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This paper follows the Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test based on the Vector Auto-regression Model to estimate the impacts of monetary channel and bank-lending channel on macro-economy respectively and investigates the different effects of the two channels on the latter using the OLS during the 1994 - 2002 sample period in which the monetary policy was transformed from being directly-controlled to being indirectly-controlled by the central bank in China. The result shows that the monetary channel and the bank-lending channel are both the important channels of Chinese monetary transmission, while the impact of latter on macro-economy is stronger. So the bank-lending channel plays a dominant role in the monetary transmission in China. Policy implications are made in the conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper employs vector autoregressive (VAR) models to measure the impact of monetary policy shocks on regional output in Indonesia. We find substantial cross‐regional variation in policy responses in terms of both magnitude as well as timing. Our work adds to the existing literature by providing insights from a large developing country, viz. Indonesia, where monetary policy has both a national and a regional dimension. The results support previous findings that the differential regional effects of monetary policy are significantly related to sectoral composition (especially the share of manufacturing), providing evidence for the relevance of the interest rate channel of monetary policy. We also find that firm size contributes to these differences, providing evidence for the importance of the credit channel. As a whole, both types of channels appear to operate simultaneously in the decentralized Indonesian monetary policy and to impact on the real part of the regional economy.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of selected policies on economic efficiency in 81 developing countries by pooling cross-country data over various subperids between 1961–90. An incremental output-capital ratio is the measure of economic efficiency, while the policy variables include: export orientation, size of the public sector, directed credit program through development bank lendings, financial depth (computed as the ratio of the flow of real value of monetary liabilities to real GDP), inflation rate, real interest rate, and real exchange rate distortion. The export-orientation, financial depth, and real interest rate are found to promote economic efficiency, while other policy variables are found to hinder it.  相似文献   

Access to credit in lower-income communities has become an increasingly central public policy issue in financial sector regulation over the past five years. One important reform was the establishment of purchasing goals for the government-sponsored secondary mortgage markets (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) in 1992. This paper examines the central city lending goal, using the St. Louis MSA as a case study. Census tracts are clustered according to five variables argued to impede secondary market purchases of home loans in some neighborhoods. Borrower characteristics and lending patterns are compared across the clusters of tracts, and across central city and suburban tracts. Clustered tracts are found to be more strongly related to a set of key lending variables than are tracts divided according to central city/ suburban boundaries. The paper concludes that targeting affirmative lending requirements on the basis of neighborhood characteristics rather than political or statistical divisions may provide a more appropriate framework for efforts to expand access to credit. However, the analysis of spatial differences in lending patterns raises a number of questions that require further research.  相似文献   

失地农民的核心问题是安置补偿问题.通过建立幸福指数测度指标体系,在对学堂堡安置点100户失地农民实际调研的基础上,采用熵值法、合成方法计算幸福指数,并以测度的幸福指数结果为依据反思安置补偿中存在的问题.结果表明:学堂堡安置点失地农民的总体幸福指数不高,处于“不太幸福”的等级.反思主要问题在于住房和货币补偿水平偏低;安置补偿中缺乏科学的就业指导,再就业不理想;社会保障实施范围狭窄等.故必须提高住房和货币安置的补偿标准,完善就业和社会保障机制,建立失地农民诉求渠道,以期恰当解决失地农民的安置问题.  相似文献   

Capital scarcity is widely believed to impede regional economic growth. We examine whether the distinctive nature of Montana's local banking markets exacerbate capital scarcity, either by reducing bank lending or raising bank loan rates.  相似文献   

孙翊  王铮 《中国农学通报》2010,26(7):374-378
后国际金融危机时代,包括农业投资在内的"三农"发展问题仍然是中国经济政策制定的核心指向之一,为了有效支撑农业投资政策的制定,提出将农业投资的经济影响研究从传统的单区域局部均衡框架推进至多区域一般均衡的研究框架,并构建了一个中国多区域宏观经济可计算一般均衡模型。通过分析典型投资情景的政策模拟结果,建议应当继续加大农业投资力度,此外需注意保护城镇就业和农村退休人群的利益。  相似文献   

The economic difference in Chongqing municipality is very obvious.Chongqing must suit measures to local conditions to carry out this policy.The electricity pricing is the point of balance of the power market.The policy of same electricity pricing in same net interacts with the Chongqing power market.On the ground of Chongqing municipality power market,this paper classifies the cardinal index and sets up a grey index system including the gross domestic production,per capital gross domestic production,per capita income,power management system,population density,power consumption levle,social retail amount.Region division by means of grey cluster provides the base of decision making for the successful application of same electricity pricing in same net in Chongqing municipality.  相似文献   

Modern economy depends on money,but money is created by the bank system.So,as the main body of finance institution in one state,banks have the importance influence upon the economy of one country.Center bank constitutes the money policy and executes the money policy in one country,then it is the core of the whole financial system.But the validity for the money policy must rely on the activity of commercial banks to the money policy.Being based on the money policy transmitting mechanism,this Article analyzes how to establish a kind of bargain relation between Center bank and commercial bank so that commercial bank may work hard toward the aim of the money policy for the center bank under the asymmetric information,which was the bases of the Commercial Banks' innovation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the dynamic effects of monetary policy shocks on economic activity and aggregate price levels across Mexican states. To do this, a recursive structural panel VAR model is implemented as proposed by Pedroni which allows for regional heterogeneity and structural identifying restrictions of common monetary policy shocks. Empirical evidence suggests a common monetary policy shock to short‐term interest rates induces significant cross‐state variation in prices and output level responses. Additional analysis indicates that structural features, such as the industry mix and the small versus large firm mix, are possible sources of the observed cross‐state variation influenced by interest rates and credit channels. We conclude that the observed differentiated regional impacts are sufficiently important to justify rethinking Mexico's current monetary policy framework in order to explicitly consider a regional view.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines whether economic valuation methods are capable of meaningfully measuring the value of the wilderness in monetary terms. Although non-monetary valuation methods are often important in policy making arenas, this paper focuses on monetary methods. Three questions are examined to determine if these economic valuation methods can contribute to the development of wilderness policy. First, are the valuation methods which have been developed by economists capable of expressing in dollar terms the value of all the services which the wilderness supplies? Second, if these valuation methods are not capable of eliciting all the relevant values, are they still useful for public policy purposes? Third, can the valuation methods be modified or can new methods be developed which can measure some of the values which have not been captured by the previously employed methods? The paper reviews existing valuation methods according to these criteria and finds that the ability to value the wilderness is limited by the shortcomings of currently employed techniques. Refinements to existing methods and potential new methods are suggested to further the valuation process.  相似文献   

蔡晓斌  王颖 《中国农学通报》2014,30(29):301-305
参照上证指数的波动特征对中国股市农林牧渔指数的波动特征进行分析,研究导致股市异常波动的影响因素和股价异常波动的特点。结果表明:农林牧渔指数市场具有异常波动的特点,但是相对上证指数来说,农林牧渔指数发生暴涨暴跌的可能性会比较小一点,市场对波动冲击的反应也比较灵敏,它的“长久记忆性特征”也没有那么显著,投资者对利好消息的反应更加强烈。农林牧渔指数呈现相对中国整体股市波动比较适度的情况,在此基础上,针对农林牧渔指数进一步良好的发展提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

国内鳞翅目蝶类昆虫研究的文献计量学分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以《中国知网》的《中国期刊全文数据库》为数据源,运用文献计量学的原理和方法,对1980-2009年国内鳞翅目蝶类昆虫研究专题文献进行统计分析,探讨了这些文献的文献学特征(年代、期刊源和学科方向分布、作者和机构特征,以及科研基金资助状况),揭示了30年间国内该领域研究的动态变化和基本态势,并对该领域研究的今后发展提出建议。  相似文献   

中国黄瓜雌性系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给中国黄瓜雌性系的深入研究提供完善、系统的理论依据,推动黄瓜育种改良工作的进一步发展,笔者归纳和总结了中国自展开雌性系研究以来对于雌性系诱雄方法、分子标记在雌性系材料选育上的应用、雌性系的基因研究以及雌性系在黄瓜育种上的利用等几个方向的研究成果。分析表明中国在这几方面的研究虽均有涉猎,但因基础研究薄弱、种质资源遗传范围狭小等限制,研究的均不深入,多处于起步阶段,因而中国该方向的研究还有待加强。此文同时也为今后雌性系的研究提供了方向性的指导意见。  相似文献   

轮作对农田杂草的影响研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
轮作对农田杂草的影响引起了学者的广泛关注,为了更好地阐明作物轮作在田间杂草管理中的作用,从轮作对杂草群落和杂草种子库的影响两个方面叙述了国内外的相关研究,总结了轮作对杂草影响研究的特点和存在问题。同时,分析了轮作影响农田杂草的可能机制,提出了研究过程中引起问题的部分原因。另外,还展望了今后的研究方向,本研究指出深入研究不同轮作条件下杂草群落和杂草种子库动态规律是今后的研究重点,统一研究方法、完善研究过程中应用的关键技术是研究过程中应重视的问题,关键机制研究和应用研究是未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

福建省科技特派员制度存在的主要问题与推进新思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科技特派员制度是我省创新农村工作机制的一项创举,已上升为全国部署,从星星之火渐 成燎原之势。本文以福建省为例,分析科技特派员制度存在的主要问题及制约因素,提出推进新 思考,进一步增强科技特派员制度的生命力,为海峡西岸经济区建设提供有力的科技支撑。  相似文献   

物化投入对阿克苏地区棉花产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【研究目的】新疆阿克苏地区是我国重要的产棉基地,探究人为可控的物化投入对提高棉花产量的影响有着重要意义;【方法】以阿克苏市和库车县作为研究对象,利用两地1988-2009年的棉花产量和物化投入资料进行统计分析;【结果】阿克苏地区的棉花单产和物化投入(单位面积化肥施用量、单位面积农业机械总动力、单位面积农村用电量)均呈逐年增加趋势,但近年物化投入的边际棉花产量开始下降;该地区综合物化投入指数每增加1%,棉花单产增加约5.4~5.5 kg/hm2;【结论】现应科学合理地分配物化投入量,适当调整投入比例,以促进阿克苏地区的棉花产业得到进一步的发展。  相似文献   

中国转基因抗虫棉研究文献计量分析   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
以1990—2007年中国学术期刊电子杂志社的《中国期刊全文数据库》作为数据来源,以文献计量学方法对抗虫棉研究文献的数量、年份分布、文献作者、主要文献产出单位、作者的合作度,载文期刊的分布、文献主题内容等方面进行统计分析得出:总文献量2042篇,署名文献1964 篇,第一作者1221人,载文期刊221种。确定了24位核心作者和4种核心期刊。通过分析中国抗虫棉的研究现状,揭示了抗虫棉研究特点,为抗虫棉研究及信息交流提供参考依据。  相似文献   

新型农村金融机构引入区农户借贷行为影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对西部两省6个新型农村金融机构引入县域517家农户的问卷调查,运用多分类Logistic回归模型对农户借贷行为的影响因素进行实证分析。结果显示,劳均负担人口等5个变量对只获得新型农村金融机构贷款影响显著;农户年收入等7个变量对只获得非新型金融机构贷款影响显著;农户耕地面积等5个变量对同时获得两类贷款影响显著。农户年收入、负债水平在以上3种情况下均显著地影响了农户的借贷行为。针对影响农户不同借贷行为的决定性因素及其作用方向,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区农村信息化对农业总产值的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据宁夏灌区实际建立了宁夏农村信息化指数,并从农村信息化的研究视角出发,通过农业总投资、农村信息化、农业从业人数与农业总产值之间的关系研究:农村信息化指数对农业经济的增长呈现正相关,说明在宁夏灌区农村信息化建设,逐渐显现出促进作用;而农村信息化指数跟农业从业人员、农业投资数量成负增长,恰恰说明了农村信息化正推进农业经济由粗放型转向集约式的发展模式转变。主成分回归农业从业人数每增加1万人,农业总产值增加0.4102万元;信息化指数每增加1%,农业总产值增加13.3399万元;农业投资每增加1万元,Desertification Control Institute, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Yinchuan 750002)农业总产值就增加0.4123万元。  相似文献   

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