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A collaborative study was conducted to compare the detection limit of different laboratory tests for antibodies against bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Serum and milk samples were tested in agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), different modifications of indirect ELISA, blocking ELISA and ELISA procedures using monoclonal antibodies to BLV gp51 or BLV p24. The detection limit of reference serum E4 diluted 2-fold in negative serum gave a median value of 1:16 in AGID, indirect ELISA, and monoclonal ELISA p24, 1:128 in monoclonal ELISA gp51, and 1:1024 in blocking ELISA. The detection limit of a 4% immunoglobulin preparation of E4 diluted in negative milk showed median values of 1:800 in indirect ELISA, 1:1000 in monoclonal ELISA, and 1:2400 in blocking ELISA. None of the ELISA procedures could detect all the positive individual milk samples diluted 1:50. The AGID test is the official reference test for detection of antibodies against BLV. Reference serum E4 diluted 1:10 in negative serum must be scored positive in the AGID test. It is suggested that an international reference serum standard be established rather than an official recommendation of a particular ELISA test.  相似文献   

随着产业分工的细化,科技对养猪业的贡献日趋凸显,主要体现在提高生猪商品率、稳定生猪养殖发生大幅度波动和保护农民利益等方面。笔者结合贵州省册亨县生猪养殖特点,就生猪标准化养殖生产流程工艺谈一些看法,供参考。  相似文献   

渝北区地处重庆市一小时经济圈的核心地区,近年来区委、区政府立足于服务城市、富裕农民、改善生态的战略定位,按照求突破、上台阶、增实力的总体要求,以市场为导向,以科技为支撑,全面提升渝北区畜牧产业素质和市场竞争力,力争把渝北打造成为重庆主城区的肉食产品供应基地.在区委、区政府的高度重视下,渝北区畜牧业标准化规模养殖效益显著.  相似文献   

Trade in animals and animal products has reached global proportions and so too has the threat of infectious diseases of veterinary importance. The Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines, published by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), contains chapters on infectious diseases that may cause various degrees of socio-economic, public health, and/or zoo-sanitary consequence. These chapters cover the major diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, lagomorphs and bees. A number of factors are considered when qualifying animals and animal products for international trade including epidemiological, clinical and testing parameters. Of particular note and relevance is a strong international movement to standardize the test methods and reference reagents in order to promote harmonization of testing and facilitation of trade. There is message here that is directed to those of us involved in the development and application of test methods for infectious disease diagnosis. Serological test methods have been and still remain the mainstay of diagnostic methods prescribed for trade. More than ever, there is a need to observe and apply international guidelines for the development and validation of serological test methods. There is also a need to develop international standard reagents for use in the calibration of test methods and the production of national and working standards. In the future, veterinary diagnostic testing laboratories involved in trade may also require a form of international accreditation unique to their specialty. This presentation describes the current developments in international standardization of test methods and reference reagents.  相似文献   

Acute phase proteins (APPs) such as haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and pig major acute phase protein are plasma proteins that increase in concentration following infection, inflammation, or trauma. The circulating concentrations of these proteins in pigs and cattle can provide an objective measure of the health status of an animal and are increasingly being used as markers of animal health and welfare. Plasma concentrations of APPs are related to the severity of the underlying condition, and provide a ready means of evaluating both the presence and extent of disease. Haptoglobin, for example, has been used to identify both clinical and subclinical disease in animals, and for objectively monitoring antibiotic therapy in experimentally infected animals. Interpretative benefit can be further enhanced by the "acute phase index", derived from a mathematical formula that uses both positive- and negative-reacting APPs. Research suggests that in the future, assays for APPs will be used routinely to assess animal health, optimize production rates, monitor antibiotic therapy, detect diseases such as mastitis in dairy cows, and assess the health of animals at slaughter. These applications have considerable benefit for human food safety. Before APP assays can be applied in animal production on a worldwide basis, however, the calibration of assay methods must be harmonized to ensure that results obtained in the laboratory or on the farm are universally comparable and of consistent quality. In February 2000 the European Commission Directorate General Research Concerted Action was established to fulfill the task of international standardization of APPs. The Concerted Action Group consists of a network of 14 institutions representing 9 European countries. In this report, the background and goals of the Concerted Action Group, and scientific presentations from the group's first colloquium are described. In addition, the progress of the group to date and the standardization plan for the full 30-month duration of the Concerted Action are summarized.  相似文献   

畜牧业标准化的国际发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前我国畜牧业进入了一个新的发展阶段,正由数量型增长向数量与质量并重、以提高质量为主的发展阶段转变。畜产品在国内市场销售,必须推行标准化。我国加入世贸组织以后,原有的许多进口限制被逐步取消,国门进一步敞开,门槛大大降低,特别是进口关税的大幅减让,有些国家的畜产品将更便利地进入国内市场,国内外畜产品将在国内市场进行较量。学习国外的发展趋势和先进经验,也是我国畜牧业从业者需要重视的内容。  相似文献   

An overview is given on various aspects of microbiological standardisation of laboratory animals. The paper focuses on small rodents because rats and mice are the most frequently used animal species. An introductory chapter describes the importance of micro-organisms and their potential effects on animals and animal experiments. Some terms describing the microbiological quality of rodents (e.g., germ-free, "SPF", conventional) are explained. Housing conditions and requirements for the management which are both necessary to maintain a high microbiological standard in the animal facility are described. The most relevant sources of micro-organisms are briefly discussed. An overview is given on some aspects which have to be considered during health monitoring like, e.g., micro-organisms to be monitored, sample size and frequency, age of animals. In the reference section primarily actual and general articles or recommendations are listed. Further details can be found at internet homepages which are listed for several organisations active in laboratory animal science.  相似文献   

蜂产品质量不高,是当前影响蜂产品出口和开拓国内市场的主要问题,是制约养蜂业发展的瓶颈.养蜂者是蜂产品生产的第一"车间",要提高蜂产品质量,应从加强饲养管理人手,增强蜜蜂抵抗疾病的能力,减少和预防蜜蜂疾病的发生是关键.  相似文献   

1999年5月29日我国饲料行业管理方面的第一部统一的、权威性的行政法规《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》经国务院发布、实施。它标志着我国饲料工业管理走上了法制化的轨道,我国饲料工业的健康发展有了根本保障,我国饲料工业的法制建设获得了巨大推动。在《条例》发布之前,饲料工业质量管理主要是依据饲料工业标准,饲料工业标准化工作对提高饲料产品质量、促进饲料工业健康发展起了重大作用。《条例》的发布,进一步强调了标准化工作在饲料工业管理中的重要性,并规定饲料标签制度是其中8项管理制度之一。农业部副部长齐景发在全国饲料工作会议讲…  相似文献   

2010年年初,农业部在全国范围内启动了畜禽养殖标准化示范创建活动.以生猪、奶牛、蛋鸡、肉鸡、肉牛和肉羊为重点,通过政策扶持、宣传培训、技术引导、示范带动,发挥标准化示范场在标准化生产、动物防疫条件管理、安全高效饲料推广、畜禽粪污处理和产业化经营等方面的示范带动作用,全面推进畜禽标准化规模养殖进程.  相似文献   

通过省级无公害青梅标准化栽培推广示范项目实施,提升了青梅品质,取得了较好的经济和社会效益,进一步完善了东青青梅标准化生产栽培技术。  相似文献   

传统的集约化养猪主要有专业户饲养和工厂化饲养两种形式,多年来为我国养猪业的发展起到了积极作用。但是,实践证明传统的养猪方式  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国肉鸡产业迅猛发展,规模化和集约化程度显著提高,养殖数量已跃居世界第一位。在几十年的发展过程中,养殖技术、产品加工、经营管理等诸多方面都取得了很大进步。与此同时,肉鸡品质不佳、疾病较多、产品药残超标等问题也在近几年逐渐凸现出来,严重制约着肉鸡产品在国际市场上的竞争力。为了适应我国肉鸡生产发展的迫切需要,使肉鸡生产技术更加规范化和标准化,本文从品种选择、饲料配制和饲养管理等方面进行探析,以资推广借鉴,期望能为规范化肉鸡生产有所贡献。  相似文献   

为进一步全面提升我国畜禽标准化规模养殖水平,加快畜牧业生产方式转变,5月6~7日,农业部在大连市召开全国畜禽养殖标准化示范创建启动会,继续深入推进畜禽标准化生产。农业部副部长高鸿宾,农业部畜牧业司司长王智才,农业部畜牧业司巡视员陈伟生,以及各省区市等主要负  相似文献   

胡景江 《饲料广角》2010,(18):40-42
<正>《辞海》中对标准的定义是:衡量事物的标准、榜样、规范。即对重复性事物和概念作统一的定义。从标准的实质看,它是一种衡量质量的尺度,识别事物特征的标志,一种通过优选的程序规则。简而言之,企业标准化是企业科学管理的基础,是为生产经营服务的准则。以最佳的状态,  相似文献   

本文根据目前国内实际,对如何实施蚕桑生产标准化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

加入WTO后畜禽企业,如何参与国内外市场竞争,必须从产品质量与安全意识着手,全面贯彻从生产到餐桌的质量监测体系,才能做到按标准化生产、规范化管理,生产出符合市场要求的产品。  相似文献   

曹英华 《饲料广角》2009,(24):31-34
现代畜牧业是现代农业的重要标志。我国农业进入新阶段后,党中央、国务院强调要按照科学发展观的要求,加快发展规模化、标准化健康养殖,促进现代畜牧业又好又快发展。发展现代畜牧业。核心任务是尽快改变畜牧业基础脆弱、生产条件落后和发展方式粗放的现状.不断提高畜牧业综合生产能力。当前.畜牧业发展正处在从传统畜牧业向现代畜牧业加速转型的关键时期,  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪,中国已加入了世贸组织,这标志着我国的经济将进入国际大循环。随着人民生活水平的提高,对肉鸡产品质量要求越来越高,生产无公害绿色肉鸡产品迫在眉睫。因此,加快实施肉鸡标准化生产,提高鸡产品质量,增加其在国际市场中的竞争力,具有重要意义。1肉鸡场标准化建设肉鸡场进行标准化建设,是生产无公害鸡肉产品的基础。过去由于资金缺乏,再加上不注重专家论证设计,许多鸡场施工质量太差,在布局、排污和环境控制等方面均不合理,无法发挥良种肉鸡的遗传潜力。此类鸡场必须进行彻底改造,并推广乳头饮水器、自动喂料线…  相似文献   

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