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Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in canine mammary tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a dimeric protein that stimulates angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo by inducing endothelial cell proliferation and migration. In this immunohistochemical study, VEGF-immunolabeled cells were counted in a series of 10 benign and 40 malignant canine mammary tumors. The morphologic pattern of VEGF positivity (intensity of immunolabeling and VEGF granule size and distribution) was also evaluated. A low number of cells weakly positive for VEGF with few and small granules polarized to the luminal pole was detected in benign neoplasms. In contrast, in malignancies a high number of VEGF-positive cells had strong immunolabeling, often with large granules found diffusely in the cytoplasm. This level of immunolabeling was more pronounced in the less differentiated, more malignant phenotypes (grade 3). Macrophages, which can synthesize VEGF, were strongly positive. Stromal and myoepithelial cells were negative. VEGF data were correlated statistically with intratumoral microvessel density (number of newly formed microvessels) and both measures were greater in less differentiated malignant neoplasms, demonstrating that angiogenesis and malignancy increase together. VEGF appears to be a powerful angiogenic factor in canine mammary tumors.  相似文献   

Receptor-binding cancer antigen expressed on SiSo cells (RCAS1) is a novel cancer cell-surface antigen, strongly expressed in invasive cancers. RCAS1 inhibited the in vitro growth of immunocytes, and induced apoptotic cell death. The cloning of canine RCAS1 cDNA was carried out and identified from the mammary gland tumor of a dog. A canine RCAS1 cDNA of 864 bp in length has an open reading frame of 642 bp nucleotides encoding a protein of 213 deduced amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of canine RCAS1 showed 96.2% and 96.7% homologies with those of human and mouse RCAS1 respectively. Canine RCAS1 has an N-terminal transmembrane segment and a coiled-coil structure in the C-terminal protein, which are highly conserved in mouse and human RCAS1.  相似文献   

In canine mammary carcinomas, amyloid was present as amyloid-containing corpora amylacea and as local deposits between neoplastic epithelial cells or in stromal tissue. Histochemical staining methods revealed that this amyloid was not of the AA-type amyloid and contained tryptophan. The possible pathogenesis of this amyloid deposition is discussed.  相似文献   

犬乳腺肿瘤在母犬中非常常见,是仅次于皮肤肿瘤的最常见肿瘤,母犬的发生率约0.2%,大约50%的犬乳腺肿瘤是恶性的.犬后面几个乳腺发生肿瘤的可能性更大,因它们相对大一些,含的细胞略多一些,恶变的可能性也大一些.笔者近日诊断并治疗了一病例,现介绍如下:一.病史与临床检查(一)症状2010年9月21日,安徽省来安县一头12岁雌性(未绝育)京巴犬来我院就诊,体重6.3千克,主诉该犬两年多前左侧最后乳腺能摸到豌豆大硬块,但生长速度不快,最近半年硬块变大,速度较快,约一周前硬块表面皮肤破溃,一直不愈合,最近两天吃食不香.  相似文献   

Slit, a secreted protein, functions as a chemorepellent factor in axon guidance and neuronal migration and as an inhibitor in leukocyte chemotaxis. In humans, slit2 protein attracts endothelial cells and promotes tube formation in the tumor angiogenic mechanism. In this study, we cloned a part of the canine slit subfamily and examined the expression of slit subfamily mRNAs in 3 normal canine mammary glands and 11 mammary tumor samples by RT-PCR. The cloned part of the slit gene sequences showed high similarity to those of the human, mouse, and rat. The mRNAs were expressed at low levels in the normal mammary gland. The expression levels of slit1 mRNA were low in both the normal and tumor tissues. In contrast, the expression of slit2 mRNA increased in most of the malignant mammary tumors, and an increase in slit3 mRNA expression was observed in 2 of the malignant mixed tumors. These results suggest that the expression of slit2 plays an important role in tumor angiogenesis in canine mammary gland tumors and that slit2 can be a putative marker for malignancy diagnosis of these tumors.  相似文献   

Human BRCA1 is familial breast cancer susceptibility gene. Recently, decreased BRCA1 mRNA and protein expression has been identified in sporadic breast tumors. In the reported human BRCA1 splicing variants, delta11b lacks the majority of exon11 and is suspected to have a distinct function in normal tissues. The splicing variants display a variety of expression pattern in breast cancer samples. Although mammary gland tumor is important disease in dog, there are few reports for BRCA1 in the canine tumors. In this study, we examined the relative amounts of BRCA1 splicing variants mRNA in canine normal and mammary tumor samples by RT-PCR to investigate whether there is the altered expression of variant mRNAs in the canine tumor as reported in human. The exon11b-defecting RT-PCR products were observed in all the normal tissues examined and the nucleotide sequence was quite similar to that of human BRCA1 delta11b. In some tumor samples, we did not detect the products targeted for exon10-13 and exon14-15, while these products were observed in all the normal samples examined. Especially, the relative amounts of the exon11-defecting products were remarkably decreased in most of the tumors (11/16).  相似文献   

Localized amyloidosis in canine mammary tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histopathologic and immunohistochemical examinations were performed on localized amyloidosis associated with mammary tumors in two dogs. These tumors were identified as adenoma and adenocarcinoma. An acellular, amorphous pale eosinophilic material (amyloid) was observed in the lumina of acini lined by neoplastic cells and in the stroma of the tumors. Concentrically laminated pale eosinophilic bodies (corpora amylacea) were also found in the lumina of the acini. Amyloid and corpora amylacea stained positively with Congo red with and without 5% potassium permanganate pretreatment and revealed a green birefringence under polarized light. Corpora amylacea showed an occasional Maltese-cross pattern. Immunohistochemically, amyloid and corpora amylacea usually stained positively with anti-bovine alpha-casein antibody but negatively with anti-human amyloid AA, anti-bovine kappa-light and lambda-light chains, anti-human lactoferrin, anti-human transferrin, anti-human secretory component, and anti-human polyglucosan antibodies. These findings suggested that the amyloid deposition in these canine mammary tumors was related to lactating casein.  相似文献   

The reduction or loss of E-cadherin (E-cad), a calcium-dependent epithelial cell adhesion molecule, has been associated with tumor dedifferentiation and invasiveness. The immunohistochemical pattern of E-cad expression was evaluated in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections of 6 normal mammary glands, 3 dysplasias, 12 benign tumors (8 benign mixed tumors, 4 adenomas), and 60 malignant tumors (12 stage 0, 29 stage I, 19 stage II) of the canine mammary gland. E-cadherin expression was classified as membranous, when on cell-cell boundaries, or as cytoplasmic, when in the form of a diffuse cytoplasmic staining. In addition, the percentage of E-cad-positive epithelial neoplastic cells was graded by a semiquantitative method, categorizing cases into a reduced (or -) type group, when showing less than 25% positivity, a reduced (or +/-) type group, when showing 25-75% positivity, and a preserved (or +) type group, when more than 75% positive cells were present. In the normal mammary gland, E-cad expression was evident in epithelial luminal cells. A stronger positivity was revealed in ductular than in alveolar luminal cells. The myoepithelial cells showed inconsistent, weak cytoplasmic positivity in the normal gland as well as in mammary tumors. In normal glands and benign and malignant noninvasive tumors, E-cad expression was mainly membranous and preserved in most of the epithelial cells. In stage I tumors, both membranous (38%) and cytoplasmic (62%) positivity were well represented, as well as preserved type (55%) and reduced type (45%) tumors. All stage II malignant tumors showed the highest frequency of cytoplasmic positivity (79%) and reduced type (62%) tumors.  相似文献   

Mammary tumors are the most common neoplasms in female dogs. Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been implicated in various cancers in humans. However, expression of COX-2 has not been investigated in canine mammary tumors. Normal mammary gland (n = 4), simple or complex adenomas (n = 63), and simple or complex adenocarcinomas (n = 84) were studied by immunohistochemistry. Results showed that COX-2 was not expressed in the normal gland but was detected in 24% of adenomas and in 56% of adenocarcinomas (P < 0.001). The incidence of COX-2 expression and the intensity of the COX-2 signal were higher in adenocarcinomas than in adenomas (P < 0.001). These results demonstrate for the first time that COX-2 is induced in a proportion of canine mammary tumors and that COX-2 expression is more frequent and more intense in malignant than in benign tumors, suggesting a potential role for COX-2 in canine mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genomic instability is a hallmark of cancer and may be required for the accumulation of cancer-causing mutations within cells. One form of genomic instability occurs in tandem nucleotide repeats and is known as microsatellite instability (MSI). HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that MSI can be observed in canine mammary gland tumors (MGT) and represents a potential carcinogenic mechanism in dogs. ANIMALS: Thirty-five dogs with MGTs and 9 dogs with other tumors were recruited from the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center and referring veterinary clinics. METHODS: A panel of 21 canine microsatellite (MS) markers was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from deoxyribonucleic acid obtained from blood and from fresh or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissues. PCR products were evaluated by using capillary electrophoresis, and the chromatograms were analyzed by using genotyping software. MS genotypes obtained from fresh and formalin-fixed tumor tissues were compared, as were MS genotypes from normal tissue and tumor tissue. RESULTS: Genotypes obtained from formalin-fixed and fresh tissues were identical for all MS in 9 tumors evaluated, suggesting excellent concordance between the 2 sample types. For the 35 canine mammary tumors evaluated, 13 (37%) had stable genotypes; 22 (63%) exhibited aberrations in 1 or 2 MS; and 4 tumors (11%) demonstrated high-level instability, with aberrations in 29 to 61% of MS. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Although some low-level MSI often is observed, high-level MSI is an infrequent finding in canine mammary tumors. Further evaluations are required to better characterize this phenomenon and to determine its relevance to canine carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Benign mammary mixed tumors in dogs resemble human salivary pleomorphic adenomas with regard to their histogenesis, including the occurrence of cartilaginous or bony metaplasia as well as the expression pattern of cytoskeletal proteins in proliferative myoepithelial cells. Recently, a monoclonal antibody specific for class II beta-tubulin has been developed. The epitope it recognizes was determined to be the heptapeptide Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Gly-Glu-Asp, which is the common sequence found among the canine, rat, mouse, and human class II beta-tubulin-specific regions. We carried out immunohistochemical studies on mammary mixed tumors obtained from three female dogs using this the monoclonal antibody. The antibody to class II beta-tubulin reacted intensely with proliferative myoepithelial cells in canine mammary mixed tumors, whereas staining was barely detectable in normal myoepithelial cells surrounding alveoli and alveolar ducts within the tumor and adjacent normal tissue. Proliferative myoepithelial cells also expressed vimentin, but alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) staining was barely detectable. Immunoblot analysis showed that class II beta-tubulin and vimentin were expressed in myoepithelial cell lines prepared from the three mammary mixed tumors. On the other hand, only one cell line, which was negative for alphaSMA, produced cartilage-specific type II collagen. These results suggest that class II beta-tubulin could be a new molecular marker of proliferating myoepithelial cells in canine mammary mixed tumors and that differential expression of cytoskeletal components is associated with cartilaginous metaplasia of proliferative myoepithelial cells in mixed mammary tumors.  相似文献   

Dextran-coated charcoal assay with Scatchard plotting was used for the quantitative determination of high-affinity estradiol receptors (ER) in 10 canine mammary tumor cytosols. Mammary tumors diagnosed histopathologically as adenocarcinomas appeared to have a higher incidence of ER than those diagnosed as mixed mammary tumors. These receptors have a high affinity for estradiol with dissociation constants as determined by Scatchard analysis ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 X 10(-11) M. These dissociation constants are similar to those previously reported for the receptor-estradio interaction from target tissues in other species. The specific binding of the receptor for the hormone was diminished in the presence of an antiestrogenic compound. Our data suggest that canine mammary tumors with significant ER levels would respond favorably to antiestrogen therapy. With the demonstration of ER sites in canine mammary adenocarcinomas as presented herein, the potential for chemotherapeutic management appears to be encouraging.  相似文献   

Mammary neoplasms are the most common neoplasm in female dogs. Two histologic classification systems for canine mammary tumors and dysplasias have been published: the first in 1974 and a modification in 1999. This article provides a brief overview of the two histologic classification systems. Since the publication of the second system, several new histologic subtypes of canine mammary neoplasms have been described. These have been incorporated into the proposed new classification system. This article also compares the grading systems for canine mammary carcinomas and their use for prognosis, along with the histologic classification.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic and/or diagnostic factors of canine mammary tumors by immunohistochemically analyzing the expression of alpha basic crystallin (αB-c). For this, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of 51 naturally-occurring canine mammary tumors (11 benign and 40 malignant) were used. Tissue from eight normal canine mammary glands were served as a control. Immunohistochemically, in the control mammary tissues, a few luminal epithelial cells were αB-c positive but myoepithelial cells were negative. In benign or simple type malignant tumors, αB-c expression was observed in luminal epithelial cells while the myoepithelial basal cells were negative. In benign or complex type malign tumors, positive staining was predominantly found in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Immunoreactivity of αB-c was also observed in neoplastic myoepithelial cells. Statistically, the number of cells immunolabeled with αB-c was found to be significantly different among tissues from normal canine mammary glands, benign lesions, and malignant tumors (p < 0.05). αB-c immunoreactivity was higher in malignant tumors than the control mammary tissues (p < 0.001). Data obtained in the current study revealed a strong association between high expression levels of αB-c and primary mammary gland tumors in canines.  相似文献   

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