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反刍动物亚急性瘤胃酸中毒是现代化集约养殖中的一种代谢障碍性疾病,严重危害反刍动物的生长健康和产品质量,给养殖企业带来了较大的经济损失。因此,采取积极有效的预防和治疗措施对畜牧业的健康发展尤为重要。文章就反刍动物亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的危害、病因、临床表现及营养调控方法进行阐述,以期为反刍动物亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的预防提供科学、合理的营养调控方法。[关键词]反刍动物|瘤胃|酸中毒|营养调控 相似文献
高淀粉含量的谷物精料能够为奶牛提供较多的能量,因此在奶牛的泌乳期,往往会加大其饲喂比例,但奶牛摄入高含量的精饲料后会导致瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸和乳酸的含量上升,pH下降,从而引发奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒。此病在临床上没有明显的症状,不易发现,还容易诱发乳房炎、肝脏损伤、蹄炎等多种疾病,给奶牛养殖业带来较大危害。本文对奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的定义、危害,以及目前行业内较为认可的引发奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的三种学说进行了概述,同时对预防该病的营养调控措施进行了综合讨论,以期为奶牛场预防亚急性瘤胃酸中毒提供理论参考,促进奶牛养殖业的健康发展。 相似文献
瘤胃酸中毒是反刍动物常见的一种代谢病。其产生的主要原因是日粮中含有大量易发酵的碳水化合物,饲料或者日粮粗纤维含量较低,导致瘤胃产生酸性物质过多,引起瘤胃微生物区系失调和瘤胃功能紊乱。本文就反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒的发病机制及其营养调控措施作一综述。 相似文献
张生福 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》1992,22(4):36-37
反刍动物采食了大量难以消化的粗硬饲料或容易膨胀发酵的精料所引起的疾病,以往均属于瘤胃积食的范畴。但从40年代开始,国外学者发现反刍动物过食谷物饲料(高碳水化合物饲料)后,可以导致瘤胃酸中毒。其后国内外许多学者先后对本病进行了研究,特别是70年代后,各国学者对该病的病因、发病机理和临床表现进行了更深入地探 相似文献
反刍动物发生瘤胃酸中毒的营养机制及其防治 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
瘤胃酸中毒是危害反刍动物常见的一种代谢病。其产生的主要原因是反刍动物日粮中含有大量易发酵的碳水化合物饲料或者日粮粗纤维含量较低,导致瘤胃产生乳酸过多,引起瘤胃微生物区系失调和瘤胃功能紊乱而造成的。本文就酸中毒的发病机理、防治措施等几方面进行了论述。 相似文献
Enemark JM 《Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)》2008,176(1):32-43
Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) has become an increasing problem in well-managed, high yielding dairy herds and the monitoring of groups of cows for signs of the condition is now crucial. Rumenocentesis may be ethically questionable but the technique remains the most reliable means of diagnosing SARA. Continuous measurement of ruminal pH may however be possible in the future. Parameters reflecting the metabolic acidosis caused by SARA are also promising tools, and measurement of milk fat content may be useful in individual mid-lactation cows although it is less valuable for bulk tank milk samples. The prevention of SARA includes the establishment of feeding and management guidelines seeking to minimize rumen acidotic load. Regular monitoring may facilitate early recognition of the condition and limit economic losses. Some degree of SARA may however be inevitable and presents a challenge to the dairy industry as consumers become increasingly concerned about the welfare of production animals. 相似文献
Gentile A Sconza S Lorenz I Otranto G Rademacher G Famigli-Bergamini P Klee W 《Journal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine》2004,51(2):64-70
In order to test the hypothesis that ruminal drinking in calves can lead to D-lactic metabolic acidosis, ruminal acidosis was induced in nine calves by intraruminal application of untreated whole milk via a stomach tube. The amount of the daily force-fed liquid was 3 x 1 l. The experimental design called for an end of intraruminal applications if two or more of the following signs were observed: severe depression, estimated degree of dehydration >10%, absence of sucking reflex, lack of appetite for two consecutive feedings, severe metabolic acidosis with calculated Actual Base Excess (ABE) <-15 mmol/l. The procedure was scheduled to be discontinued on the 17th day of experiment. The onset of ruminal acidification occurred rapidly, and mean pH value fell from 6.70 (+/-0.48) to 4.90 (+/-0.38) after the first application. The following days the pH values varied between 4 and 5. Rumen acidity was characterized biochemically by a significant increase in both isomers of lactic acid. The effects of the intraruminal administration on the calves were detrimental; eight of nine calves showed an acute disease process. According to the pre-established clinical standard, seven of nine calves were removed from the intraruminal feeding schedule. All but one of the calves developed severe systemic acidosis. The increase in anion gap demonstrated the net acid load. In all the calves D-lactate levels were found to show a significant and rapid increase. On the contrary, L-lactate never deviated from physiological levels. These observations confirm that, in young calves as in adult cattle, ruminal acidosis may lead to a clinically manifested D-lactic metabolic acidosis. 相似文献
A Dshurov 《Archiv fuer experimentelle veterinaermedizin》1976,30(6):881-887
Acute and subacute and spontaneous rumen acidosis was experimentally induced in 20 sheep and two lambs after feeding of barley, maize or glycose. The inner organs of those animals then were examined for morphological changes. The changes recorded from experimental acidosis were analogous to those observed after spontaneous outbreaks. Hyperaemia and blood leakage were macroscopically observed underneath the rumen mucous membrane which could be easily pulled off. The same signs sometimes were manifest in the third and second stomach as well. Pronounced edemas and hyperaemia occurred in the lungs, meninges (pia mater), and brain, and blood leakage was recorded from the epicardium. The histological findings included epithelial desquamation, infiltration of lymphocytes and leucocytes into rumen and fourth stomach (subacute) hepatitis (in 60 per cent of all cases), physical degeneration in the kidneys, and focal myocarditis (in 50 per cent of all cases). There were hyperaemia, edematisation, and blood leakage in the lungs, perivascular and pericellular edema in the brain, and severe hyperaemia of the meninges (pia mater) and thyroid gland. Those morphological changes were persistent and characteristic. Their relevance to diagnosis of rumen acidosis in sheep is undenied, provided that due consideration is given at the same time to the case history and paraclinical indices. 相似文献