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The impact of clinical paratuberculosis in a 500 cow Jersey x Holstein dairy herd of loose housing system was followed up for three years. There was an increasing fall in annual milk production, namely 49, 474, and 1030 litres per cow, a decrease in the average age from 63.9 to 57.0 months, and of feed conversion from 60 to 39%. The effect of certain management deficiencies, existing throughout the study, is discussed.  相似文献   

Five dairy farms, situated on the slopes of the volcano Poás in the pre-mountain cloud forest ecological zone, Alajuela and Heredia Provinces, Costa Rica, provided data for estimation of the production losses due to sub-clinical mastitis. Within the same farm, cows with proven sub-clinical mastitis were matched with cows without signs of sub-clinical mastitis, according to breed, lactation number and days in lactation. A total of 529 cows were detected with sub-clinical mastitis, of which only 200 could be paired with control cows free of mastitis; each pair was used only once.

Crude milk production losses per cow with sub-clinical mastitis were estimated at 1.56 kg day−1for daily milk yield. Milk production loss per affected quarter due to sub-clinical mastitis was estimated to be 17.6% on average. The decrease in milk production in heifers with sub-clinical mastitis did not differ significantly from the decrease in production in older cows. No significant difference in milk production loss was detected when the data were stratified on parity or the number of quarters affected.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) that affects multiple ruminant species causing important economic losses. Therefore, control programmes at herd and regional levels have been established worldwide and prevalence estimates are needed for their implementation. Although different herd-level prevalence estimations for paratuberculosis have been reported in Europe, very few studies provided comparable and interpretable values, due to poor study designs and lack of knowledge about the accuracy of the diagnostic tests used. To overcome these problems we applied a latent class analysis to the results of two prevalence studies carried out in two neighbouring Northern Italian regions (Lombardy and Veneto) that account for over 50% of the Italian dairy cattle population. Serum samples from a randomly selected number of farms in the two regions were analyzed by different ELISA tests. The herd-level Apparent Prevalences (AP) were 48% (190/391) for Lombardy and 65% (272/419) for Veneto. Median within-herd APs were 2.6% and 4.0% for Lombardy and Veneto, respectively. Posterior estimates for the herd-level True Prevalences (TP) based on a Bayesian model were very similar between the two regions (70% for Lombardy and 71% for Veneto) and close to previous estimates of infected herds in Europe. The two 95% credibility intervals overlap each other, virtually showing only one distribution of the herd-level true prevalence for both regions. On the contrary, estimates of the within-herd TP distributions differed between the two regions (mean values: 6.7% for Lombardy and 14.3% for Veneto), possibly due to the different age distribution within the herds from the two regions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the direct economic losses due to the condemnation of the liver and large intestine because of internal diseases (multifocal necrosis in the liver (MNL) and inflammation of the large intestine (ILI)), and the indirect losses because of reductions in carcass performance from MNL, bovine abdominal fat necrosis (BFN) and ILI using data from 5383 Japanese Black cattle. Direct losses were estimated by multiplying the price of the condemned part by the frequency of its occurrence owing to the disease. Similarly, indirect losses were estimated as the product of unit carcass price and reduction in carcass weight (CW) due to the disease. The direct impact on the beef cattle industry from MNL and ILI was estimated at around $1.29 million (US$1 = ¥120) per year. A least‐squares analysis showed that MNL had no influence on any carcass trait, whereas BFN and ILI significantly reduced CW, rib eye area and darkened the beef. ILI also reduced rib thickness. The indirect losses from BFN and ILI were estimated as a maximum of $131.7 and $256.4 per animal and around $6.26 million and $4.03 million for the industry, respectively, mostly because of the reduction in CW.  相似文献   

A comprehensive field study was carried out with the following objectives: (a) to assess the usefulness of individual and bulk tank milk analysis for determining Neospora caninum serostatus in individual cows and herds, and (b) to study the associations between N. caninum infection status (based on milk testing), and several productive and reproductive parameters in the animals. Antibodies were detected with a commercially available ELISA test (Bio K 192/5). Analysis of paired serum and milk samples from 1134 lactating cows on 38 farms revealed that 97.6% of the ELISA results were coincident, irrespective of whether serum or milk samples were used. Moreover, multiple linear regression analysis revealed that 86.0% of the variations in ELISA values in milk were due to variations in the serum. The measurement of antibodies in bulk tank milk was a good estimator of the herd level status of N. caninum infection, and enabled detection of infection in 94.7% herds with ≥10.0% seropositive cows and/or in all herds with >4% highly seropositive cows. The odds ratio for abortion in seropositive animals was 9.1 times higher than in seronegative animals. The infection serostatus was also a significant risk factor, as the odds ratio for abortion was even higher (12.0 times) in cows categorized as highly seropositive. ELISA values for the bulk milk from 387 randomly selected herds were negatively associated with average milk production. Moreover, milk production losses mainly occurred on farms categorized as highly positive (i.e. herds with ≥20.0% seropositive cows).  相似文献   

A milk and a serum ELISA for detection of antibodies against Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were evaluated against the complement-fixation test (CFT) and culture of faecal samples from 580 cows collected between August 1996 and December 1996. Milk and serum were obtained concurrently from six dairy herds infected with MAP and from two dairy herds without history of infection with MAP.

A cut-off value of 7 OD% was used in the ELISAs. At this cut-off value, all six culture-positive herds were positive in the serum ELISA but one was negative in the milk ELISA. All six culture-positive herds were positive in the CFT. In the two culture-negative herds, the serum and the milk ELISA deemed all serum samples negative at this cut-off value, whereas four serum samples from one of these herds were positive in the CFT. The highest cut-off value enabling the milk ELISA to record all six culture-positive herds as positive was 4 OD%. The highest cut-off value enabling the serum ELISA to record all six culture-positive herds as positive was 17 OD%. Individual-sample relative sensitivities of the ELISAs ranged from 49 to 64% and relative specificities were 80–96% at the cut-off values of 4, 7 and 17 OD%.  相似文献   

Proportion of abortions due to neosporosis among dairy cattle in Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A retrospective cohort study was conducted to clarify the association between seropositive reactions to Neospora caninum and subsequent reproductive disorders among dairy cattle in Japan. A statistically significant association between Neospora seropositive reactions and abortions was observed (P=0.016), and seropositive cattle were 6.1 times more likely to abort compared to seronegative cows. No significant differences were observed between seropositive reactions and other reproductive disorders such as conception failure, perinatal death and calf mortality. As indicated by estimation of the attributable fraction, 83.6% of abortions in Neospora seropositive animals may be attributed to N. caninum. Considering seroprevalence of N. caninum in the cattle which aborted in Japan, 21.8% of abortions were estimated to be caused by neosporosis in Japan.  相似文献   

饮喂失调或劳伤过度,耗损气血,致使脾虚胃弱,引起水谷运化失常,不能输布精气,营养全身,久则畜体日渐瘦弱,食欲减少,即成脾虚慢草之症。中兽医经验方“扶脾散”由党参、黄芪、白术(土炒)、茯苓、泽泻、青皮、木香、厚朴、甘草、苍术(炒)组成,有补中益气、下气利水的功能,适用于脾虚慢草症,笔者在此方基础上加入当归、山药、扁豆、砂仁、枳壳、柴胡、升麻、陈皮、焦三仙等药物治疗奶牛脾虚慢草症效果显著。  相似文献   

During a 10-month period in 1999, 994 serum and tissue samples were collected from dairy cows at slaughter in eastern Canada. The sources of these cattle were from all four Atlantic Canadian provinces along with some cows from the state of Maine. The sera were used to assess the agreement of three commercially available ELISAs for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Two ELISAs were indirect absorbed ELISAs licensed for use in North America, the third was an indirect non-absorbed ELISA licensed for use in Europe. Overall, there was poor agreement between the three ELISAs. The highest and lowest kappa values were 0.33 and 0.18, which is fair and poor agreement, respectively. However, when only tissue culture-positive cattle were compared, the ELISAs had better agreement (kappa=0.37-0.51). The proportions of positive tests, however, were significantly different among the three ELISAs. The poor agreement among the three ELISAs is as concerning as the fact that these tests have low sensitivity. The implications are greatest when the tests are used at the cow level to make individual animal decisions, which is not the recommended method on the product labels. At the cow level, if the result obtained from one ELISA is positive, using a different ELISA in a pre-clinical animal has a high likelihood of giving a different result due to low predictive values of positive test results.  相似文献   

This paper describes a personal-computer-based model estimating the economic losses associated with clinical bovine respiratory disease in replacement heifers raised on individual dairy farms. The model is based on the partial-budgeting technique, and calculates the losses for two types of the disease separately: calf pneumonia and a seasonal outbreak. Model input includes farm-specific data such as the incidence of bovine respiratory disease, prices, and effects of the disease on the heifers' productivity. The input database was linked directly with the economic model. For all input parameters, default values used are available to the user and can be modified easily.Losses considered by the model include treatment expenditures and costs associated with increased mortality, increased premature culling, reduced growth, reduced fertility and reduced milk production in first lactation. Uncertainty is taken into account for parameters related to disease incidence, mortality and culling.Basic calculations for a typical Dutch dairy farm with 60% of the heifers (<3 months) affected, indicated total annual losses due to pneumonia average 31.2 per heifer present on the farm (range 18.4-57.1). The estimated losses for one seasonal outbreak with heifers up to 15-months old affected were 27.0 per heifer present (range 17.2-43.1). For both BRD types, the model's outcome was most sensitive to the number of heifers affected. Most of the parameters that had a major impact on the total losses were related to treatment or to the effects on the heifers' productivity.The model is user-friendly and flexible, and can be used as an interactive tool by farmers and veterinarians in the (economic) decision-making process regarding on-farm prevention and control of bovine respiratory disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence of paratuberculosis among dairy cattle herds and to identify associated soil-related risk factors. SAMPLE POPULATION: Serum and soil samples for 121 Michigan dairy herds. PROCEDURE: Blood samples were collected from cows at each farm and tested for Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, using an antibody ELISA. Soil samples were collected from pastures and exercise lots; pH and available iron content were determined. A questionnaire was administered to collect data regarding farm management practices and productivity. RESULTS: 55% of the herds tested had > or = 2 M paratuberculosis-positive cattle. Adjusting sample prevalence for distribution of herd size strata yielded a statewide herd prevalence of 54%. Of 3,886 cattle tested, 267 had positive results. Prevalence of test-positive cattle was 6.9%. For every part per million (ppm) increase in soil iron content, there was a 1.4% increase in the risk of a herd being test-positive. An increase in soil pH of 0.1 was associated with a 5% decrease and an increase in soil iron content of 10 ppm was associated with a 4% increase in the number of test-positive cattle. Application of lime to pasture areas was associated with a herd being only 10% as likely to be paratuberculosis positive and with a 72% reduction in number of test-positive cattle. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prevalence of paratuberculosis-positive dairy herds in Michigan (54%) was greater than expected, but prevalence of paratuberculosis-positive cattle (6.9%) was within anticipated values. These prevalences were associated positively with acidic soil and increased soil iron content. Application of lime to pasture areas was associated with reduced risk of paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from 186 dairy cows representing ten commercial dairy herds with sporadic clinical paratuberculosis (group A), and from 100 dairy cows from herds without a history of paratuberculosis (group B) were cultured for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Two different decontamination methods, a NaOH/oxalic acid method and treatment with 0.75% hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HPC) were performed prior to inoculation of Loewenstein-Jensen agar slants with and without mycobactin. Cultures were incubated for 16 weeks. Acid-fast staining bacteria were identified as MAP on the basis of mycobactin dependency and by PCR-RFLP analysis of the IS 1311-insertion element of M. avium. MAP was grown from 15 out of 186 group A animals (8.1%) whereas faecal culture for MAP was consistently negative in group B. The growth rate of MAP was significantly higher (8.1% vs. 1.6%) and the contamination rate of cultures was significantly lower (17.6% vs. 21.5%) in faecal samples decontaminated with NaOH/oxalic acid than with HPC-treated faecal samples (p<0.01, McNemar's test). Atypical mycobacteria which were grown from 46.8% of NaOH/oxalic acid treated specimens were not obtained from any of the HPC-treated samples. A commercial ELISA with MAP-lipoarabinomannan as the antigen was used to detect MAP-antibodies in unabsorbed sera from all animals. The percentage of ELISA-positive cows was 16.8%. Overall agreement between antibody detection and MAP-positive faecal culture was 15.4%.  相似文献   


For many years bloat has been a major problem of dairy herds in the Bay of Plenty, but no known attempt has been made to assess the magnitude of this problem. It was therefore decided to carry out a simple survey in this area to try to gauge the extent of both bloat incidence and losses due to bloat. It was felt that from such a survey the information gained would indicate whether or not further research into the problem was warranted.  相似文献   

Identifying spatial patterns of risk is important in the study of diseases with ecologic causes. Furthermore, relatively complex hierarchical modeling is required to determine how factors that are organized across levels interact, such as how an ecologic cause interacts with farm management and with animal characteristics. The objective of this study was to map the risk for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP - the causative agent of Johne's disease) and Neospora caninum (NC - the cause of neosporosis) infections in Alberta beef and dairy cattle. This objective utilized Bayesian generalized linear kriging to partition herd effects into a portion attributable to location and a portion that was independent of location. Seropositivity to NC in beef cattle showed strong support for spatial covariance, suggesting that ecologic causes were important for beef cattle but not dairy cattle. There was little evidence of spatial covariance for MAP seropositivity in either beef or dairy cattle.  相似文献   

A case-control study was made of Norwegian dairy herds with high and low herd levels of antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. A high proportion of the herds had a considerable number of seropositive cows, and environmental and management factors were examined for possible associations with the high serological levels of antibodies. The most important appeared to be: geographical location, red deer (Cervus elaphus) gaining access to the pastures for cattle, the observation of wild birds in the feed storage, and herds sharing common pasture with other herds of cattle. However, diagnostic tests showed that none of the animals in the case herds was infected with M a paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the annual losses from Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) for an average, MAP-seropositive, Canadian dairy herd. A partial-budget simulation model was developed with 4 components of direct production losses (decreased milk production, premature voluntary culling, mortality, and reproductive losses). Input values were obtained primarily from a national seroprevalence survey of 373 Canadian dairy farms in 8 of 10 provinces. The model took into account the variability and uncertainty of the required input values; consequently, it produced probability distributions of the estimated losses. For an average Canadian dairy herd with 12.7% of 61 cows seropositive for MAP, the mean loss was $2992 (95% C.I., $143 to $9741) annually, or $49 per cow per year. Additional culling, decreased milk production, mortality, and reproductive losses accounted for 46%, 9%, 16%, and 29% of the losses, respectively. Canadian dairy producers should use best management practices to reduce these substantial annual losses.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis (Ptbc) has a high prevalence in Argentina, that affects dairy and beef cattle. The culture is the gold standard to the diagnosis of the disease. Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis), the aetiological agent, is difficult to isolate and grow in culture. In this study, 24 randomly selected cows of the Fresian breed from a dairy herd with a history of Ptbc were used to evaluate the performance of different diagnostic techniques. These animals did not show clinical signs of the disease. However, another animal from this herd presented evidence of clinical disease at the moment of the present study. This animal was necropsied and one strain of M. paratuberculosis was isolated from faeces, lymph nodes and intestine. Serum for indirect absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) tests and whole blood samples to perform gamma interferon (gammaIFN) release assays were obtained from each animal. Faeces and milk samples to carry out bacteriological cultures, PCR identification of M. paratuberculosis, and direct examinations of smears with Ziehl-Neelsen's (ZN) stain were also collected. Tuberculin test with bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) in the caudal fold was performed. The results showed that 10 out of 24 animals (41.6%) were positive to ELISA. Eight strains of M. paratuberculosis were isolated, six from faeces, two from milk. Five of the animals that excreted the bacteria through faeces were ELISA-positive, whereas the excreters through milk were negative to ELISA. No positive samples by AGID were obtained in clinical asymptomatic animals. Seven samples gave positive gammaIFN results with avian PPD, but only two of these animals were confirmed with culture. Direct PCR, to detect IS900 (M. paratuberculosis) in faeces and milk samples, was negative, but PCR using material taken from faecal and milk cultures gave positive results before visualizing the colonies. No sample was positive by PCR directed to IS6110 (M. tuberculosis complex). There was not always agreement between isolations and ZN in the studied samples. In conclusion, the absorbed ELISA was useful to detect positive animals and excreters through faeces but not through milk. PCR applied to cultures with incipient development before the visualization of colonies was effective to specifically determine the presence of M. paratuberculosis. The gammaIFN test was not able to detect the most positive animals confirmed by culture. The importance of using ELISA and cultures is emphasized by this study but it is necessary to continue with the gammaIFN test development for early detection of the disease.  相似文献   

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