件司法审判实践方面,分析了证据保全、品种权保护范围界定、司法鉴定和责任承担等4个方面的问题,指出其进一步研究的必要性。在具体解决问题方法方面,应更多地由技术专家参与,以司法解释的形式加以规范。文章还重点讨论了植物品种保护与“农民权利”的问题,即如何在维护品种权人和农民利益之间确立平衡。结合相关的国际条约,指出中国的法律制度应在保护农民公平分享植物基因资源的利益等方面进一步加强研究。  相似文献   

This research reports on empirical findings of remote Pitcairn Island, the last remaining British Overseas Territory in the Pacific. It uses a qualitative methodology to discuss the island's potential for tourism development while recognising the issues and challenges faced by many small island developing states. However, as a sub‐national island jurisdiction Pitcairn presents a number of issues unique to its temporal socio‐political development and its centre periphery relationship with the metropole. The concept ‘decolonising without disengaging’ is posited to argue sub‐national island jurisdictions are places/spaces of innovative, creative and differentiated development processes that offer interesting departures from the conventional realms of sustainable discourse and island development. This concept is posited as a strategy of empowerment whereby autonomy without sovereignty does not necessarily hinder the development of tourism industries.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外关于森林认证与林产品贸易发展的主要研究领域和研究方向,总结了有关研究的主要方法和基本结论。综述围绕以下几个问题进行:不同国家和地区森林认证的研究动态;森林认证体系建设及其发展趋势的研究;中国森林认证标准体系建设的研究;森林认证与林产品贸易发展的关系研究。认为发达国家有关森林认证对林产品贸易持续发展的实践经验对促进中国林产品贸易发展能力的提升具有重要的借鉴价值,有必要就中国林业发展的现实出发展开林业企业实施森林认证的动力机制研究。  相似文献   

荒漠化地区生态经济林效益研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了促进生态经济林在中国荒漠化地区发展,使其产生良好的生态效益和经济效益,笔者综述了国内外近30年生态经济林的研究成果。研究发现,生态经济林不仅在治理沙漠、保持水土、改善土壤、恢复生态诸方面能取得巨大的生态效益,而且可带来良好的经济收入,获得生态、经济双赢利,是中国恢复生态环境的有效途径。但是,关于生态经济林研究内容还不够广泛,理论研究也比较肤浅,示范推广相对缓慢。今后应开展广泛的研究工作,促进科研成果尽快转化,使生态经济林为改善环境,增收创汇,造福人类发挥应有的作用。笔者通过分析荒漠化地区的环境特点以及生态经济林在荒漠化地区的效应和作用,提出了在荒漠化地区建设生态经济林应关注的问题,旨在为荒漠化地区生态环境建设提供参考。  相似文献   

我国森林公园在发展过程中存在着资源保护与旅游开发的矛盾,旅游产品单一化与游客需求多样化的矛盾,而游憩机会谱系在国外已被证明能够很好的解决上述问题。本文借鉴美国林务局的游憩机会谱系的研究成果,结合我国的政策标准、管理现状、研究成果,建立本土化的森林公园游憩机会谱系:将森林公园分为原野、自然、乡村和城市四个等级,并用可达性、风景资源质量、地点管理、游客管理、与社会的联系水平、游客冲击六个指标明确四个等级的区别。  相似文献   

China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) exposes its state‐owned maritime, aviation and telecommunications operators to unprecedented competition. This development raises a series of critical issues about China’s transition from a state‐planned regime towards a real market economy. How will China’s leading state‐owned firms in deep‐sea container shipping, air passenger transport and telecommunications respond to the dilemma posed by the World Trade Organisation and to what extent has Hong Kong been involved in China’s transport and communications restructuring process? These broad issues are addressed by examining progress on the Chinese Government’s post‐1993 plans to restructure each of the key state enterprises in sea‐land transport, air transport and telecommunications. Specifically we are concerned with the degree to which China’s national champions in these transport and communications arenas have been remade into global players. Particular attention is paid to the role of Hong Kong in this transformation since its return to China in 1997. Our studies show that China has transformed its national champions into a global players in container shipping. The process may be beginning to happen in air transport but has yet to get underway in telecommunications.  相似文献   

Viewing the Salween River as a transboundary commons, this paper illustrates how diverse state and non‐state actors and institutions in hybrid and multi‐scaled networks have influenced water governance in general, and large dam decision‐making processes in particular. Putting power relations at the centre of this analysis and drawing on the conceptual lenses of hybrid governance and critical institutionalism, we show the complexity of the fragmented processes through which decisions have been arrived at, and their implications. In the context of highly asymmetrical power relations throughout the basin, and the absence of an intergovernmental agreement to date, we argue that hybrid networks of state and non‐state actors could be strategically engaged to connect parallel and fragmented decision‐making landscapes with a goal of inclusively institutionalising the transboundary commons and maintaining connected local commons throughout the basin, foregrounding a concern for ecological and social justice.  相似文献   

北京延庆森林资源现状及可持续发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用延庆县1998—2002年森林资源二类调查资料,系统分析了延庆县森林资源和生态环境现状和存在的问题。结果表明,防护林面积和蓄积量分别为47.13%、89.41%,用材林仅为0.40%、0.29%,林种组成不合理。林分结构简单,纯林、混交林比重严重失衡。中、幼林面积比重高达88.2%,抚育任务重。从林分起源来看,天然、次生林面积、蓄积量最大,人工林次之,飞播造林最小。在可持续发展林业理论指导指导下,按照分类经营的原则,研究从技术层面上提出了延庆县森林资源和生态环境恢复与保护对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the political intricacies inherent in the management of Southeast Asia's transboundary haze pollution. It argues for a scalar perspective in understanding the complexities of the haze problem. The so‐called ‘inconvenient truth’ is unravelled by teasing out some issues in the national and regional political ecologies, and the challenges of synchronising co‐operation at the national, regional and global scales. Discussion shows that the ‘environment’ takes on different meanings at each scale, and both Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) need to recognise this in order to engage more effectively with the transboundary environmental issue. Specifically, inadequate management of forest resources in Indonesia, ASEAN's principle of ‘non‐interference’ and a lack of a holistic ecosystem perspective are amongst some of the interconnected issues addressed. The paper calls for a greater awareness of structural weaknesses in the management of forest resources and a change in ASEAN's environmental paradigm to a more holistic ecosystem perspective that prioritises not just environmental and human health, but also a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.  相似文献   

以研究者与企业联合申请的基于物联网设施蔬菜生产关键技术研究与应用世行食品安全课题为载体,开展需求为导向的“三位一体”的研究-推广-应用模式研究;从课题组组织管理体系构建、技术开发沟通机制建立、需求为导向“三位一体”设施蔬菜物联网技术产品应用的软硬条件,进而提出需求为导向“三位一体”农业研究与推广模式的作用,表现在:(1)有利于实现技术创新与技术应用的有机整合,缩短信息传播的链条,提高研究的效率和效果;(2)有利于构建以全产业需求为导向的专业化农业推广服务体系;(3)有利于改变研究者的价值取向,促进科研组织激励的学术化向实用化转型;(4)有利于推动公益性的农业推广向多元化化服务模式转变,提高农业推广组织管理运行效率和效果。以期能够为中国现代农业发展阶段农业推广体系的转型,提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

This paper captures some of the structural deficiencies within the United Nations' decision‐making processes at its headquarters in New York. Ideas and methodological approaches from critical geopolitics are adopted here to examine semi‐structured interviews held with Pacific ambassadors (n = 7) at the United Nations and bring new knowledge to an underexplored area. Results demonstrate that the institutional capacities of Pacific small island states hinder their ability to voice their concerns adequately at every United Nations' forum, while shifting imaginaries and a decline in popularity of issues has seen a drop in on‐the‐ground financial assistance for these states. In this way, this paper attempts to contribute to our understanding of the practice of international diplomacy within the United Nations.  相似文献   

以大兴安岭不同类型落叶松天然林为研究对象,从林冠层、枯落物层、土壤层和林分生产力等方面选择11项评价指标,通过层次分析法确定评价指标的权重,应用主成分分析方法对不同类型落叶松天然林涵养水源功能进行综合评价。旨在为大兴安岭落叶松天然林合理经营及提高落叶松天然林涵养水源功能提供有力的依据。研究结果表明:杜鹃+落叶松林的涵养水源功能表现最好,其次是落叶松纯林;白桦+落叶松林水源涵养功能在5种林分类型中最差。所以在大兴安岭地区应重点保护杜鹃+落叶松林,以便增加流域的水源涵养功能。  相似文献   

本研究以黑龙江省大兴安岭地区生态沟系3种典型森林类型的持水功能特点为研究对象,应用系统论和水分平衡原理,对森林土壤物理性质、土壤蓄水能力、枯落物蓄水能力以及林冠截留量等进行比较分析。研究表明:林冠截留是林内主要的降水再分配途径,对森林的水分调蓄具有重要作用。水源涵养能力最强的为针阔混交林1259.07 t/hm2,其次为灌木林1046.23 t/hm2,最弱的为落叶松林663.56 t/hm2,针阔混交林林地有着很强的水源涵养和调节能力;灌木林对土壤结构有着良好的改善作用。本研究结果为大兴安岭地区今后开展森林水土保持功能的量化研究及造林的林型结构提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In the past five decades, constant research has been directed towards yield improvement in pigeonpea resulting in the deployment of several commercially acceptable cultivars in India. Though, the genesis of hybrid technology, the biggest breakthrough, enigma of stagnant productivity still remains unsolved. To sort this productivity disparity, genomic research along with conventional breeding was successfully initiated at ICRISAT. It endowed ample genomic resource providing insight in the pigeonpea genome combating production constraints in a precise and speedy manner. The availability of the draft genome sequence with a large‐scale marker resource, oriented the research towards trait mapping for flowering time, determinacy, fertility restoration, yield attributing traits and photo‐insensitivity. Defined core and mini‐core collection, still eased the pigeonpea breeding being accessible for existing genetic diversity and developing stress resistance. Modern genomic tools like next‐generation sequencing, genome‐wide selection helping in the appraisal of selection efficiency is leading towards next‐generation breeding, an awaited milestone in pigeonpea genetic enhancement. This paper emphasizes the ongoing genetic improvement in pigeonpea with an amalgam of conventional breeding as well as genomic research.  相似文献   

Challenges and opportunities for conservation of forest genetic resources   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Increased use of forest resources and a shrinking forestland base threaten the sustainability of forest genetic resources and highlight the importance of conservation and sustainable management of these resources. As forest trees are normally the keystone species of forest ecosystems, their continued existence is essential for many floral and faunal associations of these ecosystems. Major concepts, challenges and opportunities for conservation of forest genetic resources are briefly discussed in this paper. The major challenges include population decline and population structure changes due to forest removal and conversion of forest land to other uses,forest fragmentation, forestry practices, climate change, disease conditions,introduced pests, atmospheric pollution, and introgressive hybridization. Developing scientifically sound conservation strategies, maintaining minimum viable population sizes, and deployment of genetically engineered organisms represent other important challenges in conservation. The usefulness of various biochemical and molecular genetic markers, adaptive traits, and genetic diversity measures for developing conservation strategies for in situ and ex situ genetic resource conservation are also discussed. Major opportunities for conservation of forest genetic resources include: use of molecular genetic markers and adaptive traits for developing conservation strategies; in situ conservation through natural reserves,protected areas, and sustainable forest management practices; ex situ conservation through germplasm banks, common garden archives, seed banks, DNA banks, and tissue culture and cryopreservation; incorporation of disease, pest, and stress tolerance traits through genetic transformation;plantation forestry; and ecological restoration of rare or declining tree species and populations. Forest genetic resource conservation and resource use should be considered complementary rather than contradictory to each other. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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