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An experiment is described which measures the effects of white clover, fertilizer nitrogen and simulated animal residues, alone and in all combinations, on total herbage production from a perennial ryegrass sward. Yields of oven-dry herbage and of nitrogen are quoted. Two cuts were taken in the seedling year and four to six in each of three full harvest years.
Yield response to fertilizer nitrogen was similar to that in some other experiments in the U.K., while the beneficial effect of clover on yield was rather greater.
Negative nitrogen ± clover and positive nitrogen ± animal residues interactions were found throughout the yield data. There was a positive clover ± animal residues interaction in the first harvest year (dry-matter yield only), and a negative nitrogen ± clover ± animal residues interaction in the second harvest year.
The results are discussed in relation to other published work and to their application in practice.  相似文献   

The effect of a range of N rates on herbage production from grass/white-clover and grass swards was investigated in two long-term grazed experiments. The mixed sward yielded more than the grass swards over the range of fertilizer rates tested which were 0–120 lb N/ac (134.5 kg/ha), but the response of the mixed sward to fertilizer N was less than that of tbe grass sward. Tbis was due to the direct and indirect effect of clover, which was considerable with no fertilizer N but decreased witb increasing rates of application. However, clover was not completely suppressed by N at eitber site and contributed to berhage yields at all N rates. Rate and time of N application and the amount of clover in tbe sward affected tbe seasonal distribution of DM yields. The mid-season decline was less marked at bigb- tban at intermediate-levels of N supply.  相似文献   

The responses of Phalaris tuberosa L. to cutting to 1/2- and to 3-in. at 3 levels of nitrogen (0, 23 and 92 lb/ac after each cut) were investigated in two irrigated, small-plot trials. A technique involving the use of sheet-iron borders embedded in the soil to contain root systems, irrigation water and fertilizer was developed. The 3-in. cutting height gave greater dry-matter yields than J in., the difference reaching significance only with applied N. Plant mortality was significantly greater for the 1/2-in. cutting height at each N level. N significantly increased DM yield at both cutting heights, the greatest yield being at the higher application rate. Plant mortality at both cutting heights was significantly reduced by applied N. The results are discussed in relation to the most suitable grazing management for sustained growth of irrigated Phalaris swards.  相似文献   

The effect of rate of nitrogen fertilizer and clipping frequency on total production of dry matter (DM), in vitro digestible organic matter (DOM), and crude protein (CP) was investigated in the first harvest year of intermediate wheatgrass. The highest yields of DM and DOM, but not of CP, were obtained at the longest clipping intervals and at the higher rates of fertilizer application. Fertilizer failed to give satisfactory increases in yield even at very high rates of application when a 2-week clipping interval was used. The interaction between clipping frequency and fertilizer rate had a highly significant effect on yields of both DM and DOM. A sharp decline in percentage DOM that occurred with increasing length between clippings was offset to some degree by application of N fertilizer. A similar assessment of treatments was obtained from DOM and DM yield data when the grass was fertilized with N, but not when N was deficient. The CP data gave a different assessment of treatments from that obtained from either DOM or DM data.  相似文献   

The results of field experiments with leys dominated by Festuca pratensis and Dactylis species appear to concur with the theories proposed by Kramer and Jäntti. Complete defoliation, while the soil moisture was at or near permanent wilting percentage down to about 40 cm. depth, arrested growth almost completely but the growth rate of plants with assimilating parts left was 70 to 90 per cent of the corresponding rate on moist soil. The interaction of defoliation and soil moisture, however, seemed to be confined to cases where defoliation was practically complete. When a 4 cm. stubble was left the effect of drought was relatively no more strong than in swards cut to only 12 cm. Defoliation alone causes heavy crop reductions even in moist soil, and these reductions are evidently more important quantitatively than those resulting from the interaction with soil moisture.  相似文献   

The result of a study over many years on the effect of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and nitrogen fertilizer on the production of young and old grassland are discussed. In young and old grassland, clover and N fertilizer increased production and N content. The effect of clover on production was somewhat greater in young grassland than in old. This difference was associated with a difference in the clover percentage in the sward. Statistical treatment of the results of similar studies by other workers showed that, given equal percentages, the clover in an older sward clearly had a greater effect than the clover in the first few years after sowing. Variation in the production of both young and somewhat older grass/clover swards are mainly due to differences in the clover percentage.  相似文献   

Direct-cut grass which has been heavily fertilized often produces silage with a poor fermentation. An investigation was carried out to study the effect of rate and timing of N applications to herbage intended for direct-cut silage. A small but consistent increase in silage pH was recorded after high levels of N were applied 7–8 weeks before cutting. The application of additional N fertilizer 10–14 days before cutting the sward had an adverse effect on silage fermentation. Changes in herbage composition following different levels of applied N are outlined.  相似文献   

施氮对高产春大豆氮素吸收分配的影响   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
以高油品种黑农41为材料研究了高产条件下,氮肥对春大豆植株氮素吸收的影响.结果表明,始花期施氮肥促进氮素吸收,提高氮素的积累速率,推迟氮素积累高峰期,氮素积累总量增加,促进氮素向子粒分配,提高子粒产量和蛋白质含量.在施氮量为0-90kg/hm2范围内,每生产100kg子粒,氮、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)吸收量略增,三者之间的比率稳定,约为1:0.28:0.69,再增加氮肥施用量,钾的吸收比率明显下降.  相似文献   

氮肥对套作大豆干物质积累与分配的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在麦/玉米/豆种植模式下,研究了施氮量对套作大豆干物质积累与分配的影响.结果表明,随着施氮量的提高,大豆LAI增大,叶片衰老延缓,在盛荚期保持更大的叶面积,有利于干物质的积累.适宜的施氮量(≤135 kg/hm2)在大豆结荚期后能协调植株各部分干物质的输出率,对套作大豆有明显的增产作用;高氮处理(180.225 kg/hm2)促使植株茎、叶干物质量在始熟期积累过多,而干物质的输出率降低,导致源/库比例不协调,对豆荚的贡献率降低,产量降低.就不同器官而言,叶片对籽粒的贡献率大于茎秆对籽粒的贡献率.干物质量与产量构成因素存在明显相关,在套作大豆苗期,根、茎干物质量与充实度、产量显著正相关;在套作大豆生育中、后期,叶片干物质积累量与产量构成因素呈显著负相关.综上所述,适宜施氮量(45~90 kg/hm2)提高干物质的贡献率,减少大豆秕粒,有利于套作大豆获得高额产量.  相似文献   

专用肥对马铃薯产量及效益的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对马铃薯的吸肥特性和土壤养分含量状况 ,科学配制而成的马铃薯专用肥 ,每公顷施75 0kg专用肥 ,比常规施肥 ,无论生育状况、产量、品质还是商品性均明显提高 ,其效益增加显著。Ⅰ型专用肥、Ⅱ型专用肥和Ⅲ型专用肥分别比常规施肥每公顷增产 5 45 6、 6 0 6 0和 75 75kg ,增产幅度分别为 2 0 4 7%、 2 2 72 %和 2 8 4 0 % ;增值分别为 2 0 2 6 5元、 3979 5元和 4 811元 ,增值幅度分别为 2 5 3%、 5 0 0 %和 6 0 0 %。  相似文献   

A grazing experiment using four stocking rates of sheep, equivalent to 34, 45, 57 and 68 sheep/ha on an assumed 200-day grazing season, was conducted using a portable grazing corral technique. Plots were subjected to fotir grazing periods between mid May and early September. The effect of stocking rate on herbage yield and quality and the influence of these factors and feed intake on liveweights of the sheep were recorded. The mean daily herbage organic matter available over the trial was 9.6, 5.8, 3.3 and 23% of the total liveweight of the sheep at each of the four stocking rates. The highest grazing pressure led to the production of high-quality herbage, but also led to reduced productivity, low feed intake and liveweight losses. The most lenient grazing pressure failed to provide adequate herbage utilization. Even at the most intensive stocking pressure, only 66% of the herbage available to ground level was utilized in grazings after July. Intake results suggested that sheep of 45 kg liveweight required 1000–1200 g digestible organic matter per day to maintain body weight. Despite the higher in vitro digestibility of herbage on offer at the higher stocking rates, intake was limited through lack of herbage; a high degree of correlation existed between herbage availability and herbage intake over the four stocking rates and at all grazings. It is concluded that the portable corral technique is well suited for grazing studies and the assessment of sward response to varying stocking rates and is particularly useful where facilities for more extensive studies are limited.  相似文献   

马铃薯合作88号肥胖与密度丰产栽培试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孔令郁 《中国马铃薯》2002,16(4):217-218
利用二元二次回归组合设计,研究宣威红壤马铃薯专用肥和密度措施对马铃薯产量的影响,结果表明:肥料与密度对马铃薯产量的效应曲线都为开口向下的抛物线;产量>37500kg/hm^2的优化栽培措施为:马铃薯专用肥1937.55kg/hm^2,种植密度40620株/hm^2。  相似文献   

Mid–season depression of grassland yield following spring application of N was found to be due almost entirely to clover depression, the grass fraction showing no after effects of the treatment. The effect became more marked and lasted longer in successive years. Varying the date of first defoliation in spring did not affect the clover depression significantly. Possible causes contributing to the depressing effect are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯合作88号肥料与密度丰产栽培试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用二元二次回归组合设计 ,研究宣威红壤马铃薯专用肥和密度措施对马铃薯产量的影响 ,结果表明 :肥料与密度对马铃薯产量的效应曲线都为开口向下的抛物线 ;产量 >375 0 0kg hm2的优化栽培措施为 :马铃薯专用肥 1937 5 5kg hm2 ,种植密度 4 0 6 2 0株 hm2 。  相似文献   

In 2 experiments nitrogenous fertilizer was applied at 3 levels (0, 46 and 92 lb N/ac) to a permanent pasture and a ryegrass/clover ley and the swards were harvested before ear emergence and conserved as either artificially dried grass or tetrapod hay. Apparent dry matter digestibility and voluntary food intake of the conserved herbages were measured with sheep.
N caused a small but significant depression in apparent DM digestibility but did not affect voluntary food intake. It increased yields of DM and digestible DM significantly.
The DM digestibility and voluntary food intake of hay were always significantly lower than those of the corresponding dried grass. Voluntary food intake of all fodders was directly related to herbage digestibility and inversely related to herbage crude fibre content.  相似文献   

Two successive grazing experiments were conducted over 12 weeks on perennial ryegrass pastures with 50 and 44 young cattle to study the effect of N fertilizer when applied at a daily rate of 1 or 3 kg N/ha. At each level of N two stocking rates differing hy 20% were imposed. At the liigher N level and stocking rate, three frequencies of grazing were imposed. At the stocking rates imposed N tended to reduce the daily liveweight gain per head, but increased the total liveweight gain per ha by from 0.79 to 1.58 kg/kg N. A 20% increase in stocking rate depressed gain per head in both years. In the first year it did not improve gain/ha, hut in the second year gain/ha was increased by 12–17%. There was a tendency for performance per animal and per ha to increase as the grazing cycle was lengthened. In 1969 the highest yield in the whole season was 1880 grazing days and 1260 kg gain/ha. The overall response to N fertilizer was similar to that recorded in other reports, but it is possible that a lack of K had limited pasture growth.  相似文献   

An experiment on the effect of the rate and timing of N applications on the seed yield of S48 timothy is described. Some benefits were obtained from the use of nitrogen, but the results were variable, probably because of the effect of the fertilizer on root size interacting with the currently prevailing climatic conditions. It is suggested that the adverse effect of dry weather during ear initiation and development might be alleviated by the use of irrigation.  相似文献   

缓释、控释肥料对大豆产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用缓释或控释肥料,在盆栽条件下研究了大豆生育期间干物质积累,分配,养分吸收和产量的变化。结果表明,生育期间的总干物质的积累,结英期以前所有缓释肥料处理的均高于对照,尤以LP-40和LP-70的处理作用明显,而结荚后只有LP-40,LP-70和LP-SS100A3个处理的干物重高于对照;缓释时间短的肥料对氮素的吸收影响不大,而时间长的则减少前期的吸收,然而,缓释或控释肥料均能一定程度的增加K^ 的含量,但对PO4^3-影响不大。控释肥料LP-SS100A可增产21.9%,而缓释肥料LP-70和LP-180A分别增产13.1%和12.2%。  相似文献   

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