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L. KIEWNICK 《Weed Research》1963,3(4):322-332
Zusammenfassung. Die Spelzfrüchte ('Samen') des Flughafers ( Avena fatua L.) werden von einer Vielzahl von Organismen besiedelt, deren Anzahl vom Kulturpflanzenbestand und von den jeweils herrschenden Witterungsbedingungen während der Reife abhängt. Zusammenhänge zwischen Höhe der Niederschläge, Mikroorganismenbesatz an den Früchten und der Keimpotenz konnten ermittelt werden. Insgesamt wurden zweiundfünfzig Pilzarten von den Flughaferfrüchten isoliert. Davon gehören zwei zu den Phycomyceten , fünf zu den Ascomyceten und fünfundvierzig zu den Fungi imperfecti . In Infektionsversuchen haben sich Phoma hibernica, Cephalosporium gramineum, Stemphylium consortiale, Helminthosporium gramineum, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium solani und Fusarium scirpi als pathogen gegenüber den im Boden lagernden Samen erwiesen. Von den Samenpilzen war Fusarium culmorum ursächlich an der Ausbildung tauber Samen beteiligt. Bei Lagerung der Samen unter hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit und gleichzeitiger Einwirkung der Mikroflora konnte nach 3 Monaten ein merklicher (34% bei 100% r.Dampfspannung) und nach 6 Monaten ein starker (51% bei 100% r.Dampfspannung) Abfall der Keimfähigkeit beobachtet werden.
Experiments on the influence of seedborne and soilborne microflora on the viability of wild oat seeds (Avena fatua L. )
I. The occurrence, specific composition and properties of microorganisms on wild oat seeds  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Versuche mit oberflächensterilen und unbehandelten Flughaferfrüchten, die im Freiland in gedämpfte und normale Ackererde ausgesät wurden, zeigten, dass die Mikroflora massgeblich die Lebensdauer der Samen im Boden beeinflusst. Pilze und Bakterien der Spermatosphäre haben ein Minimum im Winter, ein Maximum im Frühjahr, einen Rückgang im Sommer und einen Anstieg im Herbst. Dementsprechend kann sich in der Zeit der Maxima die starke Aktivität der Pilze negativ auf die ruhenden Samen auswirken. Es wird daraufhingewiesen, dass die Unkrautsamen ein Reservoir für Bodenpilze, Saprophyten und Parasiten darstellen und im Kreisiauf dieser Pilze eine bedeutende Rolle spielen.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Bodenfeuchtigkeit Samen und Mikroflora beeinflusst. Die Pilze sind bei einer Wasserabsättigung von 50% am stärksten aggressiv. Ein hoher Wassergehalt des Bodens kann eine zweite, im gleichen Jahr nicht mehr reversible Keimruhe induzieren, langanhaltende Nässe führt zur Autolyse der Samen.
Flughafer keimt am besten, wenn die Körner mit einem Wassergehalt von 14,6 bis 17,0% in den Boden gebracht werden. Höhere Feuchtigkeitsmengen im Samen führen zur zweilen Keimruhe, dir für den Angriff der Mikroorganismen günstig ist.
Kompost und die geprüften Sandböden fördern die Keimung der Samen, stimulieren aber auch die Mikroorganismen. Es kann zu einer etwa 15% höheren Zerstörung der Samen gegenüber Lehmböden kommen.
Es werden die Aussichten für eine praktische Anwendung der gewonnenen Kenntnisse diskutiert.
Experiments on the influence ofseedborne and soilborne muroflora on the viability of wild oat suds (Avena fatua L.)
II. Experiments on the influence of microflora on the viability of seeds in the soil  相似文献   

Summary. This project was designed to study various aspects of wild oat competition in spring wheat and flax. From ten to forty wild oat plants/yd2 were sufficient to cause significant yield reductions in wheat when grown on summerfallow land or when ammonium phosphate fertilizer was added to stubble land. However, when wheat was grown on stubble land without the benefit of a fertilizer treatment, seventy to one hundred wild oat plants/yd2 were needed to suppress wheat yields significantly. This would suggest that on stubble land, soil fertility was a more important factor than moderate densities of wild oats in determining eventual crop yields. In these experiments, wild oats reduced the number of tillers per plant, but did not significantly affect the protein content of the harvested grain. Only ten wild oat plants/yd2 were sufficient to reduce flax yields significantly on both summerfallow and stubble land. The only exception was in 1966, when flax grown on summerfallow land was not significantly affected until the density of wild oats reached forty plants/yd2. This confirms the general observation that flax is a poor competitor with wild oats. The results suggest that wild oat competition had already commenced prior to emergence of wheat, particularly with the higher densities of wild oats. In general, competitive effects increased with time and with wild oat density. In flax, severe competition had already taken place prior to the 2–3-Ieaf stage of the weed in 1964, but did not become severe until after the 2–3-leaf stage of wild oat growth in 1965 and 1966. Again, competitive effects increased with time and with wild oat density. Results of a final series of experiments, suggested that the optimum seeding date for flax in Manitoba is the latter part of May or the first week of June. Yield reductions due to wild oat competition became very severe as seeding dates were delayed. La compétition de la folle avoine (A vena fatua L.) avec le blé et le lin  相似文献   

Summary. Survival of wild oat seeds (mainly Avena fatua ) under leys on clay soils was investigated in two field experiments. During the first year under ley the number of seeds decreased by 41 % and 86% respectively. Subsequent decreases were less, and after 5 years under ley there were still enough of the original seeds left to produce infestation of a cereal crop. These results suggest that a long ley is not an efficient way of eliminating wild oat seeds from soil, and that a 1-year ley may be almost as effective as one of 5 years.
When a ley was ploughed, the number of wild oats germinating decreased as the number of years under ley and the age of the seeds increased, but was scarcely affected by the weather. In contrast, charlock ( Sinapis arvensis ) germination did not decrease with increasing age of seeds up to 5 years, but was greatest in years with most rain during April and May.
Survivance de semences de Folle Avoine (Avena fatua L . et A . ludovieiana Dur.) et de Moutarde des champs (Sinapis arvensis L.) dans le sol sous prairie temporaire  相似文献   

Summary. A survey of barley crops on 166 west of Scotland farms in 1969 indicated a more widespread distribution of Avena fatua L. than had previously been recognized. Whilst only 0·8% of the barley area was infested with A. fatua , the weed was found on 16% of the known barley-growing farms. A. fatua was associated with arable farming situations and with fields where there was a recent history of cereal cropping. Only on four of the sample farms where A. fatua was found had any attempt been made to control the weed. It is concluded that there is a strong case for eradicating or at least containing the weed before it becomes a major problem.
The distribution of Avena strigosa Schreb. and Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. is also given.
Distribution d' Avena fatua L., d' Avena. strigosa Schreb. et d' Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. dans les cultures d'orge de l'ouest de l'Ecosse  相似文献   

Résumé. La folle-avoine ( Avena fatua L.) est en grande expansion dans les cultures d'orge de printemps, en France. Le barbane, le di-allate, la triazine G 34361, le dichlobénil ont été expérimentés, pour détruire sélectivement cette adventice. Ces essais, réalisés en 1961, avaient pour but de déterminer l'action de ces produits sur la folle-avoine, et quelques variétés d'orge, et d'en déduire les conditions pratiques d'emploi.
La dose de 0,7.5 kg/ha de barbane, permet de détruire 80–95% de la population de folle-avoine, lorsqu'elle a 2–3 feuilles. Une bonne régularité de la leveé de l'adventice est un facteur essentiel de réussite des traitements. Les variétés: Rika, Piroline, Irma, Ingrid, Alouette, Wisa, Carlsberg II, peuvent être traitées à la dose précédente sans risque de diminuer leur rendement. La variété Aurore est apparue la plus sensible; des essais ultérieurs seront réalisés pour déterminer s'il est possible de la traiter avec le barbane.
Le di-allate, utilisé avant le semis de l'orge, à la dose de 1 kg/ha, permet une bonne destruction de la folle-avoine, sans nuire à la céréale, sauf dans certaines conditions de sol (terre sableuse). La dose de 2 kg/ha provoque généralement une diminution importante du rendement de l'orge.
La triazine G 34361, utilisée en post émergence et le dichlobénil utilisé en préémergence, n'ont pas une sélectivité suffisante pour detruire la folle-avoine dans l'orge.
Versuche zur Flughaferbekämpfung in Sommergerste  相似文献   

Summary. Seeds of Avena fatua and A. ludoviciana were sown at a depth of 15 cm or mixed into the top 5 cm of soil in small field-plots at Rothamsted and subjected to 5 different regimes of depth and frequency of cultivation for 3 years, after which all plots were dug to 15 cm in spring and autumn for a further 4 years. Seedlings were counted and no plants were allowed to produce seeds. After 7 years, soil-samples showed that very few intact seeds of A. fatua and none of A. ludoviciana remained, although less than 20% of the seeds sown had produced seedlings. Laboratory tests after 4 to 8 years'dry slorage showed seeds of both species to be viable. The maximum survival of viable seeds, estimated by seedling-emergence, was 61 months for A. fatua and 33 months for A. Indoviciana . Seeds of A. fatua survived slightly longer at 15 cm than in the top 5 cm of soil. Survival of A. ludoviciana was less affected by depth and cultivation, except that birds ate some shallow-sown spikelets in the first fortnight after sowing. A. fatua germinated in spring and autumn, and A. tudoviciana in winter, irrespective of age of seed and cultivation of soil. Frozen soil delayed emergence of A. ludoviciana seedlings lor varying periods between December and March. Seedlings of A. ludoviciana were slightly more winter-hardy than A. fatua . More seedlings of A. fatua appeared in the second spring than at any other time, but 80% of the seedlings of A. ludoviciana appeared in the first autumn and winter.
Effets de la profondeur d'enfouissement des graines et de la fréquence des façons culturalles sur la longévité et la germination des semences de Folle-Avoine (Avena fatua L. et A. ludoviciana Dur .)  相似文献   

杂草对农作物有很大危害是众所周知的,确切知道不同情况下的草害程度对防治对策有现实的指导意义。目前各地都在进行这方面的试验,方法和准确性也异。本文介绍了野燕麦对小麦、青稞在青海省条件下的危害,其方法可供各地参考。同时对试验中所应用的数理统计是否合宜,也可供讨论。1.田间野燕麦发生密度对小麦、青稞产量损失之间有着极显著的回归关系。野燕麦穗数即花序数每增加1万穗/亩,小麦产量损失5.39斤、穗粒数减少0.15粒、千粒重降低0.102克,青稞产量损失3.5斤、穗粒数减少0.17粒、千粒重降低0.02克。2.小麦三叶期以前田间出苗的野燕麦危害最大,在野燕麦10万株/亩左右密度下,减产35.5%;小麦开始拔节以后出苗的野燕麦危害较小,造成减产8%以下。3.田间野燕麦密度越大,后期复盖阴闭越严重。野燕麦株数每亩16万株以上,复盖度90%以上,并导致小麦倒伏。4.据野燕麦危害损失,结合当前生产水平,对野燕麦发生的轻度危害田、中等危害田、严重危害田、控制田的划分指标和防除策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of winter wheat, winter rye, winter barley, spring barley, and fallow cultivated as for a winter cereal, on germination and growth of wild oats ( A. fatua ) was investigated on a naturally-infested field. Treatments were continued for 2 years on the same plots and in the third year all plots were cropped with spring barley. Wild oats were not allowed to shed seeds.
A. fatua was controlled by a dense crop of an autumn-sown cereal. The crop genus was unimportant provided it grew well on the site; its effectiveness depended on its density when the wild oats germinated in spring. Winter wheat and winter rye were equally effective. Even in a light crop of barley, wild oats grew much less vigorously than on the fallow plots. Beyond a certain crop density dependent on soil fertility, further increase in crop did not decrease the size of wild oats. The heaviest crop did not completely suppress the wild oats.
The crop affected the wild oats mainly by decreasing growth of the seedlings, but under winter wheat and winter rye some wild oat seeds may have remained dormant, germinating in the spring barley in the third year, perhaps because the crops decreased the soil moisture content. Nitrogenous fertilizer increased the weight of both crops and wild oats. Barley was more severely affected by soil acidity than wild oats and on acid areas of barley plots the wild oats were larger than where the pH was higher. In wheat and rye which were scarcely affected by soil acidity the size of the wild oat plants was unaffected by soil pH.
L'effet du competition des céréales sur la germination et le développement d' Avena fatua dans un champ naturellement infesté .  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. 1. Herausgeschnittene Stücke von Rhizomen der Quecke sind nur dann zur Entwicklung einer neuen Pflanze befähigt, wenn sie eine unbeschädigte und voll ausgebildete Knospe tragen.
2. Rhizomteile von 1 cm Länge mit normal ausgebildeter Knospe konnten zu einem hohen Prozentsatz neue Pflanzen bilden. Wurden die Stücke in Längsrichtung halbiert, so kamen nur noch etwa die Hälfte der mit Knospen versehenen Teile zur Entwicklung. Selbst Stücke von nur 3 mm Länge mit intakter Knospe konnten noch zu 30% normale Pflanzen bilden.
3. Mit zunehmender Verfärbung der Rhizome nach Braun und Schwarz nahm die Fähigkeit zur Bildung von Sprossen schnell ab.
4. Stücke von 1 cm Länge mit normal ausgebildeter Knospe waren nach 6 Tagen ununterbrochenem Aufenthalt bei 56% relativer Feuchte nur noch zu 5% entwicklungsfähig. Bei gleichlangem Aufenthalt unter 66% relativer Feuchte trieben noch 25% aller Knospen aus, während bei 75% oder 88% relativer Feuchte keine Schädigung erkennbar war.
5. Dünne Rhizomteile waren empfindlicher gegen trockene Luft als extrem dicke, kurze Stücke etwas empfindlicher als längere.
6. Wechsel zwischen Trockenheit und Feuchte im Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus hatte eine wesentlich geringere Minderung der Entwicklungsfähigkeit zur Folge als eine ununterbrochene Einwirkung der Trockenheit von etwa gleicher Gesamtdauer.
7. Bei extremer Trockenheit wurde die Wirkung durch eine kräftige Luftbewegung (bis zu 5,5 m/sec) wesentlich verstärkt.
8. Die praktischen Folgerungen aus den Versuchen werden diskutiert.
The reaction of rhizomes of Agropyron repens to dry air  相似文献   

Summary. The control of Galium aparine L. with post-emergence sprays of mecoprop depends not only on the plant size, but also on the soil in which the plants are growing:
  • 1 Small plants were more readily killed than large ones.
  • 2 Plants growing in a soil with a high organic content were more resistant to mecoprop than those growing in a soil with a lower organic content.
  • 3 Part of the post-emergence spray reached the soil and had an additional effect through root uptake.
  • 4 This effect was less in two soils with a high organic content than in one with a lower organic content. The reason for this was the greater adsorption of mecoprop by the high-organic soils.
  • 5 Only the organic matter was concerned in the adsorption.
The full herbicidal effect of mecoprop thus involves activity through the soil in addition to uptake through the foliage. La lutte contre le Galium aparine avec le mécoprop enfonction du type de sol  相似文献   

Summary. The variation in the percentage of dormant corms of Homeria breyniana between sites and years was shown for a 3-year period. The highest dormancy count of 61 % was obtained at Wagin in 1959 while the lowest count of 1% was also obtained in 1959 at Muchea. It was demonstrated that soil surface cover plays an important part in corm dormancy. In 1961 the removal of the surface cover by burning almost eliminated dormancy. Removing the cover at three dates during the summer did not affect the germination of corms during the late autumn. Moreover, corms left in the soil throughout the summer exhibited no physiological dormancy in April. In laboratory tests the percentage germination steadily decreased as the test temperatures were reduced from 25 to 5° C. Soil temperatures follow a similar decline in Western Australia during April and May. Light rains of 12 and 14 points (100 points = 1 in.) gave a significant increase in soil moisture where the surface was bare. Sufficient moisture penetrated to cause a general germination of corms and this resulted in H. breyniana emerging on bare soil some 3 weeks earlier than where surface cover was present. The diurnal temperature range at this time was 54–68° F. The break of the season (the beginning of the growing season) did not occur until 17 days later, and the diurnal soil temperature range had dropped to 49–54° F. Corms subjected to germination tests at these two temperature ranges gave a 90% and 70% sprouting respectively.
La dormance des bulbes de Homeria breyniana (L.) Lewis  相似文献   

Summary. Freshly collected ripe seeds of Avena fatua were first kept out of doors on the surface of the soil for 0 to 3 monehs, and then stored dry in the laboratory for 0 to 6 months before testing for dormancy and viability. Results from six European countries agreed well. Only 10% of ripe seeds germinated immediately alter collection and germination rose to 50% by December or January in all countries except Denmark. Viability was scarcely affected by age or storage conditions, except that many seeds died out of doors during winter in Denmark and Germany. The percentage of dormant seeds in December was greater in Denmark than elsewhere, possibly because the seeds were of a different type. Seeds may not behave the same in normal agricultural conditions as they did in this experiment.
Une expérience internationale sur l'influence de l'âge et des conditions de conservation sur la viabilité et la dormance de semences d'Avena fatua  相似文献   

K. KOSSMANN 《Weed Research》1970,10(4):340-348
Zusammenfassung. Es werden Methoden zur photometrischen bzw, gaschromatografischen Rückstandsbestimmung von Phenmedipham in Betarüben und deren Blättern, in Zucker und seinen Nebenprodukten, in Erdbceren und anderen Kulturpflanzen beschrieben. Mit der Photometrie wird eine Nachweisgrenze von 0,1 ppm erreicht. Die Gaschromatografic erlaubt noch die Bestimmung von 0,02 ppm Phenmedipham.
Methods for residue analysis of phenmedipham in plant material
Summary. Photometric and gas chromatographic methods are described for the residue analysis of phenmedipham in roots and leaves of sugar beet, in sugar and its by-products, in strawberries and in other crops. The photometric method allows a minimum residue of 0.l ppm to be determined; with the gas chromatographic method, as little as 0–02 ppm phenmedipham can be determined.
Méthodes pour l'analyse des résidus de phenmédiphame dans Le matériel végétal
Résumé. Des méthodes de photométrie et de chromatographie en phase gazeuse sont décrites pour l'analyse des résidus de phenmédiphame dans les racines et les feuilles de la betterave á sucre, dans le sucre et ses dérivés, dans les fraises et dans d'autres plantes cultivées. La méthode photométrique permet de déceler un résidu minimum de 0,1 ppm; avee la méthode de chromatographie en phase gazeuse, il peut étrc décelé une quantité aussi faible que 0,02 ppm de phenmédiphame.  相似文献   

Summary. Experiments conducted in Northern Ireland between 1956 and 1960 show that Ranunculus repens may be controlled by MCPA-salt or -ester applied in November or December. These compounds are more effective than salt or ester formulations of 2,4-D and salt formulations of MCPB and 2,4-DB. Three varieties of raspberry were uninjured when a salt formulation of MCPA was applied during December at 2.2 kg/ha to the same plots for three successive years. Five other varieties were uninjured after one year's treatment. Wetting the dormant canes to run-off with MCPA-salt at 2000 ppm caused no injury but, in one experiment, MCPA-salt at 4.5 kg/ha reduced the number of shoots the following season. The margin of safety is not high but, in the absence of any alternative chemical means of controlling R. repens in raspberries, a late November or December application of MCPA-salt at 2.2 kg/ha is recommended in Northern Ireland where this weed is prevalent. In two trials, raspberries appeared to be slightly more tolerant of 2,4-D than of MCPA but in general, control of R. repens with winter applications of 2,4-D was inadequate except where the weeds were young or active.
La lutte contre Ranunculus repens L. dans les framboisiers  相似文献   

Summary. Excised leaves as well as intact plants of Canada thistle ( Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) metabolized 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole (aminotriazole) to three major products, Unknowns II, 1a and 1b. Unknown II was identical to β-(3-amino-l,2,4-triazolyl-l-)α-alanine. Unknowns 1a and 1b, previously described as one product, were separated by electrophoresis and thin layer chromatography. Unknown 1a appeared to be a metabolic product of Unknown II while Unknown 1B was derived from Unknown 1a. An enzyme preparation from pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv . Thompson Laxton) seedlings capable of synthesizing tryptophan from indole and serine was also able to metabolize aminotriazole. Tryptophan synthesis with the enzyme preparation was inhibited by aminotriazole and evidence suggests that aminotriazole metabolism may follow a similar pathway to tryptophan synthesis.
Métabolisme de l'aminotriazole chez Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop, et Pisum sativum L.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Mit Hilfe einer eigens zu diesem Zweck aufgebauten genau beschriebenen Apparatur, deren wesentlicher Bestandteil ein galvanisches Modellelement zur Sauerstffmessung nach Tödt ist, wurde die Keimung von 12 Unkrautsamenarten in Abhängigkeit vom Sauerstoffpartialdruck untersucht. Entsprechend der Versuchsfrage sind die untersuchten Arten in zwei Gruppen zu teilen. Die Arten der ersten Gruppe keimen bei niedrigem O2-Partialdruck. Hierher gehören Alopecurus myosuroides, Rumex obtusifalius, Matricaria chamomilla, Poa annua, Apera spica-venti und Veronica persica . Die Arten der anderen Gruppe keimen bei höheren Sauerstoffpartialdrucken. Dazu gehören Galium aparine, Sonchus asper, Chenopodium album, Stellaria media und Avena fatua . Sauerstoffmangel löst bei einigen Arten eine zweite Keimruhe aus. Bei völligem O2-Mangrl sterben die Samen ab.
Investigations on the germination of weed seeds as influenced by oxygen partial pressure  相似文献   

K. HAFNER 《Weed Research》1965,5(3):226-236
Zusammenfassung. In mehrährigen Feldversuchen zur Bekämpfung von Ackerfuchsschwanz ( Alopecanus mytosuroides ) zeigten Simazin und Atrazin nur eine geringe Selektivitätsschwelle gegenuüber Winterweizen. Im einzelnen ergaben sich folgende Ergebnisse: 1. Mit Aufwandmengen von 0,375–0,5 kg/ha Simazin bzw. 0,25–0,375 kg/ha Atrazin wurde eine zufriedenstellende Unkrauiwirkung bei guter Getreideverträglichkeit erzielt. 2. Bei unterschiedlicher Empfindliclikeit in den einzelnen Entwicklungsstadien erwies sich der Weizen im 3–4- Biattstadium am verlräglichsten. 3. Durch Trockenheit zum Behandlutigszetipunkt wurde die Wirkung unterbunden. 4. Frostgeschädigtes Getreide wies eine erhöhte Empfindlichkeit auf.
Studies on the use of simazine and atrazine in winter wheat  相似文献   

Summary. Studies on the physiological effects of dalapon in Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. were carried out. Field and glasshouse experiments showed that dalapon is freely translocated in the aerial organs and from these to the rhizomes. No transformation of the herbicide was detected during 72 h following application. In rhizomes as well as in stolons, dalapon caused growth inhibition and necrosis of buds while root growth was apparently not affected. This differential susceptibility was confirmed by culturing node explants in nutrient solution containing dalapon. Although dalapon killed aerial organs, most rhizomes were capable of recovery even when a high dose was applied. These results are discussed. Effets physiologiqius du dalapon sur Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.  相似文献   

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