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Lack of water during vegetative and/or reproductive growth stages is one of the most limiting factors for bean growth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of water stress applied during two phenological stages (flowering and pod filling) on growth, yield and yield components. Two genotypes of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were used in this study, cv. Carioca, an indeterminate Brazilian landrace, and cv. Prince, a determinate cultivar grown in Europe. Carioca appears to be generally stress-tolerant while Prince is intolerant. Plants were grown in large plastic pots covered with a black plastic sheet to protect the soil from rain and evaporation. The water stress treatments were: control (well-watered plants), WSFS (water stress during flowering stage) and WSPFS (water stress during pod-filling stage). Water stress reduced yield and yield components at both flowering and pod-filling stages. The parameters affected were seed weight, number of seeds per plant and number of pods per plant. Number of seeds per pod and seed weight were not affected. No effects of water stress were detected on harvest index. Time to maturity was slightly prolonged, especially for WSFS. Water stress at both stages resulted in lower accumulated water loss compared to the control plants. Water stress during both phenological stages reduced other growth parameters, the number of trifoliate leaves, stem height, number of main branches and number of nodes on the main stem.  相似文献   

Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important leguminous crop. Seed variables such as protein, oil, cellulose, ash, nitrogen-free extract, testa and moisture contents and the thousand-seed weights of seven bean cultivars currently cultivated in Turkey, namely, A-111 Pinto, Çalı, Yunus-90, Eskişehir-855, Şehirali-90, Karacaşehir-90 and Romano, were analysed in the laboratory with respect to their effects on the quality of bean seed grown under Central Anatolian ecological conditions. Statistically significant variations were found by ANOVA amongst the cultivars for all the variables examined, except the ash content of the seeds, and different groups were obtained by Duncan's multiple range test. Correlations amongst the variables as well as their direct and indirect effects on protein content were also calculated using the correlation and path coefficients analyses, respectively.  相似文献   

磷肥对芸豆几个品质性状的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
孟宪欣 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):183-187
本研究以‘NR’、‘品芸1号’、‘品芸2号’为试验材料,在不同磷肥施用量处理下,通过对三个品种蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉的测定、分析,探索磷肥对芸豆品质的调控效应。结果表明:在一定范围内,芸豆总淀粉含量随着磷肥用量的增加而增加;施用纯磷75 kg/hm2的对提高芸豆脂肪含量最有效;芸豆蛋白质含量在磷肥处理期间达到了显著差异,施用纯磷50 kg/hm2是提高蛋白质含量的最佳处理。  相似文献   

Summary Male sterile bean plants were discovered at Embu Agricultural Research Station, Kenya. The character is controlled by one recessive gene.The Grain Legume Project is a joint project of the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

Extensive branching patterns of roots and the maintenance of adequate water within shoots enables plants to overcome water stress. However, information on the relationship between fertilizer potassium, root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of food legumes grown under different soil moisture regimes is scarce. Thus, an experiment was conducted in a phytotron to ascertain the effect of fertilizer potassium on root branching patterns and shoot water potentials of a popular tropical food legumes (Frenchbeans Phaseolus vulgaris L). The plants were grown in a sand medium with 0.1, 0.8 or 3.0 mM of potassium under a suboptimal and optima) soil moisture regime.
Root lengths and dry weights were enhanced by potassium, especially under a suboptimal soil moisture regime. The branching patterns changed due to potassium, where the numbers of second and third order roots increased under both soil moisture regimes, although the impact was greater in plants grown with low soil moisture. Plant water contents measured in terms of shoot water potential, relative water contents, rurgid weight: dry weight ratio and water uptake capacity were also increased by potassium. A positive relationship was observed between root branching patterns and water potentials with increasing potassium levels especially in plants grown under suboptimal soil moisture conditions. Shoot growth and nodulation was also promoted by potassium. The ability of plants to develop a more extensive branching pattern of roots by inducing a greater number of second and third order roots and changing the root branching habit from a herringbone to a dichotomous type to maintain a greater shoot water potential especially under low soil moisture regimes is presented.  相似文献   

普通菜豆抗旱生理特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,以抗旱性较好的品种跃进豆、260205和敏感品种奶花芸豆为试材,设置干旱和正常供水2种处理,测定产量、产量构成因素及相关生理生化指标,分析干旱胁迫下参试品种各性状及生理指标的变化及对干旱胁迫的生理响应。结果表明,干旱处理36 d,跃进豆和260205的根干重为总生物量的20.2%和20.6%,荚干重为总生物量的30.0% 和28.9%,而奶花芸豆的根干重和荚干重仅为总生物量的10.6%和17.1%,光合产物向根系和籽粒的有效分配与普通菜豆抗旱性关系密切;跃进豆在干旱胁迫后期的水分利用效率较对照增加 230.5%,而奶花芸豆的增幅仅为84.3%,较高的水分利用效率有利于CO2的有效扩散和高效固定;其他生理特性分析表明,抗氧化酶与光呼吸共同作用有效降低了膜脂过氧化程度,减少了叶片的损伤;脯氨酸和可溶性糖是普通菜豆主要的渗透调节物质,能够较好地保持自身叶片的水分平衡。普通菜豆抗旱性是多种生理调节机制协同作用的结果,主要包括形态调节、气孔调节、渗透调节以及抗氧化能力的调节等。  相似文献   

间作和双接种对玉米和菜豆生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了验证菜豆玉米间作的可行性及双接种丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌在此间作体系中的影响。通过采用盆栽试验的方式,测定了不同栽培及接种方式下玉米和菜豆的一些生理指标如:生物量、氮磷钾元素的含量及吸收量、叶绿素SPAD值、菌根侵染率等。结果表明:单接种时,单作下的玉米和菜豆的总生物量分别是间作下的3.26 倍和1.25 倍;双接种时也分别达到了3.08 倍和1.25 倍。然而单接种时玉米和菜豆间作后每盆的吸氮量和吸磷量分别是间作下的1.11 倍和1.05 倍;双接种时则均为1.16 倍。接种丛枝菌根真菌后玉米及菜豆的生物量、氮磷钾元素的含量及吸收量、叶绿素含量等差异均不显著,而菜豆的根瘤数却降低了。试验研究表明:间作抑制了菜豆及玉米的生长,但促进了二者对氮磷元素的吸收利用;接种丛枝菌根真菌对玉米及菜的生长无促进作用,对二者吸收利用氮磷钾元素也无明显促进,而且还抑制了根瘤菌侵染菜豆。  相似文献   

In a two-factorial trial, conducted in 1986 at the CIAT farm in Palmira (Colombia), the performance of nine tropical bean lines differing in resistance to rust and seven mixtures obtained by combining these lines on the basis of equal proportions in seed number was evaluated in a rust inoculated treatment and in a fungicide treated control.
Compared to the fungicide treated control, rust attack significantly reduced the yield of all susceptible lines by 24 to 56% in pure stands. In rust inoculated mixtures containing resistant, intermediate and susceptible genotypes, mixture effects on yield increased only by 3.3% compared to the fungicide treated control. In mixtures of common bean a higher proportion of resistant lines appears to be required compared to cereals for comparable reductions in the spread of rust due to lower plant density and correspondingly higher autodeposition rate of uredospores.  相似文献   

Summary OSU 5062, a green bean line with a tendency for pods to become creasebacked (wider than deep) in cross-section, was crossed to near-round-podded cultivars Oregon 83 and Slenderette, oval-podded Bountiful, and flat-podded Roma, to further clarify the inheritance of pod cross-section. Differences among generations in pod cross-section index (PCS), calculated as pod width/depth, were small in the near-round x creaseback crosses (1.07 and 1.01 for Oregon 83 and Slenderette versus 1.20 for OSU 5062). Bountiful (0.63) and Roma (0.50) differed to a greater extent from 5062. Generation means of individual plant PCS of the F1 and F2 were almost identical, were almost exactly intermediate between parents, and strongly supported additive inheritance. Backcross data generally supported additive inheritance, but in some cases indicated degrees of dominance of higher PCS. A generation means analysis indicated additive gene action, but deviations from an additive-dominance model were significant in each cross.  相似文献   

As water for irrigation purposes becomes increasingly scarce because of climate change and population growth, there is growing interest in regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) as a way to improve efficiency of water usage and farm productivity in arid and semi‐arid areas. Salinity is also becoming an important problem in these same regions. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of RDI and salt stress on two legumes crops, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek); previous work showed contrasting responses to RDI by these two crops under field conditions. The seed and biomass yields of both crops were reduced as a result of increasing water deficit stress; however, mungbean was able to maintain the same proportion of its biomass in reproductive structures and maintain its harvest index under stress, whereas common bean’s decreased. In addition, photosynthesis in mungbean was higher than in common bean and higher at the same levels of transpiration. Finally, salinity stress did not affect the water potential, harvest index or the specific leaf weight of either crop. There were no interactions between salinity and crops or RDI levels, which suggest that the two crops do not differ in their response to salinity stress, and that RDI levels do not modify this response.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure based on acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (acid PAGE) has been described. Resolution of phaseolin bands appears to be relatively superior to that obtained with basic PAGE system. The procedure discriminates S, T, C, M and B types of phaseolins; S, T and C have been reported previously while M and B types were identified in the present study.  相似文献   

普通菜豆品种苗期抗旱性鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以不同来源的普通菜豆品种为材料,采用盆栽法,设正常供水和反复干旱2种处理,测定11项生理指标,采用灰色关联度理论进行苗期抗旱性指标筛选,通过加权抗旱指数(weighted drought-resistance index,WDI值)和抗旱度量值D(drought resistance comprehensive evaluation values,D值)对供试材料进行抗旱性综合评价并通过聚类分析划分抗旱等级。结果表明,不同指标与综合抗旱指数的关联度大小依次为叶片相对含水量(0.7726)、PSII最大量子产量(0.7607)、叶绿素含量(0.7435)、反复干旱存活率(0.7341)、生物量(0.7329)、茎叶干重(0.7314)、根干重(0.7192)、气孔导度(0.7159)、根冠比(0.7092)、株高(0.7086)、叶面积(0.6910)。基于加权抗旱指数和抗旱度量值D的评价结果存在一定差异,但不同材料的抗旱性排序大体一致。根据抗旱度量值D将供试材料分为高抗、中抗、敏感和高敏感4个级别,各占总数的10%、6%、58%和26%。综上所述,叶片相对含水量、PSII最大量子产量和叶绿素含量等10项指标可用于普通菜豆苗期抗旱性综合评价;加权抗旱指数与抗旱度量值D两种综合指标相结合能够提高鉴定结果的可靠性;50个参试普通菜豆品种中,白金德利豆、跃进豆、兔子腿、圆白菜豆和260205抗旱性强。  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for marker-assisted selection of complex traits for common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) using an index based on QTL-linked markers and ultrametric genetic distances between lines and a target parent. A comparison of the mean seed yields of the top five lines selected by different schemes demonstrated that the highest yielding group was selected on the basis of a combination of phenotypic performance and a high QTL-based index,followed by groups identified by a high QTL-based-index, conventional selection,and a low QTL-based-index. This study demonstrated a simple way to use information obtained from QTL studies to make selection decisions. The study also showed that the use of the QTL-based-index in conjunction with the ultrametric genetic distance to the target parent would enablea plant breeder to select lines that retain important QTL in a desirable genetic background. Therefore, this type of MAS would be expected to be superior to the phenotypic selection. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Phaseolin (PHAS) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) represent the main seed protein fractions in common bean. Currently, several ecotypes of common bean cultivated in marginal areas exist, above all in Southern Italy regions. Such germplasm could be lost due to the genetic uniformity of new cultivars. Moreover, the first step to obtain community recognition and denomination requires the full characterization of the available germplasm. In the present study, PHAS and PHA extracted in saline solutions from nine ecotypes of common bean ‘di Controne’ (Campania region) were analysed by anionic and cation exchange-high performance liquid chromatography (AE- and CE-HPLC), SDS-PAGE and IEF. The results obtained by AE-HPLC have allowed us either to standardize a high resolution, cost-effective and time-saving biochemical methodology or to compare the studied ecotypes with some cultivars of common bean most widely grown in Italy. The elution profiles of the nine ecotypes, already analyzed at the morpho-physiological and molecular levels, allowed us to differentiate the ecotypes either from a qualitative point of view (presence/absence of one or more peaks) or a quantitative one. For instance, the ecotypes of common bean ‘di Controne’ could be clearly differentiated from some commercial cultivars of dwarf and/or climbing bean. In contrast, the analysis of the electrophoresis patterns supplied less information. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Frew Mekbib 《Euphytica》2003,130(2):147-153
An experiment was undertaken to determine the stability of seed yield in 21 common bean genotypes representing three growth habits. Seven genotypes in each growth habit (determinate bush, indeterminate bush and indeterminate prostrate) were evaluated in replicated trials at three locations for three years under rain fed conditions in Ethiopia. A combined analysis of variance, stability statistics and rank correlations among stability statistics and yield-stability statistic were determined. The genotypes differed significantly for seed yield and genotype × environment (year by location) interaction (GE). The different stability statistics namely Type1, Type 2 and Type 3 measured the different aspects of stability. This was substantiated by rank correlation coefficient. There were strong rank correlations among Si 2d, Wi 2i 2 and Si 2, where as there was weak correlation between biand Ri 2, Si 2d, Wi 2, σi 2 and Si 2. R2 was significantly and negatively correlated with Wi 2, σi 2 and Si 2. σi 2 is significantly correlated with Wi 2.Yield is significantly correlated with bi and Ri 2.None of the statistics per se was useful for selecting high yielding and stable genotypes except the YS(yield-stability statistic). Most of the high yielding genotypes were relatively stable. Of the 21 genotypes, only 11genotypes were selected for their high yielding and stable performance. Genotypes with growth habit III and I (in determinate prostrate and determinate bush) were generally more stable than in determinate bush. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以SSR标记对普通菜豆抗炭疽病基因定位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
由菜豆炭疽菌引起的菜豆炭疽病是危害我国菜豆生产的主要病害之一, 鉴定和发掘新的抗病基因对于菜豆抗病育种具有十分重要的意义。以来自安第斯基因库的我国菜豆抗炭疽病地方品种红花芸豆与感病地方品种京豆杂交的F2群体为试验材料, 通过人工接种菜豆炭疽菌81号小种进行抗病性鉴定, 发现该分离群体中抗病植株数与感病植株数符合3∶1的分离比例, 确定红花芸豆对菜豆炭疽菌81号小种的抗性由显性单基因控制, 将此基因命名为Co-F2533。用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)和微卫星多态性分析(SSR)技术对红花芸豆中的抗炭疽病基因进行分子标记鉴定, 用Mapmaker3.0计算标记与目的基因间的遗传距离, 发现B6连锁群上的4个SSR标记BM170、Clon1429、BMD37、Clon410与抗炭疽病基因Co-F2533连锁, 遗传距离分别为6.6、18.4、20.9和30.9 cM, 这些SSR标记与Co-F2533基因在B6连锁群上的排列顺序为Clon1429-Co-F2533- BM170-BMD37-Clon410。根据基因所在连锁群的位置、抗病基因的基因库来源可知Co-F2533是一个新的来源于安第斯基因库的抗炭疽病基因。  相似文献   

钙调素蛋白(calmodulin,CaM)作为植物细胞内介导多种功能的Ca2+结合蛋白,在调节植物的生长发育和抗病性方面具有重要作用。利用普通菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)表达序列标签(EST)克隆了含有编码普通菜豆CaM基因的cDNA序列。序列分析表明,cDNA片段长713 bp,命名为PvCaM1,具有一个453 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),GenBank登录号为JN418801,该基因编码150个氨基酸,预测蛋白质分子质量为17.16 kD。蛋白质结构分析表明,PvCaM1蛋白含有4个Ca2+结合结构域(EF-hand)。同源分析结果显示,PvCaM1基因与百脉根、西瓜的CaM基因亲缘关系最近,分别达到77%和76%。荧光定量PCR分析表明,PvCaM1基因受尖孢镰孢菌菜豆专化型FOP-DM01菌株诱导表达,接种病原菌96 h,抗病品种260205根中PvCaM1基因的表达量达到最高,而感病品种BRB-130达到最低,260205叶中PvCaM1基因的表达量均高于BRB-130,而且叶中的表达量高于根和茎中的表达量。PvCaM1基因表达量也受外源植物激素脱落酸、茉莉酸甲酯和乙烯利诱导上调,在根、茎、叶中均有不同程度的表达。本研究表明PvCaM1基因可能通过脱落酸、茉莉酸和乙烯等信号途径参与菜豆对FOP-DM01菌株的防御反应,推测菜豆PvCaM1基因与镰孢菌枯萎病的抗病性有一定关联。  相似文献   

Ten F1's obtained from crosses among five common bean genotypes of Andean (WAF 15, Mineiro Precoce and Batatinha) and Middle American (BAT 304 and Ouro) gene pools were assessed for their combining abilities for root nodulation with Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT 899. The plants were grown under controlled conditions and evaluated for number of nodules per plant (NN), nodule dry weight (NDW), mean nodule weight (MNW) and plant fresh weight (PFW). The subdivision of the treatment effects on the general (GCA) and specific combining effects (SCA) were performed according to Griffing's diallel analysis method 2, model 1. The analyses of variance and estimates of quadratic components showed that non-additive gene effects were more important in the expression of NN and PFW, whereas additive gene effect was predominant for NDW and MNW. A close association was observed between high number of nodules and GCA. Generally, crosses involving parents of different gene pools yielded hybrids with high positive estimates of SCA for all assessed traits. The genotypes of Andean origin WAF 15 and Mineiro Precoce are the most promising parents for breeding programs to increase NN and NDW in common beans. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of 51 individual pure lines from 13 landraces of three common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) mixtures from the southern highlands of Tanzania was undertaken using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. A dendrogram generated by cluster analysis from data derived from fragments amplified by 12 random 10-base primers divided the bean individuals onto two main branches with less than 60% genetic similarity. Branches A and B subdivided into two and four clusters, respectively. Mixture 2, comprising three landraces, was the most uniform, most plants appearing on cluster 4 of branch B. Three of the four landraces of mixture 1 appeared on cluster 3 of branch B while the fourth landrace appeared on major branch A. Mixture 3 showed the greatest genetic variation with components appearing on both major branches. The clear separation of the 13 landraces onto two main branches of the dendrogram together with phenotypic characters, notably variation in bean size, suggests that the two groups might represent two distinct gene pools of P. vulgaris. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为了定位中国普通菜豆的抗炭疽病基因, 选取抗炭疽病地方品种红芸豆(国家库编号F2322)与高感菜豆品种京豆(国家库编号F0777)配制杂交组合, 构建F2抗感分离群体和F2:3家系, 用菜豆炭疽菌81号生理小种鉴定抗病性并分析遗传性。结果表明, 红芸豆对菜豆炭疽菌81号小种的抗性是由一显性单基因控制的, 暂将该基因命名为Co-F2322。用分离群体分组分析法(BSA)和SSR、CAPs分子标记技术, 将该基因定位在B1连锁群上, 利用软件Mapmaker 3.0和Mapchart 3.0计算标记与目的基因间的遗传距离, 检测到3个SSR标记BMc32、C871、Pvm98和2个CAPs标记g1224、g683与抗炭疽病基因连锁, 遗传距离分别为26.06、3.58、13.56、3.81和12.75 cM。  相似文献   

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