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To move forward in the farming of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae, it is necessary to search for a live prey easy to obtain and maintain in the laboratory that meets the nutritional requirements of the octopus paralarvae and adapts to its predatory behaviour. Grapsus adscensionis zoeae (Crustacea, Decapoda) seems to fulfil most of these targets, and it was herein used to deepen knowledge of paralarvae lipid requirements and composition, growth and survival. To this purpose, the effects of feeding with Grapsus zoeae as sole prey were compared with Artemia at two different stages (nauplii and juveniles), which also differed in their lipid profiles. After 15 days of feeding, the best growth and survival of paralarvae was obtained in the Grapsus group, and no differences were observed between both Artemia groups. Triacylglycerides storage in paralarvae seemed to be co‐related with a lower growth and survival, but not with its prey levels. Contrarily, sterol ester levels were higher in paralarvae fed Grapsus, reflecting its content in the prey. The best paralarval viability was related to higher levels of 22:6n‐3 (DHA) and 20:4n‐6 (ARA), also reflecting its higher content in the prey. On the other hand, neither the 20:5n‐3 (EPA) levels in the prey nor in paralarvae were related to growth or survival. The implications of these results are discussed considering the lipid requirements of O. vulgaris paralarvae.  相似文献   

This paper describes the research work carried out on Octopus vulgaris reproduction at Maricoltura di Rosignano Solvay, Italy, during the period 2002–2007. Already in the first few years, it was possible to establish healthy broodstock groups, starting from subadults captured in the wild. Obtaining numerous viable eggs was not difficult and paralarval rearing up to around 40 days was successful. In 2007, the first juveniles were produced and the oldest juvenile reached the age of 160 days. During the initial stages, careful attention was paid to work as closely as possible with standard aquaculture procedures for live food production (mainly the use of Artemia and rotifers as live prey) and paralarval rearing techniques, in order to facilitate the step towards industrialization later on.  相似文献   

Highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), like the eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids and polar lipids (essentially phospholipids, PL) have been identified as essential nutrients for common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) paralarvae. However, they are not available in sufficient amounts in live preys as Artemia, making necessary a supplementation of these nutrients previous use. A commercial emulsion, soya liposomes, and marine and soya lecithins were used to supply HUFA and PL to Artemia metanauplii, those being regarded as suitable size preys for octopus paralarvae. Our results prove that a simultaneous enrichment in HUFA and PL is possible using enrichment diets combining HUFA‐ and PL‐rich products in short‐term (4 h) incubations. Particularly interesting was the enrichment efficiency shown by the marine lecithin, which enabled the enhancement of the PL fraction of Artemia metanauplii and, importantly, also their HUFA with a remarkable 13% DHA of total fatty acids. Marine lecithin arises as a novel enrichment diet for Artemia and more effective than some commercial products currently used in hatcheries worldwide.  相似文献   

Octopus vulgaris is a viable candidate for commercial aquaculture, but rearing procedures might stress individuals and result in diminished growth and survival. This study investigated the relationship between possible stress sources (tank transposition and syphoning) when rearing O. vulgaris paralarvae and the deposition pattern of growth increments in their beak microstructure. Light intensity at the facility was heterogeneous, and accounted for with an experimental design consisting of blocks without replicates. Growth and survival were estimated and possible effects of handling were tested for both parameters. Increments and stress marks were counted in 120 paralarval upper jaws (UJ), and the number of UJs with a mark on the day of stress application (day 8) was quantified. Differences in light intensity, diet quantity and total number of marks in the UJ were also compared between treatments. Growth and survival were statistically similar between treatments, although the control treatment showed a tendency for higher survival rates. Age at first increment deposition coincided with day 1 of experiment, and a 1 increment day?1 deposition rate was validated for the experiment duration. The number of stress marks was significantly different between the control and other treatments, indicating that handling might cause stress and that marks can be used as a biomarker for stress, although the occurrence of stress marks on day 8 was not significantly different. Light intensity and diet might have also been relevant stressors and confounded the results. The results herein presented are important for improving rearing conditions for O. vulgaris paralarvae.  相似文献   

This study describes the effect of seasonal average temperatures (14 and 18°C) in the Ría of Vigo, on the utilization of external yolk over the last five Naef stages of development (XV–XX) for Octopus vulgaris embryos. Also, the transference of the outer yolk to the inner yolk sac, and its use during embryonic development and early life by O. vulgaris paralarvae. Temperature had a marked effect on embryonic development, except during stages XV–XIX (until the second inversion) where development time was the same (14 days), regardless of temperature. There were no significant differences in outer yolk decrease between consecutive Naef stages at 14°C and 18°C. Contrary, significant differences at all Naef stages from XV to XIX (both, with or without outer yolk) were observed for inner yolk between temperatures. A higher accumulation of inner yolk in embryos at 14°C was observed, due to lower yolk consumption. Paralarvae incubated at both temperatures were maintained independently at starvation during 4 days. At 18°C, a reduced accumulation of inner yolk, especially during Naef stage XIX, was observed. In 24 h old paralarvae, there was already significant higher inner yolk content at 14°C than at 18°C. Unfed paralarvae at 18°C lost weight faster than those at 14°C, due to higher energetic requirements. Finally, from these results, we propose a paralarvae rearing protocol during the first days after hatching and during the last five Naef stage (XV–XX) at lower temperatures, since the energy requirements are lower during the initial maturation stage.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the supplementation of different crab zoeas to enriched Artemia basal diet for Octopus vulgaris paralarvae during the first month of life. Paralarvae were fed using enriched Artemia nauplii alone and Artemia co‐fed either first zoea stages of Grapsus adscensionis or Plagusia depressa. The experiment was carried out over a period of 28 days, in 0.12 m3 tanks with a flow‐through rearing system. Growth in dry weight as well as mantle length and width were assessed weekly. Additionally, prey and paralarvae fatty acid composition and digestive gland (DG) histology were evaluated. Addition of low amounts of crab zoeas (approx. 100 indv. L?1 day?1) provided during critical life stages of O. vulgaris proved to be good enough to improve paralarvae growth and survival in comparison with those fed exclusively on enriched Artemia. These results were supported by the finding of a higher number of glycoprotein absorption vacuoles in the DG from paralarvae co‐fed crab zoeas, suggesting a higher feeding activity. In addition, fatty acid analysis of crab zoea showed that these are good sources of dietary arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids during the octopus planktonic life stage, whereas the low docosahexaenoic (DHA) content suggests the use of additional DHA sources or higher zoea densities to meet paralarvae nutritional demand to carry out a successful metamorphosis to benthic life.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two dry extruded diets on growth and nutritional composition of digestive gland (DG) and muscle of Octopus vulgaris. Both artificial diets (FMK and 3FMK) were composed of gelatin, maltodextrin, yolk, fish and krill meal. The 3FMK diet contained more fishmeal (3×) than the FMK diet. These diets were compared with a control frozen diet consisting of golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) and crab (Liocarcinus depurator). The 3FMK diet promoted higher intakes and feed efficiency than FMK diet, resulting in larger growths (296 respect to 158 g in 42 days; 0.81% vs. 0.78% body weight/day). There was significantly lower moisture, protein and ash content in digestive glands of animals fed pellets (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed on nutritional composition of muscle among the three groups. Even though the results were still below those of the control group (increase of 1258 g), the good performance in terms of acceptance and growth showed that this extruded diet can be the starting point to develop a commercial feed for this species.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding and growth rates, feed efficiency and nutritional composition of subadult octopuses (689 ± 77 g) fed low‐lipid diets with two different protein/energy ratios (P/E): Medium P/E diet (30.5 g protein MJ?1, 662 g kg?1 protein dry weight (dw)) or High P/E diet (36.8 g protein MJ?1, 843 g kg?1 protein dw). Survival was 100% for the Medium P/E and 87.5% for the High P/E diet. The specific feeding rates were 1.91% and 1.67% body weight day?1 for the Medium P/E and High P/E diet, respectively (P < 0.05). The specific growth rates (0.92% and 1.25% body weight day?1), feed efficiency indices (47.3% and 72.7%), productive protein value (23.9% and 29.1%) and digestive gland index (5.6% and 6.4%) were significantly better in animals fed the High P/E than the Medium P/E diet (P < 0.05). The proximate composition of the digestive gland was similar for both diets, but the total lipid content of carcass was higher in animals fed the Medium P/E diet (< 0.05). Our results suggest that the protein content of the feed could be a factor regulating feeding rates in octopus.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to obtain the lipid utilization of Octopus vulgaris supplying formulated semi‐moist diets with different contents in cod oil (reduced from water content): 0 g kg?1 (A0, 138 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 4), 100 g kg?1 (A100, 286 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 6) and 200 g kg?1 (A200, 388 g kg?1 lipids DW; N = 6). The rest of the ingredients were constant in the three diets: 200 g kg?1 gelatin, 100 g kg?1 egg yolk powder, 150 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Todarodes sagittatus and 50 g kg?1 freeze‐dried Sardinella aurita). Survival was 100% with the three diets. The highest absolute feeding (15.8 ± 1.2 g day?1), growth (9.6 ± 1.4 g day?1; 0.91% BW day?1) and feed efficiency rates (60.3%) were obtained with diet A0. This diet also showed greater retention of lipid and protein than A100 and A200. Protein digestibility was above 95% in all of the diets. Only diet A0 led to a high lipid digestibility coefficient (81.25%), which fell drastically to 12.3% in A200. It was notable the high polar lipid digestibility rates (83–89%) respect to neutral lipids (2–87%) in all diets. The best results were obtained with lipid feeding rates of around 1 g day?1 and a suitable lipid content on 130–140 g kg?1 DW in formulated diets for O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The present work studies the growth and body composition of 18 Octopus vulgaris (6 per treatment) fed two extruded diets, namely FMS and 3FMS, based on different fish and squid meal ratios (1:1, and 3:1 respectively). The diets are compared with a control diet based on crab (Carcinus mediterraneus) and bogue (Boops boops). The growing tests were conducted on animals placed in individual 300 L rectangular fibreglass tanks in an open seawater system, containing PVC tubes as shelters, resulting in 100% survival rate. The control group exhibited the highest specific growth rates (SGR = 2.14%BW day?1), while values of around 0.69%BW day?1 were achieved by octopuses fed the extruded diets. Even though the three groups of animals showed similar digestive gland indexes, the two extruded diets promoted significant differences in the muscle composition and fatness of the digestive gland. Digestibility of dry matter was not affected by the type of extruded diet, obtaining ADC values of around 88%. The results suggest that squid and fish meal can be both used in dry pelleted extruded diets, with moderate acceptance by the octopus, even though the formulation must be optimized with the aim of improving acceptability and achieve growths in the range of natural diets.  相似文献   

Two fresh diets were tested on the biological performance of males and females of Octopus vulgaris under industrial rearing conditions in floating cages. The presence of females could potentially release paralarvae to the natural environment (‘integrated aquaculture’). Octopuses were fed on a single diet of bogue (aquaculture by‐product), and on a mixed diet (60–40% crab‐bogue), in two trials. In Trial 1 (918 ± 125 g), growth was higher in octopuses fed on the mixed diet (1.9–2.0%d?1) than in those fed on the bogue diet (1.8–1.9%d?1) irrespective of sex, and mortality was 3% regardless of sex and diet. In Trial 2 (1483 ± 269 g), growth was higher in males fed on the mixed diet (1.8%d?1) than in males fed on the bogue diet (1.4%d?1), both higher than females (1.1–1.3%d?1), and mortality was 22–28% regardless of sex and diet. Best biological performance in trial 1 was related to the lack of functional maturation in females, evidence by the low average gonadosomatic index (2.0–3.6%) in comparison with trial 2 (8.8–11.4%), regardless of diet. No correlations between final weight and sexual maturity indices were found, so the length of the rearing period to maximize biomass increment or to release paralarvae depends on functional maturation in females.  相似文献   

The lack of specific compound diets for cephalopods is limiting the industrial development of some species. In this study, four agglutinated moist diets were tested in individually reared Octopus vulgaris (979 ± 151 g) for 8 weeks. All diets were based on bogue Boops boops, accidentally reared in fish farms (aquaculture by‐product), and agglutinated with alginate and calcium. One diet was based exclusively on bogue fillets, two on bogue fillets complemented with meat from two crab species (Portunus pelagicus, Grapsus grapsus) and the last one on bogue and G. grapsus meals. As a control diet, bogue and P. pelagicus were supplied fresh on alternate days. All diets induced similar feed intake (2.1–2.6% day?1). However, the meal‐based diet induced negative growth in comparison with the control and the other agglutinated diets (0.80–0.85% day?1). Higher lipid content in agglutinated diets (28–30% dw) in comparison with the control diet (16% dw) led to higher protein retention in muscle. These results underline the inadequacy of traditional meals in diets for cephalopods and that the inclusion of crab meat did not increase feeding rates and growth in O. vulgaris. The dietary fatty acid, with high levels of oleic and linoleic acid and low levels of ARA, clearly reflected in digestive gland, while only decreasing ARA and increasing EPA levels were observed in muscle, with no apparent negative effect on growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of two rearing conditions: outdoor environment with great volume tanks (500 m3) and low stocking density (~0.4 kg m?3); and indoor environment with smaller volume tanks (10 m3) and higher stocking density (~5 kg m?3), on muscle, liver and ovary lipid composition of Seriola dumerili broodstock born in captivity. The rearing conditions tested seem to affect the pattern of lipid body deposition in broodstock fish of S. dumerili, increasing the muscle and liver triacylglycerides (TG) accumulation of fish kept under indoor conditions, probably due to reduced energy expenditure in swimming, with some variations in the fatty acid profile that may respond to the differences in the culture conditions tested. No significant differences were found for Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) or ovary lipid deposition between groups in this study, which may suggest that the conditions tested do not have a major effect on ovary development. However, one season later the females kept under outdoor conditions released eggs spontaneously, whereas those kept under indoor conditions did not spawn, suggesting that the conditions tested actually have an effect on the broodstock's reproductive fitness. More studies are needed in order to evaluate whether the conditions tested have or not any influence on ovary development.  相似文献   

This study examined the occurrence of octopus across an abalone, Haliotis laevigata, Donovan, sea ranch in south‐western Australia, to understand how octopus may be impacting abalone production. Commercial divers removed 654 octopus and 17,666 empty abalone shells during regular, 2 to 4‐weekly surveys over 27 months. A negative binomial generalised linear model estimated a 78% increase in empty shells per artificial abalone habitat per day, when octopuses were present, after adjusting for location and season. Of the 408 shells examined for evidence of predation, 19% had a small, slightly ovoid hole consistent with those made by octopus. The mean (± 1 SE) length of shells with boreholes (70.3 ± 2.2 mm) was significantly longer than those without (59.8 ± 0.5 mm), and boreholes were concentrated over the adductor, respiratory organs and heart. This study provides important insights into the adaptable feeding regimes of octopus and their potential to impose strong top‐down controls on sea ranching operations.  相似文献   

This study aimed at (1) evaluating the efficacy of live food organisms (Artemia and natural zooplankton) and an artificial diet in the larval rearing of African carp Labeo parvus and (2) determining appropriate rearing conditions. After yolk sac resorption, the larvae were separated into five different feeding trials with two replicates. At the end of the larval rearing period (28 days post‐hatching), the highest (94.6%) and the lowest (53.7%) cumulative survival rates were found when larvae were fed with natural zooplankton for 7 days followed by Nippai food for 21 days, and when larvae were fed from the beginning of exogenous feeding with Nippai food only respectively. The significant highest body weight (351.6 mg), total length (34.4 mm) and specific growth rates (15.5%day?1) were recorded when the larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii for 14 days followed by Nippai food for 14 days. The lowest growth performance (body weight and specific growth rates) were obtained when larvae were fed exclusively Nippai food. These results indicate that L. parvus can be successfully cultured in indoor nursery systems from hatching to the early juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Salmonid fishes may reside within or migrate between stream and lake habitats, or undergo anadromous migrations between freshwater and the ocean. While the degree of anadromy of salmonids has been thoroughly compared, no analogous review has examined the degree of lake use. To assess the extent of reliance on lake habitat in this family, we considered 16 species of salmon, trout and charr from the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, comparing their (a) use of lakes as spawning habitat, (b) rearing strategies in lakes, and (c) occurrence and diversity of lacustrine trophic polymorphism. In identifying the primary life‐history patterns of each species and exploring the lesser‐known lacustrine behaviours, we found that the extent of reliance on lakes exhibits a negative association with the degree of anadromy. Oncorhynchus rely least on lakes, Salmo to an intermediate level and Salvelinus the most, opposite of the general prevalence of anadromy among these genera. Lakes are critical to adfluvial and lake‐resident salmonids, but they also support anadromous and fluvial life histories by providing spawning, rearing, overwintering and/or summer refuge habitat. Adfluviality, although a non‐anadromous life history, consists of similar migration‐related traits and behaviours as anadromy, including the parr–smolt transformation, sex‐biased patterns of migration and residency, and the presence of precocious males. Lakes support life‐history variants, reproductive ecotypes and trophic morphs unique to lacustrine habitat. Therefore, conservation of salmonids is dependent on maintaining the diversity and quality of their habitats, including lakes.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in culture technology for East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis paralarvae using upwelling systems, securing suitable feed for the paralarvae is an unresolved issue. The zoea of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus is a good candidate for paralarval feed because of the high fecundity of the adult females. To investigate the effects of supplying P. trituberculatus zoeae and their feeding method on paralarvae, we cultured paralarvae with supplying different combination ratios of zoeae and Artemia (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7 and 0:10), and with or without supplementing rotifers using small‐scale (3‐L) upwelling systems. Paralarval survival rate and growth were improved when zoeae were supplied as the main feed, but reduced when the proportion of Artemia exceeded half the whole preys. Supplementing rotifers did not affect the paralarval survival and growth. Subsequently, paralarvae were cultured by supplying zoeae (partially augmented by Artemia) using three large (1‐kl) upwelling systems to assess their feeding effectiveness in juvenile octopus production. Paralarvae could be cultured at high survival rates of 77.1 ± 5.1% to reach benthic juveniles at 23 days after hatching. In conclusion, supplying P. trituberculatus zoeae augmented with Artemia under an upwelling culture system has great potential for juvenile octopus production.  相似文献   

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