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Oxygen demand by all animals is driven primarily by their needs for sustaining metabolism. Typically, larger animals require more oxygen and cellular fuel to carry out respiration than smaller animals. This relationship in most cases is not linear and is usually described by a coefficient and exponent (e.g. axb): the exponent b showing the relationship between live‐weight and energy/oxygen demand and is often termed the metabolic body weight (MBW) exponent, while the coefficient (a) tends to be temperature specific and describes the relationship between MBW and maintenance metabolic energy and oxygen demand at that specific temperature. Across all temperatures (range 26.0–32.0°C), the relationship between barramundi (Lates calcarifer) live‐weight (x; g) and relative oxygen consumption as standard metabolic rate (y; mg O2 kg?1 h?1) at 29.4±1.5°C (mean±SD) was described by the exponential curve: y=710.19 x?0.3268, R2=0.6875 (n=222 assessments). Examination of the same data but on a gross oxygen consumption (mg O2 h?1) basis showed a relationship between live‐weight (x; g) and gross oxygen consumption (y; mg O2 h?1) that was described by the exponential curve: y=0.710 x0.6732, R2=0.9033. Evaluation of the combined relationship between fish live‐weight (y; g) and water temperature (x; °C) on gross oxygen consumption rate (z; mg O2 h?1) was described by the equation: z=(?20.7818+1.4017x?0.0227x2) ×y0.673. 相似文献
B.D. GLENCROSS 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2008,14(4):360-373
To optimize feeds and feed management for barramundi ( Lates calcarifer ), an improved factorial model is required. A growth function describing weight gain by barramundi as a function of fish weight and water temperature was derived from farm and laboratory data. The function was of the form: A maintenance energy demand function was also derived on a similar form and two functions combined to form the basis of a factorial model for this species. An assessment of protein and energy utilization efficiency was undertaken to examine the effect of fish size on the estimation of these parameters. Fish size had a significant effect on energy utilization efficiency on a linear basis, but no such difference was observed if the data were considered using non-linear methods. Protein utilization efficiency was also observed to be clearly non-linear, and although protein deposition capacity differed with fish size, the efficiencies of protein utilization were not affected. Using this factorial model, optimal iterative feed specifications were defined for a range of fish sizes and formulation constraints. A feed demand model was also developed based on the demand for digestible energy. 相似文献
The implications of temperature on bioenergetics for barramundi (Lates calcarifer) were defined in an improved factorial model that encompassed revised parameters accounting for effects over the temperature range of 16–39 °C and size range of 10–3000 g. A revised growth function describing weight gain by barramundi as a function of fish weight and temperature was derived from farm and laboratory data and included a term for a shift in optimal temperature with fish size: Gain (g fish?1 day?1) = (K + xT + yT 2 + zT3) * (weight)ax+b. Maintenance energy and protein demand functions were also derived on a similar form, and all three functions combined to form the basis of a factorial model for energy and protein demand. Using this model, optimal iterative feed specifications were defined for a range of fish sizes at temperatures of 25, 30 and 35 °C. A feed demand model was also developed based on the demand for digestible energy (DE) at each of these temperatures. The model shows that at high temperatures (35 °C), there is an increase in digestible protein (DP) to DE demand, and that with increasing size, there is a decrease in the DP to DE demand. 相似文献
Keng Chin Lim Fatimah Md. Yusoff Mohamed Shariff Mohd. Salleh Kamarudin 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2019,25(6):1410-1421
This study was undertaken to assess the impacts of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on growth performance, feed utilization, survival, and serum growth hormone (GH) availability of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, with special reference to dose–response relationships and variations during different feeding phases (short‐term, medium‐term and long‐term). Fish were fed the following diets in triplicate for 90 days: the control (CD), AX50 (50 mg astaxanthin/kg diet), AX100 (100 mg astaxanthin/kg diet) and AX150 (150 mg astaxanthin/kg diet). The findings revealed that fish exhibited significant linear increments (p < .05) in specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain, feed utilization efficiency and survival when fed various diets with escalating levels of astaxanthin. Supplementation with dietary astaxanthin significantly augmented (p < .05) GH levels in fish. Significant positive associations (p < .05) were observed between circulating serum GH levels and SGR of fish from all groups following three consecutive feeding phases, denoting a robust cause‐and‐effect relationship. Circulating GH concentrations were considered as a sensitive biomarker of growth performance in Asian seabass. This study illustrated that supplemental astaxanthin could be administered in culture protocols to improve the growth rate and commercial hatchery production of Asian seabass, and possibly other teleost species. 相似文献
Several dietary strategies to ameliorate poorer growth observed to occur at temperatures above the upper thermal optima were examined with juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer). A reference (REF) and three experimental diets, one with an increased protein to energy ratio (PRO), another with an increased level of the amino acid histidine (HIS) and a third with supplementation of dietary nucleotides (NUC), were each fed to fish at either 30 °C or 37 °C for a 28‐day period. Growth was affected by both temperature and diet. Fish fed the PRO diet at 30 °C grew fastest, but not faster than those fed the NUC diet at the same temperature. The addition of the amino acid histidine to the diet did not improve growth rates at either temperature. At water temperatures of 37 °C, only the fish fed the PRO diet had growth rates equivalent to those of fish at the 30 °C temperatures. Other key factors including feed intake, feed conversion rate, nutrient and energy retention and plasma enzymology were also all affected by temperature and diet. This study shows that the use of a diet with an increased protein to energy ratio provides significant benefits in terms of reducing the impact of growth retardation at higher temperatures. 相似文献
R. Chotikachinda C. Tantikitti S. Benjakul T. Rustad E. Kumarnsit 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2013,19(5):773-784
Skipjack tuna viscera hydrolysate (TVH) was produced by enzymatic hydrolysis using alcalase. A study of the effect of time and enzyme concentration was performed and formed the basis for preparing TVH with the desired degree of hydrolysis (DH). An enzyme to substrate ratio of 5 g kg−1 (TVH A1) and 16.4 g kg−1 (TVH A2) at pH 8.0 with a temperature of 50 °C, and hydrolysis time of 60 min were found to be optimal conditions to obtain hydrolysis of 42.9% and 62.9%, respectively. Both TVH A1 and TVH A2 were analysed for chemical and amino acid composition and peptide size. The effectiveness of TVH at different DH as feeding attractants was estimated in a feeding trial at different inclusion levels. Ten experimental diets , including a fish meal‐based reference diet, were fed to Asian seabass for 28 days. Fish fed the diet supplemented with 30 g kg−1 of TVH A2, and the reference diet showed the highest feed intake (P < 0.05). The growth performance of fish fed diets supplemented with TVH was slightly higher than those of fish fed the control diet, but the reference group showed a significantly higher growth rate (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that the supplementation of feed with TVH that has been processed under suitable conditions can improve feed palatability and growth performance when utilizing alternative protein sources in Asian seabass diets. 相似文献
Syed Raffic Ali Kondusamy Ambasankar Ezhil Praveena Sambasivam Nandakumar Jagabatula Syamadayal 《Aquaculture Research》2017,48(3):899-908
A feeding trial was conducted to study the effect of mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) supplementation on growth, body composition, haematology, biochemical parameters and histology of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings (8.13 ± 0.06 g average weight). Mannan oligosaccharide was supplemented at five different concentrations viz., 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% levels in the diet (40% protein and 9% lipid) of L. calcarifer. The results of the 60 days feeding trial showed that there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the final body weight, weight gain (WG), WG%, average daily gain, survival, specific growth rate, daily growth coefficient, hepatosomatic index and viscerosomatic index in the fish fed diet containing 1% MOS. Whole body composition of post‐fed animals showed non‐significant differences (P > 0.05) among the various treatment groups. The analysis of haematological parameters showed that there was no significant (P > 0.05) differences among different treatments but for the haemoglobin content which was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the fish fed 1% MOS. Biochemical parameters revealed that glucose, urea, cholesterol and triglyceride content showed significant (P < 0.05) difference between control and MOS‐supplemented group. Histological observations of post‐fed animals revealed that MOS supplementation resulted in increased absorptive surface area of the intestine and increased glycogen deposition in liver. The result of this experiment infers that MOS supplementation has got a beneficial effect in the diet of seabass and supplementation at 1% level is optimal for improving the growth. 相似文献
Sulumane Ramachandra Krupesha Sharma Gaurav Rathore Dev K Verma Narasimhulu Sadhu Kuttickal Kuriakose Philipose 《Aquaculture Research》2012,44(1):86-92
Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) has been designated as a candidate species for open sea cage culture in India. A case of vibriosis in Asian seabass reared in open sea floating cages is reported. Haemorrhage and ulcer were observed grossly in the diseased fish. The pathogen, identified as Vibrio alginolyticus based on biochemical and molecular characterization, was isolated from liver, gill, kidney, brain and blood. Histological examination of the diseased fish showed congestion, haemorrhage and necrosis in vital organs. The LD50 studies showed that the organism was virulent to Asian seabass, and the LD50 value was 103.2 CFU g?1 fish. 相似文献
Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) is a composite measure that combines feed intake with growth rate to estimate the effectiveness by which feed is converted to saleable meat product, and is a major determinant of production system efficiency. We measured the relationships between feed intake to apparent satiety and weight gain in replicate half‐sib families of black bream at four times over a 56‐day test period. After 42 days, we found significant additive genetic variance in both weight gain and feed intake, and a stabilization in family group variation in both traits. This indicates that 42 days is the minimum test period over which to measure genetic variation for FCE in black bream. There were high, positive phenotypic (and probably genetic) correlations between weight gain and feed intake after 42 days. We found no detectable genetic variation for either feed efficiency (weight gain/feed intake), or residual feed intake, which is a linear function that distinguishes between the amount of feed intake that is used for body maintenance and that used for growth. We argue that selection for improved FCE might be better achieved not by using a composite measure, but by using a weighted selection index that accounts for the genetic covariance among weight gain, feed intake and other key production traits. 相似文献
This study examined the digestibilities of whole diets and ingredients of a range of starch/cereal grains when fed to barramundi (Lates calcarifer). The ingredients included wheat, oats, sorghum, triticale, barley, among others. Twelve diets were prepared using a twin‐screw extruder to mimic modern aquafeed‐manufacturing processes. The diets were then fed to juvenile barramundi and the faeces collected using stripping methods. Significant variability in the digestible energy and starch value was seen among the test ingredients and diets. Diet starch digestibility ranged from 49.1% to 93.9%. Ingredient starch digestibility ranged from 18.0% to 96.5%. Among the different starch ingredients, a strong negative correlation between the ingredient amylopectin content and starch digestibility of that ingredient was observed. This relationship was also mirrored by a similar relationship, although not as strong, between total starch and starch digestibility. This study demonstrates that barramundi have limited ability to digest starch and that there is an effect of inclusion level on the ability of the animal to digest this nutrient. But it also demonstrates that there is a wide range of cereal sources that can be effectively used as starch sources in extruded diets for this species. 相似文献
Shannon R Loughnan Carolyn Smith‐Keune Dean R Jerry Luciano B Beheregaray Nicholas A Robinson 《Aquaculture Research》2016,47(11):3570-3584
Aquaculture of barramundi or Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) is growing in both Australia and Southeast Asia and there is substantial interest to improve production efficiency through selective breeding. The establishment of a large and genetically diverse base population is a prerequisite for a sustainable and long‐term productive breeding program. Before selective breeding programs can begin for Australian barramundi it is important to assess the overall genetic diversity of current captive broodstock populations. To address this question, 407 captive barramundi broodstock from eight separate Australian broodstock populations were genotyped using 16 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. A Bayesian STRUCTURE analysis indicated that captive Australian broodstock are broadly divided into two genetic stocks. Multivariate analysis between broodstock individuals and pairwise FST between broodstock populations also supported the existence of two stocks. Comparisons with data obtained from natural stocks suggested that hatchery individuals were either sourced from the two stocks or represented an admixture between them. Genetic diversity was low within each broodstock population (allelic richness ranged from 2.67 to 3.42 and heterozygosity ranged from 0.453 to 0.537) and relatedness estimates within hatcheries were generally low (average r was equal to 0.141). We recommend sourcing captive individuals according to high levels of neutral genetic diversity and low levels of relatedness for the establishment of a base population. We also make recommendations about including genetically diverse wild individuals. 相似文献
Two experiments were conducted to examine critical thresholds to fishmeal inclusion in diets for barramundi and also the suitability of a range of different raw materials as alternative protein sources for this species. The first experiment used two diets formulated to the same digestible protein and energy specifications, which were then used to create a series of blended experimental diets that varied in fishmeal content from 0 to 770 g kg?1. An additional diet containing sodium sulfamerazine was used as a negative control. Feed intake was unaffected with diets containing as little as 11% fishmeal, although broken‐line regression suggests that an inclusion of ~150 g kg?1 fishmeal is a more likely threshold value. In a second experiment, a further series of diets was formulated for juvenile barramundi according to digestible protein and energy specifications predicted by existing bio‐energetic models. Each of the test raw materials was substituted for fishmeal at either 200 or 300 g kg?1 (dependent on formulation or extrusion limitations), and two additional diets were included to examine two practical formulations. A diet with only fishmeal as the protein source was included as a reference. Each diet was produced using an APV19 twin‐screw extruder and then vacuum infused with the specified fish oil allocation. Each of the diet pellets produced was also characterized for a range of physical parameters. Fish of an initial weight of 70 ± 0.6 g fish?1 were randomly allocated across 24 tanks with three replicates per treatment. After 6 weeks, average weight gain across all treatments was 73 ± 12.7 g fish?1 and feed conversion across all treatments averaged 0.94 ± 0.08 g fish?1. None of the diets using alternative raw materials had poorer growth or feed conversion than the fishmeal‐based reference diet. The inclusion of either the lupin kernel meals or canola meal significantly improved both weight gain and feed conversion compared to the reference diet. The results from this study demonstrate that there is clear potential to replace the fishmeal content of diets for barramundi without loss of fish performance, up to and including diets with as little as 150 g kg?1 fishmeal inclusion. 相似文献
Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer juveniles were fed for 30 days to evaluate the efficacy of cellulolytic (Bacillus sp. DDKRC1.) and amylolytic (Bacillus subtilis DDKRC5.) bacteria supplemented diets. Four experimental groups were maintained in triplicate of which group I was the control group and received no bacterial supplementation. Groups II, III and IV were fed diet supplemented with B. subtilis DDKRC5. (14.25 × 107 CFU/mL), Bacillus sp. DDKRC1. (2.94 × 107 CFU/mL) and mixture of both the microbes (1:1 ratio), respectively, @ 1% (v/w). After 30 days of feeding, fish reared as group IV showed significantly higher (P < 0.01) weight gain (141.42%), survival (91.50%), protein efficiency ratio (1.18) and significantly lower (P < 0.01) FCR (2.15) than that of other groups. Nutrient digestibility parameters were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in group IV followed by groups III, II and I. Digestive cellulase, amylase and protease activities in the gastrointestinal tract were also significantly (P < 0.01) higher in group IV. Amylolytic and cellulolytic microbial count in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in groups II, III and IV as compared with that of control. It can be concluded that feed supplemented with mixture of B. subtilis DDKRC5. and Bacillus sp. DDKRC1. showed better performance in Asian seabass juveniles. 相似文献
A series of diets with varying docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n‐3) inclusion levels (1 g kg?1 3 g kg?1, 6 g kg?1, 10 g kg?1, 15 g kg?1 and 18 g kg?1) were fed to juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) for 6 weeks. Two additional diets examined the addition of arachidonic acid (ARA; 20:4n‐6) or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n‐3) to the diets at 10 g kg?1 when DHA was also included at 10 g kg?1. Fish were fed the diets on a pair‐fed feeding regime to eliminate feed intake variability. Fish were weighed, and blood and tissue samples were collected after 6 weeks. Behavioural parameters were also assessed. Improvement in growth was seen with increasing inclusion of DHA up to a maximum at 10 g kg?1 inclusion, albeit the response was minor. However, the addition of ARA to the diet reduced the growth response, while the addition of EPA improved the growth response. An improvement in feeding behaviour was also seen with increasing DHA up to a peak at 10 g kg?1, while those animals fed diets low in DHA showed increasingly cryptic behaviour. With the increasing inclusion of DHA, a range of pathologies were observed, but the addition of an EPA component to the diet limited these pathologies, while the addition of ARA made little improvement and in some cases exacerbated the pathologies. 相似文献
Soybean meal (SBM) is widely used in aqua feed products. In the European Union, only non‐genetically modified (non‐GM) SBM is accepted. However, global production of non‐GM soybeans is declining and is limiting its utilization in aqua feeds. Therefore, non‐GM SBM alternatives are required. In this study, guar meal was evaluated as a substitute for non‐GM SBM in test feeds for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish (initial weight of 57 ± 10.1 g) were stocked to 12 experimental tanks of a freshwater recirculation system with a stocking density of 6 kg/tank (500 L). Fish were organized in triplicate groups and received isonitrogenous and isocaloric experimental feeds designated as control and test feeds 1–3, where 0, 50, 100 and 150 g/kg feed of non‐GM SBM was replaced by guar meal. During the experimental test period of 56 days, fish were fed twice a day until apparent satiation. Compared to the control group, daily feed intake of test feeds 1–3 was significantly increased by guar meal inclusion. No significant differences in feed conversion ratio and specific growth rate were detected among all the treatments. Furthermore, guar meal inclusion did not affect protein efficiency ratio. However, protein productive value was significantly impaired when guar meal incorporation was above 100 g/kg feed. In accordance with the affected protein productive value, the crude protein content of the proximate whole fish body declined significantly. In contrast, condition factor, hepatosomatic index, slaughter yield and fillet yield provided no significant differences between the experimental groups. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that non‐GM SBM could be entirely replaced by guar meal without affecting the general performance of fish and suggests guar meal as an appropriate alternative for non‐GM SBM in the nutrition of rainbow trout. 相似文献
Turid Synnøve Aas Bjarne Hatlen Barbara Grisdale-Helland Bendik F Terjesen Michael Penn Anne Marie Bakke-McKellep & Ståle J Helland 《Aquaculture Research》2007,38(4):351-360
Triplicate groups of Atlantic halibut were fed diets containing 0%, 9% or 18% of a bacterial protein meal (BPM) produced from natural gas in a 9‐week trial. Growth rates, relative feed intake, feed efficiency ratio and retention of all indispensable amino acids were significantly lower in fish fed the 18% BPM diets than in those fed the 0% and 9% BPM diets. There were no significant treatment effects on urea levels in plasma, liver or muscle, or in uric acid levels in plasma. The hepatosomatic index was lowest in fish fed the 18% BPM diet. Although the concentration of copper, an element abundant in BPM, increased in the liver as dietary BPM level increased, the total copper content in liver decreased. Fish fed the 0% and 9% BPM diets had a higher degree of supranuclear vacuolization of pyloric caeca and mid‐intestine epithelia compared with fish fed the 18% BPM diet. In conclusion, the halibut fed the 9% BPM diet performed equally well as the control group regarding growth, feed intake and feed efficiency ratio, whereas performance was reduced in the fish fed the 18% BPM diet. 相似文献
B. Glencross D. Blyth S. Cheers N. Bourne N. Wade S. Irvin 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2017,23(5):1055-1064
A series of experiments were conducted to examine the nutrient and energy digestibility of a suite of diets and specific test raw materials when fed to juvenile (179 to 439 g) barramundi, Lates calcarifer. Each of the diets was prepared using a twin‐screw extruder to mimic modern aquafeed manufacturing processes. Each of the diets was fed to juvenile barramundi for a minimum of a week to allow acclimation to the diet before the faeces were collected using stripping methods. A broad range of digestible nutrient and energy values among the different raw materials were observed, with protein digestibilities ranging from 36% to 106% and energy digestibilities ranging from 36% to 93%. This range in nutritional values of the different raw materials provides substantial utility in allowing the formulation of diets on a digestible nutrient and energy basis across the Asia Pacific region. These results also provide critical data to help underpin the replacement of both fishmeal and fish oil in barramundi diets. 相似文献
This study examined the retinomotor responses and prey ingestion rates of 10‐, 15‐, 20‐ and 30‐day‐old Asian seabass Lates calcarifer under different light intensities from 0 to 1000 lx to determine the visual thresholds. Subsequently, two age groups of seabass larvae were reared under light intensities of 10, 100 and 1000 lx to determine the optimum illumination in hatchery tanks. Retinomotor response was absent in 10‐day‐old larvae, but quite marked in 15‐ and 20‐day‐old seabass at 1 lx and higher. Ingestion of Artemia nauplii by 10‐day‐old larvae was almost zero at <1 lx, increased significantly at 1 lx, and was maximal at 10–100 lx. Artemia ingestion under dim light <1 lx improved with age, and older larvae took more prey in complete darkness due to the presence of rod cells (and also free neuromasts). Larvae from 13 to 26 days group had similar survival and growth at 10–1000 lx, however, from 5 to 10 days group showed similar survival rate with highest weight gain at 100 lx. Therefore, we recommend that hatchery rearing tanks be illuminated such that the larvae in the water are exposed to approximately100 lx. 相似文献
Paiboon Bunlipatanon Narin Songseechan Hassanai Kongkeo Nigel W Abery Sena S De Silva 《Aquaculture Research》2014,45(3):373-388
Trash fish/low valued fish is still the most commonly used feed in marine cage culture in Asia. Use of trash fish is controversial with regard to the sustainability of the farming practices, and related issues on environmental degradation. In this study, the results of farm based trials on Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) and tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) to evaluate the efficacies of the use of commercial pellet feed in comparison to trash fish/low valued fish in marine cages in Thailand are presented. In spite of the variations observed in each of the farm sites, the results indicate that the overall growth performances and fish survival rates between the two feed types were similar, for both species. However, better cost‐benefit and resource use were recorded for fish reared on trash fish/low valued fish. No significant differences were observed in water quality parameters, dissolved oxygen, transparency and ammonia, between sites where pellet or trash fish were used, inside and outside the cages and for both species. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of the current controversies on the use of trash fish/low valued fish in marine cage culture. 相似文献