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指出了随着社会的发展,公示语越来越突出了其重要性,也渐渐成为一种特殊的交际文体。中泰交际的深入,需要克服方方面面的障碍。中泰烟酒文化各有千秋,而有关于烟酒公示语作为公示语一部分,值得去研究,以解决在此方面的不同引发的交际障碍。针对中泰烟酒公示语进行了对比研究,分析了其背后产生差异的原因及给两国在跨文化交际中的启示,并提出了解决方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

王瑞琳 《林产工业》2019,46(4):I0005-I0005
当今世界多元文化共存,跨文化交际能力成为大学生适应这一时代发展需要的必备能力,跨文化英语教学在这种背景下应运而生。为此,由赵艳编著的《跨文化交际与英语思维教学研究》一书,系统讨论了跨文化英语交际和教学之间的关系,以及如何将跨文化交际理论引入高校英语课堂等一系列问题,旨在结合目前高校英语教学现状,着力提高学生跨文化交际意识,有效实行跨文化交际教学.  相似文献   

本文通过深入分析跨文化营销的内涵,从积极、消极两方面指出了文化差异对于跨文化营销的重要影响,并针对这些影响从文化差异角度提出了企业在进行跨文化营销时的营销策略。  相似文献   

随着全球一体化不断增强,国际交往愈加密切,跨文化交际的重要性与必然性日益凸现,大学英语教学理所当然的要成为跨文化交际能力培养的主要场所。现有的大学英语教学模式和考试制度是制约跨文化交际能力培养的重要因素,大学英语教学应以有效跨文化交际为宗旨。  相似文献   

汉化英语的语用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受中国文化的影响,中国人在学习和使用英语中常出现汉化的英语,这种汉化英语会对语言交际造成一定的影响,本文从语用学的角度,集合跨文化交际中的文化差异对汉化英语的语音、语法、语篇等方面的特点进行了分析,同时指出了避免汉化英语的几种对策,以期人们熟悉交际语言道德民族文化,获得最佳的语言交际效果。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,英语越来越受到国人的重视。然而我们在跨文化交际中常常会出现"语用失误"的现象,从而导致交际失败。首先阐述语用失误的类型,然后分析跨文化交际中语用失误发生的原因,最后提出解决这些问题的应对措施,以期提高学生的跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

该文论述了跨文化交际能力的内涵,分析了文化差异对语言运用的影响。该研究认为,由于不同文化的差异,在外语教学中教师不仅要注重学生语言能力的培养,更要注重跨文化交际能力的培养。该研究重点探讨了外语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的途径。  相似文献   

正电影作为一种影视艺术作品是文化传播的载体之一。在跨文化传播背景下,增强影视作品的艺术价值,对于文化输出有积极作用。本文借用《中国电影影像表达与跨文化传播》一书,探索跨文化传播视角下影视作品中所蕴含的艺术价值。由社会科学文献出版社出版,陈晓伟所著的《中国电影影像表达与跨文化传播》一书由绪论部分及九个章节的内容组成。  相似文献   

酒作为一种客观存在的物质,它是一种文化,在人们日常生活与人际交往中起着非常重要的作用。通过对比分析"wine"与"酒"在英汉文化中特有的国俗语义,在英语学习和运用时,就能减少语用失误,从而提高跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

中国人和西方人在时间观念和时间认知上确实存在一定的文化差异。通过商务活动中的两个案例分析了跨文化交际冲突的文化根源,进一步明确了跨文化交际中诸多现实课题的研究方向。  相似文献   

We established hedges/barriers of calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner), leucaena (Leucaena trichandra (Zucc.) Urban)) and napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) and combination hedges of either calliandra or leucaena with napier grass on slopes exceeding 5% to study the effect of vegetative barriers on productivity of arable steep-lands in central Kenya. Hedges/barriers were pruned regularly and biomass incorporated into the plots. Hedge plots were monitored for soil fertility, soil losses and maize crop yield changes. Inorganic-N concentration in the tree hedge plots was higher than in the control and napier barrier plots after 20 months. Napier grass barriers were the most effective in reducing erosion losses across the two seasons. The effectiveness of napier grass to significantly reduce soil erosion was detectable in one year old napier barriers. Soil loss from all the other one year old vegetative treatments was similar to soil loss from the control. Seventeen month old combination hedge plots recorded lower soil losses than tree hedges of the same age (P = 0.012). Maize crop yields throughout the trial period were high and similar for leguminous and combination hedge plots, but lower in the napier grass and control plots. Overall, we observed that the combination hedges seemed to provide a win-win scenario of reduction in soil erosion combined with improvement of maize crop yields and soil fertility enhancement. We conclude that vegetative hedges have a potential for improving soil productivity in arable steep-lands of the central highlands of Kenya, and that in adoption of vegetative hedges for this purpose there are trade-offs between soil conservation, soil fertility and maize crop yields to be considered. Throughout the text, tree hedges and leguminous hedges are used interchangeably to imply calliandra and leucaena hedges while use of barrier/s to refer to a treatment is restricted to monospecific grass strips  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a survey of border hedges on farmland in western Kenya. The survey covered 160000 ha of high potential land in eastern Siaya District and Vihiga District of western Kenya. The survey attempted to widen the knowledge of the typology, the biomass and the parameters influencing the spatial distribution of hedge types. Spatial analysis was used to delimit hedge type sub-regions (using cluster analysis) and to identify the variables influencing the spatial distribution of hedge types (using discriminant analysis). It is demonstrated that a complex association of variables is influencing the subdivision of the two districts in hedge type sub-regions in which ethnicity, population density, area in woodlots and ecological variables like elevation, rainfall and soil fertility are important variables. These variables are influencing each other and are responsible for the contrasting situation in Vihiga and Siaya District. Border hedges have similar functions in both districts (demarcation of land, to prevent cattle from entering), nevertheless species composition and dimensions differ remarkably in both districts. Border hedges in Siaya District are poorly managed or not managed at all. In Vihiga District people are used to manage their hedges. Agroforestry techniques, for example techniques based on frequent pruning of border hedges, have a high chance in being successful in this district because no additional investment in labour or time is required. The spatial distribution in the amount of biomass is strongly correlated with the distribution in the per cent area ground cover of border hedges. This means that secondary data on the area in hedges derived from aerial photographs can serve as a useful indicator of the biomass present. As a result, the most difficult part of the field survey, the destructive sampling for the determination of the biomass, can be eliminated, making general surveys considerably easier. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

不同营养液对水培桉树采穗条生长发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢耀坚  陈帅飞  谭晓风 《林业科学》2007,43(12):144-148
桉树(Eucalyptus)已经成为我国南方发展速生丰产林的战略性树种(谢耀坚,2003).据不完全统计我国现有桉树人工林总面积已经达到190万hm2,每年新造林面积达几十万公顷,需要培育大量的优质苗木以满足桉树生产的需要(谢耀坚,2006).目前桉树造林70%以上采用扦插苗,少量用组培苗,极少用种子苗.传统的大田采穗圃是将优良无性系组培苗(生产上叫母苗)种植在大田上土壤中,不断地修剪和采穗,以繁殖扦插苗.  相似文献   

倪靖 《林业科技情报》2009,41(4):108-109
形体语言作为一种非纯语言的特殊语言交际方式,已经越来越受到人们的重视。在图书馆服务中。正确规范地使用形体语言,对提高图书馆的整体服务形象和服务质量以及缩短与读者之间的距离都起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

Green leaf biomass of Tithonia diversifolia is high in nutrients and recognised as a potential source of nutrients for crops. We conducted a field survey in western Kenya to determine the variation in leaf nutrient concentrations in tithonia grown in naturalised hedges and agricultural fields, and to examine whether leaf nutrient concentrations were related to soil nutrient status. Leaf P and K concentrations were higher in naturalised hedges (3.2 g P kg–1 and 35 g K kg–1) than in unfertilised fields (2.2 g P kg–1 and 23 g K kg–1). The critical level of 2.5 g P kg–1 for net P mineralisation was exceeded by > 90% of the leaves from hedges, but by only 14% from unfertilised fields. Leaf P and K concentration increased linearly with increasing natural logarithm of anion resin extractable soil P and exchangeable soil K, respectively. However, at the same levels of soil available P and K, field-grown tithonia consistently produced lower leaf P and K concentrations than that grown in hedges. This study indicates that biomass from tithonia planted on nutrient-depleted soils would be a less effective source of P and K, via biomass transfer, than tithonia from naturalised hedges.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):165-170
An essential criterion of Eucalyptus tree breeding programmes employed by the commercial forestry sector is the maintenance of potentially important species and genotypes for periods commensurate with field testing. Current methods for this purpose include conservation stands, clonal hedges and maintenance of cuttings in greenhouses and hydroponic systems. However, these methods, especially the maintenance of conservation stands and clonal hedges, require large tracts of land, which are now unavailable. The latter methods also have other disadvantages in that they are labour intensive and may be expensive to maintain. The conservation method of cryopreservation (the maintenance of plant cells, tissues and organs at subzero temperatures) may offer a cost-effective alternative with significant benefits, including the maintenance of plant material for theoretically unlimited periods. This field of science has experienced significant breakthroughs in the last two decades, especially in terms of the understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that occur during the freeze–thaw cycles. Consequently, several effective mechanisms of reducing the risk of ice crystal damage have been developed, resulting in the successful cryopreservation of numerous wild and domesticated plant species. Apart from germplasm conservation, cryopreservation may also be employed as a means of maintaining genetically engineered transformants while field testing is conducted. This is particularly advantageous considering the large numbers of transformants that can be generated during genetic engineering trials. Cryopreservation should, therefore, be considered a potentially important tool in commercial breeding strategies. This paper details the benefits and advantages of the technology, and also identifies and explains some of the key challenges that still exist, especially those associated with the cryopreservation of highly hydrated and/or desiccation-sensitive material such as Eucalyptus axillary buds.  相似文献   

In semiarid Laikipia (Kenya) severe crop damage and loss of mulch material may be caused by south to south-easterly winds from June to September. Demonstration agroforestry systems which surround farms with live fences had some success in protecting crops, mulch and soil, but great care must be taken, because air may be channelled through or over them. For demonstration purposes, a deliberate gap was made in a two meter high Coleus barbatus live fence to study its effect on wind speed and damage to crops. The effectiveness of protection given by this hedge together with intercropped Grevillea robusta trees was quantified using electrical cup anemometers. The combination of hedges and trees gave protection to a maize/bean intercrop but the biomass distribution was not the most suitable one. This picture was complicated by variable wind direction and interactions between wind and the biomass of hedges and trees. The lowest efficiency of wind reduction occurred closest to the deliberate gap, where also the lowest protection by the Grevillea trees was found. South to south-easterly winds increased the gap effect and caused gradients in tree protection perpendicular to the southern hedge. This gave at times wind speeds even higher than outside the system. Only visually wind effects could be detected. Trees and hedges strongly competed with the crops if not root pruned.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although N-rich leaf biomass of multipurpose trees is known to be a good source of N to crops, integrating such trees into crop production systems is a major challenge in the development of viable agroforestry systems. An approach to integrating calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), two promising agroforestry tree species, into maize (Zea mays L.) production system was investigated in the subhumid highlands of central Kenya during four maize-growing seasons from 1994 to 1996. The experiment consisted of maize plots to which tree prunings obtained from hedgerows grown either in situ (alley cropping) or ex situ (biomass transfer from outside) were applied. When alley-cropped with leucaena, maize produced significantly higher yields compared to maize monoculture (both non-fertilized and fertilized) treatments, but when alley-cropped with calliandra, the yield of maize was less than that of the monocropped unfertilized control. Application of ex situ grown calliandra and leucaena prunings with or without fertilizer resulted in higher maize grain yield than in the nonfertilized and fertilized treatments. Yields of calliandra alley- cropped maize were 11% to 51% lower than those of nonalley-cropped treatments receiving calliandra prunings from ex situ grown trees; the decrease was 2% to 17% with leucaena, indicating that calliandra hedges were more competitive than leucaena hedges. The alley-cropped prunings-removed treatments produced the lowest maize yields. The study showed that, in the subhumid tropical highlands of Kenya, inclusion of calliandra hedges on cropland adversely affected maize yields. On the other hand, alley cropping with leucaena was advantageous. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

互联网的快速发展,给园林的发展带来了重大影响,网络传播已经成为影响中国园林行业发展的重要因素。本文通过分析网络传播给中国园林发展造成的传统园林的中断、外来园林的冲击以及对园林市场的影响等方面的困境,但同时也带来了文化碰撞促进新思潮的交流、公众参与使得园林品位的提升、先进技术带来设计语言的创新等机遇。阐述了网络传播下中国园林发展的主体方向应该是园林传统的继承、融入外来文化以及积极创新。提出要充分利用网络传播,参与世界范围的园林交流活动、开展国内相关学科技术交流、建立网络评论平台,加大群众监督反应的影响力、推广应用电子商务,促进园林产业的发展。  相似文献   

The effect of shoot pruning on leaf phenology, stem wood anatomy and sap flow was investigated on Senna spectabilis (DC.) Irwin and Barneby in Machakos, Kenya. Unpruned trees (single stem) were compared to hedges (two to four stems), pruned 4 times a year during two rainy seasons (April–June, 1997 and November, 1997–January, 1998) separated by a dry season (July–October 1997). Trees attained peak leaf area of 55 m2 plant−1 during the rainy seasons, and shed all their leaves naturally during the dry season. Maximum hedge leaf area was 4 m2 plant−1 between pruning events and 5.2 m2 plant−1 during the dry season. Pruning induced multiple stems and narrow xylem vessels with low hydraulic conductivity. Average cross sectional area of conducting wood per plant was at least 1.8 times greater in trees than in hedges. Xylem lumen diameter at 5 mm depth below the cambium was significantly (P < 0.001) larger in trees (53.6 ± 6.21 μm) than that in hedges (36.2 ± 8.21 μm). Maximum sap flow occurred in the wet season for trees (4800 g d−1 plant−1) and in the dry season for hedges (1400 g d−1 plant−1). Wet season pruning suppressed crown expansion and modified the natural phenology of senna, reducing transpiration rate and therefore soil water depletion, causing crowns to grow. This enhanced the ecological combining ability of senna managed as hedges with annual crops.  相似文献   

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