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Cost Estimation of Transmission Line Based on Artificial Neural Network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the structure of cost factor in transmission lines project and the characteristic of neural networks, the paper shows up using artificial neural networks to estimate the cost of project and provide a method to investigate them. By analyzing the structure of project cost and influence factor, the paper builds both input and output neural cell for cost of transmission line project. The paper builds the model of artificial neural networks and exports the steps of the algorithmic. The project sample is used in history to train and test the model. At last, the model gets satisfactory result and meets the investigation requirement of engineering budgetary estimation. Therefore, the paper provides an impersonality and quick investigation method for budgetary estimation of power projects.  相似文献   

It is very difficult to build the accurate mathematical model of the wind turbine generator system because of the uncertainty of air kinetics and the complexity of power electronics, especially when the wind speed changes abruptly or there is a disturbance. But the classical control needs the model. Using neural network controller to the wind turbine generator system can overcome these difficulties. The wind speed can be followed and the maximum power can be obtained under low wind speed by using the power coefficient curve BP neural network and the optimum pitch angle BP neural network. The maximum power can be kept and under the allowed range in the condition of high wind speed. The simulation model and result are given under the environment of MATLAB. The fluctuation of wind speed can be controlled and the disturbance can be cancelled by BP neural network controller.  相似文献   

There are more than one measure devices during the craft launching proceeding, reliable craft orbit measurement selection is important for launching monitor and safety control. This paper proposes a novel orbit selection method by knowledge based neural network, which combines the human knowledge and orbit samples based training together. The false spur orbit data are deleted according the data continuity rule at first, then the difference between orbit data is computed, and at last a neural network is trained to test reliability of each data and select the orbit with high precision among all orbit data. Simulations and experiments show the efficiency and reliability of our method.  相似文献   

This text solves the basic and important frequency estimate problem in communication by synergetic neural network. Basing frequency estimate in satellite communication, concretely studies the frequency estimate about BPSK signal. When the large Doppler frequency is partitioned several smaller area, each order parameter stands for each area. Once get the winner of the order parameters, the smaller frequency is confirmed. The approximation of the adjoint vectors simplify the complexity of arithmetic, but the system error is caused. This method has rapid capture speed, and smaller cost by analyzing and simulation.  相似文献   

基于 SPA-RBF神经网络的小麦蛋白质含量无损检测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
传统半微量凯氏法测量小麦蛋白质含量繁琐费时,应用近红外光谱分析技术结合SPA-RBF神经网络对小麦蛋白质含量进行快速、无损检测.采用SPXY算法划分校正集和预测集样本,运用连续投影算法(SPA)对一阶微分和SNV预处理后的光谱数据提取敏感波点作为RBF神经网络的输入,建立小麦蛋白质含量的SPA-RBF神经网络校正模型.模型的预测均方根误差和预测相关系数可达到0.26576和0.975,预测效果较好,基本上可以完成粮食储备和食品加工行业对小麦及其制品品质的划分以及育种上的前期世代筛选.研究表明:近红外光谱技术结合SPA-RBF神经网络可实现对小麦蛋白质含量的检测,满足现代农业发展对小麦无损、实时、大量检测的需要.  相似文献   

藏北高寒牧区草地是中国高寒草地分布面积最大的地区。为了及时准确地获得该区域草地覆盖度的变化趋势,本研究利用多年气象数据、社会统计数据、GIMMS、MODIS两种归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据作为参数,构建 BP神经网络模型,估算2010—2014年藏北高寒草地年际变化趋势,并用主成分分析方法优化参数来改进模型。结果表明,① BP神经网络模型及其改进模型对藏北高寒草地覆盖度年际变化趋势与遥感值的相关系数为0.16、0.47,表明通过主成分分析优化参数后的BP神经网络模型具有较好的模拟效果。 ②两种BP神经网络估算的植被指数值与NDVI值平均误差率分别为2.36%、2.20%。均有较高的模拟精度。③从神经网络训练步数上看,BP神经网络结果训练收敛步长为5000,基于主成分分析的BP神经网络模型训练收敛步长为454,表明后者提高了计算效率,体现出良好的收敛性。因此,无论从年际变化趋势拟合程度、植被指数估算值精度、还是从计算效率来看,改进的BP神经网络模型对于估算藏北高寒草地覆盖度变化更加行之有效。  相似文献   

Aim at the practicability issue,study effect-evaluating model based on B-P NN was improved on evaluation standards,evaluation model and training swatch.Evaluation standard effectivity was added to set the conversion function of network crytic-layer nodes as'tansig' and that of output-layer nodes as'logsig'.The taining swatch was improved.The simulation results validated the evaluation veracity of the model.  相似文献   

肖毅 《中国农学通报》2014,30(29):314-320
提出了适合农业电子商务网站的评价指标体系。建立农业电子商务网站的BP神经网络评价模型,通过BP神经网络对数据进行训练、测试,对提出的评价指标体系进行了验证。通过对结果的分析发现,建立的基于BP神经网络的评价模型在农业电子商务网站评价中具有可行性,在网站建设方面具有较强的参考价值。  相似文献   

为了快速、简便、准确地测定小麦蛋白质的含量,本文提出了应用近红外光谱分析技术结合遗传算法(GA)的BP神经网络的建模方法。采用SPXY算法对光谱数据进行了合理划分,并运用连续投影算法(SPA)将预处理过的数据压缩,对光谱数据提取最佳敏感波点作为GA-BP神经网络的输入,建立小麦蛋白质含量的校正模型。模型的预测均方根误差和预测相关系数为1.3379和0.979,并与BP神经网络所建立的校正模型进行了比较。结果表明:GA-BP神经网络所建模型收敛速度快、训练时间短、准确度也较高,能够实现对小麦蛋白质含量快速高效的检测。  相似文献   

A Realistic Neural Network on Cerebral Learning-memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The governing system of hydraulic turbine generator plays an important role in power system. It is significant to find out the faults of governing system and remove them quickly. This paper sets up a new fault diagnosis model of the hydraulic turbine generator governing system with the advanced ANN (artificial neural net). This 17-in-13-out model consists of three layers. It is proved that this model can find the fault accurately.  相似文献   

The forecasting of water quality variation is very important in the process of sewage treatment, which helps the control system work reliably and steadily. In this paper, the compensative fuzzy neural network (CFNN) based on compensative fuzzy logic and neural network and its study arithmetic are introduced. Considering its features as fast speed, steady studying course, global dynamic optimization, CFNN is applied to establish water quality forecasting model. The practical example indicates that the model is not sensitive to initial parameters and has better forecasting precision and faster convergence.  相似文献   

To overcome the disadvantages of general networks such as slow convergence speed and being unable to combine with the expert knowledge etc,the authors introduces compensatory fuzzy neural cells,integrate the powerful knowledge expressiveness of fuzzy system and the excellent self-learning of neural network,and present a novel Compensatory Fuzzy Neural Network(CFNN) based on Adaptive Learning Rate Method which changes the learning rate using Adaptive Learning Rate Method in dynamic way.Finally this method is applied to the actual case.The result proves that it not(only) can adjust parameters properly on line,but also can optimize relevant fuzzy reasoning in dynamic way,fasten training rate.  相似文献   

基于RBF神经网络的蔬菜价格预报研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
准确预测农产品市场价格对于农户生产决策与政府调控等具有重要意义。针对蔬菜市场价格预报的复杂性,利用RBF神经网络的特性,应用2003-2007年的香菇市场价格数据建立蔬菜价格预报模型,并对RBF神经网络模型的参数选择进行分析。最后应用模型对2008-2009年的香菇市场价格数据进行预报,通过与BP神经网络模型预报结果进行比较,表明RBF神经网络模型具有更高的预报准确度。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of the power electronic circuit is very intricate. One of the main reasons is that the structure of the circuit will change if the power device is not working .The thyristor is the easiest to be mangled. So diagnosing the malfunction is the most important about the diagnosis of the power electronic circuit. The paper puts forward a malfunction diagnosis of the thyristors of three-phase full-bridge controlled rectifier with BP neural network. After analyzing the output waveforms of malfunctioning circuit and training a BP neural network with the sampling data of malfunctioning waveforms, a well training BP neural network is constructed and used to diagnose the malfunction. The simulation and experiment demonstrate that this method is valid.  相似文献   

With the development of the academic degrees and graduate education, evaluation is the important measure for guaranteeing the quality in the area. With increasing complication of the target of the evaluation of academic degrees and graduate education , it is necessary to introduce nonlinear method of the evaluation, which has great significance for the validity of the result of the evaluation. Neural networks have been developed greatly in recent years,they have the advantages of nonlinear mapping,parallelity ,adaption, etc. Therefore , they are good tools of nonlinear modeling. On the basis of setting up the model of the evaluation based on neural network ,this paper presets the practical value of the method.based them.  相似文献   

基于深度卷积神经网络的玉米病害识别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为了提高玉米病害的识别率,本文提出了一种在自然环境条件下基于深度卷积神经网络的玉米病害识别方法。该方法以玉米常见的10类病害为研究对象。算法模型是先将图像预处理,应用Triplet loss双卷积神经网络结构学习玉米图像特征,再使用SIFT算法提取图像纹理细节,最后通过Softmax对图像进行标签分类。训练集采用正常玉米图像与玉米病害图像相结合的方式,使用深度相似性网络学习正常玉米图像特征表示,再使用迁移学习方法学习玉米病害图像的特征,最后对特征进行分类识别。研究结果表明,该方法可准确识别10种常见玉米病害,正确率可达90%以上,为玉米病害的防治提供了有效的技术支持。  相似文献   

基于全波段高光谱的冬小麦生长参数估算方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高光谱数据监测作物生长情况具有无损和高效的特点,是现代农业的发展方向。为了简化高光谱数据处理流程,直接利用原始的高光谱反射率完成从建模到估算作物生长参数的全过程,应用于作物长势的实时监测。本文利用偏最小二乘回归(partial least squares regression,PLSR)、支持向量回归(support vector regression,SVR)和前馈神经网络(feedforward neural network,FNN)3种方法,利用全波段高光谱数据分别对冬小麦多个关键生育期(拔节、孕穗、扬花和乳熟期)生长参数(地上部生物量、叶面积指数、全氮含量和叶绿素浓度)进行了估算。比较3种方法的建模及估测效果,发现对于建模集数据,SVR对上述生长参数4个生育期的估测结果R2均值为0.89~0.98,MAPE为1.70%~7.53%,对于验证集数据,R2均值为0.90~0.94,MAPE为4.04%~7.46%,拟合优度和估测精度均超过PLSR和FNN,是估算方法中利用全波段光谱反射率估测冬小麦生长参数的最佳方案。随着无人机载高光谱技术成熟,SVR方法能够用于处理航拍获取的大范围田间高光谱信息,简便快捷地进行建模与参数反演,实时反映作物生长状态。  相似文献   

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