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In contrast to the dog in which pancreas dysfunction is usually clinically diagnosed and frequently described in the literature, this diseases is mostly discovered at necropsy and rarely reported in cats. The objective of this review is to show increased attention to the occurrence of pancreatic diseases in cat.  相似文献   

Bodies similar to acidophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions were found by light microscopy in the pancreatic acinar cells of 56 of 174 (32%) healthy male and female purebred Beagles and 14 of 97 (14%) of healthy male mongrel dogs. The inclusions were ovoid, acidophilic and often granular with basophilic particulates. Many seemed to be enclosed within halos of various widths. Electron microscopically the inclusions consisted of whorls of rough endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, and cytoplasmic organelles in various stages of decomposition. These inclusion bodies were interpreted as evidence of focal intracytoplasmic degradation. They appeared similar to the dense ribosomal autophagic vacuoles, hitherto described only in association with various experimental procedures.  相似文献   

The physiological role of the cholecystokinin1 receptor (CCK1R) and the cholecystokinin/gastrin receptor (CCK2R) in the enzyme release from the exocrine pancreas in various mammal species has been debated. Experiments in pigs have indicated that physiological levels of cholecystokinin-33 (CCK-33) elicit pancreatic enzyme release via CCK2Rs located in the gastro-duodenal region. Since gastrin and CCK have similar affinity for the CCK2R, the aim was to examine if gastrin can elicit a similar enzyme response as CCK, after infusion via the gastric artery. Weaned pigs were anaesthetised and surgically prepared with appropriate catheters. Pentagastrin (n = 6) or CCK-33 (n = 6), 13 pmol/kg, was infused via the gastric artery into the gastro-duodenal region and 20 min. later 130 pmol/kg of the same hormone was infused via the jugular vein to the general circulation. Pancreatic juice was collected in intervals after each infusion and analysed for its protein and enzyme (trypsin) content. CCK-33 gave rise to significantly higher protein and trypsin output compared to pentagastrin for both doses and infusion routes. The results indicate that low doses of CCK-33 infused to the duodenal region do not stimulate the exocrine pancreas via the CCK2R since the result can't be reproduced with pentagastrin. Since previous studies have indicated that CCK1R is not involved the present results indicate that a third CCK-receptor subtype might be involved in the stimulation of the exocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Histologic grading schemes for canine inflammatory conditions are sparse, and in the case of the canine pancreas, have not been previously described. In a previous study, we determined that histologic lesions of the exocrine pancreas occurred much more frequently than gross lesions. The intention of the current study was to develop a histologic grading scheme for nonneoplastic lesions following extensive assessment of the exocrine pancreas from dogs presented for necropsy examination. The parameters of the proposed scheme include neutrophilic inflammation, lymphocytic inflammation, pancreatic necrosis, pancreatic fat necrosis, edema, fibrosis, atrophy, and hyperplastic nodules. In this case series, the most common lesion was pancreatic hyperplastic nodules (80.2%), followed by lymphocytic inflammation (52.5%), fibrosis (49.5%), atrophy (46.5%), neutrophilic inflammation (31.7%), pancreatic fat necrosis (25.7%), pancreatic necrosis (16.8%), and edema (9.9%). Only 8 of the 101 animals had no evidence of any of the lesions in any of the sections examined. Fibrosis, atrophy, and/or lymphocytic infiltration most commonly accompanied nodules. Neutrophilic inflammation, when present, was often associated with necrosis (pancreatic necrosis, pancreatic fat necrosis, or both) and occasionally with hyperplastic nodules. The utilization of a grading scheme for exocrine pancreatic lesions will be useful in advancing the classification of exocrine pancreatic disease in the dog, which may lead to multicenter studies of exocrine pancreatic disorders in the dog and in other species.  相似文献   

An indoor, 2-year-old, spayed female domestic cat was referred to the University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (UMC-VMTH) for evaluation of weight loss and polyphagia of 1-year duration, with recent episodes of generalized weakness and lethargy. These episodes occurred approximately once per month over the past 4 months. The cat produced frequent stools, which were occasionally poorly formed. A CBC and serum biochemistry were performed 1 and 5 months before referral, and leukopenia (1,200/μL; reference interval, 3,500-16,000/μL; no differential provided), hypocholesterolemia (64 mg/dL and 46 mg/dL; reference interval, 75–220 mg/ dL), and hypotriglyceridemia (22 mg/dL and 16 mg/dL; reference interval, 26–160 mg/dL) were identified. The most recent serum biochemistry results disclosed mild hypercalcemia (11.3 mg/dL; reference interval, 8.2–10.8 mg/ dL) and hypernatremia (163 mg/dL; reference interval, 145–158 mg/dL). Antibody titers for Toxoplasma were consistent with past exposure (immunoglobulin M [IgM] negative; IgG 1:256).  相似文献   

This study describes the ultrasonographic and cytopathological characteristics of malignant neoplasms of the exocrine pancreas and their value in making an antemortem diagnosis. The medical records of eight dogs and five cats were reviewed. The clinical presentations were variable and at times mimicked pancreatitis. Overall, cytopathology of ultrasound or fluoroscopic-guided biopsies or fine-needle aspirates, or impressions from surgical biopsies were helpful in establishing the diagnosis in 10 of 12 animals where it was performed. Histopathology of ultrasound or fluoroscopic-guided biopsies provided a diagnosis in five of six cases where it was performed.  相似文献   

A feline pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma studied by light and electron microscopy was characterized by three growth patterns: acinar formation, colloid production and sheets of neoplastic cells. Ultrastructurally, the acinar origin of the tumor was determined by the presence of zymogen granules, some of which contained and released microfibrillar material.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of frustration among veterinarians about the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity of the cat. This frustration is due to both the high frequency of feline oral inflammatory lesions and our poor understanding of their causes. This poor understanding can be blamed on several things: (1) a rapidly emerging, but still relatively poor, understanding of feline diseases in general and nutrition in particular; (2) a tendency to lump rather than separate specific oral inflammations; (3) a tendency not to use a thorough and systematic approach to diagnosing oral cavity disease; and (4) the reluctance of veterinarians to apply what is already known about human oral cavity diseases to cats. When problems 2 through 4 are adequately addressed, it becomes apparent that we really know more about oral cavity disease in the cat than we thought we knew and that great progress has been made. The task ahead is to define, in precise medical terms, those remaining disease entities of the oral cavity that pose the greatest health risk to cats, to apply what has been already been discovered from human disease counterparts, and to study them systematically.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old Siamese cat had recurrent episodes of pyrexia, anorexia, weight loss and jaundice. There was biochemical evidence of hepatic damage and hyperbilirubinaemia. At necropsy there was catarrhal and fibrosing inflammation of the biliary ducts, gall bladder and pancreas. The lesion was probably a sequel to ascending infection of the biliary and pancreatic ducts. Although this combination of lesions is not uncommon in cats, associated clinical disease appears to be infrequent.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to determine whether hyperglycaemia or hyperlipidaemia causes pancreatitis in cats and to assess the effect of excess serum glucose and lipids on amylase and lipase activity. Ten-day hyperglycaemic and hyperlipidaemic clamps were carried out in five and six healthy cats, respectively. Ten healthy cats received saline and served as controls. The activity of amylase was below the normal range in 4 of 5 hyperglycaemic cats by day 10. The activity of lipase did not vary in any of the cats. Samples of exocrine pancreas were normal on histological examination, but the number of tissue neutrophils was increased in hyperglycaemic cats (P < 0.05). In a retrospective study 14 of 40 (35%) cats with naturally occurring diabetes mellitus had amylase activities below the reference range at the time of admission. Amylase activities normalised within 1 week of insulin therapy and subsequent glycaemic control. Lipase activity was increased in 26 of 40 (65%) diabetic cats and remained elevated despite glycaemic control. In conclusion, hyperglycaemia, but not hyperlipidaemia, increases pancreatic neutrophils in cats. However, because the histological morphology of the exocrine pancreas was normal, hyperglycaemia may play only a minor role in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis. Low amylase activities in diabetic cats may reflect an imbalance in glucose metabolism rather than pancreatitis.  相似文献   

A review of drug toxicity in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The toxicity of drugs and therapeutic agents commonly used in feline medicine is reviewed. Résumé— Il s'agit d'une revue de la toxicité des droguee et des agents thérapeutiques couramment utilisés en médecine féline. La résponse idiosyncrasique manifestée par le chat à l'égard de beaucoup d'agents thérapeutiques appliqués, soit par voie interne, soit par voie externe, est bien connue de la plupart des cliniciens des petits animaux. Cependant, récemment plusieurs substances autrefois considérées comme sans danger, ont été incriminées comme cause de syndromes toxiques chez le chat. I1 est souhaité que cet article constitute un rappel opportun de certain des dangers inhêrents â la prescritpion médicamentueses en médecine féline. Zusammenfassung— Die Toxizität von Medikamenten und Mitteln, die bei Katzen vielfach Anwendung finden, wird besprochen. Die besondre Empfindlichkeit der Katze gegen viele Medikamente, ob innerlich oder äußerlich angewandt, ist den meisten Klinikern in der Kleintierpraxis wohlbekannt. Vor kurzem sind aber mehrere Substanzen, die bisher als ungefährlich angesehen wurden, als die Urheber von Vergiftungssyndromen bei Katzen erkannt worden. Vielleicht kommt dieser Artikel zur rechten Zeit, umeinige der Gefahren, die das Verschreiben für Katzen mit sich bringt, vor Augen zu führen.  相似文献   

Animal overpopulation including feral cats is an important global problem. There are many stakeholders involved in the feral cat debate over 'what to do about the problem', including those who consider them a nuisance, the public at risk from zoonotic disease, people who are concerned about the welfare of feral cats, those concerned with wildlife impacts, and the cats themselves. How best to control this population is controversial and has ranged from culling, relocation, and more recently 'trap neuter return' (TNR) methods. Data support the success of TNR in reducing cat populations, but to have a large impact it will have to be adopted on a far greater scale than it is currently practised. Non-surgical contraception is a realistic future goal. Because the feral cat problem was created by humans, concerted educational efforts on responsible pet ownership and the intrinsic value of animals is an integral part of a solution.  相似文献   

About 80% of diabetic cats suffer from type 2 diabetes which is characterized by reduced insulin secretion from beta-cells and by insulin resistance. As in humans cats experienced a change in life habits and eating conditions over the last years leading to a tremendous increase in the prevalence of obesity. In both species obesity is one of the major risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes. Treatment should be initiated immediately after diagnosis. In Zurich, therapy consists of application of an intermediate-acting insulin and dietary management. In the latter the use of diets with reduced carbohydrate content seems to be of utmost importance. We recently found that the percentage of cats with a transient course of diabetes increases from previous 25% to 50-70% when a diet with strongly reduced carbohydrate content is fed.  相似文献   

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