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The lack of specific compound diets for cephalopods is limiting the industrial development of some species. In this study, four agglutinated moist diets were tested in individually reared Octopus vulgaris (979 ± 151 g) for 8 weeks. All diets were based on bogue Boops boops, accidentally reared in fish farms (aquaculture by‐product), and agglutinated with alginate and calcium. One diet was based exclusively on bogue fillets, two on bogue fillets complemented with meat from two crab species (Portunus pelagicus, Grapsus grapsus) and the last one on bogue and G. grapsus meals. As a control diet, bogue and P. pelagicus were supplied fresh on alternate days. All diets induced similar feed intake (2.1–2.6% day?1). However, the meal‐based diet induced negative growth in comparison with the control and the other agglutinated diets (0.80–0.85% day?1). Higher lipid content in agglutinated diets (28–30% dw) in comparison with the control diet (16% dw) led to higher protein retention in muscle. These results underline the inadequacy of traditional meals in diets for cephalopods and that the inclusion of crab meat did not increase feeding rates and growth in O. vulgaris. The dietary fatty acid, with high levels of oleic and linoleic acid and low levels of ARA, clearly reflected in digestive gland, while only decreasing ARA and increasing EPA levels were observed in muscle, with no apparent negative effect on growth.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to obtain the lipid utilization of Octopus vulgaris supplying formulated semi‐moist diets with different contents in cod oil (reduced from water content): 0 g kg?1 (A0, 138 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 4), 100 g kg?1 (A100, 286 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 6) and 200 g kg?1 (A200, 388 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 6). The rest of the ingredients were constant in the three diets: 200 g kg?1 gelatin, 100 g kg?1 egg yolk powder, 150 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Todarodes sagittatus and 50 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Sardinella aurita). Survival was 100% with the three diets. The highest absolute feeding (15.8 ± 1.2 g day?1), growth (9.6 ± 1.4 g day?1; 0.91% BW day?1) and feed efficiency rates (60.3%) were obtained with diet A0. This diet also showed greater retention of lipid and protein than A100 and A200. Protein digestibility was above 95% in all of the diets. Only diet A0 led to a high lipid digestibility coefficient (81.25%), which fell drastically to 12.3% in A200. It was notable the high polar lipid digestibility rates (83–89%) respect to neutral lipids (2–87%) in all diets. The best results were obtained with lipid feeding rates of around 1 g day?1 and a suitable lipid content on 130–140 g kg?1 DW in formulated diets for O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The present work studies the growth and body composition of 18 Octopus vulgaris (6 per treatment) fed two extruded diets, namely FMS and 3FMS, based on different fish and squid meal ratios (1:1, and 3:1 respectively). The diets are compared with a control diet based on crab (Carcinus mediterraneus) and bogue (Boops boops). The growing tests were conducted on animals placed in individual 300 L rectangular fibreglass tanks in an open seawater system, containing PVC tubes as shelters, resulting in 100% survival rate. The control group exhibited the highest specific growth rates (SGR = 2.14%BW day?1), while values of around 0.69%BW day?1 were achieved by octopuses fed the extruded diets. Even though the three groups of animals showed similar digestive gland indexes, the two extruded diets promoted significant differences in the muscle composition and fatness of the digestive gland. Digestibility of dry matter was not affected by the type of extruded diet, obtaining ADC values of around 88%. The results suggest that squid and fish meal can be both used in dry pelleted extruded diets, with moderate acceptance by the octopus, even though the formulation must be optimized with the aim of improving acceptability and achieve growths in the range of natural diets.  相似文献   

The basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) is a candidate species for aquaculture in the northeast Pacific. The aim of the current research was to assess the feasibility of C. nuttallii grow‐out, with an emphasis on growth performance and qualities affecting product marketability. In this article, we investigated the combined effects of culture mode (intertidal and off‐bottom suspended culture) and initial stocking density (1500, 3000, 10 500 and 21 000 ind m?2) on C. nuttallii survival and growth during the first year of grow‐out (May through October). In intertidal culture, cockles exhibited low survival and poor growth rates. In suspended culture, survival was consistently high (>96%) at all stocking densities tested; growth and condition parameters had the highest values at 1500 and 3000 ind m?2. The edible portion (meat yield) exceeded 40% of the whole wet weight at all stocking densities, occurrences of fouled and deformed cockles were <1% and no commensal species were observed. Depending on the minimum harvestable size and stocking density chosen, harvestable proportions constituted from 1.1% to 15.2% by October of the first grow‐out year in the suspended system. The effects of stocking density and depth on second year grow‐out performance of C. nuttallii are reported in a companion paper (Dunham et al. in this issue).  相似文献   

The promotion of Blue Growth in aquaculture requires an understanding of the economic drivers influencing the sector at farm level, but the collection of reliable and comparable data at this level is time‐consuming and expensive. This study suggests an alternative strategy for qualitative sampling of freshwater trout farms in Germany, Denmark and Turkey, using a combination of existing data, group discussions and interviews with trout farmers, consultants and researchers. Nine ‘typical’ trout farming models are described, focusing on profitability, productivity and energy efficiency and allowing in‐depth comparative economic analyses of different production systems at farm level, across regions. Our results show that the majority of the farms investigated have been profitable. Turkish farms benefit from competitive advantages due to low wages, low capital investment and favourable climate conditions. Large German farms profit from local market prices and advanced farm management. Danish farms using recirculating techniques remain competitive thanks to enhanced productivity and economy of scale. However, small traditional farms in Germany and Denmark may struggle to stay competitive in the long term. Organic farms in both countries face challenges of high feed costs and comparatively low productivity with mixed success. Using edible protein energy return on investment (epEROI) as an indicator of ecological sustainability, all surveyed farms compared very favourably with the terrestrial systems of animal meat production were investigated so far.  相似文献   

Giant freshwater prawn (GFP; Macrobrachium rosenbergii) aquaculture has expanded rapidly since 1990. Most local culture industries, however, have developed in an unsystematic way. Fiji has a small culture industry producing the ‘Anuenue’ strain; however, performance of this strain has never been systematically evaluated. Recently, some Fijian farmers have reported declines in stock productivity. The current project evaluated the relative performance of three exotic strains with different genetic backgrounds from Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, against the ‘local’ strain in Fiji in a 4 × 3 replicated pond trial experiment. A total of 5827 prawns were harvested after 143 days growout. Individual growth rate and relative survival of the Fiji strain were not statistically different from any of the introduced strains, but Vietnam strain was superior to that of the Malaysia strain. Genetic diversity showed significant differences in variability among strains, with the Malaysian strain displaying the lowest genetic diversity. Indonesia strain showed that females were reaching maturation earlier than other strains and were smaller in size. This study suggests that Malaysian and Indonesian strains would constitute a poor choice for Fiji, whereas the Vietnam strain consistently performed well on all criteria measured. High variation among replicate ponds within strains unfortunately confounded among‐strain variation.  相似文献   

The reproductive performances of silver European eel in term of gonad development and egg production, employing slow‐release implants with the androgen 17‐MT (1 mg) in combination with traditional weekly injection of carp pituitary extract (CPE) was evaluated. Wild female European eels (Anguilla anguilla) underwent a standard induction protocol with CPE and were randomly divided into three groups (N‐group, no implant; Y‐group, with implant; and control, C‐group, no treatment). The results showed that 17‐MT‐treated females (Y‐group) reproduced spontaneously about 6 weeks earlier than the N‐group females with a saving of almost 40% in CPE and time of induction. Concerning artificial induction of maturation in female silver eels, our study demonstrated that they positively respond to androgen exposure also in terms of eggs productivity. Indeed, Y‐group was more productive than N‐group: in Y‐group, 11 eels ensured an eggs production that exceeded 50% of initial body weight (BW), whereas in N‐group only three eels have exceeded this value. The results suggest that 17‐MT should be considered in future protocols for the improvement of the artificial reproduction of female silver European eels.  相似文献   

The wide use of lipid as a non‐protein energy substitute has led to lipid metabolic problems in cultured tilapia. Therefore, studies that reduce the effects of high‐fat diets in genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) are required. This study evaluated the optimum level and effects of dietary α‐lipoic acid (α‐LA) on growth performance, body composition, antioxidant capacity and lipid metabolism of GIFT tilapia. The basal diet (120 g/kg lipid) was supplemented with six concentrations of α‐LA at 0 (control), L300, L600, L900, L1200 and L2400 mg/kg diet to make the experimental diets, which were fed to GIFT tilapia juveniles (initial body weight: 0.48 ± 0.01 g) for 8 weeks. The weight gain of fish improved significantly in the L300 than other dietary treatments. The intraperitoneal fat index and lipid content of fish fed on the L2400 diet decreased significantly than those fed on the control diet. The activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐Px) in serum and liver were significantly higher in fish fed on the L300 diet than the control. The reduced GSH content of fish fed on the L300 in serum and liver was significantly higher than those fed on control diet. The malondialdehyde content in serum and liver was significantly lower in L300 than in the control. The adipose triglyceride lipase gene was significantly up‐regulated in fish fed on the L2400, but the diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 gene was down‐regulated in adipose. The liver‐type fatty acid‐binding protein gene in the liver was significantly up‐regulated in fish fed on the L300 and L600 diets. Moreover, the acyl‐coenzyme A oxidase gene in liver was significantly up‐regulated in fish fed on the L300, L600, L900 and L1200 diets. Polynomial regression analysis indicated that 439–528 mg/kg α‐LA is an appropriate dosage in high‐fat diet to improve growth performance and relieve lipid oxidative damage by accelerating lipid catabolism and reducing lipid synthesis in GIFT tilapia.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more attentions have been paid to the development and application of probiotics in aquaculture, and viable probiotics have been extensively studied, while rare information was available about inactivated probiotics in aquaculture. Therefore, in this study, a feeding trial was designed to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of heat‐inactivated probiotic Bacillus clausii DE5 on growth performance, immune response and key immune genes expression in head kidney and intestine in grouper Epinephelus coioides. Fish were fed for 60 days with control diet (C) and two experimental diets containing 1.0 × 108 CFU/g live (T1) and heat‐inactivated (T2) B. clausii DE5, respectively. The probiotic treatments did not affect the final weight, weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) of E. coioides at days 30 and 60 (> .05), while both heat‐inactivated and live B. clausii DE5 significantly decreased the feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) at day 60 (< .05). Serum lysozyme activity and complement C3 level in the two probiotic treatments were significantly higher than those in the control (< .05). The lysozyme activity and complement C3 level at day 60 were significantly higher than those at day 30 (< .05), while no significant interaction effect between diet and administration date was observed. Moreover, the heat‐inactivated B. clausii DE5 significantly improved the expression of TLR5, pro‐inflammatory cytokines (IL‐8 and IL‐1β) and TGF‐β1 in head kidney and intestine (< .05), while the live probiotic did not show any significant effect on the expression of these key immune‐related genes in head kidney and intestine. These results indicate that dietary supplementation of heat‐inactivated B. clausii DE5 effectively improved feed utilization and both the local and systemic immune responses of E. coioides.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of varying cage stocking density (60, 90 and 120 fish m?3) and feeding duration (10, 30 and 60 min) in a cage‐cum‐pond‐integrated system on growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture. Interactions between stocking density and feeding duration significantly (< 0.05) affected the fish growth performance and yields in the cages‐cum‐pond system. Stocking density of 60 fish m?3 resulted in the highest growth in cages and in ponds regardless of the feeding duration, but produced lower yields than at stocking density 90 fish m?3. The lowest Apparent Food Conversion Ratio (AFCR) in cages occurred at stocking density of 60 fish m?3 and feeding duration of 30 min. Growth performance in the open ponds declined with increased feeding duration of the caged fish. Survival in cages and in the open ponds decreased with increased cage density, but was not affected by feeding duration. Low dissolved oxygen were recorded, at stocking density of 120 fish m?3, the lowest DO occurred when feeding of caged fish lasted 60 min. Growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture positively respond to interaction between stocking density and feeding durations.  相似文献   

This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of exogenous multienzyme complex (EC) on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and non‐specific immunity of the Japanese seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus (initial weight 27.09 ± 0.08 g). EC includes protease, xylanase, glucanase and mannase. Japanese seabass were given six levels of EC (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 g/kg) for 28 days. Results show that EC significantly enhanced the weight gain rate and specific growth rate (p < .05), while the feed conversion ratio reduced significantly (p < .05). Activities of lipase and trypsin in liver and intestine significantly increased (p < .05). Alkaline phosphatase, superoxide dismutase and lysozyme activities in serum and liver significantly increased (p < .05), while the content of malondialdehyde in liver significantly declined (p < .05). Regression analysis showed that the optimal supplementation of EC in WGR, SGR, FCR, SOD and LZM activity in serum was 1.66, 1.67, 1.81, 1.71 and 1.53 g/kg, respectively, while the best SOD, LZM activity in liver, trypsin activity in liver and intestine supplement were 1.64, 1.51, 1.81 and 1.97 g/kg. In conclusion, EC supplemented can improve the growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and non‐specific immunity of Japanese seabass, and it is recommended that the optimal supplementation of EC in diets of Japanese seabass is 1.5–2.0 g/kg.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of dietary γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the growth performance, serum biochemical indices and antioxidant status of pharaoh cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis. Cuttlefish were cultured in open‐culturing cement pool systems for 8 weeks. Six practical diets supplemented with graded levels of GABA (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg/kg) were formulated. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 60 cuttlefish (mean weight: 10.33 g), the cuttlefish were fed two times per day to apparent satiation. The results showed that the specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG) and feed efficiency (FE) significantly increased with dietary GABA supplementation (p < .05). The survival rate (SR) and protein content in muscle significantly increased when 58.9 mg/kg GABA supplied. Moreover, the nitric oxide (NO) content and acid phosphatase (ACP) activity in serum were significantly increased with dietary GABA supplementation (p < .05), while the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in serum decreased significantly when supplied with GABA at 58.9 mg/kg (p < .05). In addition, dietary GABA improved antioxidation activity by significantly increasing the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) but decreasing malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the liver and gill (p < .05). On the basis of the quadratic regression analysis of FE, the optimum content of dietary GABA in S. pharaonis was estimated to be 55.3 mg/kg. The findings of this study demonstrated that dietary GABA had a positive effect on the growth performance, serum biochemical indices and antioxidant status of S. pharaonis.  相似文献   

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