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The radical scavenging activity and the antioxidant content of fresh and air-dried tomatoes were investigated. Tomato halves were dried in a pilot-scale dryer under the following conditions: air temperature, 80 degrees C; air flow rate, 1.5 m/s; drying time, 400 min; final moisture, 25%. Carotenoid (lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein) and ascorbic acid were analyzed by HPLC with a spectrophotometric and an electrochemical detector, respectively. Total phenolics were determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The radical scavenging activity was studied in three model systems: (a) the xanthine oxidase and xanthine system, which generates superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide; (b) the 3-morpholinosydnonimine system, which releases spontaneously superoxide radical and nitrogen monoxide, forming peroxynitrite; (c) the linoleic acid and CuSO(4) system, which promotes lipid peroxidation. These model systems allow the simulation of key reactions involved in the pathogenesis of certain chronic diseases and may be related to the in vivo activity of tomato antioxidants. Hence, these measurements can be used for optimizing tomato processing and storage. The drying process resulted in a decrease of ascorbic acid content, whereas phenol reagent reducing compounds increased. Carotenoid levels were substantially unchanged upon drying. Fresh and air-dried tomato extracts could act as radical scavengers both in the reactive oxygen species-mediated reactions and in lipid peroxidation. Drying affected the antioxidant effectiveness as measured in the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system, which was found to be the most sensitive method for the measurement of tomato antioxidant activity (lower I(50)) but retained the antioxidant effectiveness in the other two systems.  相似文献   

Sixteen ecotypes of Corbarini small tomatoes were studied. The antioxidant activity was evaluated with the DMPD (N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine) method in the water-soluble fraction (S-AA) and with the ABTS [2, 2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] method in the water-insoluble fraction (I-AA). S-AA and I-AA were strongly related to each other, varying to a large extent between the ecotypes considered. They were also significantly correlated with fruit weight, total solids, and refractive index. The combination of the latter variables (by multiple regression analysis) accounted for 36% and 44% of the total variability of S-AA and I-AA, respectively. Moreover, when the ecotypes were subdivided according to their shape (round, pear-shaped, oval, and long), S-AA and I-AA were both significantly higher in round tomatoes and lower in the long ones. In conclusion, the antioxidant activity varies to a considerable extent between different ecotypes of Corbarini small tomatoes. These differences are related to shape and some other fruit characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate if the depletion of UV-B radiation affected the most representative carotenoids as well as the ascorbic acid content in tomato fruits, harvested at both breaker and firm red stages. To do this, three tomato genotypes, DRW 5981, HP 1, and Esperanza, were grown inside a greenhouse either covered with polyethylene transparent to UV-B or depleted of UV-B by a special covering film. The antioxidant properties of the fruits were evaluated on the water-insoluble fractions according to the ABTS method. UV-B effect on antioxidant activity was negligible in DRW and HP 1 genotypes, whereas it was detrimental in Esperanza at both ripening stages. This genotype seems to have a negligible capability of accumulating carotenoids and a great susceptibility to detrimental effects of UV-B; conversely, the DRW genotype shows high carotenoid levels under sunlight conditions and a further promotion by UV-B. On the other hand, the HP 1 mutant displays an intermediate behavior and represents the only genotype favored by UV-B with respect to ascorbic acid accumulation.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine organic species of arsenic in the main varieties of seafood consumed in the Basque country (Spain). The concentrations of arsenobetaine (AB), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), arsenocholine (AC), and tetramethylarsonium ion (TMA(+)) in 64 samples corresponding to different food items are presented. The study provides information about a possible distribution pattern of organoarsenical species in seafood products. AB was detected in all of the samples [0.3-104.1 microg g(-1) dry weight (dw)]. DMA was detected in all of the samples except squid and salted cod (0.027-1.757 microg g(-1) dw). MMA was detected only in certain fatty fish (0.004-0.028 microg g(-1) dw) and bivalves (0.031-0.047 microg g(-1) dw). AC was only present in some samples of lean fish (0.014-0.089 microg g(-1) dw), and TMA(+) was detected only in anchovy (0.039-0.169 microg g(-1) dw) and crustaceans (0.044-0.966 microg g(-1) dw).  相似文献   

The antioxidative effects of urate on peroxidase-induced protein oxidation and light-induced riboflavin degradation and lipid oxidation in whole milk were studied. In addition, experiments using ascorbate were conducted to directly compare the antioxidative activity of urate and ascorbate. The presence of urate and/or ascorbate (10-30 mg/L) lowered peroxidase-induced formation of dityrosine by 44-96% in unpasteurized whole milk. No synergistic effect of urate and ascorbate on peroxidase-induced dityrosine formation was registered, but merely an additive effect. Light exposure of pasteurized whole milk showed that ascorbate was oxidized at the expense of urate, which indicated ascorbate-mediated recycling of the urate radical. Moreover, both urate and ascorbate (30 mg/L) retarded light-induced lipid oxidation in pasteurized whole milk as measured by formation of lipid hydroperoxides with urate being the most effective (28% reduction in lipid hydroperoxides) compared with ascorbate (14%). Finally, addition of urate or ascorbate (300 mg/L) to pasteurized whole milk showed a slight protective effect against light-induced degradation of riboflavin with urate being the most effective.  相似文献   

Changes in soil fertility caused by various organic and N-fertilizer amendments were studied in a long-term field trial mostly cropped with cereals. Five treatments were included: (I) fallow, (II) cropping with no C or N addition, (III) cropping with N-fertilization (80 kg ha ?1 yr?1), (IV) cropping with straw incorporation (1800kg Cha?1 yr?1) and N-fertilization (80 kg ha?1yr?1), and (V) cropping with addition of farmyard manure (80 kg N + 1800kg Cha?1yr?1). The treatments resulted in soil organic matter contents ranging from 4.3% (I) to 5.8% (V). Microbial biomass and activity were determined by chloroform fumigation, direct counting of fungi (fluorescein diacetate (FDA)-staining and Jones-Mollison agar-film technique) and bacteria (acridine orange staining), most probable number determinations of protozoa, esterase activity (total FDA hydrolysis) and respiration. Both biomass estimates and activity measurements showed a highly significant correlation with soil organic matter. Microbial biomass C ranged from 230 to 600 μg C g?1 dry wt soil, as determined by the fumigation technique, while conversions from direct counts gave a range from 380 to 2260 μg C. Mean hyphal diameters and mean bacterial cell volumes decreased with decreasing soil organic matter content.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are a major source of the potent greenhouse gas and ozone depleting substance, N2O. To implement management practices that minimize microbial N2O production and maximize its consumption (i.e., complete denitrification), we must understand the interplay between simultaneously occurring biological and physical processes, especially how this changes with soil depth. Meaningfully disentangling of these processes is challenging and typical N2O flux measurement techniques provide little insight into subsurface mechanisms. In addition, denitrification studies are often conducted on sieved soil in altered O2 environments which relate poorly to in situ field conditions. Here, we developed a novel incubation system with headspaces both above and below the soil cores and field-relevant O2 concentrations to better represent in situ conditions. We incubated intact sandy clay loam textured agricultural topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsoil (50–60 cm) cores for 3–4 days at 50% and 70% water-filled pore space, respectively. 15N-N2O pool dilution and an SF6 tracer were injected below the cores to determine the relative diffusivity and the net N2O emission and gross N2O emission and consumption fluxes. The relationship between calculated fluxes from the below and above soil core headspaces confirmed that the system performed well. Relative diffusivity did not vary with depth, likely due to the preservation of preferential flow pathways in the intact cores. Gross N2O emission and uptake also did not differ with depth but were higher in the drier cores, contrary to expectation. We speculate this was due to aerobic denitrification being the primary N2O consuming process and simultaneously occurring denitrification and nitrification both producing N2O in the drier cores. We provide further evidence of substantial N2O consumption in drier soil but without net negative N2O emissions. The results from this study are important for the future application of the 15N-N2O pool dilution method and N budgeting and modelling, as required for improving management to minimize N2O losses.  相似文献   

The antioxidative activities of propolis and its main phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid phenethyl ester, were investigated in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After 1 h of exposure of the yeast cells, their intracellular oxidation was measured using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein. Yeast cells exposed to 96% ethanolic extracts of propolis in DMSO (EEP) showed decreased intracellular oxidation, with no significant differences seen for the individual phenolic compounds. However, cellular uptake was seen only for a moderately polar fraction of EEP (E2) and caffeic acid phenethyl ester. The EEP antioxidative activity thus resulted from this E2 fraction of EEP. The influence of EEP was also investigated at the mitochondrial proteome level, by analyzing its profile after 1 h of exposure of the yeast cells to EEP and E2. Changes in the levels of antioxidative proteins and proteins involved in ATP synthesis were seen.  相似文献   

Processing effects on lycopene content and antioxidant activity of tomatoes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Consumption of tomato products has been associated with decreased risk of some cancer types, and the tomato antioxidant, lycopene, is thought to play an important role in the observed health effects. In this study, four carotenoids, trans-lycopene, phytofluene, phytoene, and zeta-carotene, were quantified in tomato products. Samples of raw tomatoes, tomato juice after hot break scalder, and final paste were obtained from two different processing plants over two years. Comparison of carotenoid levels throughout processing indicated that lycopene losses during processing of tomatoes into final paste (25-30 degrees Brix) ranged from 9 to 28%. The initial Brix level of the raw tomatoes appeared to influence the amount of lycopene loss that occurred, possibly due to the differences in processing time required to achieve the final desired Brix level of the paste. In general, no consistent changes in the other carotenoids were observed as a function of processing. The antioxidant activity of fresh tomatoes, tomato paste, and three fractions obtained from these products (i.e., aqueous, methanol, and hexane fractions) was also determined. In both a free radical quenching assay and a singlet oxygen quenching assay, significant antioxidant activity was found in both the hexane fraction (containing lycopene) and the methanol fraction, which contained the phenolic antioxidants caffeic and chlorogenic acid. The results suggest that in addition to lycopene, polyphenols in tomatoes may also be important in conferring protective antioxidative effects.  相似文献   

不同施肥处理对土壤养分含量及土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
在田间试验条件下,通过对花生各生育期土壤养分含量与酶活性的研究,探讨了不同施肥处理对土壤养分含量及土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:各生育期不同施肥处理土壤养分含量以控释掺混肥处理最高,在整个生育期内都能满足花生对养分的需求,普通复合肥在土壤中养分释放迅速,后期出现脱肥现象;土壤脲酶活性、酸性磷酸酶活性以控释掺混肥处理最高,纯控释肥处理其次,均明显高于普通复肥和对照处理,过氧化氢酶活性受肥料类型的影响较小,变化范围在2.68~6.26ml/g之间;3种土壤酶活性与速效P含量的相关性最好,其中脲酶活性与土壤速效P含量相关性达到极显著正相关,过氧化氢酶活性与速效P含量为极显著负相关,脲酶活性与碱解N含量存在显著正相关,磷酸酶活性与碱解N同样存在显著正相关,过氧化氢酶活性与速效K含量存在极显著负相关。这说明土壤酶活性与土壤养分含量呈密切的相关性,可将其作为评价土壤肥力的指标。  相似文献   

Antioxidative activity of green tea polyphenol in cholesterol-fed rats   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This study investigated the effects of green tea polyphenol on the serum antioxidative activity and cholesterol levels of cholesterol-fed rats and compared them with those of probucol, an antioxidant hypocholesterolemic agent. To evaluate the antioxidative activity, the susceptibility to oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) isolated from the serum of cholesterol-fed rats was measured, as was the serum antioxidative activity using the spontaneous autoxidation system of brain homogenate. Administration of green tea polyphenol effectively inhibited LDL oxidation and elevated serum antioxidative activity to the same degree as probucol. However, higher amounts of polyphenol than probucol needed to be administered to reduce the total, free, and LDL cholesterol levels. Furthermore, green tea polyphenol increased the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, leading to dose-dependent improvement of the atherogenic index, an effect that was not seen with probucol. Thus, green tea polyphenol may exert an antiatherosclerotic action by virtue of its antioxidant properties and by increasing HDL cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

The efficacy of combinations of food for enhanced anticancer activity is of clinical interest, but there is limited information on the effect of combined consumption on bioactive bioavailability. Male Copenhagen rats consumed diets containing 10% tomato powder (TP), 2% soy germ (SG), neither, or a combination (TP+SG) for 25 weeks (n = 63) or 7 days (n = 24). After 7 days, serum carotenoids were significantly lower after TP+SG feeding compared to TP alone. After 25 weeks, the TP+SG group had significantly lower lycopene and β-carotene concentration in the testes, seminal vesicles, and ventral prostate compared to the TP group and significantly higher urinary isoflavone excretion compared to the SG group. These differences were not explained by mRNA expression of scavenger receptor class B type I, carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase I, carotene 9',10'-monooxygenase II, or activity of hepatic detoxification enzymes. The results suggest interactions between soy germ and tomato powder that enhance isoflavone absorption but reduce carotenoid bioavailability.  相似文献   

Volatile chemicals obtained from a commercial beer by liquid-liquid continuous extraction were evaluated for antioxidant activity. The inhibitory ability of this extract toward the conversion of hexanal to hexanoic acid was monitored over a 35-day period. The volatile extract demonstrated >99% effectiveness at inhibiting hexanal oxidation at 50 microg/mL, comparable to that of the natural antioxidant alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). Volatile compounds contained in the extract were isolated and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). From the volatile constituents identified in beer extract, phenylethyl alcohol, maltol, and 2-furanmethanol were examined for antioxidative activities. At a concentration of 500 microg/mL, maltol and 2-furanmethanol demonstrated approximately 95 and 100% inhibition of hexanal oxidation over 35 days, respectively. Phenylethyl alcohol did not show any appreciable level of inhibition of hexanal oxidation. Heterocyclic compounds, some of which are known to possess antioxidative activities, were also identified in the volatile extract.  相似文献   

为了探讨长期施肥对不同有机质含量农田黑土酶活性及养分的影响。本研究以黑土生产力长期定位试验为平台,选取5个不同有机质含量农田黑土为研究对象,对比分析长期施用化肥对农田黑土土壤蛋白酶活性及相关土壤养分的影响。结果表明:5种不同有机质含量农田黑土蛋白酶活性随有机质含量的增加而递增;与长期无肥处理相比,施用化肥显著提高了农田黑土蛋白酶的活性。不同施肥处理间土壤全氮随有机质含量的降低而降低,铵态氮、硝态氮与全氮含量变化一致。相关分析显示,土壤蛋白酶活性与土壤全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮均呈显著的正相关关系(P0.05)。土壤蛋白酶活性可以作为长期施用化肥农田黑土质量评价的灵敏指标。  相似文献   

为了研究不同秸秆生物反应堆对番茄根系土壤温度和其生长发育的影响,找到秸秆生物反应堆提高番茄产量的理论依据,试验选取水稻、玉米2种作物秸秆为原料,应用秸秆生物反应堆技术,以常规栽培为对照,通过测定日光温室小气候、番茄农艺性状、抗病性和产量等指标,对不同秸秆生物反应堆番茄生长发育的影响进行综合评价。结果表明,与对照相比,玉米秸秆和水稻秸秆可以使土壤温度分别提高3.7和2.7℃,有机质含量分别增加6.86和4.80 g/kg,产量分别提高22.7%和10.4%;土壤全盐量下降0.39和0.33 g/kg,畸形果率减少7.3%和4.2%,植株发病率下降2.87%和0.44%。应用秸秆生物反应堆可以有效改善土壤理化性质,增加番茄的产量,且玉米秸秆生物反应堆效果更佳。  相似文献   

A difference in taste characteristics between the outer flesh and the inner pulp of tomatoes has been observed; in particular the pulp, which contains the seeds, had more umami taste. Analysis of the free amino acids and 5'-ribonucleotides in the different parts of 13 varieties of tomatoes showed that in all cases the pulp contained higher levels of glutamic acid, 5'-adenosine monophosphate (AMP), 5'-guanosine monophosphate, 5'-uridine monophosphate, and 5'-cytidine monophosphate. The mean concentration of glutamic acid in the flesh was 1.26 g/kg and that in the pulp 4.56 g/kg but in some varieties the difference between pulp and flesh was more than 6-fold. For AMP, the mean concentration in the flesh was 80 mg/kg and that in the pulp was 295 mg/kg with one variety showing an 11-fold difference between pulp and flesh. These differences in concentration of these compounds, which are known to possess umami characteristics, provide an explanation for the perceived difference in umami taste between the flesh and pulp of tomatoes.  相似文献   

The antioxidative properties of the leaves extracts of Murraya koenigii using different solvents were evaluated based on the oil stability index (OSI) together with their radical scavenging ability against 1-1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The methylene chloride (CH(2)Cl(2)) extract and the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) soluble fraction of the 70% acetone extract significantly prolonged the OSI values comparable to those of alpha-tocopherol and BHT. Five carbazole alkaloids were isolated from the CH(2)Cl(2) extract and their structures were identified to be euchrestine B (1), bismurrayafoline E (2), mahanine (3), mahanimbicine (4), and mahanimbine (5) based on (1)H and (13)C NMR and mass (MS) spectral data. The OSI value of carbazoles at 110 degrees C decreased in the order 1 and 3 > alpha-tocopherol > BHT > 2 > 4, 5 and control. It is assumed that compounds 1 and 3 contributed to the high OSI value of the CH(2)Cl(2) extract of M. koenigii. The DPPH radical scavenging activity for these carbazoles was in the order ascorbic acid > 2 > 1, 3 and alpha-tocopherol > BHT > 4 and 5.  相似文献   

Garcinol, a polyisoprenylated benzophenone derivative, was purified from Garcinia indica fruit rind, and its antioxidative activity, chelating activity, free radical scavenging activity, and anti-glycation activity were studied. Garcinol exhibited moderate antioxidative activity in the micellar linoleic acid peroxidation system and also exhibited chelating activity at almost the same level as citrate. It also showed nearly 3 times greater DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity than DL-alpha-tocopherol by weight in aqueous ethanol solution. In a phenazine methosulfate/NADH-nitroblue tetrazolium system, garcinol exhibited superoxide anion scavenging activity and suppressed protein glycation in a bovine serum albumin/fructose system. Thus, garcinol might be beneficial as a potent antioxidant and a glycation inhibitor under specified conditions.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of microencapsulated gamma-oryzanol (M-gamma-OZ) was evaluated as an antioxidant in Sprague-Dawley rats. Lard containing 100 ppm of gamma-OZ (HCD III) or 100 ppm of M-gamma-OZ (HCD IV) was heated in an oven for 7 days, and the heat-treated lard as an ingredient in a high cholesterol diet (HCD) formulation was tested for analyzing in vivo cholesterol and lipid profiles. The HCDs containing fresh lard (HCD I) and heat-treated lard (HCD II) were fed to the rats for 4 weeks as control groups A and B, respectively, in this experiment. The liver thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values of group C (fed with HCD III) and group D (with HCD IV) were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than that of negative control, group B. One of the cholesterol oxidation products, 7-ketocholesterol, was not detected from group D, indicating that microencapsulation preserved antioxidative activity effectively. The levels of serum total cholesterol and lipoproteins, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very low-density lipoprotein were also affected by heat-induced lipid oxidation.The M-gamma-OZ evidently decreased LDL-cholesterol content and increased HDL-cholesterol in blood samples of tested rats. These results suggested that the M-gamma-OZ was not only effective in inhibiting the hypercholesterolemia of serum and liver but also reduced the oxidation degree of lipids and cholesterol. Therefore, this microencapsulation can be a good potential technique to protect the antioxidant activity of gamma-OZ from heat-induced lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

An HPLC method has been developed for the analysis of extracts of fresh peppers containing capsaicinoids and of both capsaicinoids and piperines in pepper-containing foods produced and sold in Korea. The HPLC method was optimized by defining how composition of the mobile phase affected retention times. Both identification and quantification were based on retention times and the following criteria: linearity of the UV response at 280 nm in HPLC, recoveries from spiked samples, and observed individual molecular ions in the mass spectra of the extracts determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. This method, with a limit of detection of approximately 15-30 ng, was used to quantify the distribution of capsaicinoids in 11 Korean whole peppers and in 12 commercial pepper-containing foods. Total capsaicinoid levels of whole peppers ranged from 1.21 microg/g for the PR Gang ja variety to 121.1 microg/g for the Chung yang variety. The levels in food extracts, four of which also included two piperines, ranged from 11.0 microg/g for radish kimuchi to 3752 microg/g for capsaicin sauce. The results demonstrate (a) the usefulness of the HPLC method for the simultaneous analysis of capsaicinoids derived from red peppers and piperines derived from black and white peppers extracted from complex food matrices and (b) the wide-ranging spread of levels of pungent pepper compounds in fresh peppers and in pepper-containing foods consumed in Korea.  相似文献   

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