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Hearts obtained from 119 toxicological experiments on dogs during a 21-year period (1965-1986) were evaluated histologically to determine the incidence and characteristics of focal microscopic inflammatory lesions of the extramural coronary arteries. Lesions were encountered in 23% of 119 experiments. The average overall incidence was 2.3% of 1,905 control and chemically treated male and female beagle hearts (3.1% of male and 1.3% of female control beagles, and 1.8% of male and 2.8% of female treated beagles). Lesions were seen in 4.7% of 127 random-source mongrel dogs. Histologically, lesions were characterized by adventitial infiltrates of mononuclear cells, areas of mural necrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltrates in both mural and subendothelial regions. In the latter region, fibrosis developed separating the intima from the internal elastic membrane. Lesions occurred in the right and left coronary arteries and in the dorsal, circumflex, and ventral descending branches of the left coronary artery. Vascular lesions were not present in the intramural coronary vessels or in vessels of other organs in affected animals. More extensive sampling of the extramural coronary arteries revealed an incidence of 5-9%. The lesion of focal extramural coronary arteritis was idiopathic, and not a manifestation of the polyarteritis syndrome of dogs.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic variables of fosfomycin were determined after administration of buffered disodium-fosfomycin intravenously (IV), intramuscularly (IM), subcutaneously (SC) and orally (PO), in mongrel dogs, at 40 and 80 mg/kgday for three days. Renal integrity was also assessed by measuring key serum variables. Day 1, day 2 and day 3 plasma concentration vs. time profiles were undistinguishable, but there appears to be a lineal increase in serum concentrations vs. time with the dose. A non-accumulative kinetic behavior was observed after three days with both doses and most pharmacokinetic variables remain unaltered. Considering a MIC range from 1 mirog/mL to 16 microg/mL of fosfomycin in serum for sensitive bacteria, and a negligible plasma protein binding of fosfomycin (<0.5%), useful plasma concentrations can only be achieved after the SC injection of 80 mg/kg every 12h, having a C(max)=18.96+/-0.3 microg/mL; a T(1/2beta)=2.09+/-0.06 microg/mL and a bioavailability of 84-85%. No alterations were observed in serum variables of kidney-related biochemical values.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of periodontal disease in dogs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

SUMMARY A review of relevant literature was undertaken because of concerns about a possible relationship between pet foods, development of periodontal disease, and secondary adverse effects on general health. It was concluded that, while changes in feeding methods in recent decades have arguably improved pet health by reducing or preventing diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies and excesses, periodontal disease remains a serious, diet-related problem. There is reasonable evidence that soft diets are associated with increased frequency and severity of periodontal disease, and that harder foods requiring vigorous prehension and mastication are preferable for dogs and cats. While it is plausible that periodontal disease could cause diseases in other organs and tissues, the evidence for this is limited at present. Further research is needed to better define the relationship between diet types and oral health. In the meantime, veterinarians and pet owners should pay attention to the physical qualities (textures, abrasiveness, ‘chewiness’) of foods they provide for dogs and cats, as well as to their nutrient content, and should consider additional methods to control plaque and prevent periodontal disease where necessary.  相似文献   

Forty mongrel dogs were used in this study for induction of periodontal disease by placing subgingival silk ligatures affecting maxillary and mandibular premolar teeth during a 12-month period. Experimental premolar teeth received monthly clinical, radiographic, and histometric/pathologic assessments. The results demonstrated significant increases in scores and values of periodontal disease parameters associated with variable degrees of alveolar bone loss. The experimental maxillary premolar teeth exhibited more severe and rapid rates of periodontal disease compared with mandibular premolar teeth. Histometric analysis showed significant reduction in free and attached gingiva of the experimental teeth. Histopathological examination of buccolingual sections from experimental premolar teeth showed the presence of rete pegs within the sulcular epithelium with acanthosis and erosive changes, widening of the periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone resorption. Various methods for periodontal repair were studied in 194 experimental premolar teeth exhibiting different degrees of periodontal disease. The treatment plan comprised non-surgical (teeth scaling, root planing, and oral hygiene) and surgical methods (closed gingival curettage, modified Widman flap, and reconstructive surgery using autogenous bone marrow graft and canine amniotic membrane). The initial non-surgical treatment resulted in a periodontal recovery rate of 37.6% and was found effective for treatment of early periodontal disease based on resolution of gingivitis and reduction of periodontal probing depths. Surgical treatment by closed gingival curettage to eliminate the diseased pocket lining resulted in a recovery rate of 48.8% and proved effective in substantially reducing deep periodontal pockets. Open root planing following flap elevation resulted in a recovery rate of 85.4% and was effective for deep and refractory periodontal pockets. Autogenous bone graft implantation combined with canine amniotic membrane as a biodegradable membrane was used in 18 premolar teeth and failed to improve advanced furcation defects in most teeth.  相似文献   

Bacteria were isolated 68% of the time from the conjunctival sacs of 120 dogs with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, or corneal ulcerations. Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently isolated organism (68%); when both eyes were affected, S aureus was recovered from 29% of the dogs; and in dogs with 1 eye affected, S aureus was isolated from 23% of the affected eyes and in 18% of the nonaffected eyes. Other organisms recovered from eyes were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus epidermidis (27%), beta-hemolytic streptococcus (19%), alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus (17%), Escherichia coli (10%), Bacillus spp (11%), and Proteus spp (7%). It was concluded that S aureus may appear as a primary pathogen in ocular disease. When 1 eye is clinically affected, S aureus can be a potential invader of the normal eye.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects of a new nondepolarizing muscle relaxant, pancuronium bromide, were studied in mongrel dogs. Small, but significant, increases in mean arterial blood pressure were observed after each of 2 intravenous doses (0.01 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg) were given. Heart rate increased significantly in dogs administered the larger dosage, and indexes of ventricular functions demonstrated a trend toward positive cardiac inotrophy after either the large or the small dose.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetic profile of tildipirosin (TD) in 24 beagle dogs following intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration, respectively, at 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg. Plasma samples at certain time points (0–14 days) were collected, and the concentrations of drug were quantified by UPLC‐MS/MS. Plasma concentration–time data and relevant parameters were described by noncompartmental through WinNonlin 6.4 software. After single i.m. injection at 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg body weight, mean maximum concentration (Cmax) was 412.73 ± 76.01, 1,051 ± 323, and 1,061 ± 352 ng/ml, respectively. Mean time to reach Cmax was 0.36 ± 0.2, 0.08 ± 0.00, and 0.13 ± 0.07 hr after i.m. injection at 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg, respectively. The mean value of T1/2λz for i.m. administration at doses of 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg was 71.39 ± 28.42, 91 .33 ± 50.02, and 96.43 ± 45.02 hr, respectively. The mean residence times were 63.81 ± 10.96, 35.83 ± 15.13, and 38.18 ± 16.77 hr for doses of 2, 4, and 6 mg/kg, respectively. These pharmacokinetic characteristics after i.m. administration indicated that TD could be rapidly distributed into tissues on account of the high lipid solubility and then released into plasma. In addition, the absolute bioavailability of 2 mg/kg after i.m. injection was 112%. No adverse effects were observed after i.v. and i.m. administration.  相似文献   

Histological examination of 753 Beagle dogs showed renal foci of calcification in 27.9% of males and 21.5% of females. In contrast, stomach calcification was observed in 6.2% of males and 5.2% of females examined. It is suggested that the focal calcification seen in both organs was possibly of dietary origin and may have been related to the phosphate content.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring periodontal disease affects >75% of dogs and has been associated with cardiac lesions and presumptive endocarditis. However, the relationships between periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in dogs have not been studied. In a retrospective longitudinal study the incidence of azotemic CKD was compared between a cohort of 164,706 dogs with periodontal disease and a cohort of age-matched dogs with no periodontal disease from a national primary care practice. These dogs contributed 415,971 dog-years of follow-up from 2002 to 2008. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals from Cox regression were used to compare the incidence of azotemic CKD in dogs with stage 1, 2, or 3/4 periodontal disease to dogs with no periodontal disease. The hazard ratio for azotemic CKD increased with increasing severity of periodontal disease (stage 1 hazard ratio=1.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.6, 2.1; stage 2 hazard ratio=2.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.7, 2.3; stage 3/4 hazard ratio=2.7, 95% confidence interval: 2.3, 3.0; P(trend)=<0.0001) after adjustment for age, gender, neuter status, breed, body weight, number of hospital visits, and dental procedures. Increasing severity of periodontal disease was also associated with serum creatinine >1.4 mg/dl and blood urea nitrogen >36 mg/dl, independent of a veterinarian's clinical diagnosis of CKD.  相似文献   

Periodontal disease is a frequent problem seen in veterinary practices. Primary-care veterinary practices, where diagnosis of periodontal disease is predominantly based on visual oral assessment of conscious dogs, report an average prevalence of 9.3 to 18.2% within the dog population. Detailed examinations of anaesthetised dogs report much higher prevalence of between 44 and 100%. The prevalence and severity of periodontitis varies between sizes of dogs, breeds and individuals. The lack of robust evaluation of these variances opens the opportunity for a review of the topic. A literature search was therefore undertaken to determine the frequency and extent (severity and oral location) of periodontal disease in the dog population. Both clinical and retrospective data based surveys of veterinary records, show there is an increased likelihood of developing periodontitis as age increases and with bodyweight decreases. The maxillary and mandibular incisors, fourth premolars and first molars are likely to develop the disease first although in some breeds the canines may also be involved. Poor oral care is a significant risk factor for the development of periodontal disease although diet, behaviour, environment and genetics are also likely to play a role. The information provided in this review can be used by veterinarians to improve the effectiveness of their diagnosis, treatments and interventions by focussing their efforts on the sizes, breeds and individuals most at risk. Given the potential link between periodontal disease and systemic health, veterinarians have the opportunity to positively impact the quality of life of a large number of dogs and therefore their owners.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate and compare the effects of medetomidine and xylazine on the blood level of some stress-related neurohormonal and metabolic variables in clinically normal dogs, especially focusing on time and dose relations of the effects. A total of 9 beagle dogs were used for 9 groups, which were treated with physiological saline solution (control), 10, 20, 40, and 80 μg/kg medetomidine, and 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/kg xylazine, intramuscularly. Blood samples were taken at 10 times during 24 h from a central venous catheter. Plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol, glucose, insulin, glucagon, and non-esterified fatty acid concentrations were determined. Both medetomidine and xylazine similarly and dose-dependently inhibited norepinephrine release and lipolysis. Medetomidine suppressed epinephrine release dose-dependently with greater potency than xylazine. Xylazine also tended to decrease epinephrine levels dose-dependently. The cortisol and glucagon levels did not change significantly in any treatment group. Both drugs suppressed insulin secretion with similar potency. Both medetomidine and xylazine increased glucose levels. The hyperglycemic effect of medetomidine, in contrast with xylazine, was not dose-dependent at the tested dosages. The results suggested that the effect of medetomidine on glucose metabolism may not be due only to α2-adrenoceptor-mediated actions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the pulp of dog teeth affected by advanced periodontal disease. Histological examination was done on demineralized teeth extracted during clinical treatment of mature, client owned small and medium-size breed dogs with either good periodontal health or with advanced naturally occurring periodontal disease. Routinely stained sections from 5 clinically normal teeth and 22 teeth with advanced periodontitis from dogs between 5 and 12-years of age were examined using light microscopy. The pulp cavities of most teeth were narrow with low cellularity and some fibrosis of the pulp. Findings specific to periodontally affected teeth included acute and chronic pulpitis, vascular congestion, and pulp necrosis. A glomus body was identified in the pulp of one tooth and areas of poorly mineralized cementum were seen in both normal and diseased teeth. Age related changes in dog teeth appear similar to those reported for man and the rat. In addition to age related changes, the pulp of dog teeth with advanced periodontal disease were frequently inflamed or necrotic. This may reflect the advanced periodontitis affecting these teeth or a mechanical effect related to excessive tooth mobility. Further study is required to determine the etiology and significance of these findings and to investigate pulp status in less severely diseased teeth.  相似文献   

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