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Investigation of the source of neonatal Salmonella dublin infection of calves was undertaken by carrying out caesarean section of cows with a history of excretion of S dublin following either S dublin enteritis or S dublin abortion. No evidence of transplacental infection was detected but six of 10 animals showed evidence of excretion of the organism in the faeces, vaginal discharge or milk in the period immediately following parturition. The strong probability of early infection as a result of contamination of the environment is therefore suggested.  相似文献   

A three-year study of Salmonella dublin infection in a closed dairy herd   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over a period of three years, Salmonella dublin was isolated occasionally from the faeces of nine adult cattle in a closed dairy herd. The organism was also isolated from 12 of the samples collected after parturition; isolations were made from newborn calves on 11 occasions, from a vaginal swab once and from a milk sample once. Nine of the isolations from the calves were made from swabs obtained within 24 hours of birth. Throughout the investigation isolations were made from heifers, steers and older calves and 11 infected animals were detected. S. dublin was widespread in the farm environment and it was concluded that environmental contamination was an important source of infection for animals of all ages, some of which may have become latent carriers. The family history of one cow, seven of whose offspring were infected with S dublin, suggested the possibility of vertical transmission. Without reliable tests to detect latent carriers, it is suggested that control of this infection must be based on improved hygiene and the use of vaccination to improve the immunity of the herd.  相似文献   

A virulent Salmonella dublin isolate was made histidine-requiring (his-) to allow recognition. The his- derivative, SL1367 (still calf-virulent), was then given by transduction and mutation, a transposon-generated non-reverting aromatic biosynthesis (aro) defect; this defect caused loss of virulence for the mouse. The his- aro- derivative strain, SL1438, was effective as a live vaccine in mice. Twenty male Holstein calves were divided into 4 groups. Groups I, II, and III were vaccinated IM at 2 weeks and at 3 weeks of age with aromatic-dependent (aro-) S dublin strain SL1438. Groups I and III received freshly prepared vaccine and group II received lyophilized vaccine. Serious adverse reactions to the vaccination were not seen. After vaccination, the mean maximum increase in rectal temperature was 1.8 C in group I and III calves and 0.6 C in group II calves. Fewer group II calves developed diarrhea (1 of 5) or positive blood cultures (0 of 5) after vaccination compared with group I and III calves (6 of 10 and 5 of 10, respectively). Postvaccination diarrhea was mild and of short duration. Group IV was comprised of 5 nonvaccinated calves. At 5 weeks of age, all calves were challenge exposed orally. Group I, II, and IV calves were challenge exposed with 10(11) virulent S dublin SL1367. Group III was challenge exposed with 10(11) virulent S typhimurium UCD 108-11. Subsequently, fever and diarrhea (lasting 1 to 3 days), but no deaths, were observed in the vaccinated calves. Four of the 5 nonvaccinated (group IV) calves died (P less than 0.001) within 8 days after challenge exposure. Aro- S dublin SL 1438 did not cause serious adverse effects and provided protection against oral challenge exposure with either virulent S dublin or S typhimurium.  相似文献   

Bacteriologic cultures of 65 rectal mucosal samples and 335 fecal samples from 53 horses and 5 cattle shedding Salmonella were performed. Salmonella spp were isolated from 34 (52%) rectal mucosal samples, 21 (32%) concurrent fecal samples, and 150 (45%) total fecal samples. The use of rectal mucosal samples when compared with concurrently obtained fecal samples significantly (P less than 0.025) improved the ability to isolate Salmonella spp. Concurrent bacteriologic culture of rectal mucosal samples and fecal samples resulted in 39 (60%) isolations. Compared with a series of fecal samples, Salmonella was isolated significantly more often when rectal mucosa and feces were cultured concurrently. Salmonella was isolated from rectal mucosal samples when it was not isolated from feces.  相似文献   

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